The Diva's Evil Plan (Part 1)

Meet The Kim

Friday comes so soon. All the boys become so jittery for all the different reasons. Jongwoon for the occasion he will attend this evening, while the brothers because of Jongwoon (AND THAT BLASTED HORSE!!!). Heechul, by the force of greater power (meaning Jongwoon’s puppy eyes and cute pout), grumbly supervices Jongwoon’s outfit for the evening. Jongwoon is already on his 5th outfit for his night out with Siwon, and Heechul already losing his mind. He’s ready to pull out his hair when Jongwoon gets out of his walking closet with cute confusion plasters on his face, looking down at his 6th outfit, and of course Heechul will bend to his baby brother.

“Hyung, do you think this one’s good enough or the last one?” Jongwoon asks his Diva brother. He looks at himself at the mirror and turns around. He tilts his head to the side in judgement. Heechul approaches his baby brother and scrutinizes all the options they’ve been doing since one hour ago. He holds out black shirt and a dark red vest and hands them to Jongwoon.
“Wear this and those pair of trousers you’re wearing now,” Heechul says with a forced smile. Jongwoon takes the outfit from Heechul’s hands and hastily runs to change to his final clothes. Heechul just takes a deep breath to calm his nerve. What in the world is he thinking, encouraging his baby brother to use RED of all color? He’s really losing it.

“Hyung, how do I look? Is it good?” Jongwoon comes out of his dressing room and stands in front of his brother. Heechul looks at his brother and smiles forcedly. He’s officially losing it. His brother in black and red, is totally a sight to be seen. Raven locks, milky white skin, natural pink shades on his adorable chubby cheeks. And those outfits really emphasize everything on his brother’s feature.
“You look gorgeous as always Jongwoonie,” Heechul answers, and Jongwoon raven silky hair. Jongwoon just smiles cutely at his brother when the bell goes off. Heechul looks at the wrist watch and scowls. It’s already 5 p.m. and that blasted HORSE is definitely ON TIME, not a second off.
“OMG!! Siwon Sunbae is here!! Hyung, what do I do now? What should I do now?” Jongwoon paces around his bedroom frantically. Heechul just shakes his head and chuckles at his baby brother.
“Just get ready Jongwoonie. Me and the other will meet Siwon...Sunbae,” Heechul calms down his now panicking brother, patting Jongwoon’s back. Jongwoon just nods and starts to get ready.

Mrs. Kim runs to the door when she hears the house bell goes off. She sees his son and his nephews just ignore the guest, and frowns. She opens the door and really gets a shock of her life. Standing before her, dazzlingly clads in black suit, stunning smile on his face, is the one and only CHOI SIWON.
“O..OMG!! You’re CHOI SIWON!! You’re CHOI SIWON!!” Mrs. Kim is yelling histerically,” OMG!! Am I dreaming?!?”
“Good evening Ma’am. Yes, I’m Choi Siwon,” Siwon politely introduces himself and bow to the woman in front of him. And Mrs. Kim goes on histerical mode again. Siwon just smiles knowingly at the woman in front of him. But time is running, and he needs to see little Jongwoonie.
“Excuse me Ma’am. I don’t mean to be so rude, but I’m here to meet with someone,” Siwon starts gently, waiting for the woman in front of him to calm down. Mrs. Kim finally calms down and looks at the stunning actor in confusion.
“Who are you going to meet?” Mrs. Kim asks the actor in front of him. but before Siwon can answer, another face appears.

“Siwon...Sunbae,” Heechul greets with every poison drips from his voice, while maintaining his smiling face. It may fool Mrs. Kim, but Siwon knows better. That’s the face that ready to strike a claw to his face.
“Oh, Heechul-ah. I’m coming to pick Jongwoonie. Is he ready?” Siwon asks the big brother with a smile. Heechul just grins at the actor and opens his mouth to answer when Jongwoon appears behind Heechul.
“Good evening Siwon Sunbae,” Jongwoon greets the actor with his timid smile. Heechul and Mrs. Kim looks back and finds their adorable Jongwoonie change to innocently y Jongwoonie with those lined almond shape eyes and messy hair style, but still maintaining his cute innocent self.

“Oh, you’re ready Jongwoonie. Siwon...Sunbae is waiting for you,” Heechul tells his brother with his cheery voice. Jongwoon smiles brightly at his brother and the senior.
“I’m sorry Sunbae. It’s just I need to fix all of this attire, so I took a long time. I hope you dont’ wait and stand for a long time,” Jongwoon says guiltily. Siwon just smiles brightly at the cute boy in front of him.
“Of course not Jongwoonie. Heechul and this lovely lady here have been accompanying me for a while,” Siwon answers to the worry Jongwoon. Jongwoon just take a deep breath in relieve.
“Oh, very well then,” Jongwoon cheerily says,” Mom, Hyung, I’m going. I won’t be coming home too late.”

