Deploy The Search Party Part 2

Meet The Kim


Kibum runs to Music Room’s direction. His Hyung must be there. There’s no way His Hyung goes somewhere without telling them. Jongwoon Hyung knows how they will worry if he doesn’t tell them his whereabout. Upon his way to the Music Room, he happens to meet two persons, one in particular, that he hates with all of his might.

Kyuhyun and Changmin have finished practice for the song and they came out of the Music Room together, not knowing the danger coming for them in the shape of angry Kibum. That’s why when they almost collide into Kibum, both boys are scolding the usually stoic boy.

“Watch where you’re going Kim,” Changmin scolds his nemesis. He doesn’t want to be blamed again when it’s Kibum’s fault this time. Kibum glares at the duo in front of him and directly grabs Kyuhyun by his collar.

“Where did you take my Hyung?!” Kibum almost screams at Kyuhyun. Changmin frantically pulls at Kibum’s hand to help his friend. This dude is going loony, Changmin grumbles silently. After Changmin finally succeed to separate both boys, he glares at the fuming Kibum.


“YAH!! What the heck are you thinking?!” Changmin scolds the usually stoic boy. “We just got out from Music Room, and haven’t seen Yesungie Hyung today!” Kibum glares at the towering boy in front of him, while planning for extermination of his Hyung’s suitor. Kyuhyun tidies up his messed up clothes, courtesy of Kibum’s manhandling, and pulls out his phone. He calls Jongwoon, but it’s directed to voicemail.

“His phone isn’t active,” Kyuhyun speaks for the first time,” And for your information, Kim, I haven’t met him even once today!” Kibum just growls and paces along the corridor. If his Hyung isn’t with this evil incarnation, neither with the Horse Sunbae, someone must’ve taken him involuntarily. What if some bad guys kidnap his Hyung away? What if those bad guys take his Hyung to the unknown area? What if those bastards molest his Hyung? NO!!! Kibum is busy overthinking about Jongwoon’s whereabout, he almost stomps into Changmin, who hurriedly gets away from his path.  Dizzy because of Kibum’s pacing, Changmin finally grabs the distraught boy and tries to shake some sense into his head.


“STOP IT! Maybe he’s meeting with his friend!” Changmin snarls at the stoic boy,”Come! I’ll help you look for him. Kyuhyun-ah, look around school.” With that, Changmin drags the unwilling Kibum to the parking lot. Kibum looks at the tall boy incredulously when Changmin hands him a helmet.

“What?! Don’t tell me you never ride motorcycle before,” Changmin leers. Kibum, scowl is still attached to his handsome face, takes the helmet forcefully and wears it. Changmin just shakes his head, wears his helmet and starts the motorbike. Kibum unwillingly rides shotgun.

“Where do you think we should search for him?” Changmin yells so Kibum can hear him. Kibum thinks for a while. Some of his brothers may already checked music store or other place his Hyung frequently goes. He looks around and sees a pet store.


“Turn right,” Kibum yells back,” We’ll check the pet store.” Despite the confusion, Changmin obeys and turn to the pet store. “Woonie Hyung always wants to have a turtle for pet,” Kibum half heartedly explains,” We haven’t got the time to buy it.” Changmin just snickers after hearing the cute explanation of why they need to check some pet stores. Kibum just shrugs and together they enter the pet store. But, after a thorough search in every crevice and cranny, they still can’t find the missing raven. Not one to give up, both boys looking for another pet store.


“Seriously!! Where did My Hyung go?!” Kibum is on his last straw of patience and sanity. They’ve been searching for Jongwoon in every pet store they found in the area.  Changmin lets the usually stoic boy to rant, before he grabs Kibum.

“Come back to your sense,” Changmin scolds Kibum harshly,” Yesungie Hyung won’t go far without telling you guys! Call him again!” Kibum obediently calls His Hyung again, only to be forwarded to voicemail. For the first time, Kibum looks like a helpless child.

“Perk up! Let’s go back to SM for now,” Changmin leads the distress boy,” If he doesn’t go back until SM closes, we’ll go look for him again.” With that said, both boys ride back to SM.



Ryeowook runs around SM like a headless chicken. He doesn’t even apologize when he bumps into someone. He looks inside every empty classroom, every practice room, even brave enough to barge in to staff room just to look for his missing Hyung. He’s just about to run to the west gate, when he recognizes someone in pink shirt. He runs to the said person, like his life depends on it.




