Violent Giraffe 1 : The Devil 0

Meet The Kim

Cho Kyuhyun, the youngest son of the very wealthy family in Korea. His parents own the biggest IT company in Korea and also have an Educational Foundation. He’s the youngest child of two children. Kyuhyun has a good head on his shoulders, he aces in every subjects in his school, especially Math, that gruesome subject. The boy is really, really, really stubborn and evil to the core. Albeit his parents order to enrol to Business Department or Law Department, he enrolled himself to Art Department. His parents were beyond furious, but since he’s so stubborn, his parents can’t do anything about it. Because they want the best for the stubborn brat, they decide to transfer him to SM Institute of Arts.

So here he is, roaming around the school. Judging by the situation around him, it looks like the lectures are already started. He just meets some, perhaps, older student who are busy discussing about their final project and so on and so forth. He’s just walking around the school until he finds a room which fills with lots of music instruments and a mini stage. He walks in and soon enough his attention is pulled toward the Black Grand piano in the furthest corner. He opens the lid, and starts to play. He’s so lost in his play, he doesn’t hear someone comes in. That’s why he kinds of surprise when he hears someone claps, and turns around.

There, close to the drum set, stand a very cute, pretty boy with his black locks, the milky white skin, chubby cheeks, dark almond shape eyes, and cute pouty pink lips. And not to mention, his cute tiny hands that still clapping. The little evil himself, he decides to tease the cute boy a little. How he loves it, when those chubby cheeks turn bright red and his husky melodic voice. He gives his most devilish smirk and leaves the room. Looks like this school is going to be exciting, Kyuhyun decides, humming slightly, and smirking evilly.

After that incident, Jongwoon looks in a completely daze state. He keeps on trembling, his tiny baby hands are sweating, his face pale, and he’s sweating buckets. He casts his eyes down, and everytime someone approaches him, he kinds of flinch. When he arrives at his class, he sits at the far corner, where everyone won’t take notice about him. But he can’t avoid one of his little friends when he sees Jongwoon’s state.

“OMG! Yesungie, what happen to you? Are you sick?”
Jongwoon upon hearing his friend’s voice lifts his head and come face to face with a beautiful male. Jongwoon just smiles weakly and shakes his head.
“I’m fine Joongie. Just tired,” Jongwoon answers. The beautiful boy named Jaejoong doesn’t buy the reason, moreover after he looks at his friend’s face.
“Yeah..yeah.. And today is Tuesday. I don’t buy that Yesungie. Tell me what’s wrong with you,” Jaejoong confronts the trembling boy in front of him. For crying sake he’s trembling! There’s no way he’s just tired, Jaejoong grumbles mentally. Before Jongwoon can say anything, the bell rings. Jongwoon relieves a heavy sigh, grateful that Jaejoong won’t be bothering him for the time being. Jaejoong just looks at him suspiciously but he goes to his chair and gets ready for the lecture.

“Now will you tell me what’s wrong with you?” Jaejoong keeps on pestering Jongwoon after the class is finished. Jongwoon just sighs exasperatedly upon hearing Jaejoong’s stubbornness.
“It’s really nothing Joongie. Maybe I just feel a little unwell,” Jongwoon says, hoping that Jaejoong will leave him alone after he hears the reason. But of course, nothing will ever come his way when Jongwoon says the keyword: UNWELL.

“UNWELL!?! You’re unwell and you’re not telling me?!!” Jaejoong screeches frantically. He searches for his phone to make some a call to one of his friend’s brothers, but hesitate. Who should I call? Heechul Hyung? GOD! That will be disastrous. Kangin? Even worse. Kibum? But he’s in the same course as Kangin. Kangin will find out. Bad idea. Fine, I’ll call Ryeowook then, Jaejoong having a mental argument with himself. After all if the Kim Brothers, whichever it is, finds out about Jongwoon’s state, they will be running amok. Before Jaejoong can call Ryeowook, Jongwoon butts in.
“Joongie, I’m fine. You don’t need to call anyone. It’s just that last night I missed my dinner and this morning I just ate a little. That’s all there is. After I have my lunch I’ll be as good as new. Promise,” Jongwoon says, smiling slightly to convince Jaejoong to not call his brothers. That will end up terrible.
“Are you sure Sungie?” Jaejoong asks for the umpteenth time. Jongwoon just nods, smiling reassuringly. Jaejoong sighs and nods his head, finally let this matter go. Jongwoon collects all his things, and walks out of the class with Jaejoong.

“Jongwoonie,” someone calls him. Jongwoon turns around to see Hangeng stands next to the door. Jongwoon smiles in recognition.
“Han..Geng Hyung,” Jongwoon greets back, bowing slightly. Hangeng struts toward the two boys and smiles. Jongwoon remembers he’s with Jaejoong, who’s eyeing Hangeng in mild curiosity. “My friend, Jaejoong,” Jongwoon introduces his friend to the older. Hangeng and Jaejoong bows to each other. “Hangeng,” Hangeng introduces himself.
“Oh, Geng Hyung. I need to go somewhere. Sungie, you better eat a lot before you faint,” Jaejoong bids farewell to his friend and the new student, and goes about his destination.
“Err..Lunch Jongwoonie?” Hangeng asks with his broken limited Korean. Jongwoon just nods his head and follows the older to the cafeteria.

