Plan of Monkey-Fishy Couple (Part 1)

Meet The Kim

“OMG!! OMG!! I can’t believe I just did that!!!”
It’s lucky the area near the Studio is quite void of people, or else they will think a banshee lives in the very room. And after the “banshee” screeches, another round of laughter comes.
“YAH!! Stop laughing you evil!” There goes the “banshee”. How can they laugh on his expense? It’s because that stupid damnable bet. He should know these brats will come out with such an outrage idea. It’s worse when he’s in the losing part.
“OMG!! Teukie!! How can you be so playing this game?” And another round of laughter chimes. Leeteuk huffs and throws a glare to the fish-monkey couple next to him. Lee Hyukjae and Lee Donghae, or known as the EunHae couple, look at each other and laugh again, leaving Leeteuk fuming and slaps their backs.

“Yah!! Stop laughing will you?!” Leeteuk scolds the couple. EunHae still laugh their heads off at Leeteuk’s unfortunate event.
“Come on Teukie. Don’t be such a sore loser,” Shindong interferes while grabing his second bag of chips. Leeteuk glares at the burly boy across him, who looks at him calmly. Leeteuk finally sulks, leaning against the wall, looking at his friends still laughing their heads off.
“OK guys, stop laughing,” Shindong gently scolds EunHae couple. EunHae finally calm down and just chuckle every now and then. They approach the sulking Angel and pat his shoulders.
“Come on Teukie, it can’t be that bad,” Eunhyuk, Hyukjae’s nickname, appeases his sulking friend. He finds Leeteuk’s reaction to be funny. They played a game and luckily, or unluckily for Leeteuk, he won. And as their agreement before, Leeteuk has to text someone special to him and ask, or order the person to meet him tomorrow.

“It IS that bad Hyukkie,” Leeteuk sighs,” I never tell him to do something like that. He may think I’m such a bad person.” Leeteuk frowns even deeper. He doesn’t want Yesungie to think that he’s such a bossy person, with the use of language as such. He won’t help me again with the routine, Leeteuk huffs in annoyance.
“Come on Teukie,” Donghae hugs his bestfriend,” Cheer up. Don’t be so negative about it. Just think of it as a date.” Leeteuk looks at Donghae incredulously, while the fishy boy just grins innocently.
“That’s true Teukie,” Eunhyuk encourages his fishy,” Look what we did with Shindong and Nari.” Shindong who’s until now, happily munching his snacks, snaps up and looks blankly at the monkey-fishy couple.
“Hey, leave me out of it,”Shindong defends himself. Leeteuk, Eunhyuk and Donghae laughs at the big boy across them. It’s true EunHae couple play a key role in Shindong’s relationship with his current girlfriend Nari. The couple definitely have a very potent match making capability, because everyone that asks for their assistance will end up together. How they do it, it’s beyond Leeteuk imagination, because this couple’s plans to get the want-to-be couple together are silly beyond belief.

“You’re a part of it,” Leeteuk scowls,” You should be helping me to win Shin Donghee.” Shindong looks affronted, he goes even further to push aside his snack.
“Hey, I was helping you,” Shindong rebuts,” It’s not my fault that you have such a bad luck in playing games.” Leeteuk just huffs indignantly and pouts, earning some chuckles from EunHae couple and Shindong. He looks to his sent message to a certain raven and his eyes gone wild.
“OMG!! I forgot to tell my name!” Leeteuk screams again. Eunhyuk, Donghae and Shindong look at each other and to frantic Leeteuk and ends up laughing their heads off even when Leeteuk yeels at them to stop laughing like some maniacs. That’s exactly what happened when Sungmin enters the Studio.

