Hail Micky The Saviour

Meet The Kim

Junsu and Kyuhyun sit there, on the bench at the park, listening to Jongwoon’s singing, completely enthralled. But he’s so tiny. How can a tiny body like that produce a magnificent voice like that, Junsu ponders, still in dazed upon hearing Jongwoon’s voice. Don’t even start with Kyuhyun. If Junsu doesn’t poke him, he may as well be drooling, because his jaw is yet to be closed. When Jongwoon finishes, he looks at his audience expectantly, but he looks at another dazed and petrified Kyuhyun. GOD, is my voice really that bad? Jongwoon ponders slightly, approaching the cousin.

“Err..I finish Kyu. It’s your turn now,” Jongwoon calls out. Kyuhyun just looks at the raven lock boy still in a daze, until Junsu nudges him on the back. Kyuhyun shakes his head and moves to the spot Jongwoon previously stood, and starts to sing, while Jongwoon sits on Kyuhyun’s spot next to Junsu.
See? He has a great voice. What does he want from me? Jongwoon grumbles silently, pouting slightly. The three of them are still in their own world, not realising dark, bone chilling, killer aura from somewhere near them until a voice Jongwoon is familiar with calls out.

“Jongwoonie, what are you doing here?”
And all is silent. Jongwoon flinches upon hearing the voice, while Kyuhyun turns to his side and locking gaze with the most scariest view he ever saw in his life. There, in measly 1 meter from him, stand the notorious brothers of Kim Jongwoon. If Kyuhyun never fears anything in his life before, this is the perfect time to feel scare for the first time.
Jongwoon just sits there eyes open wide. OMG! They’re here! I’m so doomed, Jongwoon whines silently, eyes still looking at his Brothers.
“H-Hi Heenim,” Jongwoon greets his older brother, with a guilty smile plastered on his face. Heechul looks at his Baby Brother and smiles. A smile that promises loads of interrogation later. Jongwoon gulps nervously and approaches his brothers, not realising that he’s standing in front of Kyuhyun. Heechul raises his brows and snarls, while Ryeowook and Kangin are ready to launch forward. Only Kibum stands on his spot with a chilling glare to Kyuhyun.

“W-Well....”Jongwoon tries to answer his brother’s previous question,” I-I’m finished Heenim. S-So I decided to take a s-stroll in the park. A-and meet with Kyu and his cousin.”
OMG!! I’m lying again! Bad Jongwoonie, Jongwoon reprimands himself. He glances toward Kyuhyun and sees that even Kyuhyun looks at him in a weird way. Jongwoon just lower his head, face blushing burgundy.
“Really now,” Heechul says, eyes looking back and forth to Kyuhyun and Jongwoon, not even paying attention to one other person stands in the scene. Hmm..Protective much I presume, Junsu mumbles silently, looking at the drama in front of him with a smile.

“Of course it’s real,” Kyuhyun retorts,” We happened to meet here after he finished whatever business he had before.” Heechul looks at Kyuhyun, or if you want to put it, Heechul throws a deadly glare to Kyuhyun, not really like the way the boy speaks. But Kyuhyun refuses to back down and looks at Heechul bravely (or maybe he’s just suicidal). Luckily, before anything bad can happen to Kyuhyun, courtesy of Kangin and Kibum, someone interfere.

Park Yoochun usually takes a stroll in the park near SM Institute of Arts every Saturday afternoon to relieve the stress caused by his students. So here he is, in the beginning of spring, looking around in the park, enjoying the scenery of cherry blossom blooming. He sighs contently. I love spring, Yoochun smiles widely. He keeps on walking and sometimes stops to take a picture of blooming cherry blossom, or some kids playing at the playground. He continues walking accompanied by his beautiful humming voice, until he sees something, or someone he knows so well.

