Suicidal Beijing Fried Rice

Meet The Kim

Now, here he is. On the way to the Music Room before his next class begins. After that incident, Ryeowook keeps on pestering him about bad seniors and how he should get away from those jocks. Jongwoon walks leisurely, plucking his earphone and starts humming some notes beautifully. He’s really close to the corridor where Music Room’s located when he notices someone stands in front of a class, looking really lost. Jongwoon, despite of his shy personality, approaches the stranger. Maybe he needs some helps. He looks like a foreigner, Jongwoon ponders silently. When he’s behind the stranger, he clears his throat to tell his presence. The stranger turns back, faces him with confusion plasters on his face.
“Err...D-Do you need help?” Jongwoon asks timidly. He looks at other’s handsome face.

Tan Hangeng is a Chinese boy, a very rich boy, who happens to be packed by his parents to continue his study in traditional dance at Dance Department in SM Institute of Arts. His parents never told him why he has to move far away across the ocean just to study Traditional Dance. It’s not like his previous school is lacking in anyway. Since he’s a good boy, he just agrees to his parents request and packs his things, enough for some years in Korea.

Here he is, at SM Institute of Arts, like a lost boy looking for his parents. He holds a folder containing all his information and all the grades information from his previous school. He wants to ask about direction but other than his Korean which is limited, no, it’s practically nonexistent, looks like he arrives at his new school at the wrong time. There’s no one in the hallway no matter where he looks. Nice timing Geng. Can’t get any better, Hangeng mumbled silently. When he’s busy with his musing someone makes a cute noise, and he turns back just to find a pretty (not you too Geng) boy, looking at him with his almond shape eyes. He says something he can’t actually catch, blame his nonexistent Korean. He only knows the word “help”, so maybe the pretty boy asks if he needs some help. He nods at the boy.

Jongwoon smiles a little at the stranger in front of him. He’s very sure that this man is a foreigner, looking at his confuse expression.
“What are you looking for?” Jongwoon asks. But the foreigner in front of him just looks at him blankly. Jongwoon kicks his mentally. He forgets about the stranger situation. There’s no way he understands Korean that much, so he turns to speak in English. Please, just let him understand English, Jongwoon prays.
“What are you looking for?” Jongwoon asks once again in English, and still the stranger looks at him blankly. Jongwoon can only face-palms. How am I supposed to help him if he doesn’t understand what I say, Jongwoon grumps silently when an idea across his head.
“Wait,” Jongwoon just says one word, surely even a foreigner with barely existent English can understand the word “wait”, adds with a hand gesture and fumbles for his phone.
“Mimi Hyung, can you help me?”

Hangeng feels sorry for the cute boy in front of him. His Korean is nonexistent and his English is next to none. But even him can understand the word “wait” so he nods his head and looks at the boy trying to call someone named “Mimi Hyung”. He knows “Hyung” means older brother, or to call a boy older than you, but he doesn’t think that a “Mimi” can be a “Hyung”. A minute later the boy comes back to him, smiling shyly. Wow, this boy has a pretty smile, and he’s pretty too (yeah..sure Geng), Hangeng silently adoring the boy in front of him, so he’s a little surprise when the boy waves his tiny hand in front of his face.
“Eh..S-Sorry,”Hangeng stutters, chuckles shyly. The boy just smiles cutely and shakes his head a little.
“My name is Jongwoon. Your name?” the boy named “Jongwoon” asks Hangeng, speaks slowly to let him understand. He smiles widely at the boy and hold his hand out.
“Hangeng,” Hangeng says, the boy and him shake hands. The boy tries to say his name, but ends up stumbles all over, leaving Hangeng laughs heartily at the boy, makes the boy blushes and grins sheepishly. Before he can say anything, another voice is heard. He turns around to see a very tall, long legged man walking towards them. Well, it should be Mimi Hyung, Hangeng smiles politely.

