Violent Giraffe vs The Angel

Meet The Kim

Monday morning,
All the five boys jump and fall from their beds, slightly disoriented, limbs tangle in layers of blankets.
“Aish!! Mom!! No need to screech in this unholy hour!” Heechul wiggles his way out of the tangled mess and throws his blankets and comforter on the bed messily. He stands and brushes his pyjama pants before heads toward the door, only to be greeted with his Mom’s smiling face.
“Oh, morning Hee. Go shower and have breakfast,” and there she goes, skips actually, to the room across Heechul’s.
“Morning Mom,” her middle son, the precious jewel of the Kim Household, greets her with his bright smile. The middle age lady just coos at his cuteness, and pinch his chubby cheeks.
“Woonie..Have you showered? I have cooked all delicious food for you. Come and get it,” Mrs Kim tells his son, who nods obediently, and get ready for breakfast. Before she can go to the next room, the door is opened, revealing a not so happy magnae.
“Kanginnie!! Go shower and have breakfast. NOW!” Mrs Kim orders his youngest son strictly. Kangin just growls something incoherent and goes inside his room to shower, of course after a slight slam of the poor, innocent door.
“And no door slamming in the morning!!” Replied by a “Whatever” from the grumpy magnae. His nephews are awaken and already fixed to have breakfast. Mrs. Kim greets them lovingly and goes downstairs to prepare the breakfast.

“Woonie-ah, here’s your lunch,” Mrs Kim holds out a box into his middle son’s tiny hands. Jongwoon takes the box with a smile adorning his cute handsome face.
“Yah!! Woonie, are you ready? We’re going to be late,” Heechul yells from inside the car. Kangin, Ryeowook and Kibum already left 5 minutes earlier, with Kangin’s car.
“Mom, I’m going. I’ll see you later,” Jongwoon leans down and kisses his mom on both cheeks,” I love you.” And there he goes running full speed towards Heechul’s car. It’s not that he can’t drive, he obviously can and a good one at that, but his brothers and cousins are against the idea of him having his own car, even when he pointedly asked his parents. The argument had been bad and heart breaking, full with tear jerking moments on his part, and he threw full heaps of tantrums towards his brothers and cousins, even went so far to let himself sick. But even that didn’t succeed to breakdown his brothers and cousins argument so he just resigned to his fate.
So here he is, inside his brother’s car, fasten the seatbelt and watch his brother drives into the morning traffic.

“It’s only the beginning of semester Woonie. Don’t stress out yourself. Do you hear me?” Heechul steals a glance to his brother, before looking back to the traffic in front of him. He still remembered when his brother enrolled last year, it’d been nightmare. 2 days of orientation was obviously too much for his brother’s fragile state, he’d been bed ridden for 3 days. Their mom was full of tears (such a melancholic Mom), their dad was always skipped from the office, it didn’t matter since he’s the owner, and he had to take a hold to his youngest brother when he was on rampage when he saw his hyung’s state.
“Yes, Heenim. I won’t stress myself too much,” Jongwoon answers with his usual expression. It has been repeated so many times that he just agrees to whatever his family’s request. Heechul, on the other hand smiles brightly and ruffled his hair slightly, while driving towards their campus.
“Oh, by the way, Mr Park called me yesterday about the Music Club activities. Maybe, I will come home a little bit late,” Jongwoon informs his hyung, so he doesn’t need to wait for him. His older brother has already finished all the classes and now focusing on his final project.
“What time will it finish? I’ll pick you up,” Heechul asks his brother. It’s just the beginning and his brother already has a begrudging schedule.
“Maybe around 6 or 7 pm,” Jongwoon says, gathering all his belongings when he sees the building of their campus. Heechul drives to his usual spot. No one dares to park at the certain spot, except they have a death wish that will be fulfilled by the Diva’s wrath.
“OK then. Call me when you finish. Don’t even think about going home alone. Do I make myself clear Jongwoonie?” Heechul faces his brother sternly, eyes fill with concern. Jongwoon just smiles sweetly and nods his head, the obedient child he is, and gets off the car. He runs a little when he sees the Clock Tower at the highest floor of the Main Building. He has class in exactly 10 minutes, and the Music Department is quite far from the Main Building. He pulls up his speed when he looks at the usual short cut to the Music Department, and ends up bumping into someone.