“Yesungie!” Yoochun calls out to his student. How he loves this student of his. He’s such a sweetheart to other people. Despite his timid personality, he always comes forward when someone needs help. Don’t get him started with that voice. Inside that tiny, fragile body, lays a tremendously powerful voice. And this boy is just too cute for his own good. Maybe that’s why his Brothers always stand protectively around him.

Kyuhyun and Jongwoon can’t get any happier to see their teacher, Mr. Park. They’re so grateful, they sigh heavily in relieve, and smile politely to the approaching teacher.
“Good afternoon Mr.Park,” Jongwoon greets the teacher. Mr.Park nods at him and looks around, quite shock to find all the Kim Brothers gather at the park, and also his other student, the bratty one named Cho Kyuhyun.
“Good afternoon Sungie-ah,” Mr. Park smiles back to his student and ruffles his silky raven hair,” What are you guys doing here? Brother’s bonding?”
“You may say so Mr. Park,” Heechul answers, still glare at Kyuhyun,” We happen to meet Kyuhyun here, with his cousin.” Mr. Park looking at the unfamiliar face stands close to Kyuhyun and bows slightly. Kyuhyun grabs this good chance to save him from the wrath of the Kim Brothers.

“Mr. Park, this is my cousin Junsu,” Kyuhyun introduces his cousin,” But he goes by the name Xiah. He’s an experienced vocal trainer.” Mr. Park bows slightly to the man in front of him.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Park Yoochun, teacher of Kyuhyun,” Mr.Park politely says. Upon knowing the man in front of him is the “WHOLE LOT BETTER” Mr. Park, Junsu approaches him.
“Kim Junsu,” Junsu shakes hands with Mr. Park and glares at him, making Mr. Park a little bit uncomfortable. Until Kyuhyun slap his back.
“Ouch! What’s that for you Evil?!” Junsu snaps, while Kyuhyun just play innocent.
“Don’t glare at my teacher you sorry excuse of a cousin,” Kyuhyun retorts back, completely forgotten about the audience around them including the notorious Brothers of Kim Jongwoon. When he looks at the cousin banter back and forth, Jongwoon can’t help but chuckle, making the bantering cousin silent. Mr. Park just shakes his head.

“Oh, btw, since you’re all here, how about we go and get some ice cream?” Mr. Park offers. Jongwoon’s eyes light up when he hears the key word, but as usual (what else is new), his brothers voice out their disapproval.
“I’m sorry Mr. Park, but Jongwoonie is very tired. He needs some rest,” Heechul politely decline, already placed himself next to Jongwoon and take his Baby brother’s baby hand. Jongwoon just pout dejectedly.
“Hyuuuung..I’m fine,” Jongwoon pleads his big brother with his best whiny voice. Heechul just shakes his head sternly.
“Woonie-ah, you’ve been out for long. You must be tired. You have to rest,” Heechul says insistently, followed by the other agreement,” And you know you can’t eat something you don’t know about its hygiene.” Mr. Park, feels sorry for his favourite student, approaches the Brothers, hopefully he can make it alive.

“Heechul-ah, trust me. This ice cream house is VERY hygiene. They always serve fresh food and ice cream. You don’t need to worry about it,” Mr. Park explains in detail. Heechul thinks about what Mr. Park says, but the decision is made by the pleading puppy eyes his Baby brother holds out.
“Hyuuuuung...Pleeeeaasee,” Jongwoon whines and puts his best puppy eyes that makes the Brothers melt into a puddle of goo. Mr. Park just snickers at the overly cute scene and how the Brothers are such a er to his beloved cute student. Heechul sighs heavily.
“Fine. We can go,” Heechul answers,” But only a tiny cup of ice cream Woonie-ah. No more.” Jongwoon nods vigorously and grabs Ryeowook’s hand and follows Mr. Park to the ice cream house. Kyuhyun and Junsu follow close to Mr. Park, to get away from the Brothers.

