Petrified Devil and Prince Charming

Meet The Kim

Jongwoon walks out of the class after the lecture is finished. Today, exactly a week after the audition, is the first Music Club activities for this semester will be started. He, Jaejoong, Mr. Park, Ryeowook and Henry have to prepare something for this afternoon. He still thinking about all of this when a hand out of nowhere grabs his baby hand and drags him somewhere he doesn’t know. He doesn’t even have time to react, he just follows his “kidnapper” blindly, until he looks up and sees the face too familiar and he sighs in relieve. It’s just Kyuhyun, Jongwoon relaxes. WAIT!! That doesn’t come out right. OMG!! It’s Kyuhyun!! Jongwoon panics again and frantically tries to free his hand (Now, that’s the reaction).

“K..Ky..Kyuhyun, can you let go of my hand please?” Jongwoon asks in his small timid voice, but to no avail. Kyuhyun just fastens his grip around Jongwoon’s baby hand.
“Wh..Where are you taking me? Kyuhyun?” Jongwoon tries again, this time even use his other hand to loosen Kyuhyun’s grip, again, to no avail. So he finally follows suit. Kyuhyun still dragging him to somewhere secluded, and pull a random door and shoves him inside. Jongwoon rubs his hand gently and looks at Kyuhyun. He looks around and finds out that the place is an abandoned classroom and looks back at Kyuhyun in frighten.

“Wh..Why are you taking me here?” Jongwoon asks, looking around to find a way out. But Kyuhyun is blocking the only way out so it’s kind of futile.
“Now, let’s hear your supreme voice, Kim Jongwoon,” Kyuhyun demands in a scary voice. Jongwoon, who’s busy to find a way out, snaps his eyes back to Kyuhyun and looks at him incredulously. He drags me here just to hear my voice? It’s not that my voice is that good, Jongwoon mumbled silently, still looking at Kyuhyun.
“C..Can we wait until Club is started? It’s not that long,” Jongwoon reasons out. It’s already 2 pm, and the club will be started just in an hour or so.
“Do you think I could careless? Now let’s hear your voice,” Kyuhyun snarls at him. Jongwoon looks dumbfounded at the request.

“B..But..But..” Jongwoon stutters badly. He doesn’t know what to sing, and he doesn’t understand why this boy in front of him is really persistent about wanting to hear his voice. What’s so special about my voice anyway, Jongwoon thinks silently.
“No buts. Just sing now!” Kyuhyun orders, with more force this time,” Or you won’t be out of this room.” True to his words, Kyuhyun locks the door and stands there, smirking. Jongwoon’s eyes widen in terror, his mouth open wide. Where’s Ryeowook when I need him, Jongwoon whines mentally.

“But..I-I don’t know what to sing,” Jongwoon tries to talk his way out to Kyuhyun. He tries to reason the stubborn brat, but it falls on deaf ears.
“I don’t care. Any song can do. Just stop wasting time will you?” Kyuhyun growls in annoyance,” Or do you really like it that much to be alone with me here?” Kyuhyun adds teasingly. Oh, how he loves when the black haired boy just splutters something incoherent and blushes burgundy.
“I..No...Well..I..” Jongwoon speaks something indecipherable, blushes even more, his neck turns red. Kyuhyun just smirks even more. This boy is really adorable, Kyuhyun coos silently.
“Hurry up will you? I just said it, any song can do. Even if you want to sing national anthem is fine,” Kyuhyun says, decides to give the poor, adorable boy a time to breath.

“Eh? National anthem? Is it okay?” Jongwoon asks to make sure. Kyuhyun just nods calmly, still guarding the door.
“Very well then. But I just sing a bit okay?” Jongwoon states. Either this or I will be late for the club, Jongwoon mutters silently, prepare to sing. And sing he does.
Upon hearing the first note coming out of Jongwoon’s mouth, Kyuhyun’s world feels like rocking. The voice is dark, deep, and husky. He just can’t find a word to describe how Jongwoon’s voice is instead of one word: HEAVENLY. It’s beyond amazing. How can such a frail body possess such a tremendous voice, it’s beyond his comprehensible. The voice wraps him like a warm blanket, hypnotizes him, he doesn’t notice Jongwoon is already finished singing the first verse and stop singing.

Jongwoon opens his eyes when his last note fades. He takes a deep breath and ready to get himself out of this blasted classroom. He looks at Kyuhyun, but he finds something wrong with the boy. Silently, he approaches the boy and taps his forearm gently, and gets no response. His brows furrow in confusion, his lips pout.
“Kyuhyun..Are you okay?” Jongwoon asks with a small voice, afraid of the boys’s wrath. But Kyuhyun still gives him no response.
“Kyuhyun, are you okay? I’m finished,” Jongwoon tries again, with stronger voice this time. Still no response. Jongwoon starts to panic. OMG! What’s wrong with him? Is he sick? Is my voice that horrible? Jongwoon ponders slightly, until his phone buzzes on him. It’s a message from Ryeowook.

Woonie Hyung, are you finished? Mr. Park told me to tell you that the Club will be started at 3.15 pm, and he wants you to grab something from the library on your way here.”