An extremely tall man with updated fashion style, holds some folders in his right hand and busily scrolling down on his phone, walks down the alley that cut through the Main Building. He’s so busy with his phone, he doesn’t notice a heap full of black locks runs towards him and collides into him. Luckily he has a strong stature so he doesn’t fly across the alley, but the black locks boy doesn’t have the same fate.
He looks down to the boy sprawls on the floor, his books scatter around him, and he hurriedly gathers them. He looks at the black silky locks, the slim body clad in black skinny jeans and V neck shirt, and the most intriguing part, the small baby hands. Black locks, slim body, baby hands. He repeats all like a mantra in his head and snaps back to reality when he realizes who the boy is.
“OMG!! JONGWOONIE!! Are you okay?”
Jongwoon realizes something. In school apart from his brothers and cousins, no one call him “Jongwoonie”, except that one person. He lifts his head and looks at the tall, long legged man who looks so worry at him. He smiles at the man at the recognition. “Mimi Hyung. I’m fine, just sore butts,” Jongwoon tells the older man, smiling brightly.

Zhoumi is also the student at Fashion Design Department such as Heechul. In fact, both of them are friends and Zhoumi knows really well how thing end up if Heechul finds out that his little brother even gets a paper cut. He rushes to the younger boy and checks his well being, while Jongwoon just stands silent.
“I’m really fine Mimi Hyung. I’m just in a rush, since I’ll have class in..”Yesung looks at the Clock Tower, and his almonds shape eyes grow wide, and the bell decides to ring at the moment. I’m screw, Jongwoon groans mentally. And just in time, someone calls his name and approaches him.

“Sungie Hyung. What are you doing here? You’re going to be late.”

Jongwoon looks at the chubby cheek boy who runs at full speed towards them. He smiles in relieve and turns to Zhoumi who just looks at the boy incredulously. The said boy just grins sheepishly, and bows to the older.
“Mimi hyung, I’ll be going now. I’ll see you later,” Yesung bids his farewell to the older.
“OK Jongwoonie. Take care,” Zhoumi looks at his friend’s dongsaeng, ruffles his hair lovingly. Jongwoon just smiles and runs towards the boy, and drags him to the class.

“I’m sorry Henry-ah. I bump into Mimi Hyung and have to talk a little with him,” Jongwon apologizes to the chubby cheek boy.
“It’s okay Hyung. But Wookie Hyung nearly has panic attack when he doesn’t see you in class,” Henry explains, breathlessly. Jongwoon just smiles at the boy. When they reach the class, they pause for a moment to catch their breath and open the door. Luckily the teacher still hasn’t come yet. Henry leads Jongwoon to the seat Wookie and he saved before. Jongwoon can see Wookie’s relieve expression and gestures them to hurry up. Not even a second Jongwoon sits his butts down, Wookies starts pestering him.
“Woonie Hyung, are you okay? Something happen when you’re on your way here?” Ryeowook asks his hyung, eyes sharply and thoroughly look at his hyung being.
“I’m fine Wookie-ah. I just happen to bump into Mimi Hyung on my way here,” Jongwoon answers. He’s so panic and breathless he doesn’t realize that the class he’s in is spacious, not the usual class. Henry looks at his hyung and understands what his hyung’s thinking.
“Today, we will have joint class with Dance Department Hyung,”Henry explains, and not too long after, the door opens again revealing students from Dance Department. Everyone goes straight to the vacant chair, except 3 girls who goes to their direction and stops in front of their row. All the girls smiles excitedly at Jongwoon, while the latter just looks at them uncomfortably.

“Yesung Oppa. How are you today?” the 3 girls greet Jongwoon, who turns more uncomfortable.
“H..Hi. I..I’m fine,” Jongwoon stutters, his face turns red. The girls literally cooing and swooning over the cute boy, make Jongwoon shrinks back to his seat. Ryeowook who watches from the side, glares at the girls, and hisses. The girls look at him mockingly and after some coos later they go to find their seats.
“WOW!! Hyung, you’re so cooooooool,” Henry looks at Jongwoon adoringly. Jongwoon just looks at the Mochi boy with confuse stare.
“They’re the stars of the Dance Department Hyung. They don’t go along with common people,” Henry says, still with dreamy eyes,” Hyoyeon, Yuri, and Victoria. You’re really cool Hyung. Can I get their numbers?” Cue prompt a slap on the head by a thick book.
“Ouch! Yah!! Wookie Hyung, why do you hit me?” Henry whines, rubbing his sore head. Jongwoon just shakes his and starts to pull out his notes.
“Stop talking nonsense! Those girls are the worst among the worst!” Ryeowook scolds Henry, looking, or glaring to the girls with distaste. Henry just sits gloomily, still rubbing his head. Never mess with a violent giraffe, Henry repeats in his mind, and starts to take notes at the lecture.