They arrive at a small ice cream house about 10 minutes walk from the park. Mr. Park opens the door and let them in to a warm and homey ambience inside the ice cream house. The wall is painted in a light peach colour with some very nice paintings of delicious ice cream and cookies and cakes, they’re really mouth watering. All the tables set in a close distant but still provide some privacy to the customers inside. In the far corner, there are plates of strawberries and chocolate fountain that children often run back and forth. Everyone is busy to look around in fascination, they literally jump when a voice calls out.

“Yoochunnie!! “
Mr. Park turns around and comes face to face with a beautiful middle age lady with a bright smile. He smiles back at her and holds her hands when she’s in front of him.
“Mrs. Lee, how are you?” Mr. Park greets her,” Oh, these are my students. At least some of them, and this is my student’s cousin.” Mr. Park points at Junsu, who bows politely at the lady.
“Nice to see you all,” Mrs. Lee greets them, “ Let’s find you somewhere to sit, shall we?”
Mrs. Lee calls out two of her employees to set a space that can accommodate 7 people. After they all are seated, they open the menu book.
“As usual I presume, Yoochunnie?” Mrs. Lee asks. Mr. Park nods happily. He’s a regular in this ice cream house since 3 years ago and always orders the same menu. “How about you guys?”
“Err...Can I have waffle mocca sundae please?” Jongwoon asks, looking at Mrs. Lee expectantly. Mrs. Lee directly goes into histerical mode, pinches and hugs and ruffles the cute Jongwoonie. The Kim brothers look at the lady in shock they just sit there mouth agape.

“Of course you can sweetheart,” Mrs. Lee coos at Jongwoon,” Yoochunnie!! He’s so cuuuutee..” Mr. Park just smiles warily, looking at the Brothers, and ends up chuckling.
“He’s my best student ever Mrs. Lee. His name is Kim Jongwoon, but he goes by the name Yesung,” Mr. Park introduces them. Jongwoon stands up and bows to Mrs. Lee, and again the lady coos. “Aww..He’s such a sweetheart,” Mrs Lee pinches Jongwoon’s chubby cheeks gently and leads him to sit again,” OK then. One delicious waffle mocca sundae for you Yesungie. How about the other?”
After everyone shoot out their orders, Mrs. Lee skips back into the kitchen to give the order to prepare.

“Yoochunnie, there are some freshly baked cookies at the counter. Go and get some while it’s still warm,” Mrs. Lee calls out from the cashier. Mr. Park happily complies and grabs some choco flakes cookies with raisins for all of them.
“These are freshly baked Yesung-ah,” Mr. Park hands out the cookie to Jongwoon,” And it’s delicious too.” Everyone grabs their share of cookie and eat it. It is really delicious.
“It’s delicious Mr. Park,” Heechul praises. Everyone nods their approval. 10 minutes later, their orders show up.
“Wow. It looks delicious,” Ryeowook chirps. He hums when he tastes the ice cream. Everyone follows suit and wolf down their ice cream. Of course the Brothers are in full guard mode around Jongwoon, especially with Kyuhyun with them. Heechul strategically seated Kangin and Kibum between Jongwoon and Kyuhyun, while he’s seated right in front of the evil brat.
You won’t get any chance to do any funny business with my Baby Brother, you evil brat, Heechul smirks evilly at Kyuhyun, while Kyuhyun just brushes him of.

After they finished with the ice cream, they walk to the park again. Basically it’s only conversation between Mr. Park, Kyuhyun, Jongwoon and sometimes Junsu puts his two cents. The Brothers walk close to their precious Jongwoonie, whom speaks excitedly about the ice cream house, and also about the cookies Mrs. Lee generously packed specially for him.
“She’s so nice Mr. Park. Do you know her for a long time?” Jongwoon asks the Music teacher.
“Actually, I’ve known her for about 3 years Yesung-ah. I met her when it was the first opening of the ice cream house, and she and her husband handed out some free ice cream. Since it was so delicious, I decided to go there every weekend,” Mr. Park explains in detail about his first meeting with Mrs. Lee. Jongwoon nods and smiles. Kyuhyun and Junsu just walk and hear the conversation between Jongwoon and Mr. Park until they arrive at the place they met earlier.

