Making Up Is Good, Rebellion Is Bad

Meet The Kim

The bell rings, indicating the classes are over for today.  Every student walks out of the classrooms in weekend spirit.  Every student but Kangin and Ryeowook who happen to be pissing their Baby Hyung off.  Both of them walk behind Jongwoon, whom pretty much ignoring them.  Kangin and Ryeowook look at each other in desperation and sigh heavily.  Kibum who walks at the back frowns.  What did these silly boys do to make Woonie Hyung angry? Kibum ponders.

When the boys reach home, Jongwoon is still pretty much ignoring Kangin and Ryeowook, leaving the two boys sigh heavily and go upstairs to their respective rooms.  Heechul, with his signature eye contact, orders (there’s no way Kim Heechul ASKS) Kibum to deal with their precious jewel, before Kangin and Ryeowook jump off their bedroom windows.  Kibum gives a little nod and goes to Jongwoon’s room.  
“Hyung, I’m coming in,” Kibum informs the owner of the room, and opens the door.  Jongwoon smiles at his cousin and lets Kibum to sit on his bed while he’s reading his music score for Monday’s test.
“What is it Bummie?” Jongwoon asks absentmindedly, still focusing on his music score.  Kibum frowns and removes all the music scores in Jongwoon’s baby hand.  Jongwoon pouts cutely at the usual stoic boy who’s now smiling his very rare dazzling smile.

“Hyung, what’s with you, Kangin and Wookie?” Kibum goes straight to the point.  The sooner he finds out, the better situation for those two silly boys.  Jongwoon frowns and crosses his hands on his chest.  Don’t forget the pouts on his lips.  
“I’m so angry with them,” Jongwoon answers sulkily.  Well, it’s not going unnoticed of course.  Jongwoon is pretty much giving the dreaded silent treatment to those two.  Kibum just grins grimly, feeling sorry for Kangin and Ryeowook.

“What have they done to you Hyung?” Kibum digs in for more information.  Jongwoon frowns deeper when he remembers what happened back at the Gym.  He relays what happened at the Gym to Kibum.  Kibum listens carefully, smirking when he finds out that Kangin and Ryeowook beat Sungmin into oblivion.  Take that you silly bunny, Kibum joyfully cheers, even when his face is in its stoic state.
“Hyung, don’t you think you’re being a little too harsh on them?” Kibum finally speaks after Jongwoon finishes his rather fiery story.  Jongwoon looks incredulously at Kibum, while the usual stoic boy just grins boyishly.
“Bummie, it’s them who’s being harsh,” Jongwoon petulantly says,” No! They’re being mean!”  Add the pout, the crossing hand, and Kibum has to try really hard to keep his hand from pinching the chubby cheeks.  His Baby Hyung will be angry with him too and there will be three desperate boys in the house.

“Well, it’s true,” Kibum agrees, which light up Jongwoon’s face,” But Woonie Hyung, how are they suppose to know that the bunny guy..”come the weak punch and Kibum pretends to wince, and grins bashfully,” I mean Sungmin Sunbae was teaching you martial arts.  You don’t exactly tell us about it do you?” Jongwoon shakes his head like the obedient child he is.
“That’s why they gone ballistic like that Hyungie,” Kibum explains,” They didn’t know about the martial arts practice, and they saw Sungmin Sunbae hovered around you.  It doesn’t mean I justify what they did, but I just try to put myself in their shoes.”  Jongwoon looks down at his baby hands, thingking about what Kibum said.  Bummie has a point.  I never tell them about martial arts practice, Jongwoon thinks silently.  When Jongwoon sighs, Kibum smiles widely, positive that Jongwoon will lift the silent treatment over Kangin and Ryeowook.

“I guess you have a point Bummie,” Jongwoon sighs,” Fine, I’ll forgive them.  But, if thing like this happens again, I really won’t talk to them ever again.”  Kibum nods happily.
“Sure, sure.  I’ll let them know about it,” Kibum smiles widely, making Jongwoon grins,” Now, go get ready for dinner Hyung.  Aunty almost finish cooking.”  Jongwoon nods and cleans up his bed from his music score and goes to change his clothes for dinner.  Kibum also stands up and goes to open the door, but he turns around,” I’ll pick you up in 10 minutes Hyung,” and off he goes.  Jongwoon just sighs.  I’m in my own family’s house.  Why will you come to pick me Silly Bummie.

“Hae-ah, stop yelling my ears out will you?” Sungmin groans pitifully,” My head hurts as it is.”  Donghae completely ignores him and keeps on ranting and fussing and fuming and scolding the pitiful bunny.  Sungmin looks desperately to Eunhyuk and Shindong for help.  He really doesn’t need to hear Donghae’s rant with his head pounding like crazy.
“My Fishy, have some mercy on him,” Eunhyuk finally interferes,” Look at his face.  He’s completely worn out.”  As if on cue, Sungmin puts on his miserable face, that effectively zips Donghae’s rant.