They head to the Kim’s table. All the Kim and Zhoury are already there, munching their lunch. Jongwoon slouches on the available seat, while Hangeng just stands there awkwardly. Heechul upon seeing Hangeng’s presence lifts his brow in distaste.
“Why are you here again?” Heechul growls at the Chinese Man. Hangeng just looks at the effeminate man blankly. Kangin, Kibum and Ryeowook also look at Hangeng in unfriendly way.
“Err..Han..Geng Hyung,” Jongwoon calls him. Hangeng looks down at the cute boy. Jongwoon just points the seat beside him, gestures Hangeng to take the seat. Hangeng gladly takes the seat and opens his lunch box, which contains fried rice.

“Hyung, can I try?” Jongwoon is eyeing the fried rice with childish curiosity. Yesterday he hasn’t been able to try the mouth watering fried rice. Hangeng directly puts some of the fried rice into the plate in front of Jongwoon. Before Jongwoon can eat Heechul interferes.
“Woonie, don’t eat that. What if the place he buys the fried rice is not hygiene. You can get sick,” Heechul tells his baby brother, followed by all the Kim nods. Hangeng just looks at Heechul blankly because he can’t catch what the Diva says in such a speed. Zhoumi kindly translates in Chinese, but it ends up aggravate the calm Chinese Man. He stands up and slams his fist to the table, shocking everyone on the table.

“Excuse me!! I NEVER BUY MY FRIED RICE!! Such an outrage!” Hangeng spats in Chinese. He looks at Heechul in such a menacing way, the Kim actually back down. Hangeng realizes he’s a bit rude (it’s not a bit Geng), scratches his head awkwardly. Jongwoon, feels bad because of what his brothers did, tries to console the older. He eats the fried rice, even though his brothers object.
“Han..Geng Hyung,” Jongwoon calls him timidly, voice barely heard. Hangeng looks down to the boy, the said boy smiling brightly at him. “It’s delicious. I like it,” Jongwoon says, and continues to eat. Everyone look at Jongwoon eats, smiling slightly at the boy.
“I..I’ll c..cook m..more,” Hangeng tells the younger boy sweetly. Yesung just nods, still enjoying the fried rice. The Kim finally let their Jongwoonie to eat the fried rice, especially when Zhoumi translates that Hangeng doesn’t buy the fried rice from somewhere they don’t know. After finishing the fried rice, Jongwoon gathers all his thing and walks out, after telling his brothers about his destination and he can go there all by himself.

Jongwoon walks into the Music Club 10 minutes before 3 pm. He can see almost all members gather there and gets to his seat, next to Mr. Park . He greets all the members and Mr. Park, bowing slightly. Ryeowook and Henry are sitting next to each other, chatting animatedly. And finally he can see about 40 applicants for the audition. It’s going to be a long day, Jongwoon sighs. Mr. Park just taps his back slowly to give him some strength. And the audition begins.

Kyuhyun waits impatiently for his turn to do his audition. Actually, he has to be a student first before auditioning, but because his father’s influence, he can do his audition today while he will start to study next week. After some of out of tune students, he fishes his IPod and plugs his earphone. A boy sits next to him looks at him in a childish curiosity and taps his shoulder.
“Hey, I’m Changmin, Shim Changmin. And you are?” the boy introduces himself. Kyuhyun just looks at the boy uninterestedly and growls, ”Kyuhyun”. The Changmin boy just smiles and sits back again, until his name is called. Kyuhyun decides to hear this Changmin’s voice and finds out that he has a good voice. When Changmin returns he smiles to Kyuhyun, which is half heartedly returned. When his turn is coming, he walks confidently. He looks at three persons sit in the “Judge” table and looks at the too familiar face. The cute boy also looks at him, and his almond shape eyes widened in shock. Kyuhyun just smirks and stands in front of him.
“My name is Cho Kyuhyun.”

Jongwoon’s inside is in havoc. OMG! It’s that boy! Jongwoon goes to hysterical mode. Again, he’s trembling, his face pale, and he’s starting to sweat bucket. Ryeowook and Henry who at that time look at their Hyung furrow their brows.
“Henry-ah, why is Woonie Hyung trembling? OMG! Is he sick?” Ryeowook looks intently at his hyung. He doesn’t even pay attention to the deep rich smooth voice heard from the boy. While everyone enthralled by the boy’s voice, Ryeowook and Henry look at Jongwoon state. Boy, is he trembling badly. But the audition will be finished not less than 2 hours later. Ryeowook and Henry looks at each other in desperation

At 5.30 pm the audition is finished. All the Music Club members strut to the door, while the new applicants still have to wait for a moment. Henry and Ryeowook wait for Jongwoon since their Hyung will be briefed the new applicants about the rules and other things in Music Club. If only Ryeowook decides to wait inside, he can save his hyung from the evil clutch.