Sungmin is walking leisurely while joking around with some of his friends. He still doesn’t know that the object of his adoration is gone missing and The Brothers are turning the school and surrounding area upside down. He and his friends are going to separate ways, when he hears someone shouts.  He turns around only to see one of Jongwoon’s violent brothers runs towards him. What did I do wrong now? I haven’t even seen Jongwoonie today, Sungmin mumbles dejectedly.

“Pink Bunny Sunbae, where did you hide My Hyung?!” Ryeowook screeches to the taller boy in front of him. Sungmin just raises his brows. What an indignified nickname he gives me. PINK BUNNY SUNBAE?! Sungmin pouts.


“For your information,first, my name is Lee Sungmin,” Sungmin sternly says,” Not Pink Bunny. Second, I haven’t even seen Jongwoonie today, so how come you accuse me of hiding him?!” Ryeowook is a bit taken back when the Senior reprimands him, but His Hyung’s whereabout is more important.

“I don’t believe you,” Ryeowook glares at Sungmin,” My brothers and I can’t find Woonie Hyung everywhere in SM vicinity. One of you must be holding him hostage.” Sungmin just scoffs at the Junior in front of him. Why would he and his friends keep Jongwoonie captive? It will really decrease their chances from minimum to negative.

“Listen you Baby Giraffe,” Sungmin speaks menacingly for the first time,” I haven’t seen Jongwoonie today, not even a glimpse. So don’t go around accusing me of hiding MY Jongwoonie!” Both boys are glaring to each other. No one wants to stand down. Sungmin is tired of being accused and held at bay from HIS Jongwoonie, and Ryeowook is tired of running around looking for his missing Hyung, not to mention the worries are dragging him down. Ryeowook looks away first, tears threaten to fall from his eyes. Sungmin, feeling sorry for the boy, sighs heavily.


“Look, I’m sorry if I scold you,” Sungmin starts,” But I really don’t know where he is. For all I know, a friend of his was picking him up and take him somewhere for a catch up.” Ryeowook harshly wipes the tears that dare to fall to his cheeks. Sungmin bravely pulls the boy closer and leads him to the closest bench.

“Come on, don’t cry,”Sungmin tries to calm Ryeowook,”How about this? I’ll help you serach for Jongwoonie. Where do you think he’s likely to be going?” Ryeowook just shrugs his answer. Sungmin heaves a deep sigh. He pulls out his phone and tries to call Jongwoon, but forwarded to voicemail. Well, that’s not good, Sungmin muses.


“Let’s go,” Sungmin pulls Ryeowook up,” Let’s find Jongwoonie.” With that, Sungmin drags Ryeowook to the parking lot where he parked his car this morning. Ryeowook half heartedly get inside the car and pull the seat belt. Sungmin enters and starts the car. Before he drives, he pulls out his phone again.


“Hyung. Are you going to dojo right now?”

“I’ll be late. Jongwoonie gone missing.”

“WHAT!!? OMG! What should we do?”

Ryeowook raises his brows high up to his forehead. His brother knows about my Hyung?!

“I’m going to search for him. Can you handle dojo for a while.”

“Sure. Do you need any help with the search?”

“Do you have anyone stand by? I can use some help actually.” In the background, Sungmin hears his brother yells to someone, before he goes back online.

“ChanBaek are ready to go Hyung.”

“OK. Tell them to go to Hongdae area and search there.” Sungjin delivers the message to the duo. The duo gives an affirmative.

“They’re going there Hyung.”

“Alright, I’m going to go too. Catch you later.” After he hungs up, Sungmin drives away from the parking lot to search for Jongwoon with Ryeowook gives instructions to every place he thinks his Hyung will be.


Searching they maybe, but in every artsy place that sometimes Jongwoon loves to visit, but no Jongwoon in sight. Ryeowook is in a desperate mode. His Hyung is no where to be found, he can’t reach Jongwoon’s phone, and it’s almost 4 p.m. He skips class today and so do his brothers, and still the raven is refused to be found.

“You also can’t find Jongwoon in Hongdae either?”

“Yes Hyung. Chanyeol and I check to every artsy and cutesie place in Hongdae.”

“Very well. Go back to dojo first. I’ll go there later.”

Sungmin goes back to where Ryeowook is pacing back and forth with downcast eyes. He feels sorry for the boy and also worries for Jongwoon’s safety.