“Hey guys!” Sungmin greets his friends, looking bewildered at the hysteric boys in the room,” Do I miss something?” Sungmin mumbles.
Donghae looks at the flustered looking bunny next to the door, and waves him over. Sungmin approaches his friends, still looking so lost to the situation.
“Are you guys okay?” Sungmin worries about his friend’s mental stability,” What’s so funny?”
Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Shindong just chuckles, while Leeteuk just scoffs at the trio and looking pleadingly at Sungmin.
“They’re meanies,” Leeteuk scowls, earning another round of laughter from the trio. Sungmin just smiles confusedly.
“Really guys, what is it? Don’t leave me in the dark like this,” Sungmin whines cutely. Leeteuk’s still sulking, so Sungmin looks at the trio sternly. EunHae stops laughing their head off and take a deep breath to stop the urge to laugh.

“Minnie..Our Teukie is growing up,” Eunhyuk happily announces, followed by Donghae’s frantic nod. The couple look at sulking Leeteuk, earning a growl from the Angel.
“I AM A GROWN UP,” Leeteuk emphasizes, and back to his corner. Eunhyuk just snickers and Donghae just nod appeasingly. Sungmin still looks baffled and looks to Shindong for help. Shindong just sigh and puts his snack aside.
“It’s part of EunHae’s plan,” Shindong answers cryptically. Sungmin still looking so lost, makes Shindong just shakes his head. “They played game, Teuki lost, Eunhyuk won. Teuki has to do something for Hyukkie,” Shindong explains in a concise way. Sungmin finally understands and nods, but he’s still confused about the grown up part.
“Is it a part of how Teukie’s growing up?” Sungmin asks. Shindong shakes his head in negative. “No, it’s just because Teukie has to text someone special to meet him tomorrow,” Shindong patiently explains. That makes Sungmin’s eyes bulge. Teukie has someone special, Sungmin ponders silently, looks at the sulking angel.

“Yes he is,” Donghae joins in,” Tomorrow they will meet at the park near the campus.” Sungmin digests the information and looks sneakily at Leeteuk.
“WAAA!!! Congratulations Teukie!! Our Angel is growing up!!” Sungmin cheers loudly and jumps around. Eunhyuk and Donghae follows suit and they jump around the now red faced Angel.
“YAH!! CUT IT!!” Leeteuk explodes, but the trio and Shindong just grins.
“OK..OK..Now let’s plan for tomorrow,” Eunhyuk sits down next to Leeteuk with Donghae plops down and leans on him,” You shouldn’t just stay and talk or walk around the park. You must go somewhere. Do you guys have any idea?” Shindong thinks about this carefully, but Donghae already puts his idea.

“Let’s just go to my aunty’s ice cream house,” Donghae says cheerfully,” It’s cozy, homey, and lots of delicious treats. Can’t get any better.” Eunhyuk looks at his fishy adoringly.
“Nice. We’ll do just that tomorrow,” Eunhyuk instantly agrees, followed by Shindong’s excited nod. “Hae-ah, how about tomorrow we help your aunt at her ice cream house,” Eunhyuk suggests his Fishy. Donghae looks at Eunhyuk incredulously, because he often asks his Monkey to go and help his aunty, but Eunhyuk always declines. But now, he suggests them to go and help aunty.
“Why do you want to help aunty Hyukkie? You usually decline when I ask you to help aunty,” Donghae looks at Eunhyuk suspiciously. Eunhyuk just chuckles and ruffles his Fishy’s hair.
“We have to observe how well our Teukie deal with his crush,” Eunhyuk explains,” So we can give lots of pointer.” Donghae and Shindong lighten up and nod frantically, while Leeteuk throws his objection from the corner, earning another laughter from his friends.

