The Four Kingdoms

Meet The Kim

Choi Siwon, Cho Kyuhyun, Park Jungsu and Lee Sungjin are walking along with their parents. It looks like the four of them know each other really well. They chat and fool around while their parents are talking about business, something they really don’t put any interest in.
“Sungjin-ah, why are you here alone? Where’s your brother?” Park Inyoung, Leeteuk’s sister asks. Usually in this kind of meeting, Sungmin always joins, but not tonight. Is he sick? Inyoung wonders silently.
“Oh, Minnie Hyung has to work on his assignment,” Sungjin answers,” It’s close to its due.” Sungjin can’t hardly understand why his older brother loves to procrastinate, every assignment given to him, will be done at least 2 days before the due date. I don’t even like this kind of meeting, Sungjin sighs heavily.

“That’s Minnie for sure,” Leeteuk joins in. Siwon, Kyuhyun and Leeteuk are now walking behind Inyoung and Sungjin.
“Thank GOD Ahra Noona has something to do tonight,” Kyuhyun says,” Can you imagine, Ahra Noona, Inyoung Noona and Jiwon in the same room?” Even Siwon has to shiver. Those two in the same is already a headache trigger, those three in the same room, chaos will ensue.
“Oh, Siwon Hyung, do you know this Mr. Tan? I feel like I’ve heard that name before,” Leeteuk wonders. He heard the name “Tan” somewhere else, but he can’t for the love of white put his finger into it.

“Hmm..He’s one of the most successful businessmen in China. He has diverse business from food to IT,” Siwon shares his knowledge,” That’s what my Dad told me yesterday anyway.” All of them keep walking and talking until they arrive at the restaurant and the maitre’d leads them to the room whre Mr. Tan and his family are waiting. They greet Mr and Mrs. Tan first before going to greet the other guests, but they all fall silent when they see the other. Siwon, Kyuhyun and Leeteuk’s eyes are shining brightly when Jongwoon waves cutely at them, but their expressions turn into a sour one when they see the other occupants. OMG!! What are those bodyguards doing here?! The three of them cusses mentally.

“Siwon Sunbae, Teukie Hyung, Kyu,” Jongwoon marches towards them with his bright smile. The Brothers don’t have time to hold him back because right at the moment Siwon, Kyuhyun, Leeteuk and Sungjin’s parents are in front of them. They have no choice but to engage into the conversation.
“Jongwoon-ah, you’re also here,” It’s heard as a question. Jongwoon nods and grins happily.
“Geng Hyung invited us,” Jongwoon explains,” That’s why we’re here. Are those your parents?” Jongwoon gestures to the pairs talking to his brothers. Siwon Kyuhyun and Leeteuk nod.
“The one with grey suit is my Dad while the one with dark green dress is my Mom,” Siwon points to his parents. Jongwoon follows his directions and nods.
“My parents are the couple who are talking to Mrs. Han,” Kyuhyun says briefly. Jongwoon looks around and find the couple. Aww…they wear couple suits. How cute, Jongwoon coos.
“That’s my parents Yesungie,” Leeteuk turns Jongwoon around and points to the couple who are now talking to Kangin. Leeteuk frowns deeply. Why are those oldies talking to that Big Bully, Leeteuk cusses.

“Oh, there you are Jongwoon-ah. I’ve been looking for you,” Hangeng suddenly appears behind them.
“Hangeng?” Leeteuk is the one who answers first. This is the new transfer student in the Dance Department. And he’s in the same year as Leeteuk, they meet in several classes they take this semester.
“Wah! Teukie! I don’t know you’ll be here,” Hangeng exclaims. He also greets the other boys, he almost bursts out laughing when he sees Siwon and Kyuhyun. Heechul Hyung will be flipping angry, Hangeng snickers silently. “Come, let’s have a seat.” All of them go to their respective seats. This time the Brothers are in full of protective mode. Jongwoon is surrounded by Kangin on his left and Kibum on his right. Hangeng takes a seat next to Heechul, while Ryeowook sits beside Siwon’s sister, Jiwon. Siwon bravely sits next to Kangin and smiles at his hoobae. Kangin just grins maliciously, while Kyuhyun takes a seat beside Hangeng. Leeteuk has to satisfy to sit the opposite of Kangin. Why am I so unlucky tonight? Leeteuk sighs in resignation. And the dinner begins.