“Well, it’s nice to talk with you guys here,” Mr. Park turns around and face all of them,” You know what? Maybe next weekend we can meet again and go to have ice cream once more.” Everyone nods at Mr. Park proposal. “OK then, I’ll see you guys at school.” Everyone bows politely to Mr. Park, except Junsu. He just nods at his soon-to-be rival dismissal. With Mr. Park departure, once again Jongwoon and Kyuhyun caught in an eerie situation with the Brothers. Well, at least Jongwoon can come out alive and winning, judging by how the Brothers are such pushovers over Jongwoon’s whine. But Kyuhyun maybe has to fight his way out, and hopefully survive the battle.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Heechul snarls to Kyuhyun, especially when he sees how close that evil brat stands to his Baby brother,” Go home already!” Jongwoon looks at Heechul in disapproval.
“Hyung, it’s not nice,” Jongwoon softly reprimands his Diva of a brother,” I’m so sorry Kyu, Junsu hyung. Don’t take it to the heart. Heenim hyung is a really nice guy you know.”
Kyuhyun snorts to Jongwoon’s defence to his brother. The Kims are only nice to a person named Kim Jongwoon. They will act like some sweet angels.
“It’s okay Jongwoonie. I’m not offended in a least,” Junsu answers, eyes full of amusement,” Well, I’ll see you some other time then Jongwoonie.” Junsu ruffles Jongwoon’s raven hair and winks at him. Kyuhyun upon seeing this, punch his cousin’s back cruelly, earning a sheepish grin.
“I’m going home,” Kyuhyun says cooly, eyes lock to Jongwoon,” I’ll see you at school on Monday.” Jongwoon just nods at Kyuhyun. After a gentle smile to Jongwoon that leaves the cute boy baffles and blushes, Kyuhyun drags his cousin home, leaving the Brothers fuming toward the cousins.

The Brothers talk in a soft whisper voice on their way back to home, because Jongwoon decides it’s the best time to take a nap on top of Kibum’s shoulder. Afraid his Baby brother will have a painful neck afterwards, Heechul orders Ryeowook to move to the rear seat, which is eagerly complied., so Kibum can lay Jongwoon and place his head on his lap. When they almost arrive at home, Jongwoon stirs up and rubs his eyes sleepily.
“Sorry Kibummie. I feel so sleepy,” Jongwoon says when he finds out he was sleeping on Kibum’s lap. Kibum just smiles and Jongwoon’s hair gently.
“It’s okay Woonie Hyung. You look so tired,” Kibum softly speaks. Jongwoon smiles cutely at his stoic cousin, earning a bright smile from Kibum. A very rare smile, reserved only for his cousins.

Kangin parks the car in the garage and helps his Baby hyung to come out of the car. Jongwoon, unsteadily stands and yawn sleepily. Kangin, ever the sweetheart of a magnae to his Baby hyung, carries Jongwoon on a piggyback, while Jongwoon just contently latch himself on Kangin’s wide back and shoulders, the other follow suit. Kangin carries Jongwoon to his bedroom and lays him gently on his bed and tuck him in.
“Take a rest for a while Woonie-ah,” Heechul gently brushes Jongwoon’s silky hair,” Hyung will wake you when dinner’s ready.” Jongwoon just nods and snuggles deeper to his blanket. The Brothers go out after a final glance of a peacefully sleeping Jongwoon, close the door gently. Heechul faces his brother and cousins in a stern expression.

“In my room. NOW!!”


A/N: I think because I take a long time to post it, and this story is so boring, no one is interested in reading it. But if you happen to stumble upon it, comments and critics will be appreciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333