“Jongwoonie, why do you call me? Something happen to you?” Zhoumi approaches Jongwoon in full speed, not even noticing the man stands close to his friend’s dongsaeng.
“Oh, Mimi Hyung, you’re here. This is Han..geng, he’s new here,” Jongwoon tells his hyung’s friend,” I think.”
Zhoumi just looks at Jongwoon blankly and looks at the man beside him.
“Hi, I’m Zhoumi. Nice to meet you Hangeng,” Zhoumi greets the stranger politely. Hangeng shakes his hand and smiles politely.
“Well, his Korean is not good, nor his English. So perhaps you can help him Hyung,” Jongwoon look at him expectantly, with his patented puppy eyes, which can melts everything, even the coldest heart. So Zhoumi turns to Hangeng and asks something in Chinese hesitantly. While the both of them talking in Chinese, Jongwoon just looks from the sideline. Well, his Chinese is definitely in the same state as Hangeng’s Korean. When they finish, Zhoumi turns to Jongwoon.
“Woonie-ah, I’m going to accompany Hangeng to the administration office. He’s new here and belongs to Dance Department. He’s in 3rd year,” Zhoumi explains to the youngest. Jongwoon just nods his head, smiling slightly at the both Chinese Men in front of him.
“OK, Hyung. Well, I need to go to my next class. I’ll see you at lunch then Hyung,” Jongwoon bids his farewell,” See you later Han..Geng Hyung.” After he bows, he’s off to the class. There’s no way he can go to the Music Room now. Hangeng looks at the retreating boy, smiling adoringly. Jongwoonie, Hangeng whispers silently, following Zhoumi’s direction to the administration office.

The bell rings, tells it’s time for lunch. All the students jostle their way out of the class to go to the cafeteria. That’s what normal students do anyway. But for the Kim and their friends, they have a reserved place and reserved menu. Blame Heechul and his Diva attitude. And there’s ABSOLUTELY NO ONE can come close to their table. Well, you can try, if you want your eyes clawed out, or your bones breaking that is.
Today, because Jongwoon brings his own lunch, packed by his loving melancholic Mom, he only orders hot chocolate milk. As usual, their table, which is situated at the furthest corner of cafeteria, to avoid any noise and some touchy feely students towards their precious Jongwoonie, is inhabited by the Kim, Zhoumi and Henry. There are only Kangin and Kibum who haven’t got there yet. When they want to start to eat, someone approaches their table and stands close to Jongwoon.

“C-Can I s-s-sit?” Hangeng stutters badly. But it’s better than just stand there looking like a statue. Jongwoon looks up at the voice, and smiles brightly at Hangeng. But before he can say anything, Heechul beats him into it.
“And who the hell are you?” Heechul asks menacingly. Why does that stranger stand so close to his Jongwoonie anyway? Heechul just lifts his perfectly shaped brow at the strangers.
Hangeng just looks at the beautiful woman, eh man, woman, eh..whatever blankly. Zhoumi and Henry can only sighs. A new student that should be briefed about the Kim. Even Ryeowook has already glared at the poor man. Zhoumi decides to help a little.

“Ah..Heenim, Ryeowook, this is Hangeng. And he’s a new student here. He’s from China so his Korean isn’t that good,” Zhoumi explains, as careful as possible, just in case Heechul decides to change his attack to him.
“So?” Heechul just asks with sharp tone, still looks at the “Hangeng” guy scarily.
“C-can I s-s-sit h-here?” Hangeng says with a more confident tone. He looks at the man (yes Hangeng. He’s a man) pointedly, not afraid of his life whatsoever. Heechul goes stoned and already stood a little when Jongwoon interferes.
“Sure, Han..Geng Hyung,” Jongwoon says with his timid voice, face focus on his food. Hangeng just smiles sweetly at Heechul and Ryeowook, who look like they will kill him with just a look, and sits beside Jongwoon.