“Jongwoon-ah, how’s the audition this afternoon?” Siwon asks. After dinner is served, Siwon, Kyuhyun, Leeteuk, Hangeng and The Kims are moving to the garden at the back of the restaurant. Sungjin offers himself to “guard” the ladies to keep them from harm, when the sources of it are the ladies themselves, and the parents talk about business and something the youngsters don’t put any interest on. Jongwoon, once again is surrounded by his brothers, with Kibum sticks to his side.
“The result will come out tomorrow Sunbae,” Jongwoon answers,” I hope I’ll pass.” Kyuhyun snorts at that comment, earning a growl from Kangin.
“Of course you’ll pas Hyungie,” Ryeowook speaks casually,” You’re like 99.9% pass.”
“When will the competition start?” This time Leeteuk speaks. Kangin looks intently to the angelic boy, earning a scowl from Leeteuk.

“The competition will start next month Teukie Hyung,” Jongwoon happily answers. He ignores all the negative auras come from his Brothers, it’s so usual, nothing’s new.
“Eh, really? I don’t know about this,” Kyuhyun butts in,” I just join the audition because most of the Music Club members join.” Ryeowook snorts, earning a quite painful nudge from Jongwoon.
“Yes, it’s next month Kyu,” Jongwoon explains,” I think there will be more participants this year than last year, or at least that’s what Mr. Park told me.”
“ Yes, including that Medusa,” Ryeowook sneers. Jongwoon looks at him disapprovingly, but Ryeowook just ignores him. “What Medusa are we talking about?” Heechul senses danger to his Baby Woonie joins in. Before Ryeowook can answer, Jongwoon intercepts,” Nothing important Heenim.” Don’t forget the cute bright smile and Heechul lets it slide for the time being.

“Next month huh? I really want to watch Jongwoon-ah,” Siwon looks at the raven. Leeteuk also nods eagerly.
“Well, if you’re not busy then you can watch Sunbae,” Jongwoon grins sheepishly,” You too Teukie Hyung.”
“I’ll free my schedule for next month then,” Siwon promises,” Just make sure you tell me the date Jongwoon-ah, and I’ll free my schedule for whole week.” This statement’s earning a very deep apprehension in Kyuhyun and Leeteuk. Siwon Hyung is acting really weird, Kyuhyun and Leeteuk look at each other and suddenly they realize something. HELL NO!! HIM TOO??!!! (Guys, you miss the Bunny AGAIN).

As promised, Mr. Park put out the result of the audition on the bulletin board in Music Department early in the morning. So when someone passes the Music Department, he/she will see a big swarm of people gather in front of the bulletin board. Or at least that’s what Zhoumi sees so early in the morning after he dropped Henry to the Department. He needs to push and pull to go through. When he notices the back of Henry’s head right in front of him, he drags the poor boy to the side.

“Mimi Gege, why do you drag me here?” Henry whines,” I need to see the result from yesterday’s audition. Zhoumi has to hold back the struggling boy really tight.
“Stay here! I’ll look for your name,” Zhoumi orders,” I’m much taller than these midgets anyway.” Henry has to chuckle at Zhoumi dramatic expression. But, that’s the truth. He was like head and shoulders above the others, so maybe that’s a better way than to cramp around like what he was doing earlier. A minute later, Zhoumi returns.
“I saw Jongwoon’s name at the top, next is Ryeowook, then Jaejoong, next is Changmin, and the last is Kyuhyun,” Zhoumi reports. Henry grins sourly. Zhoumi, the ever understanding partner, hugs the chubby boy and leads him to the cafeteria. “Maybe you’ll pass in the next audition My Mochi,” Zhoumi tries to comfort the upset Henry. Henry just sighs heavily but smiles after a few moments and nods his head. Zhoumi also smiles and both of them go to their usual seats.

“Yesung-ah, I heard you and one of my student Jessica have came head to head for 10 times,” KangTa leans on the couch in Mr. Park’s office. After all of the Music Department saw the announcement on the bulletin board, Jongwoon was called to Mr. Park’s office. There he saw Mr. Park’s senior was already there.
“Oh, yes Mr. KangTa,” Jongwoon answers. KangTa nods,”And until now you win by 8 to 2. That’s impressive Yesung-ah.” Jongwoon just grins sheepishly, face burning red. Mr. Park looks like a very proud parent.
“He’s great right Sunbae?” Mr. Park proposes,” He has the most sense in music compared to other student.” Jongwoon just sits there like a ripe tomato.
“I’m not that great,” Jongwoon mumbles, earning some laughter from Mr. Park and KangTa.
“Of course you are,” Mr. Park says,” Oh, it’s almost time for your next class Yesungie. You may go now before you’re late.” Jongwoon happily obliges. His class is close to Mr. Park’s office so he walks leisurely when suddenly someone grabs his hand and shoves him into an empty hallway.

