Deploy The Search Party Part 1

Meet The Kim

It’s almost lunch time and The Brothers with all of their friends already sit on their designated table, waiting for Jongwoon’s arrival. But, when lunch time is almost over, Jongwoon can’t be seen walking into the cafeteria and The Brothers are going crazy by default. They look all over the place, turn every cranny to find the raven, but it seems like Jongwoon is hidden somewhere. By the end of lunch, Heechul is ready to spit fire, Kangin is red-faced and yells at almost everyone, Ryeowook yells like banshee for Jongwoon, and Kibum gets even quieter which gets even scarier.


“That blasted Sunbae must be taking My Baby away again!!” Heechul messes his hair until it becomes like a birdnest. He takes out his phone and after scrolling, find Siwon’s name and angrily press “Call”. The call is answered after some time.

“YAH!! SIWON SUNBAE!! You better tell me where you bring My Woonie!!”

“Hi, Heechul-ah. Nice to hear from you.”

“I don’t have time for chit chat Sunbae! Where’s My Woonie?!”

“What do you mean Heechul-ah? I’m not with Jongwoon at the moment. I’m at the shooting location.”

Crap, Heechul silently curses. He hastily hangs up the phone. If Jongwoon is not with Siwon, then he must be with the other. With that Heechul deploys Kangin, Ryeowook and Kibum to find the other three.




Kangin is running around S.M just to find where Jungsoo is. He looks around for the Senior, when Jungsoo presents himself in front of the distracted maknae of The Kim. Actually he almost collides into Kangin when he’s on his way to The Studio.

“Watch where you’re going Youngwoonie,” Jungsoo gently reprimands the younger and continues walking, until Kangin grabs his arm forcefully and pulls the older towards him. Jungsoo looks at the younger’s face and instantly shrinks back.

“Where did you bring my baby hyung, Leeteuk Sunbae?” Kangin asks menacingly. This Sunbae is also the one who’s responsible for his hyung’s disappearance. He sometimes takes his hyung to their “secret” lunch date.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about Youngwoonie,” Jungsoo starts,” I haven’t seen Yesungie today. We don’t have joint class today.” Now Jungsoo starts to feel worry too, because it seems that Jongwoon is missing. He notices that Youngwoon is at lost of what to do, so he decides to help.

“Let’s find him together okay,” Jungsoo gently leads the distracted burly boy to the Studio. Maybe Jongwoon is already back and he’s in the Studio. After a search for about 30 minutes in every crack and cranny, they still can’t find Jongwoon.

“How about we try to call him?” Jungsoo suggests. Kangin just takes out his phone from his pocket and calls his baby hyung, but the call is forwarded to voicemail. It makes Kangin gets more frantic. Jungsoo, takes a pity for the boy, takes his hand and start their search again.


After an hour, Kangin and Leeteuk finally end their search for the missing Jongwoon. Leeteuk has called all of his friends to help search the missing raven, except for Sungmin who’s been quite busy with his dojo. All of his friends come with the same news, Jongwoon isn’t at any part of S.M. Kangin already in the verge of breakdown. His eyes are watery, and whenever someone mentions Jongwoon’s name, he snarls angrily, so people wisely avoid the area where Jungsoo and Kangin are at. Jungsoo sits next to Kangin and sighs.

“Let’s go look for him at the park Youngwoonie,” Jungsoo suggests,” Maybe he’s there.” Kangin has to be forcefully pulled by a nagging Jungsoo, because, let’s face it, Youngwoon is bigger than Jungsoo. Jungsoo needs to drag Kangin to the park near school and continue their search for the missing Jongwoon, but to no avail.


“I don’t know where else we can search for him Youngwoonie,” Jungsoo heaves a deep sigh,” These are the places

 I frequent when I take him with me.” They sit at the bench near the fountain where, a little closer to the ice cream store. Kangin rubs his face tiredly, and looks at Jungsoo. The Senior also looks tired and dead on his feet. He’s not that bad, Kangin ponders silently, then pulls Jungsoo up. Jungsoo looks warily at Kangin, but the younger just grins sheepishly.

