Plan of Monkey-Fishy Couple (Part 2 End)

Meet The Kim

Leeteuk and Jongwoon walk to the ice cream house hand in hand. They chat happily all the way until they arrive in front of the ice cream house. Jongwoon looks at the familiar place and smiles brightly.
“Hyung, I’ve been here before,” Jongwoon chirps,” Last time I was with my brothers, friends, and Mr. Park.” Leeteuk looks at the skipping Jongwoon.
“Really? Well, let’s go then,” Leeteuk takes Jongwoon’s baby hand and leads him to the ice cream house. When he wants to open the door, someone already opened it for them, making the bells attached on the wall jingles. Leeteuk comes face to face with a smiley Eunhyuk, who politely greets them,” Welcome to Lee’s Ice Cream House.”

Jongwoon smiles at the smiley boy in front of him, impatiently tugging at Leeteuk’s hand. When Jongwoon doesn’t look at them, Eunhyuk is grinning from ear to ear and gives an “OK” sign. Eunhyuk leads the couple to their table, their already reserved table. After both of them sit, Eunhyuk runs to get them some cookies and drinks, and hands them the menu. Jongwoon flips the menu in full concentration, lips pouting slightly.
“Teukie, he’s so cuuuutee,” Eunhyuk whispers to Leeteuk. Leeteuk just grins and nods his head. He gives asignal to Eunhyuk to act like a waiter when Jongwoon seems ready to order.
“Are you ready to order?” Eunhyuk asks fluently. Jongwoon looks at Eunhyuk and nods happily.
“Err..I’d like to have one scoop of chocoberry please,” Jongwoon orders. Eunhyuk nods and writes the order then turns to Leeteuk,” How about you?”
“I want opera ice cream cake please,” Leeteuk places his order and gives back the menus to Eunhyuk, after he finished writing the orders.
“Let me repeat the order,” Eunhyuk professionally says,” one scoop of chocoberry, one slice of opera ice cream cake.” Jongwoon and Leeteuk nod, and with that Eunhyuk skips back to the pantry, where Donghae stands guard and gives him the orders.

“My Fishy!! OMG! Teukie’s date is so cuuute..” Eunhyuk’s literally squealing and cooing. Donghae frowns at his Monkey. Eunhyuk, realizing Donghae turns red, puts his hand on his Fishy’s shoulder,” But you’re still a fraction cuter for me.” Donghae smiles brightly and process the orders for Teukie’s date. Right at the moment, Mrs. Lee comes out of the kitchen, wants to take a look at his ice cream house if her nephew not blocking her. Mrs. Lee looks incredulously at Donghae and his Monkey.
“Aunty, what are you doing here?” Donghae asks, or to be precise, whines at his aunt. Mrs. Lee’s eyebrows rise up to her hairline.
“What do you mean what I’m doing. I want to take a look at my ice cream house of course,” Mrs. Lee scowls. His nephew and his friends are totally acting strange today.
“Aunty..I can run the ice cream house,” Donghae sulks and leads his aunt back to the kitchen despite the unwillingness,” No need to worry. You just rest in the office or cook something delicious, like your cake or your cookies. OK?” Mrs. Lee looks suspiciously at his nephew and try to take a peek into the dining area, even though she doesn’t find anything strange, and looks back to her nephew.

“You’re acting fishy Donghae-ah,” Mrs. Lee interrogates. Donghae and Eunhyuk just put innocent faces and shake their heads.
“Aunty..I’m not acting fishy,” Donghae rebuts,” Now, just rest in your office, okay. Me, My Monkey and Dong-Dong will help you run the house. Now, off to your office.” Donghae drags his aunt to her office, and after tends to all her needs, and some warning to just stay and rest in the office, he leaves. Whew..That’s a close call. I need to keep an eye on Aunty, Donghae decides.
“How is it My Fishy?” Eunhyuk approaches Donghae and asks him. The Fishy just grins widely and gives an “OK” sign. Both of them go back to their places. This time is Shindong’s turn to make an appearance with the order. After a sign from Donghae, Shindong walks to the reserved place where Jongwoon and Leeteuk are waiting.

“Here are your orders,” Shindong informs,” One scoop of chocoberry, and one slice of opera ice cream cake.” Shindong puts the orders in front of Jongwoon and Leeteuk, whose eyes by now are bulging out. Leeteuk looks at Shindong menacingly, but the burly boy just smiles brightly, feigning innocence, which of course far from the truth. “Enjoy,” Shindong happily says and walks back to where EunHae are waiting.
“How is it?” Eunhyuk enthusiastically asks. Donghae and him look back and forth to the dining area where the costumers are having their cookies and ice cream, and to thereserved area where Leeteuk and his date are seated.
“It’s done,” Shindong says. The trio then take a peek to the reserve room and giggle when they see Leeteuk and his date look at each other, totally lost of what to do.