The lecture finishes 15 minutes before the bell rings. Everyone scoot to the door. Jongwoon, Ryeowook and Henry take their time to clean their desks, while waiting for the mass of students exit the class.
“Woonie Hyung, do you have class after this?” Ryeowook asks his cousin. They start to move after the crowd is lesser. Jongwoon walks a little ahead of Ryewook and Henry.
“I’ll have another class at 10.30. How about you guys?”Jongwoon asks, looking back to his cousin. That’s why he doesn’t notice someone staggers backwards until he stumbles upon him. Luckily the other party regain his balance, but the same thing can’t be said towards Jongwoon. The second he got stumbled, he ends up fall flat on his butts (again), and can only scowls in pain.
“Woonie Hyung!”
“Sungie Hyung!”

Park Jungsu, or Leeteuk, as his friends call him, is a very handsome young man with his well built body, a dimple smile that can make every girl (and some boys) go weak in the knees. Some people call him “Angel”, for he always exudes the feeling of kindness everywhere. But even the “Angel” has a dark side. He’s somehow rebellious, stubborn to the core, and never backs down when he wants something. This morning, his peaceful slumber was disturbed by his friend’s calls. He’s as grumpy as a woman near her menopause period, when he woke up this morning. His friends told him about joint class with Music Department. Damn! Joint class in the beginning of new semester, he grumped and stomped to his car and drove to school.
So after the class finished, he and his friend walk towards the door, fooling around. That’s just what they do every time class is finished. But this time he ends up stumble to someone behind him when his friend, Shindong, pushes him jokingly. That guy keeps on forgetting about his big body and strength. Leeteuk manages to regain his balance but sadly the one who he has stumbled upon doesn’t. He can hear the other painful voice and another shouts follow after that, so he turns around and looks at a very cute, pretty (eh, pretty?) looking boy pouting and tries to stand. Just when he’s about to help him, 2 boys approach and help the cute boy to stand. One of the boys, looks at him in a menacing way before pats his “victim” and makes sure he’s okay.

“Sungie Hyung, are you okay? Do you feel hurts anywhere?” Henry asks the older boy while dusting the skinny jeans and checks for unnoticed injury. Ryeowook turns his cousin around to make sure nothing happens to the older boy, before stand in front of him.
“Yah!! Look where you’re going! Can’t you just walk like normal people do?!” Ryeowook scolds the person in front of him. Even he’s smaller than the person in front of him, he doesn’t care. This person hurts his hyung.

Before Leeteuk can say anything to rebut the little boy, a hand holds the boy’s shoulder and he looks back. The cute, pretty boy (Teukie, he’s a boy. He's not pretty) just shakes his head, implying that it’s not nice, and he’s totally fine. The boy steps forward and faces him. He smiles a little, and Leeteuk feels he never see someone smiles so impossibly blinding.
“I’m sorry sunbae. My cousin’s been rude to you,” the boy says with his melodic voice and bows to him. Before Leeteuk can say anything, a hiss of distaste can be heard from the little boy in the back, and his friend.
“Yesungie Hyung, it’s not your fault. It’s Leeteuk Hyung’s. He’s the one who should apologize,” the chubby cheek boy steps forward.
“But Wookie’s been rude to the senior Henry-ah,” the one called “Yesungie” says. Leeteuk feels something spark in his head. The name seems familiar, but he can’t put a finger into it. Where did I hear the name before? Leeteuk ponders silently, still looking intently at “Yesungie”.
“Whatever Woonie Hyung. He’s the one at fault, and he’s not apologizing,” “Wookie” retorts, glaring at him. He sighs slightly and tries to smile his best angelic smile to the boys in front of him.

“I’m so sorry,” Leeteuk says to Jongwoon. Ryeowook just scoffs and grabs his cousin’s baby hand and drags him outside. This is who they call “Angel”. “Angel” my , Ryeowook grunts silently, still sending death glares to Leeteuk. Henry follows quickly. Jongwoon looks back at Leeteuk and bows slightly, because Ryeowook keeps on dragging him. Leeteuk just sighs heavily when the three boys disappear from his sight. His friends, who have been waiting for a long time in front of the class, decide to come back inside and look for him.
“Yah! What took you so long Teukie?” Shindong asks. He looks at his friend thoroughly. There’s something off about him. His eyes stare at nothing and he keeps sighing. Leeteuk finally looks at Shindong, Hyukjae or knows as Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Sungmin. He shakes his head and chuckles slightly.
“Nothing. I happen to stumble upon someone interesting. Let’s go,” Leeteuk states and walks out of the class. His friends just look at each other in confusion, and catch up with the “Angel”.

So..It’s the infamous YESUNG from Music Department. I finally meet you, Leeteuk muses silently, a smile adorning his handsome face.


A/N: Yeah, it's the 1st chapter. I hope it's okay. Like I said before, even the Prologue is weird, so of course the story itself is gonna be the same :D Well, comments and critics will be appreciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333