“Come on Sunbae,” Kangin leads Jungsoo,” We have ice cream first, then we’ll look for Woonie Hyung again.” Jungsoo just looks at Kangin like he grows another head. But when the younger smiles warmly, Jungsoo also smiles and follows the younger to Mrs. Lee’s ice cream shop.




After Kangin, Ryeowook and Kibum run to find Jongwoon, Heechul tries to contact his missing baby brother, but all of his calls are forwarded to voicemail. OMG!! Jongwoonie, where are you? Heechul frantically calls Jongwoon’s cellphone every minute until his phone almost out of battery. With no words from either Kangin, Ryeowook and Kibum, he can only expects the worst has happened. His baby brother is kidnapped. No..No..No..Bad Heenim. Jongwoonie just goes somewhere and forgets to inform them. Yeah, that’s it. He’s still near school, Heechul silently hopes. He looks toward every direction, hoping that Jongwoon will suddenly appear with his bright smile, but no such thing. He’s in the verge of breakdown when Hangeng finally has the gut to approach him.


“Heechul Hyung, calm down,” Hangeng gently embraces Heechul and leads him to a chair nearby. But true to Heechul nature, he refuses to calm.

“My Baby is out there somewhere!” Heechul screeches,” How can you ask me to calm down?! What if he gets mobbed like last time? Or some jerks bully him? Or..Or..”

Hangeng just holds Heechul amidst his rants. The soon to be graduate Senior struggles against the brave Chinese student, but Hangeng hold his stance.

“Jongwoonie will be fine Hyung,” Hangeng sooths the frantic Diva,” How about we search for him? I saw Kangin, Ryeowook and Kibum have also gone looking for him.”

“But I don’t know where to go Fried Rice,” Heechul sobs in Hangeng’s hold,” I don’t want anything bad to happen to my Baby Woonie.” Hangeng gently caresses Heechul’s hair, tries to calm the now sobbing Diva


“We’ll just go wherever near S.M Hyung,” Hangeng suggests,” That way, if Jongwoonie is arrived we can go back as soon as possible.” After some convincing, Heechul finally agrees to go with Hangeng to search for Jongwoon. Hangeng leads Heechul to his car and drives slowly to the gate.

“Should we search in every Music Store nearby Hyung?” Hangeng inquires the Senior. Heechul just nods his head agreely, while looking left and right for his missing Baby Woonie. Hangeng drives slowly and pulls over when he sees a free space to park. Both of them get off the car and look inside the first Music Store they find. No luck in the first trial, they hurriedly run to the car and search for another Music Store. They run through every Music Store near S.M to no avail. They still can’t find Jongwoon’s whereabout.


“Should we go back to school or continue searching Hyung?” Hangeng asks the desperate Senior. He also worry because Jongwoon is missing under their noses. There are no words from another search party, making Heechul gets even more frustrated. Jongwoon’s cellphone is still out of reach. Feeling how frustrated the Senior is, Hangeng drives his car to the closest cafe.

“Hyung, let’s rest for a bit,” Hangeng cut off the engine,” After this we can search for Jongwoon again and perhaps by then he’s back to S.M.” Heechul is ready to refuses but Hangeng already open the passanger’s door and pulls him out. Heechul just follows begrudgingly, his mind’s still focus on Jongwoon. Hangeng orders 2 hot choco for them and while waiting for their orders, he calls Zhoumi to help them search for Jongwoon.


“Hyung, drink first,” Hangeng handed the hot choco to Heechul,” You still need your strength. Come on.” Heechul drinks the hot choco in one gulp, not caring if he burns his tounge.

“Come on Fried Rice! We need to find Jongwoonie!” Heechul impatiently forces Hangeng to finish his drink quickly. Hangeng just nods and finishes his drink as fast as he can without burning his tounge, and quickly leaves the cafe before Heechul decides to carjack his car.

“We search around this area,” Hangeng proposes,” After that we go back to S.M. just in case Jongwoon’s already back.” Heechul reluctantly agrees, hoping that Jongwoon is waiting for them back at S.M.

A/N: WOW!! I updated!! Is it raining heavily? :P Enjoy this chaotic chapter until my next update :D 

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333