“Yah!! Teukie Hyung!! How many time do I need to tell you not to suddenly grab me like that?!” Jongwoon nearly screams at the senior in front of him. Leeteuk just grins innocently, resolve in ruffling Jongwoon’s hair, earning a cute pout.
“Don’t be angry Yesung-ah,” Leeteuk pinches Jongwoon’s chubby cheeks,” I just want to remind you about our plan this afternoon. You remember right?” Jongwoon nods
“Oh, before that we’ll have lunch,” Leeteuk leads Jongwoon out and accompanies him to his class.
“OK Hyung. Should I call my Brothers again to come like the previous time?” Jongwoon innocently asks.
“NO!!” Leeteuk literally flips, but instantly calm down,” No need Yesung-ah. I only prepare enough for the two of us.” Jongwoon nods again. Leeteuk sighs contently. “I’ll see you this afternoon then Yesung-ah.” Jongwoon waves to the senior and enters his classroom.

After his class finished, Jongwoon walks to the Studio to meet with Leeteuk. Half way there, the erratic Changmin approaches him. He brings loads of music sheets with him.
“Sungie Hyuuuung…”Changmin literally hugs the life out of him, since he’s choking Jongwoon lithe body so tight,” Thank GOD I find you Hyung.”
“Hello Changmin-ah,” Jongwoon chokes,” Do you mind to release me?” Changmin instantly releases Jongwoon from his bear hug and grins innocently. Jongwoon breathes all the oxygen he needs to survive, coughing here and there.
“Sorry Hyung,” Changmin grins. Jongwoon just nods, he still gulps all of the oxygen in the area.
“OK. I’m fine now,” Jongwoon says after a few minutes,” Why are you looking for me?” Jongwoon continues to walk with Changmin follows him like a lost kid.

“I need your help for the song I need to choose for next month Hyung,” Changmin explains,” You have a good sense. But if you’re busy right now, I can meet you tomorrow.” Jongwoon looks like in a hurry and Changmin doesn’t want to stand in his way if he has another thing to do. He can always looks for guidance from other Sunbae. Jongwoon slows down his pace. He needs to go to the Studio before Leeteuk waits too long, but he also wants to help Changmin.
“Let’s see what songs you’re picking,” Jongwoon decides. He can help Changmin while he’s going to the Studio. Changmin grins happily and dumps all of the music sheets he finds and chooses. Jongwoon looks at all of the choices and hums absent-mindedly. Changmin waits patiently beside him.

“I think there are two songs you can choose from this pile,” Jongwoon tells the silent Changmin, and hands out two music sheets to Changmin. Changmin looks at the music sheets and grins happily. These two songs were his first choices. Yesungie Hyung is so great, Changmin nods happily.
“You can hit some high notes with this song,” Jongwoon points one music sheet,” And you can try to do some improvisation in this one.” Changmin looks at both music sheets and nods.
“But I have some problems with improvisation Hyung,” Changmin whines,” You have to help me with those.”

“How about this? Let’s meet on Saturday, all the 5 of us, and practice the song you choose,” Jongwoon offers. Changmin thinks about the idea and nods happily.
“OK Hyung. I also will ask Jae Hyung to cook us a lot of food,” changmin says. Jongwoon grins happily and nods.
“Thank you very much Hyung,” Changmin smiles,” I’m so sorry for disturbing you. I’ll see you on Saturday.” Changmin waves and goes his merry way. Jongwoon just smiles and continues to walk to the Studio. Changmin can’t stop humming the songs he’s about to choose. He walks on a steady pace, so he’s so surprised when someone knocks him down when he turns at the hallway to the library.

“Oh! I’m so..”
Changmin looks at the person who knocks him down while still brushing his sore butts. When the person looks at Changmin’s face, all the concern and friendly expression are gone in a blink of eyes.
“Watch where you’re going!” the person sneers at Changmin and walks away with his head up high. Changmin could only stand and watch the person with his mouth opens.
“Yah! It’s not me who’s running around in the hallway!”Changmin yells at the person’s back and turns around. “Snob!” He grumbles and walks away imitating the person who knocks him.

Leeteuk has been prancing around the Studio for about 20 minutes now. He’s so eager to meet with the cute Jongwoonie, he flew out of his classroom exactly when the bell rang. Now, here he is, inside the Studio, 20 minutes too early. When he’s tired he slumps on the nearest chair, and knocks on the table in a random rhytm. It’s almost 30 minutes, when the door is opened and Jongwoon appears.
“Teukie Hyung, I’m sorry,” Jongwoon approaches the bored looking Senior,” You wait too long don’t you? I’m sorry, I got caught up a little bit.”
“It’s okay Yesungie,” Leeteuk ruffles Jongwoon’s hair,” I just arrived not too long ago.” Jongwoon sighs in relieve.