“Fine!” Donghae stomps his feet childishly and sits at the corner, and this time, it’s Eunhyuk’s turn to be miserable.  Sungmin just ignores his friends and lean his crazy pounding head to the nearest wall.  Jongwoon brought him to the infirmary and tended to his wounds, courtesy of his Brothers, and took him to the Studio where Sungmin would meet with his friends after the practice.  When Donghae, Eunhyuk and Shindong arrived, Jongwoon apologized continuously, in tears it broke Sungmin’s heart.  Donghae, Eunhyuk and Shindong felt awful for the crying raven, Donghae gave him some candy bars.  After Jongwoon left, with Eunhyuk accompanied him, Donghae and Shindong grilled Sungmin alive for letting himself beat up.

The door to the Studio opens, revealing another enrage person.  Leeteuk walks in and starts pacing around the room.  If the boys were in the cartoon movie, there will be smoke comes out of Leeteuk’s ears.  Donghae, Eunhyuk, Shindong and Sungmin just look at him walking back and forth.
“Yah!! Park Jungsu!! Stop pacing around!!” Sungmin finally explodes.  Leeteuk looks at the beat up boy and his eyes almost jump out of their sockets.
“Yah!! Lee Sungmin!! What’s wrong with you?!!” Leeteuk frantically runs to Sungmin and hovers and fusses around the injured boy.  Sungmin just sighs heavily and leans back to the wall.
“Kim Jongwoon’s bodyguards,” Donghae answers, still quite angry with Sungmin.  Leeteuk checks up on every wounds on Sungmin’s body.  The boys still linger in the Studio when Leeteuk and Sungmin’s phones rings, notifying an incoming message.  Leeteuk helps Sungmin to pick his phone and open the message.

“Hyung, tomorrow I will have my first practice for the competition.  If you have time, you can come and watch.  But don’t expect much of it.  Jongwoonie.”

Leeteuk and Sungmin read the message back and forth, not quite believe that their beloved Kim Jongwoon just invited them to watch his practice tomorrow.  Leeteuk and Sungmin look at each other and a big goofy grin appears on each other face.
“Reply it Teukie.  Tell him we will go and watch his practice,” Sungmin says high spiritedly.  Leeteuk types the reply for Jongwoon that says that both Sungmin and he will watch the practice tomorrow, and also asking about the time and place.  After he receive the reply from Jongwoon, Sungmin and he jump up and down like kids.  Even Sungmin seems to forget that he’d almost lost his life to Jongwoon’s Brothers.

“YAH!! Lee Freaking Sungmin!! Park Jungsu!!! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MINDS?!!”
Sungmin and Leeteuk just grin goofily at the angry Donghae and approach him with delight.  They hug the light out of him, until Eunhyuk and Shindong have to almost rip their hands.
“YAH!! What’s wrong with you?!” Eunhyuk scolds the grinning duo.  Donghae and Shindong also look at the duo like they grow another pair of limbs.  Leeteuk just show their friends the text message he received from Jongwoon.  After Donghae read it, his face turns red.  Eunhyuk and Shindong just shake teir heads and cover their ears with their palms.

“ARE YOU INSANE!!!!!!??!!!!!”

“My Fishy, calm down.  Don’t get too work up,” Eunhyuk rushes to Donghae and pats his back in a calming manner,” Take a deep breath.”  Donghae follows his Monkey’s advice.  It’s not good to have a brain aneurysm in such a young age.
“OK.  I’m calming down,” Donghae growls,” You two, do you think it’s funny to play with your lives? Seriuosly, Lee Sungmin, you almost done.  If Jongwoon didn’t drag you here, you may as well say goodbye to him.”
“Donghae-ah, relax,” Sungmin grins absentmindedly,” There will be loads of people tomorrow, so they won’t be able to do anything.”  Donghae about to rebut, but Eunhyuk intercepts first.
“My Fishy, I think Minnie has a point,” Eunhyuk smiles his gummy smile when Donghae glares at him,” No, seriously.  We got Jongwoon to cover their backs.  They’ll be fine tomorrow, trust me.  Now, just plan something for each one of them to get to Jongwoonie.”  After about half an hour of reassurance from everyone in the room, Donghae gives in.

“Fine.  But you better come out of there alive, so I can plan something for you guys,” Donghae glares at his friends, who nod their head like some obedient kids.
“Well, that’s settled then.  Let’s go home,” Shindong collects his things, followed by the other boys,” And you better do something with your face Sungmin-ah.  It looks like it has been trampled by some angry herds.”