Jongwoon looks at his wristwatch. He only has an hour to prepare the material, but he can’t just abandon this petrified boy. What to do? Jongwoon argues mentally. Because the time is against him, he decides to go to library first and comes back for Kyuhyun later.
“Kyuhyun, I’m sorry. I need to go to the library to pick up some materials for later. After I finish, I’ll come back here okay. But if you thaw before I’m here, please go to the Music Club. You know where it is right,” Jongwoon explains in detail, and grabs his bag and walks out from the room.

WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPEN?!! Kyuhyun panics silently, still out of it, when he finally thaws, and Jongwoon is nowhere to be found.

Jongwoon runs to the library to find all the materials needed for Club this afternoon. By this time, the library is not crowded, since majority of the students are still in class. Jongwoon rushes to the Music section, and select some references Mr. Park may needs. He brings a lot of books to the administration desk, where the old lady gives him a motherly smile. It looks like everyone in SM loves the cute adorable Jongwoonie.
“There are lots of books Yesungie. Can you manage all of these?” asks the librarian. Well, the books Jongwoon intends to borrow are thick, and there are about 6 of them. Jongwoon will be buried with those heavy thick books.
“I think I can manage Mrs. Seo,” Jongwoon replies politely. Mrs. Seo the librarian just shrugs and stamps the books. Jongwoon carefully picks them up to his baby hands, and leaves the library, with Mrs. Seo looking worriedly at him.

Jongwoon manages to bring the books out of the library, but because his view is kind of blocked by those books, he can’t see a man walks toward him. That man unfortunately is busy talking to his phone in one hand, and holds a tablet in his other hand. That’s why he doesn’t see Jongwoon staggers toward him until...
Jongwoon for the umpteenth time bumps into someone and not only his books scatters on the ground, but he also fall flat on his (AGAIN). Jongwoon hurriedly gathers all the books, or at least he tries, blame his tiny baby hands. When he wants to brings all the books, again the books crumble and fall down. Jongwoon can only sighs in annoyance and a cute pout adorns his face.

“Do you need some help with them?” a deep voice is heard. Jongwoon looks up only to be greeted with the most charming, handsome human being. The man is TALL, handsome, muscular, with this friendly dimple smile. Jongwoon just blinks cutely at the man, pretty much incoherent this time.
“Little fellow, do you need some help with those books?” when the voice is heard again, Jongwoon snaps back to the world. He looks at the man sheepishly and averts his face. His face is every shades of red by now.
“I..I’m sorry,” Jongwoon says, and bows apologetically to the man in front of him. The man just chuckles at the cute boy in front of him.
“It’s okay. It’s also my fault. Let me help you with those books. They look so heavy, “the man replies, picking up the books without any trouble whatsoever. Jongwoon looks at the man awkwardly.
“I..I’ll bring some,” Jongwoon offers. They’re his books anyway, so he should contribute to bring them to the Music Club. Speaking of Music Club, it will be started in 20 minutes. So Jongwoon grabs the upper books and walks hastily toward the Club, the man follows behind.

“OMG! Yesungie, what took you so long? The club will be started in 5 minutes,” Jaejoong who has been waiting for Jongwoon to come, hurriedly runs toward the boy to help him carry the books.
“I’m sorry Joongie. Something came up,” Jongwoon says, gives the books over to Jaejoong, and takes some of the books from the man.
“Of course you will be a member of Music Club. You borrow lots of music references,” the man speaks, looking around the room. There are already some of the members. Jongwoon just smiles sheepishly and gives the book to Jaejoong, but this time Jaejoong freezes. But not for long.

“OMG! CHOI SIWON SUNBAE!! OMG!!” Jaejoong ends up fanboying. The man called Choi Siwon just smiles knowingly at Jaejoong, and chuckles at Jongwoon’s adorable cluelees face. You may say Jongwoon is living under a rock or something, but he really doesn’t recognize the man in front of him as his sunbae.
“Joongie, do you know him?” Jongwoon asks absentmindedly. Jaejoong looks dumbfounded at him, and literally choking him.
“YAH!! KIM JONGWOON!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!!” Jaejoong yells at him for not knowing who Choi Siwon is. Jongwoon just covers his ears with his baby hands and pouts at Jaejoong. Before Jaejoong can make any damage, Mr. Park comes. He’s a little bit surprise to see his ex-student, is in front of him.

“Siwon-ah, is it really you?” Mr. Park greets the man Jaejoong been fanboying. The man just nods and bows respectfully to Mr. Park.
“Wow!! It’s been a long time Siwon-ah. How’s your work?” Mr Park inquires, smile never falters from his face. Jongwoon just gets more confuse. Is it really just me who don’t know this man? Jongwoon ask himself. Even Mr. Park knows him.
“It’s fine Sir. I just come here because the Film Department wants to hold some workshop this week,” Siwon answers politely,” I’m sorry, but I need to go now.”
Upon hearing it, Jongwoon faces the man. “Oh..Th..Thank you..sunbae,” Jongwoon says, bowing to his senior, whom he doesn’t even know exist.
“It’s okay. I’ll see you around then...Kim Jongwoon,” the man replies. The way he speaks his name makes Jongwoon’s face gone red all over. And after the man is gone, Jongwoon (still in daze), Jaejoong (still fanboying), and Mr. Park get inside and start the Club.


A/N: Weird chapter is weird *so does the author*. Is it boring? I'm so sorry, I'll try to write it better. Anyway, comments and critics are always appreaciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333