“Should we start now or do you want to have lunch first?” Leeteuk asks. As he remembers, some weeks ago, Jongwoon’s tummy was growling at this exact time.
“We can start now Hyung,” Jongwoon answers while put his bag on the table,” We can have lunch later. I already taken some crackers.” Leeteuk nods happily and leads them to the back of the room where rows and rows of music CD are available.
“Hyung, have you done some slow dancing?” Jongwoon asks,” You know, the music is slow beat and you just flow with the music. Yeah, something like that, I don’t know how to explain it Hyung.” Leeteuk just chuckles when Jongwoon just rumbles about slow dancing and slow music and all. He just loves to see the flustered expression on Jongwoon’s face when he can’t explain something really well.

“We don’t do that often, but yes, we’ve done some slow dancing,” Leeteuk decides to have mercy for the rambling Jongwoon. Jongwoon just grins happily and hands him a CD. Leeteuk looks at the CD and finds that it’s really a slow beat music. Hmm..What coreo can go well with this music? Leeteuk ponders.
“I think that kind of music will make a good choreography Hyung,” Jongwoon puts his two cents. Leeteuk just smiles and nods. He put the CD into his pocket and leads them back to the center of the room.
“My friends and I will think about the coreo,” Leeteuk grabs his bag and hands Jongwoon’s to the boy,” Now, let’s have lunch Yesungie. I’ve already prepared a special lunch today.” Jongwoon just follows suit when Leeteuk leads him to the school backyard.

“Ah! There!” Leeteuk exclaims and tugs Jongwoon’s baby hand to the direction where his chauffeur already set a picnic mat and basket. Jongwoon looks around the area. It’s so fresh in here, lots of trees and flowers are blooming everywhere. He looks at Leeteuk who’s busy preparing for their lunch and hastily jumps to help.
“Come Yesungie,” Leeteuk pats the empty side next to him, and Jongwoon sits. “Here’s your lunch. I hope you like kimchi stew.” Jongwoon accepts the plate and the chopsticks happily.
“I LOVE kimchi stew Hyung,” Jongwoon says, and puts a piece of kimchi. He hums contently, while Leeteuk takes some of the side dish. Jongwoon also takes some of side dish prepared there. Both of them have lunch while looking at the scenery and chatting amiably.

“I’m so full,” Jongwoon pats his tummy,” Thank you Teukie Hyung.” Leeteuk just smiles and nods.
“Let’s clean up Yesungie,” Leeteuk puts all the utensils they use inside the bag, while Jongwoon tidies up the food containers inside the picnic basket. Both of them fold the picnic mat and put it under the tree. Leeteuk calls his chauffeur to pick all the picnic stuffs. After Mr. Jung cleans all the picnic stuffs, Leeteuk and Jongwoon leave the backyard before the Kim flip out again.
“I’ll see you later Yesungie,” Leeteuk waves when he sees The Kim walk to their direction. Jongwoon waves to the Senior and smiles brightly. When he turns around, his brothers already stood in front of him. He just grins innocently.

“Woonie-ah, don’t just disappear like that,” Heechul grabs Jongwoon’s baby hand,” And don’t go with some random person without telling me.” Jongwoon just sighs heavily.
“Heenim, I just had lunch with Teuki Hyung, and he’s not a random person,” Jongwoon pats Heechul arm gently,” He’s a good person and so do Siwon Sunbae and Kyuhyun. They’re good people guys.”
“But Hyung..” Kangin butts in but Jongwoon cuts him with his puppy eyes. Arrgh!! Anything but those puppy eyes!! Kangin growls helplessly.

“Don’t you guys trust me?” Jongwoon puts a sad dejected face, and all the Brothers are in chaos.
“Of course we trust you Hyung,” Kibum takes over,” It’s them we can’t trust. What if one or all of them hurt you?” Jongwoon leans on Kibum’s shoulder
“Well if they hurt me you can kick their asses,” Jongwoon says jokingly. Kibum just chuckles heartily at his Baby Hyung’s words. “If that’s what you want Hyung,” Kibum adds his two cents, earning a painful pinch from Jongwoon.
“OK, ready to go home now?” Heechul holds Jongwoon’s baby hand gently. Jongwoon nods happily. All the brothers go to the parking lot, where Kangin parked his car this morning when 4 different voices call out their precious jewel



A/N: Do you guys notice the silly title up there? Where do you think the title come from? Enough of my blabbering, hope you like this chap. Any comments and critics are totally appreciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333