Jongwoon wakes up a little late.  It’s Saturday, and he only has one class today which will be started at 10 a.m.  He showers and dresses up, and goes downstairs to have a breakfast with his family.  As expected, only Ryeowook and his Mom who are already up and about.
“Morning,” Jongwoon greets them.  Mrs. Kim waltz her way to her son, while Ryeowook just smile warily at his Hyung.  Jongwoon, feels a little guilty, approaches Ryeowook.
“Morning Ryeowookie,” Jongwoon offers a big smile, which is returned with another wary smile from Ryeowook.  “Morning Hyung”, Ryeowook greets timidly.  Jongwoon just sigh.  Well, he has an itsy bitsy tiny little part of this awkward moment.  

“Wookie-ah, I’m not angry with you,” Jongwoon starts,” Well, maybe I’m a little angry with you and Kangin.  But, I’m not angry anymore today.”


Ryeowook and Jongwoon turn around to see Kangin grins widely and runs to his Baby Hyung and hugs the light out of him.  Jongwoon has to hit Kangin multiple times so he can be released.  Seriously, his little big brother is a whole lot bigger than him.
“Are you trying to kill me Kanginnie?” Jongwoon playfully scolds the younger.  Kangin doesn’t even flinch, he keeps on smiling after what he heard a few moments ago.
“Seriously Hyung? You’re not angry with us anymore?” Kangin asks.  Jongwoon smiles and nods his head.  But, when Kangin and Ryeowook want to hug him again, he put his baby hands forward, thus stoping Kangin and Ryeowook.
“I’m not angry with you guys anymore,” Jongwoon explains,” But if this thing ever happen again, I will never ever talk to you guys ever again.  Mark my words on this.”

“Sure..Sure..We’ll be on our best behaviour,” Kangin chirps absentmindedly.  Ryeowook also nods happily.  Jongwoon just rolls his eyes but pats his brothers on their heads.  They chat lively when finally Heechul and Kibum come into the dining room.  Kibum just put his smug stoic face (how can someone do that in the same time?) and sit beside his beloved Hyung.
“Morning Bummie,” Jongwoon greets his usual stoic cousin, earning him a rare bright smile.
“Morning Hyung,” Kibum answers.  Heechul just smile contently, happy when his precious jewel smiling happily.
“Woonie, do you have anything to do after school today?” Heechul asks while pouring himself a glass of milk.  Jongwoon swallow his cereal before answering,” We have a practice after lunch.  Right Ryeowookie?”
“Oh, right Hyungie,” Ryeowook grabs another slice of pancake,” We will have our first practice today after lunch for next month’s competition.”

“Very well then,” Heechul says,” We’ll be there before lunch and bring you something to eat.”  Jongwoon, knowing what’s better for him just nods.  Because, seriously, everyone knows better than to argue with Kim Heechul, even in his best.  Jongwoon looks at his wristwatch and rushes to finish his breakfast.
“Yah! Don’t eat too quick Woonie,” Heechul scolds the raven.  Jongwoon just grins and gulps down his milk before grabs his bag.
“Yah! How do you go to school?” Heechul yells,” Are you going with Mom?”  Jongwoon just waves and makes indistinguishable voice and runs to the garage.  The Brothers listen when a car drives off to SM.  They continue to chat but cut shortly when Kangin sees his Mom enters the diningroom. 
“Yah! What are you doing here Mom?” Kangin absentmindedly throttle at his Mom.  Mrs. Kim just raises his brows indignantly and flicks his youngest son on his forehead.

“Who do you think you’re talking to Kim Youngwoon?” Mrs. Kim growls,” Of course I will be here.  Where else will I be?!”
“But, Mom..”Heechul stares at his Mom incredulously,” If you’re here, then how does Jongwoonie go to school?”  Mrs. Kim looks at his sons and nephews like they’re growing another limbs on their foreheads.  
“By car of course,” Mrs. Kim sits on her chair and grabs a bowl of cereal,” You can’t expect Jongwoonie goes to school by foot right?”  The Brothers facepalm at what Mrs. Kim says.
“Aren’t you supposed to drive him to school Aunty?” Ryeowook tries this time.  He can see that Heechul and Kangin, despite it’s their mother, ready to shake some sense into Mrs. Kim.
“Why should I? He can drive by himself,” Mrs. Kim says casually, not realizing the effect of her words to The Brothers.  Heechul fidgets on his seat, while Kangin just stare at his Mom, like she’s some alien, while Ryeowook and Kibum looks at each other and sigh heavily, they know what’s coming, and they’re not disappointed.



A/N: OMG!!! I finally manage to update this story, even if it's just a short one, consider it a filler chapter. I update it in a rush, so excuse me for any mistakes you will find above. Hope you all enjoy it, critics and comments will be appreciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333