When there's an Angel, there's the Devil

Meet The Kim

Hangeng accompanies Jongwoon to his next class and goes to his own class. Jongwoon enters the class and sits at his usual spot, pulls out his notes and his music sheet. Usually Mr. Park starts the class with some composing. When he puts his IPod inside his bag, the class filled in, and the bell rings. Mr. Park comes in clad in his casual dress, and started writing some notes and tells the class to compose something out of the notes, and he will collect it next week. All the students, including Jongwoon groan heavily. Homework at the beginning of semester. How amazing is that, Jongwoon mumbled silently, but starts to think about some good composition.

Exactly at 2.30 pm. the bell rings, telling that the class is finished. Before all the students can dash out of the class, Mr. Park remind them about the homework due on next week. All the students just face-palm at the teacher and walk out of the class as soon as possible. Jongwoon gets ready to walk out when someone enters the class, and sits on the chair in front of him. Jongwoon lifts his face and comes face to face with the senior that bumped into him this morning. The senior smiles charmingly at him.

“Hi. Do I disturb you?” Leeteuk starts, looking at the younger almond shape eyes. Jongwoon just shakes his head slowly. Leeteuk smiles his patented dimple smile at the younger, makes Jongwoon’s face blushes bright red.
“I’m really sorry about this morning. I hope you and your cousin aren’t angry with me,” Leeteuk apologizes once again, more sincere this time. He keeps on looking at Jongwoon, whose face is blushing burgundy.
“I..It’s okay sunbae. I also apologize on behalf of my cousin,” Jongwoon says, with his timid voice, still looking down. Leeteuk sighs and smiles widely. This boy is really too cute, Leeteuk coos silently.
“Oh, btw, do you still have class after this?” Leeteuk asks. Jongwoon looks at the senior and tilts his head in confusion, but shakes his head anyway. Leeteuk just smile wider and stands up.
“Nice. How about come with me to the Studio? I can use some helps from you, since you’re the best in Music Department,” Leeteuk asks, smile never falters from his face. Jongwoon just looks at him blankly.

“Err..Sunbae..” Jongwoon started but Leeteuk cut it off.
“Don’t be so formal to me. You can call me Leeteuk Hyung, Yesung-ah,” Leeteuk tells Jongwoon warmly. Jongwoon just nods.
“W-Well..Leeteuk Hyung..It’s not that I don’t want to help, but I know nothing about Dance. I can’t possibly help you,” Jongwoon declines politely. Why does this Hyung wants his help in Dance? He can barely walks without having incident, he thinks silently, still remembering the incident this morning. My poor , Jongwoon whispers silently.
“You don’t need to help me in my dance routine. I just need you to help me find some music. OK?” Leeteuk explains calmly. As usual Dance Department will have this weekly routine, and his group is going to have some alternatives, just in case.
“Err..W-Well, maybe I can give some helps?” Yesung says in doubt. He has no experience what kind of music can be used for the dance routine. He doesn’t even know about the dance routine the senior in front of him is having. But Leeteuk upon hearing the approval, smiling blindingly and grabs Jongwoon’s baby hand and heads towards The Studio.

Ryeowook and Henry are looking from left to right to find their hyung. It’s almost 4 pm, but Jongwoon is nowhere to be found. They want to ask some helps from Heechul and the other, but knowing Heechul and Kangin’s behaviour, things won’t end up well. They will turn the school upside down, not caring about anything and anyone else.
“Wookie Hyung, maybe you need to call him..again,” Henry tells Ryeowook. The time is against them, because the Music Club will start in a few minutes. What will it become if the Leader hasn’t showed up yet. Ryeowook fumbles with his phone and tries to call his hyung, when he sees the said hyung walks towards them. But what catch Ryeowook’s attention is the boy walking beside his hyung. What in the world? Ryeowook cusses silently, and marches towards Jongwoon and Leeteuk.

“Woonie hyung. Come on. The Club will start now,” Ryeowook grabs Jongwoon’s baby hand and drags him toward the Music Club. Henry can only sigh. Leeteuk Hyung, you really shouldn’t mess with the violent giraffe, Henry mumbles. When Ryeowook and Jongwoon, whose face still in a shock, reach the room, Henry takes Jongwoon other hand and leads him inside. Ryeowook stays a while outside, glaring and plotting something gruesome for Leeteuk, while the senior just smiles widely and goes his merry way. Ryeowook huffs and goes inside.

When Jongwoon and Ryeowook finish with the Music Club at exactly 7 pm, Heechul has already been there. He sits on a bench near the room, just in case his baby brother (you can’t possibly say Kangin as “Baby” right) and his cousin looks for him after they finish. When he catches Jongwoon, Ryeowook and Henry walk out of the room, he approaches them.
“Are you guys finished? Ready to go home?” Heechul greets them. The three boys look at him and smile widely. Jongwoon nods his head happily and latches his baby hand into his brother’s hand. Heechul can only smile, watching his baby brother’s behaviour. Ryeowook and Henry just smile and follow the Diva’s lead to the parking lot.

