Looking For The Missing Jewel (Part 1)

Meet The Kim

The Brothers gather in Heechul’s room, while the owner sits on his bed, like a dignified Queen (perhaps he is) with a frown mars his face. He faces his brother and cousins while holding his plushie.
“OK. Now, not only we have that blasted HORSE, but also this evil BRAT are on Jongwoonie,” Heechul starts, definitely unhappy about the matter in hand.
“Well, actually not only the two of them Hyung,” Ryeowook intercepts. Heechul zooms in on the petite Ryeowook. What’s that supposed to mean? Is there any other after my Baby Woonie? It’s unacceptable, Heechul curses silently.
“Mind to elaborate Wookie-ah?” Heechul asks with false gentleness. Ryeowook just shrugs it off as usual. Everyone knows how the Diva is.
“Well, I think before the two of them, there was already one person,” Ryeowook answers. At this comment, Heechul literally jumps on little Ryeowook. There was one person before these two. How can he be undetected, by him nonetheless. These two are already caused him lots of stress and that can lost him, his beauty sleep. Adding another into the picture, may as well send him to early grave.

“Do you happen to know this “person” Wookie-ah?” Heechul asks again. Actually his brother and cousins know this person really well. They had disturbed that “private lunch” conducted by that very person. Ryeowook, Kangin and Kibum nod their heads. Heechul raises his brows when he sees all of his brothers nod their heads.
“You all know about this person?” And he receives another nod. So, he’s the only one who doesn’t know about this. He needs to take care of this.
“Well, actually we caught him around two weeks ago, when that person wanted to conduct a private lunch with Woonie Hyung,” Ryeowook explains. Heechul’s eyes go wide as platters.
“HE DID WHAT??!!!” There goes the Evil Diva. Heechul goes berserk when his brother and cousins say something about “private lunch”. Ryeowook practically leaps almost to the corner of the room.
“Who does this....Jerk of the century?” Heechul is literally fuming and steaming. Whoever this guy is, he should be praying he still has some time to enjoy the sunlight. The wrath of the Diva is nothing to be joked about.

“Err..He’s quite well known actually Hyung,” Kangin says casually, while leaning on the wall near Heechul’s bed,”Do you know someone by the name Park Jungsu?”
Heechul leans back, brushing Kangin’s short hair, thinking about the said name carefully. The name does ring the bell, but he can’t quite to put a face into that name for quite a while, until he remembers.
“Park..Jungsu..Do you guys mean Leeteuk the Angel?” Heechul asks to make sure about it. Ryeowook scoffs at the nickname. Yeah right, Angel my , Ryeowook cusses.
“Yes hyung. That’s the one,” Ryeowook says with so much venom in his voice. Heechul shakes his head, not really believing about this news. What he knows about Leeteuk is, he’s a smiley person, cheery, and warm hearted. He doesn’t know that the Angel is such a sneaky jerk.

Heechul ponders about this matter carefully. He needs to strategize something to protect his Baby Woonie. No one can go undetected by him or his brothers.
“Very well. Ryeowookie, whatever you do, don’t lose your sight upon that....evil brat. Whatever you do, that boy doesn’t go anywhere near Jongwoonie,” Heechul barks order, Ryeowook nods compliantly,” Kibummie, I know it’s quite hard, but every news regarding that blasted horse must be reported to me.” Kibum nods and continues to play with his phone. Now, those two is already set, let’s go to the sneaky Angel. How to deal with this sneaky brat, Heechul thinks really hard.

“Well, those two already handled, I’ll have that so called Angel,” Kangin volunteers, still leaning on the wall (Kangin-ah, the way you say it is kinda wrong). Heechul looks at his “little” brother and gives his approval. The brothers talk about their plan for some time until Mrs. Kim calls them.
“You guys go first. I’ll wake Jongwoonie first and catch you up,” Heechul sends his brother and cousin off first and goes to Jongwoon’s room to wake his Baby.

Bell rings and every student in SM Institute of Art run to the cafeteria or any other destination they want. The sweet, cute, adorable Jongwoon comes out of his classroom, busy with the task the teacher gave them just now. His Brothers already texted him to go straight to the cafeteria under any circumstances. Jongwoon just shakes his head. What does Heenim means by any circumstances anyway? Of course he will go straight to the cafeteria after his class is finished. Where else will he go? Jongwoon just smiles incredulously and goes his merry way to the cafeteria when his phone is ringing.

“Hi, Jongwoon-ah.” Jongwoon looks at his phone to see who’s calling him, but the number is private.
“Yes, hello. I’m sorry but who is it?”
“Jongwoon-ah, you already forgotten me?” That sentence brings a deep frown to Jongwoon’s face. He tries to remember really hard, and hit himself on his forehead when he remembers.
“Siwon Sunbae?”
“Bingo. What are you doing now Jongwoon-ah?”
“Me? It’s break time and it’s lunch time, so I’m heading to the cafeteria.
“Splendid. You know Jongwoon-ah, I have a free schedule today and I’m on my way to have my lunch. Do you want to accompany me Jongwoon-ah?
“But, my brothers are waiting for me at the cafeteria Sunbae. They will be upset if I’m not there.”
“I’ll explain to them. Please Jongwoon-ah, I already made a reservation, but my friend can’t join. Please..Please..Please..” Jongwoon thinks about Siwon’s offer and plea and after a heavy sigh nods his head.
“OK then Sunbae. Let me tell my brothers about it, and I’ll wait for you at the gate.”
“AMAZING!! Wait for my...ride then Jongwoon-ah.”
“O..K Sunbae. I’ll see you then.”