“Aww..I’m sorry guys, but I’m afraid I can’t join you tomorrow,” Sungmin sadly says. EunHae, Shindong, and Leeteuk look to the bunny boy.
“Aww..Minnie, you’re a killjoy,” Donghae whines,” Why can’t you join?” Eunhyuk looks at the bunny boy suspiciously. Sungmin innocently lifts his hands.
“Sorry guys, but I need to run some errands for the dojo,” Sungmin explains,” But if I manage to get those done quick, I’ll go straight to your aunty’s ice cream house. OK?” Donghae looks appease and nods his head.
“OK then, let’s go home. It’s already late,” Shindong stands and tidies his stuffs which sprawl all over the place. Eunhyuk helps Donghae to clean up, Leeteuk gets every stuff into his bag and goes to Sungmin to wait for thetrio to finish.
“OK, let’s go,” Donghae cheerily skips to the door,” Teukie, what time will you go tomorrow?” Donghae turns around to face Leeteuk. Leeteuk thinks for a while before answering,” Maybe I’ll come at around 3 p.m.”
“Very well. Don’t be late. We’ll be waiting at aunty’s ice cream house.” With that, the boys go their separate ways.

Is it Kyuhyun? But whose number is it? Jongwoon paces in his bedroom. After dinner, and some fondling, and cuddling with his brothers, especially Kangin, the big bully turns into big giant teddy bear in front of his Baby hyung, Jongwoon goes to his bedroom and take another look at the message which was sent this afternoon. Based on the language, he thinks about a certain evil incarnation, who until now still bothering him about who have a better voice. Maybe I should call him, Jongwoon decides after lots of thinking.

“Yes, what is it Jongwoonie?”
“Err…Sorry Kyu, but I just want to ask something.”
“OK, spill it. What is it?”
“Err…Did-did you s-send me a message this afternoon?”
“A message? No. Why do you think it’s me Jongwoonie?”
“Err…Well..I just think maybe it’s you,” Jongwoon says shyly. Why should I call him? Jongwoon blames himself.
“Why did you think that’s me Jongwoonie? If I want to say something to you, I just straightly call you.”
“Oh, right,” Jongwoon chuckles,” Well, sorry to bother you Kyu. Good night, have a sweet dream.”
“Nighty nite Jongwoonie. Sweet dream to you too.”

OK, so it’s not Kyuhyun. So who is it? Jongwoon ponders. With a huff, he puts his phone on his nightstand. He slides on his bed and tuck himself in, ready to go to the Dreamland, when his brothers suddenly barge in.

With a low groan, Jongwoon lifts his blanket and comes face to face with his brothers. Shouldn’t they be in bed now? It’s late, Jongwoon grumbles. The brothers jump on Jongwoon’s bed, almost throw him out of his own bed.
“Yah!! It’s late! What are you guys doing here?” Jongwoon scolds his brothers,” I still have lecture tomorrow.” Heechul positions himself next to Jongwoon, and pulls his Baby brother in his hold. Jongwoon, despite of pouting, snuggles closer to his Heenim and ruffles Kibum’s hair, who lays happily on his lap.
“It’s still 10 p.m. Woonie Hyung. Why do you turn in so early anyway?” Ryeowook says innocently, takes hold one of his Baby Hyung’s baby hands, and play with it.
“I’m tired after the workout,” Jongwoon sheepishly states, hoping they will buy it. Heechul pulls Jongwoon closer and cuddles him, hand brushes the silky raven lock.

“We just want to send you to bed Woonie,” Heechul appeases his pouting Baby brother. Jongwoon glares at Heechul and pouts some more.
“I’m not a kid Heenim,” Jongwoon chides his hyung, gently hit Heechul’s arm. The Brothers just chuckles and after some coddling, one by one move from the bed.
“Ok, Woonie hyung. It’s time to go to bed,” Kangin tucks his Baby hyung,” Have a nice dream.”
Jongwoon smiles sweetly at his Big Baby brother. Heechul and the other take turn to kiss Jongwoon good night and leave the room. Jongwoon snuggles deeper in his blanket, and with a smile, drift to his dreamland.

Leeteuk sits on a wide bench near the fountain, watching lots of kids happily playing. It’s a sunny weekend, the air is crisp, so it’s definitely a good day to go out and take a stroll in park. Donghae already sent a message about how he should get there before the ice cream house closed. However, to get there, he needs to take the cute raven also, and until now he’s nowhere to be seen. Impatiently tapping his foot, Leeteuk looks back and forth to the east gate to see whether Jongwoon’s arrived, when suddenly his phone rings. He smiles when he looks at the caller ID.