“YAH!! Who tell you to sit next to Woonie Hyung?! Move!” Ryeowook snarls at the Chinese Man. Hangeng just looks at Ryeowook confusedly, and opens his lunch box. Jongwoon who sits next to him looks at his lunch curiously.
“Hyung, what is it?” Jongwoon asks, pointing his baby finger to Hangeng’s lunch box. Hangeng finds this gesture so cute, he smiles widely, even goes as far as pinching Jongwoon’s chubby cheek. Jongwoon just looks down shyly, while Heechul and Ryeowook eyes grow as wide as plate. Zhoumi and Henry can only look down and wish the ground to swallow them.
“I-It’s Fried R-rice,” Hangeng answers, stumbles with such simple words. Jongwoon looks at the food closely, sniffs and smiles widely. He looks at Hangeng expectantly.
“Can I try?” Jongwoon looks at Hangeng with his puppy eyes, Hangeng doesn’t have a heart to say “No”. But before he can give a spoonful of his lunch, another 2 boys approach the table. He looks up to smile to the newcomers only to look at 2 most scariest expression in the world.
One boy is a tall, big built, lots of muscles while the other boy is more slender. The looks of their faces can make the person with a weak heart faints, but he’s not that person, so he just smiles.

“And. Who. The. Hell. Are. You” the biggest boy asks with this scary aura around him.
“Hangeng,” Hangeng just says politely at the boys before focusing his attention back to Jongwoon. Zhoumi and Henry now sit with their mouth wide open. It took them months to sit with The Kim, but this new student just sits here like he doesn’t care about his life. Does he have a death wish at such a young age? Zhoumi mumbles, looking at Hangeng carefully.
The Kim also looks at the new student with this deadly aura surrounding them. They know nothing about this intruder, and now this person sits next to their Jongwoon. Heechul makes a fast decision.
“Yah! Mochi! Move next to Jongwoon. NOW!” Heechul retorts when he sees Henry wants to object. So Henry, pouting and stomping, moves to Hangeng’s direction.
“Gege, move next to Zhoumi Gege. NOW!” Henry snarls at Hangeng when he opens his mouth. So Hangeng, reluctantly moves next to Zhoumi, while Henry sits next to Jongwoon. The Kim looks happy with this arrangement and starts eating.

“Err..I need to go earlier. I’ll have class in 15 minutes,” Jongwoon’s soft voice is heard. He alredy finished his lunch, and start drinking his chocolate milk.
“What time will your class finish Jongwoonie?” Heechul asks with soft, adoring tone. Hangeng can’t help but to raise his brows at the effeminate man.
“Around 2.30 p.m Heenim. And I’ll have Club activities at 4,” Jongwoon replies, finishing his chocolate milk. After all his lunch is finished, he gathers all his belongings, and gets ready to leave.
“W-Wait. I-I-I’ll go w-w-with you,” Hangeng also stands up and collects his things. “I h-have class.”
Zhoumi and Henry groan softly. GOD! This man is really suicidal.

Jongwoon just stands there, tries to catch what the older man says and smiles a little.
“OK Han...Geng Hyung,” Jongwoon shockingly approves. And The Kim may as well leaves early to protect their precious jewel, but Jongwoon beats them into it.
“Just finish your lunch guys. It’s okay. I’ll be going with Han..Geng Hyung,” Jongwoon says softly,” Come on Hyung.”
When you see The Kim, you can see this dark, scary, haunting, deadly aura exudes from each person.
“OK Jongwoonie,” Hangeng happily skips to the waiting boy and all hell breaks loose.


Zhoumi and Henry just bow their heads. There goes The Kim with their supermassive Brother Complex. Hangeng, I’ll pray for your safety starting from today onwards, Zhoumi and Henry promise silently, looking at the two boys head to exit door.


A/N: It's the 2nd Chapter. What do you think? Whether it's okay or not, comments and critics will be appreciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333