After he hungs up, Jongwoon’s getting ready to send a message to his brother about this matter when a hand suddenly and leisurely draps on his shoulder, almost got him a heart attack. Jongwoon looks at the owner at the hand and looks at a stranger. His face frowns cutely.
“Who are y..” Before even Jongwoon can shoot the question, the stranger drags him to the gate, and Jongwoon’s eyes turn as wide as some plates and struggles like crazy.
“WAIT!! Where are you taking me?!” Jongwoon demands, but only meets with silent and the stranger still drags him to the gate and get him inside a slick sport car, and drives away.

At the cafeteria

“Where is Jongwoonie?”
Heechul has been asking that question for the umpteenth times to the residence of the table. Zhoumi, who’s been sitting next to Heechul just sighs exasperatedly.
“Heenim, can it will you? It’s not like he’s a week late,” Zhoumi practically growls at the Diva next to him. Heechul scoffs at Zhoumi and glares some poisonous daggers to him, which is totally ignored by the fashionista.
“Mimi Gege is right Heechul Hyung. Maybe Sungie Hyung still has something to do so he’s late,” Henry butts in, earning a very scary glare from Heechul. Before Heechul can sprout another venomous reply, Hangeng arrives at their table, cluelees to the situation around him, carrying lunch boxes containing another fried rice menu for Jongwoon.

“Hi guys,” Hangeng greets all of the residence of the table, which is only returned by Zhoumi and Henry. Hangeng sits next to Henry and starts to open his lunch box, when he looks around and nobody starts their lunch yet.
“Err..W-what are we w-waiting for?” Hangeng asks. Heechul scoffs at him and almost shouts at Hangeng if Zhoumi doesn’t intercept.
“Nothing happen Hangeng. We’re just WAITING for Jongwoonie to start,” Zhoumi says casually, stirring his ice coffee, earning a jab on the rib by the one and only Heenim. Zhoumi just smirks .
“Should we go and look for Woonie Hyung HeechUL Hyung?” Ryeowook says. He’s been looking at his watch back and forth for almost 5 minutes (It’s just freaking 5 minutes). Kangin and Kibum also prepare for search mission for their missing jewel.
“Let’s wait for another 5 minutes then we start to search,” Heechul decides after some thinking time,” Kanginnie, Ryeowookie, you know what to do.” Kangin, Kibum and Ryeowook lean on their chair and look intently at their watches. Zhoumi and Henry just shake their heads.

5 minutes later, everyone starts fidgeting on their seats, except Zhoumi, Henry and Hangeng. The growls coming from Henry’s stomach makes Zhoumi looks at the Canadian Mochi sitting next to him in concern.
“If you want you can start to eat Henry-ah. Your stomach is singing,” Zhoumi teases the chubby boy, earning a cute pout and blushing chubby cheeks. Zhoumi chuckles and ruffles Henry’s hair. Henry looks at Heechul as if he asks for permission. Heechul scowls but nods his head, and Henry starts digging his lunch. Zhoumi also follow suit, while Hangeng slides the lunch box intended for Jongwoon to Heechul.
“Hyung, maybe Jongwoonie will be l-late. How about you eat t-t-this fried rice?” Hangeng offers. Heechul literally throws poisonous imaginary dagger to Hangeng, which is totally ignored. Kangin, Kibum and Ryeowook are totally jumpy and ready to jump to search for their Baby Hyung. Heechul looks around the cafeteria and still can’t find his Baby until his eyes land on someone he knows.

Jaejoong and his friends, Luna and Jinki, just arrived at the quite crowded cafeteria and go to the empty table and put their bags when someone calls out for Jaejoong. Jaejoong looks to the source of the voice, and his eyes turn as wide as plates. Holy GOD!! Why in the world the Almighty Diva Kim Heechul call him? Jaejoong walks warily to the Kim’s table and stands in front of Heechul.
“H-Hi H-Hee-chul Sunbae,” Jaejoong stutters, his eyes warily looking back and forth to the residence of the table. Kangin, Kibum and Ryeowook look at him intimidatingly, while Heechul just lazily eyeing him. Jaejoong gulps soundly. I’m so doomed. What did I do to get the Diva’s wrath? Jaejoong is literally sweating bullets where he stands.
“Hi Jaejoongie. At ease will you, I just want to ask something,” Heechul says gently, but Jaejoong knows better to feel at ease at all,” Do you know where my Baby Woonie is?” Jaejoong sighs heavily in relieve. I can still enjoy the sunlight tomorrow. Thank GOD! Jaejoong takes a deep breath to calm himself.