“What do you think about my voice, little boy?” Kyuhyun approaches the cute boy after all the briefing is done. The boy looks up at him and walks back, trying to avert his gaze from Kyuhyun’s smothering eyes.
“W..Well, your voice is great,” Jongwoon answers the boy in front of him. He keeps on looking everywhere but the boy.
“What?!? Great?! You just say “Great” for my magnificent voice!? Are you deaf or something?!” Kyuhyun spats. Everyone he knows always say how incredible his voice is, and this boy in front of him just say that his voice is “GREAT”. “Let me hear your voice then,” Kyuhyun demands the boy. Jongwoon snaps his head up to look at Kyuhyun blankly. Kyuhyun just stand there, looking all demanding, adamant to hear the boy’s voice. Before Jongwoon can open his mouth to object, his cousin who is waiting for so long and becomes a worry mess, come inside and approaches him.
“Woonie Hyung, is everything alright?”

Kyuhyun looks at the little boy beside the cute boy in annoyance. “Yah! What are you doing here? You disturb us,” Kyuhyun snarls at the boy. The little boy’s eyes widened and he looks at him in a scary way.
“Who the hell are you? What are you doing to my cousin?” Ryeowook stands in front of his trembling cousin, trying to hide him behind his back (not really working Wookie-ah). The tall boy in front of him, Kyuhyun if he’s not mistaken, just sneers at him.
“Your deaf tone cousin says that my magnificent voice is just GREAT,” Kyuhyun growls at the boys in front of him. Ryeowook just look at Kyuhyun incredulously.
“You ungrateful brat! Be thankful my hyung even have a decency to say that your voice is great!” Ryeowook yells at the tall boy. Kyuhyun look so offended he even steps forward, ready to launch himself at the little boy. Jongwoon realizing this thing pull Ryewook back.

“Wookie-ah, stop it,” Jongwoon reprimands his little but short tempered cousin. ” I’m sorry if I offend you Cho Kyuhyun, but that’s what I think. And about you want to hear my voice, well, you have to wait for Club activity next week,” Jongwoon adds, still in his small voice, but laced in authority. Hell, he’s the Leader of the Music Club. He has to keep order. But Ryeowook upon hearing the new boy wants to do some kind of singing duel with his hyung gets flare up again.
“WHAT!!? You want to challenge my cousin!?” Ryeowook screeches. Jongwoon pulls him back, but he’s unsuccessful this time. “You better go somewhere and train for a few decades before even think about challenging my Hyung!” Ryeowook keeps on going, throwing lots of tantrums toward the tall boy. Kyuhyun, finally tired of being offended, launch his attack.
“It’s your cousin that should be training for the rest of his life. Even then I bet he can’t beat my magnificent voice!” Kyuhyun spats at Ryeowook. Ryeowook is getting ready for his next attack, when Jongwoon drags him a little bit further from Kyuhyun.

“Hyung! That stupid, ungrateful brat says something absurd about you! You should let me kick him in the !” Ryeowook fumes. He’s been thinking some worse thing to do to that stupid, ignorant, overly confident, insufferable brat, that can make him stay in hospital for the longest period.
“Wookie-ah, it’s okay. Beside, I’m the Leader of the Club, I need to keep my members in order. And you know me so well, I don’t like do something unnecessary right,” Jongwoon starts slowly and calmly, trying to appease his cousin’s anger. He looks at Kyuhyun who still stands there, clearly adamant about his challenge earlier. “Kyuhyun, as I said earlier. If you want to hear my voice, you need to wait for the Club activity next week,” Jongwoon states firmly, “Let’s all go home now.” With that said, Jongwoon drags his sore, tired body to grab his bag from his seat and reaches for Ryeowook’s hand.

“You hear that, brat? My hyung doesn’t do something unnecessary. And it’s obvious that have a duel with you is considered UNNECESSARY,” Ryeowook says for the last time, before dragging his flustered cousin out.
“Wookie-ah, it’s not what I mean,” Jongwoon whines can be heard from inside the room.
“Of course that’s what you mean Hyung,” Ryeowook says in his cheery voice and starts to hum some happy notes, despite all Jongwoon’s urge to explain about what he said earlier. “IT’S NOT WHAT I REALLY MEAN KYUHYUN!” Jongwoon desperately shouts so Kyuhyun won’t misunderstand. While Kyuhyun? He just stand there, unable to conjure something witty and snarky up from his evil mind. For the first time of his life, Cho Kyuhyun loses in battle of wits.


A/N: It's the 4th Chapter. I'm so sorry for this terrible chapter, but comments and critics will be appreciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333