“OH!! OH! It’s okay if you want to come home late. You only have late class tomorrow right? It’s fine,” Mrs. Kim intersects happily,” My dear Siwon, please take care of my baby Jongwoonie over here.” Siwon just smiles brightly at the lady in front of him.
“Of course Ma’am. I’ll take care of him, and I’ll be sending him home intact,” Siwon convinces Mrs. Kim,” I swear.” Mrs. Kim beams at the stunning boys in front of him.
“OK then. Have fun the two of you,” Mrs. Kim cheerily sends them off. Jongwoon and Siwon wave at Mrs. Kim and Heechul and make way to Siwon’s flamboyant sport car. Heechul hurriedly runs to his room and gets ready for his guarding mission.

Heechul is getting ready to do his guarding mission when all of his brothers barge in and start to yell at him from all directions.




“Hyung, are you sure he’s going to be fine with outfit like that?!”

Heechul just rolls his eyes at his brothers and keeps on getting ready. “Relax will you? I will not let that blasted HORSE do something to our Woonie,” Heechul finally snaps,” Just wait for my news.”
All the brothers just look at their, now, red headed oldest Hyung incredulously. Heechul just brushes them off and continue prepare until the bell rings once again.

Hangeng arrives at the Kim’s resident at exactly 5.30 p.m not a second off and rings the bell. The door is opened by a beautiful middle age lady who looks at him in askance.
“G-Good evening Ma’am. My name is Hangeng,” Hangeng introduce himself slowly with his broken Korean. Mrs. Kim smiles politely at the young man in front of him.
“Oh, are you looking for Jongwoonie? I’m afraid he’s already gone about half an hour ago,” Mrs.Kim explains to the foreign young man in front of him. Hangeng just looks at the lady in front of him and finally realizes that the lady mentions about Jongwoon.
“Oh..Oh..I-I’m not l-looking for Jongwoonie,” Hangeng answers the lady,”I-I’m here b-because Heechul hyung asked me to pick him at 5.30 or else.”

Mrs. Kim furrows her brows. Well, that really sounds like her Diva son. “Oh, come in please. I’ll call Heenim right away,” Mrs.Kim invites the young man inside and leads him to the livingroom.
“Thank you Ma’am,” Hangeng politely says and sits on the comfortable couch. He looks around at the interior of the livingroom. It feels so homey with light cream color on the wall, family portrait on one side, some paintings and at the corner, there’s a black grand piano. That must be Jongwoonie’s property, Hangeng muses.
“Oh..You’re here. Let’s go,” Heechul finally appears with his fiery hair, giving Hangeng a shock. Wow, he looks...wonderful, Hangeng admiring the senior in front of him.
“HURRY UP!! I’ve got no time to waste!! Get your move on!!” Heechul snaps at Hangeng, just because he feels so self conscious when Hangeng keeps on staring at him. Hangeng raises up and approaches the senior.
“I-I’m sorry hyung,” Hangeng apologizes at the senior,”But I t-think we need to tell Mrs. Kim we’re g-going.” Heechul just sighs and yells his head off.
Hangeng looks at the senior in shock. Heechul just brushes him off and leads them out.

“How do you get here? By a cab?” Heechul asks the foreign junior. He looks around the spacious yard of Kim’s resident and sees no car.
“No, Hyung. I-I drove m-my car here,” Hangeng answers and leads the both of them out of Kim’s resident to where he parked his car. Heechul gets inside once Hangeng deactivates the car’s alarm. A damn Bentley’s alarm. How in the world he got himself a Bentley?
“W-where are we going Hyung?” Hangeng asks while driving his car to the main road. Heechul just smirks at him and tells him an address and his eyes widen in shock.
“Hyung, isn’t t-that where Siwon Sunbae’s premiere hold?” Hangeng carefully asks the senior. Heechul just smiles scarily and shows him 2 tickets to Siwon’s movie premiere. Hangeng just nods and not asking any further. He doesn’t even care how Heechul manage to get those tickets. He just follows the senior’s direction.

At the cinema.

Siwon is hurriedly attacked by a heap of reporters, giving Jongwoon a big scare of his life. Siwon gently tugs Jongwoon’s baby hand and leads him through the pack of reporters shoving mics to his and Jongwoon’s face. Siwon just smiles brightly at the reporters, while holding Jongwoon closer to him with assuring smile to the young boy.
“Excuse me. I need to go inside. I’ll be talking as soon as possible after the premiere’s over,” Siwon says to the reporters, and hurriedly goes inside with a shaking Jongwoon.
“Are you okay Jongwoonie? It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay,” Siwon calms the shaking boy and hug him closer. Jongwoon can’t stop shaking after the attack of the reporters and keeps on clinging to the actor tightly. Siwon keeps on cooing to calm the boy down.

“I-I’m s-sorry Siwon Sunbae. I-I’m okay now,” Jongwoon finally calms down and stop shaking. He lets go of Siwon, trying to stand on his own feet. Siwon gently releases the boy and looks at him to make sure the boy is really okay. He smiles really wide when the boy sneakily backs of off him with the cute ruby red blush adorning his chubby cheeks.
“Very well Jongwoonie. Lets get inside and find a place for you to sit,” Siwon holds the baby hand gently and leads them to the lounge, where another obstacle arises.