Leeteuk hisses and curses his bestfriends to the deepest part of the ocean. He believes he said “one slice of opera ice cream cake” and Jongwoon said “one scoop of chocoberry”. So why in the seven summits they’re given a HUGE slice of opera ice cream cake and what apparently to be about FIVE scoops of chocoberry. Jongwoon looks at him, completely speechless, and lost. Leeteuk just smiles gently while thinking of something fast.

“Why do they keep on looking at each other like some lost kids?” Donghae grumbles exasperatedly. The ice cream will melt if they don’t eat it soon. What are they thinking? Eunhyuk and Donghae just shake his heads, while Shindong keeps on peeking the reserved area.
Jongwoon and Leeteuk, totally unaware of some spies outside the reserved area, are looking at their treats. Jongwoon absentmindedly pokes his ice cream and eats it. But it’s too much. I can’t finish it alone, Jongwoon whines silently, bottom lip protrude slightly in a cute pout. Leeteuk also cuts his ice cream cake and tries to eat it, then an idea comes to his mind.
“Yesung-ah,” Leeteuk calls. Jongwoon, who until now still enjoying his ice cream, looks up.
“You know what? Since it’s too much to finish alone, why don’t we share,” Leeteuk suggests,” It will be such a waste if we don’t finish this delicious ice cream right?”

Jongwoon consider the idea for a while and nods his approval. Leeteuk smiles his best dimple smile and cut some part of his ice cream cake and gives it to Jongwoon, while Jongwoon scoops some of his chocoberry ice cream, and places it on Leeteuk’s plate. They smile happily because they manage to settle the problem and eat happily.
“WHA-?!” Eunhyuk hurriedly covers Donghae’s mouth with his hand and holds his Fishy tight, when Donghae struggles to get to the couple. Shindong helps Eunhyuk to calm the furious Fishy.
“Calm down My Fishy,” Eunhyuk whispers, afraid the couple will find out they’re being watched. Donghae just glares at Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk smiles brightly and taps Donghae’s back gently, ushering Shindong to continue their spy activity.
“I’m so angry at Teukie right now,” Donghae growls,” He should feed his date and vice versa.” Donghae continues to growl and scowl, leaving Eunhyuk stands there and fast forward his mind, to think about other idea. When the idea comes, he approaches the fuming Fishy.

“OK..OK..Calm down My Fishy,” Eunhyuk brushes Donghae’s hair,” Let’s start the phase 2 shall we?”
Donghae looks at Eunhyuk incredulously. “What do you mean phase 2? We didn’t prepare that much phase, considering Teukie has enough knowledge of what to do,” Donghae asks. Seriously, yesterday they only agreed on getting them a reserved dining area and manipulating their orders. He doesn’t think they have any other plan other than that, much less phase 2. Eunhyuk just smile sweetly at his confuse Fishy, and leads him to spy on the couple.
“Dong-Dong, we need to start the phase 2 after this,” Eunhyuk informs the big burly boy. Shindong just frowns at the mention of “phase 2”. He tries to ask Donghae but he also has this lost expression on his face.
“What’s phase 2?” Shindong asks the mastermind. Eunhyuk grins and tells the other 2 boys to come closer.
“Phase 2 is what we did last time for Minho Sunbae and Baby Taeminnie,” Eunhyuk whispers softly. Shindong and Donghae looks at each other and nods in approval, the trio grinning evilly.

Jongwoon and Leeteuk innocently finish their ice cream, chatting happily. When they finish, before Leeteuk can call the “waiter” to ask for the bill, Shindong happily marches in with a big smile that put a huge frown on Leeteuk’s face. They must be up to no good, Leeteuk looks at his friend suspiciously. Shindong just smiles brightly and cleans up their table, followed closely by Eunhyuk (I KNEW IT! Leeteuk cusses) who’s bringing in a huge cup of what appears to be a sorbet.
“What is this?” Jongwoon innocently asks, face contorts in confusion. Leeteuk tries to hold the urge to strangle his bestfriends, secretly glares at the smiling silly duo.

“It’s our new menu Mixed Berries Sorbet,” Eunhyk explains,” We give try outs for this menu before we launch it next week.” Leeteuk just sighs exasperatedly, his friends are really unstoppable. On the other hand, Jongwoon smiles brightly.
“Really? I think it will taste as good as the other menu,” Jongwoon picks up his spoon,” Hyung, give it a try. Here, open your mouth.” Leeteuk’s eyes turn wide when Jongwoon feeds him, but he happily accepts it. Eunhyuk and Shindong looks at each other and secretly doing high five.
“Enjoy your sorbet,” Eunhyuk bows a little and drags Shindong to leave the room. Donghae, who’s waiting at the counter impatiently paces around waiting for His Monkey and Dong-Dong to bring back some good news.
“My Fishy!!! We did it!!” Eunhyuk hugs Donghae. Donghae hugs Eunhyuk back, with a lost expression on his face. Shindong follows closely, a big grin platered on his face.
“It’s working. Now, let’s see closely,” Shindong whispers and tugs his friends to peek at the reserved room.