“I’m tired,” Jongwoon whines when he finally sits inside the car. Heechul looks at his baby brother worriedly. It’s just the beginning of semester and he already drained.
“Why does Mr. Park hold the club activity so late anyway? He usually does it earlier,” Heechul says, confusion clearly express in his voice.
“Mr. Park wants to hold an audition tomorrow. There are sooo many forms to sort, and that’s his only free time today,” Ryeowook answers, because Jongwoon decides to just sleep on the back seat. Both Ryeowook and Heechul look at their Jongwoonie lovingly. The drive to home is filled with silence to not disturbing the cute boy’s rest.

“What happen to my Hyung?!” Kangin roars when he sees his oldest brother carries his Baby Hyung. All the Kim flinch at his sudden outburst. He rapidly approaches the effeminate man and takes over his precious Baby Hyung and carries him upstairs.
“Nothing happen to him Kanginnie. He’s just too tired,” Heechul tells the magnae, following him to Jongwoon’s bedroom. Kangin puts his Baby Hyung down gently, and tucks him in. Jongwoon just snuggles to the blankets, face looks so serene. Everyone looks at the boy lovingly. After a gentle brush as not to wake the boy, Heechul, Kangin, Ryeowook and Kibum walk out of the room to have some rest.

Today, Jongwoon and Heechul arrive at school a little too early. That’s why Jongwoon, after bids farewell to his hyung, decides to go to the Music Room, since he couldn’t go there yesterday. But on the way there, Jongwoon’s name is called by the Music Teacher, Mr. Park Yoochun.
“Good morning Mr. Park,” Jongwoon greets the teacher, bows slightly and smiles. Mr. Park is always fond of Jongwoon, not only because of his marvellous voice but also with his attitude towards the other.
“Good morning, Yesungie. Ah, don’t forget, today we will have an audition for those applicants,” Mr. Park reminds the boy about the audition today,” I have my eyes and ears on one student actually. He has a great voice.”
“Really? That’s good then Mr. Park. We need all those talents,” Jongwoon says excitedly. Mr. Park just shakes his head. This boy is never having negative thoughts whatsoever towards the other. No wonder the Kim is really protective towards Jongwoon.
“The audition will start at 3 pm. What time do all your classes finish Sungie-ah?” Mr. Park asks the bouncy boy in front of him. Jongwoon calms himself for a moment to remember all his schedule today.
“I only have one class today Mr. Park. So I’ll be finish around..12.50 pm,” Jongwoon answers. Mr. Park smiles brightly at the boy.
“Very well then. I’ll meet you at the Club and we will start exactly at 3. OK,”Mr. Park decides, and tells Jongwoon to go his merry way. He knows exactly where the boy wants to go anyway.

Jongwoon walks to the Music Room with the earphone plug in to his ears and humming some ballad song. Since it’s already lecture time, nobody can be seen around the corridor, just some older students saying “Hi, Yesungie..Bye Yesungie” and go about their destination. When he arrives at the Music Room, he can hear someone plays the grand piano inside. Wow, this is great, Yesung mutters silently. When he deems he kind of eavesdropping someone’s activity, he opens the door and walks inside. There, he sees a tall, brunette, wavy hair boy plays the piano. When the boy is finished, Jongwoon timidly claps his baby hands. The boy turns around and looks at him incredulously.

“What are you doing here?” The boy asks, no, snarls at him. Jongwoon who has been clapping and smiling a little upon hearing the remarkable play of the boy, stands silently. The boy marches to him.
“Don’t make me repeat myself little boy,” The boy finally gets close, too close actually, to Jongwoon. Jongwoon backs up a little to keep some distance just in case the boy in front of him decides to do something bad. The boy is actually handsome, with his dark brown eyes, and high nose. He’s just a little bit taller than Jongwoon, in a matter of 1 or 2 cm. But the boy in front of him has this scary threatening aura. Does Heenim have a twin? They may as well be, Jongwoon mumbles silently, still looking at the boy, who’s looking at him intently. Jongwoon’s face turns bright red.
“I..I’m sorry. I don’t mean to disturb. I can go, if you want,” Jongwoon answers with his little voice. The boy in front of him just smirks and turn around to where he puts his bag, and leaves Jongwoon stands there in the middle of the room, trembling badly.


A/N: 3rd chapter, YAAY!! I apologize for this..badly written chapter. Comments and critics will be appreciated :D even when this chapter much :(

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
390 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
390 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
390 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
390 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
390 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
390 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
390 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
390 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333