“Oh..Yeoboseyo. I’m sorry, but I’m already at the park. Where should we meet?”
Leeteuk grins and beams from ear to ear,” Really? Just go to the fountain on east part. I’ll get you.”
“The eastern fountain? Err..OK then, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“OK. I’ll be waiting.”

Leeteuk smiles happily. Yesungie’s here, he squeals silently, afraid to scare the kids around. He looks around the fountain and smiles even wider when his gaze locks on the cute, adorable Music Department’s protégé, walking closer to the fountain, looking from left to right to find the person who sent him the message. When Jongwoon’s getting closer, Leeteuk approaches the confused raven.

“Hi, Yesung-ah.”

Jongwoon literally jumps about an inch, when Leeteuk suddenly pops out of nowhere. He gently pats his chest to calm his rapid heart beat. He glares at the senior, who has the audacity to chuckle on his expense.
“Hyung, you meanie,” Jongwoon whines cutely at the chuckling senior, makes Leeteuk laugh his special laugh.
“I’m sorry Yesung-ah. But you look like a lost kid looking for his parents,” Leeteuk continues teasing the cute raven. Jongwoon scowls at the senior and pouts. Leeteuk stops laughing to appease the sulking junior, ruffles his silky black hair.
“Come on. We need to hurry,” Leeteuk grabs Jongwoon’s baby hand and drags him to Donghae’s aunty ice cream house. Jongwoon forcedly follows the senior, until he remembers he needs to meet with someone. Jongwoon tries to loosen the grip Leeteuk has on his baby hand, making the senior looks back and frowns.

“What is it Yesung-ah?” Leeteuk stops and turns around when Jongwoon eagerly twisting his grip.
“I have to meet someone here Hyung,” Jongwoon says,” Maybe he’s already tired waiting for me.” Leeteuk grins from ear to ear and tighten his grip on Jongwoon’s cute baby hand and leads him to the ice cream house, where the EunHae couple and Shindong are waiting for them. Jongwoon protests along the way, until Leeteuk turns around and faces the junior.
“Actually, it was me who sent you the message,” Leeteuk grins sheepishly at the raven. Jongwoon stands there, mouth agape, when finally the fact sinks in, and frowns cutely at the senior.
“Hyung, you almost got me a heart attack,” Jongwoon scolds the Angel. Leeteuk just smiles his angelic smile apologetically, and offers his hand. Jongwoon huffs and takes the offered hand and happily follows Leeteuk’s lead to wherever they’re going.

In ice cream house,

Mrs. Lee looks at his nephew and his beloved Monkey (that’s what Donghae calls Eunhyuk) and Shindong talks, or more likely murmurs in secret, while looking back and forth through the window. Mrs. Lee curiously looks out of the window and sees nothing interesting, or at least something that will interest these bunch of boys. Shaking her head, Mrs. Lee goes back to the kitchen to start bake some cookies.
“Where are they?” Donghae growls, when he looks at his watch and finds out that Leeteuk and his special someone is 30 minutes late. Eunhyuk just shakes his head, looking at his Fishy.
“Be patient Hae-ah. They’ll be here soon,”Shindong calms the frantic Donghae, while still munching his potato chips, courtesy of Mrs. Lee. Donghae just huffs and sits next to Shindong and takes some of the chips, harshly chew on it. 5 minutes later, Eunhyuk excitedly calls ,” Guys!! They’re here!”
Donghae and Shindong literally fly to the window and see Leeteuk and his someone special are approaching. Donghae claps excitedly and looks at his companion.
“Let’s get started guys!”

A/N: Wow, this story is getting longer. I hope I can finish this boring story safely :D BTW, if you happen to stumble upon this, comments and critics are appreciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333