“I really don’t know Sunbae. I don’t have the same class as Jongwoon today except for the joint class this morning,” Jaejoong reports. He literally backs down a little when Heechul looks at him intently.
“Very well. Thank you for your information Jaejoongie, enjoy your lunch,” Heechul tells Jaejoong casually, which Jaejoong happily complies. He literally runs for his life back to his table with Luna and Jinki checking his well being.
“H-Hyung, maybe Jongwoonie is having some b-business so he’s late,” Hangeng tries to calm Heechul. Zhoumi and Henry also try their best to appease the upset Diva. Heechul just sighs and looks at his brothers and nods. At this sign, Ryeowook and Kangin bolt out of cafeteria and split up to the different direction.

“Ryeowook-ah, go find that brat while I’m looking for the so called Angel,” Kangin instruct Ryeowook, which is complied almost immediately. Kangin runs on full speed, cuts to the Main Building to go to Dance Department. He starts looking upside down the Dance Department for the Senior. Since his search still fruitless, he randomly grabs the student he meets.
“Tell me where can I find Jungsu Sunbae!” Kangin literally growls at the little boy in front of him, causing the poor boy to jump in shock.
“I..I..” the poor boy stutters, making Kangin’s patience, which is really thin, almost disappear.
“Well? Where can I find him?” Kangin asks again, tries to be more gentle this time. The boy in front of him gulps nervously, his eyes looking at Kangin full of fear.
“Lee..Leeteuk Sunbae is..is in th-the Stu-Studio,” the poor boy finally answers. Kangin releases the boy and tap his back and grins wolfishly. After a quick “Thanks” Kangin leaves the poor boy standing, shaking from head to toe and collapse in front of the classroom until his friend snaps him out.

Kangin arrives in front of the Studio and hears the music blarring inside. Kangin smirks evily and opens the door, and is directly presented with a white wifebeater clad Leeteuk practicing for his next routine. When Leeteuk hears the door is opened, he comes out of his practice room and comes face to face with Jongwoon’s “little” brother. Leeteuk warily approaches the big burly boy, wiping the sweat from his body with a towel he grabs from the chair in the room.
“Yes?? Are you looking for someone?” Leeteuk asks warily, stops some feets away from Kangin. Kangin just smirks and slowly approaches the Senior. Leeteuk unconsciously backs down as much as Kangin approaches him.
“Hmm..Actually I’m looking for you Sunbae,” Kangin says in a low voice, making every hair in Leeteuk’s body stand. Leeteuk keeps walking back with every steps Kangin takes. He nervously looks around the Studio, almost curses out loud when he remembers he booked the Studio for himself until the next few hours.

“Re-Really? Is there anything I can do for you?” Leeteuk asks, still looking for a way out of the boy infront of him. Kangin, kind heartedly backs down and sits on the chair in the center of the room. Leeteuk takes a deep breath to calm himself and walks away some distance from the burly boy.

“Actually I want to ask you something Sunbae,” Kangin starts,” Do you happen to see my Baby Hyung?”
Leeteuk stops what he’s doing and looks at Kangin. “Well, I haven’t seen Yesungie today to be honest, so I don’t think I can help you about it,” Leeteuk answers slowly, grabbing his water bottle and takes a big gulps. Kangin leans on the chair he’s seated and looks intently at Leeteuk, making the Senior awry and fidgets where he stands.
“Are you sure about it Sunbae? You really don’t see him?” Kangin asks again. Leeteuk just nods his answer. Knagin nods understandingly and leans more to the chair.
“Very well then Sunbae. You can continue what you did,” Kangin casually shrugs Leeteuk off and plays with his phone. Leeteuk looks at the big boy in fornt of him incredulously and cross his hand on his chest. What the-?! Leeteuk hisses.

“Excuse me..” Leeteuk stops because he doesn’t know the boy’s name. “Youngwoon,” Kangin says lightly, glances at Leeteuk and smirks, making Leeteuk more upset.
“Well then, excuse me YOUNGWOONIE, but I need to practice for my routine next week, so if you please..” Leeteuk patiently, as patient as possible, speaks with a motherly smile and gestures to the door. You better understand my sign you big bully, Leeteuk greumbles silently.
“Then just practice. I won’t be in your way Sunbae,” Kangin casually brushes off Leeteuk, who just looks at the boy with mouth agape. Leeteuk shakes his head and pinches his nose bridge exasperatedly. “Seriously Sunbae, just continue to practice. I won’t bother you, just consider I’m not here,” Kangin looks at the Senior and smiles supportingly. Leeteuk can only shake his head and turn back to the practice room. When Kangin sees that Leeteuk already in the practice room he texts his brothers.

Target 1 clears. I’m still in the Studio to keep my eyes on the Angel. I’ll see you guys in bits


A/N: whew..finally I can update this short chapter. I'm so sorry for the long delay, and I hope this chapter can make it up, but I guess it can't *sigh*. If you happen to stumble upon it, comments and critics will be appreciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
390 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
390 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
390 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
390 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
390 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
390 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
390 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
390 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333