“It’s yummy Hyung,” Jongwoon grins childishly and keeps on feeding Leeteuk. Leeteuk nods happily and feeds Jongwoon. Jongwoon nods happily. The couple don’t notice that they have some spies lurking outside their reserved area. Shindong, Donghae and Eunhyuk look at each other and grin happily before return to their own posts, happy that their mission is complete.
Back in the dining area, Leeteuk and Jongwoon finish their sorbet and chat about how their days were going.
“Yesung-ah, I heard from my friend in Music Department, you will be holding an audition for some singing competition,” Leeteuk asks the junior. Jongwoon nods excitedly. He’s always passionate about singing and music. He rambles about how and when the competition will start and the audition starts next Tuesday. Leeteuk just happily nods and listens at the cute rambling junior. He sees how Jongwoon’s eyes sparkling brightly when he talks about music and singing. Jongwoon realizing his rambling, blushes a pretty shade of pink and chuckles.

“Oh, I’m sorry Hyung,” Jongwoon shyly chuckles. Leeteuk just shakes his head and urges Jongwoon to continue. So Jongwoon happily complies and continues his cute rambling. Leeteuk just watches with a big angelic smile at the cute raven until Jongwoon finish his cute rambling with,” It’s nerve wracking Hyung. What if I can’t give my best in the competition?”
Leeteuk reaches out and ruffles Jongwoon’s silky raven hair. “Of course you will do good Yesung-ah. You’re the best,” Leeteuk assures the pouting junior.
“Do you think so Hyung?” Jongwoon looks at the senior with uncertain eyes. Leeteuk nods happily. He had heard Jongwoon singing, and that voice is beyond marvellous. There’s no reason for Jongwoon to be nervous about the competition. Jongwoon smiles brightly, then looks at his watch. OMG!! It’s late. Heenim and the other will have a panic attack again, Jongwoon groans silently. And his phone is out of battery.

“Yesung-ah, are you ready to go home?” Leeteuk calls out for the waiter to bring their bill. Eunhyuk comes in with his gummy smile plastered on his face and gives them the bill. Leeteuk lets Jongwoon to walk out first and he follows closely with Eunhyuk nudging him in every step of the way.
“Silly Monkey,” Leeteuk grumbles secretly, while Eunhyuk just grins innocently. Jongwoon looks back and smiles shyly at the “waiters” and the boy at the counter.
“Thank you very much. The ice cream, cake and sorbet are really delicious,” Jongwoon praises. Leeteuk approaches the junior and takes his baby hand and walk out the ice cream house.

At the Park,

“Are you sure he’s going here Bummie?” Kangin asks his cousin. Kibum just nods. He’s been following his Baby Hyung to the park and he saw Jongwoon walked to the eastern fountain, but he missed his track afterwards. Ryewook and Heechul approach them a moment later.
“Do you guys find him?” Heechul asks. He tries to call Jongwoon (AGAIN) for the umpteenth times and still directed to voice mail. Oh! I’m going crazy right here, Heechul cusses. Where’s my Baby Woonie missing?
“Hyung, don’t you guys notice that this is leading to the ice cream house Mr. Park took us last time?” Ryeowook chimes up behind them. Knagin, Kibum and Heechul look around and realize that Ryeowook’s right.
“Maybe Mr. Park took him there again today,” Heechul concludes,” Let’s go.”

Jongwoon and Leeteuk walk hand in hand toward the eastern fountain still chatting happily. Leeteuk patiently listens to Jongwoon’s cute rambling and sometimes pinches Jongwoon’s chubby cheek, earning a cute scowl from the junior.
“BTW, Yesung-ah, remember to help me again with my routine on Wednesday,” Leeteuk reminds the cute raven. Jongwoon just nods happily, while swinging their linked hands back and forth like a little kid, walking in slow pace to the park, when they meet with his Brothers. Jongwoon happily waves his hand to his Brothers, not realizing the chilling aura come from his ever overprotective Brothers.
All Heechul, Kangin, Kibum and Ryeowook can see is red, and blood, and all hell break loose.



A/N: It's finally updated after a month hehehe..hope you still enjoy it. If you happen to stumble upon this story, critics and comments are appreciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
390 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
390 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
390 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
390 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
390 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
390 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
390 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
390 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333