“Ryeowook-ah, how about we go back to SM first?” Sungmin suggests,”We can try to recollect and search again with the other too.” Ryeowook is very adamant to continue searching for his missing Hyung, but after a few minutes of gentle coaxing by Sungmin, Ryeowook agrees, albeit reluctantly to go back to SM.


A few hours ago,


Jongwoon enters the Library with Kangin follows behind. “Kanginnie, you need to go to class now, or you’ll be late,” Jongwoon gently reprimands his Brother. Kangin has a reputation of being tardy. It’s a good thing his grades are above average, or there will be more ammo to criticize him.

“But you’re going to be alone Hyung,” Kangin holds on His Hyung’s baby hand. Jongwoon just sighs heavily. Seriously, he will be in Library, lots of people will come and go. There’s no way something bad will happen to him in this public place. The most unfortunate event that most likely to happen is one of his four suitors will suddenly drag him somewhere.


“No! You need to go to your class now,” Jongwoon commands his stubborn brother,”If you’re not going, then I won’t talk to you ever.” It’s all said with a stern expression which Kangin can’t even take seriously because of the little pout at the end. But it’s better to obey his baby hyung’s words than getting the silent treatment for the rest of his life.

“Alright Hyung,” Kangin agrees,”But don’t talk to strangers. And if someone tries to take you somewhere, scream out loud.” Jongwoon rolls his eyes but nods anyway. It’s better to agree on anything his brothers say than goes to the arguments he can’t win. After he gets Jongwoon’s consent, Kangin leaves his hyung to go to his class. Jongwoon enjoys the rare time when he’s alone without one or all of his brothers hover around him. He just steps inside Library when two big burly guys suddenly blocks his way in.


“Are you Kim Jongwoon?” One of the guys asks quite gently. Jongwoon nods hesitantly. He doesn’t know who these guys are, but he doesn’t want to suddenly scream at innocent men.

“How can I help you?” Jongwoon inquires. He looks around, looking for a help if he ever needs one.

“Please come with us,” the one spoken to him invites,”Our boss is waiting for you.” Jongwoon just frowns. He doesn’t know these guys, but they say their boss knows him. Before he even gets the chance to deny the request, the other guy just calmly grabs his hand and together with his friend, lead Jongwoon to the parking lot.


“Please,” He opens the back passenger’s door for Jongwoon. Jongwwon looks around the parking lot, but it’s deserted. Are they going to kidnap me? Jongwoon hesitates. It looks like the big guy in front of him also understands that he’s afraid, so he comes forward unmenacingly.

“Relax, we promise we mean no harm. It’s just our boss want to meet you today. After you guys finished, we’ll take you back here again,” The man tries to convince Jongwoon. Jongwoon ponders for a while and nods, albeit hesitantly. He enters the car, and wait for the guys to enter and start the car. After they drive out of the gate Jongwoon pulls out his phone to tell his brothers that he will be late for lunch, when the man sitting in front of him asks for his phone. Jongwoon stubbornly protects his phone to his chest.


“We promise we’ll give you the phone on our way back to SM,” The man promises to Jongwoon. Jongwoon reluctantly gives his phone for safekeeping.

“Please don’t lose it,” Jongwoon timidly voices his request. Both men nod their heads, and they continue driving to God knows where.

It takes almost 2 hours before they finally enter through a tall gate and drive a long way to stop in front of a Victorian style mansion. Jongwoon gets out of the car, without waiting for the door to be opened. The two burly guys lead him to the mansion and ask him to wait in the elegang livingroom. Jongwoon sits on the fluffiest sofa he ever sat on and looks around the room.


It’s decorated in an elegant way. The wall is painted with light bronze. The window panes are polished dusty gold, and the curtains are in the same nuance. The lights are controlled to be on dim side. There is a fireplace on which there are lots of photos and ornaments are displayed. Jongwoon tired of sitting, take a walk to the corner when he sees a piano. He plays a bit of a song he wants to perform on the competition, when he hears someone claps from the door way to livingroom. He turns around and his eyes widen.

“Long time no see Jongwoonie.”


A/N: I'M BACK!! This author finally awake from her hibernation :D This chapter is a bit long because I've been away for such a long time. I hope you guys still find this story worth the wait. Just a little bit more before it ends. Enjoy this one for now, see you on next chapter ^_^ 

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333