Siwon holds his urge to facepalm and smile brightly instead. Jongwoon, once again holds on tight to Siwon’s arm, with a shock expression, a cute one.
“Noona, you’re scaring him,” Siwon says teasingly. The ladies in front of him just giggle at the actor. “Aww..No need to be scare of us, cutie pie. We don’t bite,” one of the lady coos at Jongwoon,” Well maybe this girl beside me does bite.”
“Yah!! I’m not that bad!” the taller lady shoves her friend jokingly,”Don’t believe her baby. She’s just envy of me.” Jongwoon looks up at Siwon, asking for help. Siwon just smiles assuringly at the raven locks boy and holds him closer. Siwon looks at the ladies in front of him and sneakily hiding Jongwoon behind his back.

“Noonas, I’m going to go to get some snacks with Jongwoon here. We’ll see you at the reception in a bit,” Siwon says and leads Jongwoon out of the lounge. Jongwoon takes a deep breath to calm his racing heart.
“I-I’m sorry again Siwon Sunbae. I-I must be very rude to your colleagues,” Jongwoon apologizes. Siwon just smiles at the boy. Before he can say anything, someone’s approaching them.

“Siwon Sunbae.”

Siwon and Jongwoon looks at the voice’s direction and locking gaze with the Diva of Movie Department, the one and only Kim Keybum.
“Key, how are you?” Siwon greets his junior in front of him. Key bows politely at the senior and starts to greet his companion, and almost have a heart attack.
Jongwoon politely bows at Key and smiles. He knows the senior whom possesses the same Diva attitude like his older brother.
“I see you know Jongwoonie here Key, so I don’t need to introduce you any further,” Siwon says to the still in shock Diva of the Movie Department.
“S-Sunbae, you’re coming with...Yesungie?” Key asks carefully, don’t want to sound to be rude to the senior. Siwon just smiles brightly and nods, so does Jongwoon.
OMG! No wonder that damn full of himself kind of Diva asked for the damn blasted tickets, Key grumbles silently.

“Oh..Oh! OK then. I-I’m going to get some snacks Sunbae,” Key goes to the snack bar after politely bows to the senior and smiles brightly at the cute younger boy.
OMG!! Siwon Sunbae, of all people in S.M. you just have to ask the precious jewel of the Kim to go with you, Key cusses in his head.
“Jongwoonie, why don’t we go get some snaks and head to the theatre,” Siwon offers the cute boy beside him. Jongwoon smiles cutely at him and nods cutely. They go to the snack bar to get themselves some snacks, and head to the theatre where the premiere will be held.

At the exact same time, Heechul and Hangeng arrive at the cinema, and push their way inside. Heechul starts to look aaround for the red vest amongst the sea of people, Hangeng follows behind him.
“Hyung, c-calm down. J-Jongwoonie’s here somewhere,” Hangeng tries to calm the frantic red haired Diva. Heechul just scowls at the Chinese junior in front of him, who has the audacity to smiles innocently at him.
“I’m not calming down until I find my Baby Jongwoonie,” Heechul hisses at Hangeng who just nods at everything Heechul’s every word. They’re looking around at the cinema for their Baby Jongwoonie, until Heechul’s eyes catch the red vest, messy black hair, and rushes to the direction, with Hangeng follows close.

“Hyung, slow down. We don’t want to get caught by Jongwoonie right?” Hangeng reminds the frantic Diva. Heechul finally slows down, before he can reach his baby brother. He really sees red and ready to draw blood when he sees Siwon draps his arm leisurely on Jongwoon’s shoulder and leads him to the theatre. Hangeng pats his back to calm him down, but his hand got slapped.
“You! Go get the snacks as much as you can, as fast as you can,” Heechul orders the junior beside him,” NOW!!” Hangeng runs full speed to the snack bars, and get as much snacks as he can, including a big bowl of popcorn, and rush back to Heechul, who’s waiting for him impatiently.
“Good! Let’s go, they already inside the theatre,” Heechul grabs the bowl of popcorn, leaving Hangeng to handle the rest of the snacks.

SNEAKY HORSE! YOU BETTER STAY OUT OF MY BABY! Heechul cusses inside when he sees the actor sits a little bit closer to Jongwoonie. Heechul takes a seat right behind the actor and his baby brother, leaving an open seat for his companion. The movie starts to play and when all of the guests pay attention to the big screen in front of them, Heechul’s attention divides to the movie and his Baby brother, and he’s getting ready to launch his attack to the actor.


A/N: Finally I'm able to update this weird story. It's the first part for Heechul's evil plan, the next part will be how he execute his plan. I'm sorry if this one doesn't meet your expectation, my mind still jumble with my thesis. Anyway, if you happen to stumble upon it, comments and critics will be appreciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333