Chapter H

Taming the Dragon

  Even since they had fallen asleep making out, Jiyong and Jenna hadn't gotten that close to doing anything like that again. Oh sure, there were snuggles and innocent hand holding, and Jiyong still liked to curl up in his noona's lap, but nothing ual.Of course, he was busy. Jenna went along whenever she could, or she'd wander around outside under the watchful eye of her assigned security and write her articles or just explore the city. There was a fair amount of that with Jiyong as well when he had a chance. Granted, they were very public outings with people coming up to an autograph with G Dragon, or to meet his noona, but they were still fun. Knowing she had to go back in less than two weeks made the time spent together even more precious.

  As far as the dragon was concerned, he was dreading the time when Jenna had to go home. He was also frustrated at himself for not being about to properly express how he felt about her. Oh sure, there had been a couple of quasi confessions, but that wasn't what he wanted at all. He wanted to take her on a real date and tell her how he truly felt about her and find out her exact feelings for him. He didn't care how fast it was. Somehow they'd figure it out.

  Another week went by. As frustrated as Jiyong might be, his resolve to be worthy to be Jenna's man had resulted in only good things, as far as his band mates and label were concerned. YG might not realize the exact reason for it, but they certainly noticed the changes. He was no longer impatient, snapping at everyone when things weren't perfect, especially when Jenna was with him, and he no longer partied. In fact, except for work and the innocent dates with his noona, he no longer went out at all. He'd even started calling his parents and sister regularly.His mother knew something was going on. Ever since she'd sent the "dragon tamer" she wondered when he was going to admit he was in love. She'd known since he was a child. She just didn't know how Jenna felt about her boy. Jiyong's mother knew their relationship would be considered unconventional and wouldn't be accepted by everybody due to the and his celebrity status, but she also knew how good his noona was for her son.

  As far as Jenna was concerned, she had mixed feelings about leaving.As much as she wanted to go home and see her family and friends and sort her feelings properly, she didn't really want to leave either. She'd forgotten how much she loved Korea, and well, she was going to miss her little dragon and the rest of the boys terribly. Still, she knew she couldn't stay. At least, not now.

  The day finally came. She packed up everything she was taking on the plane and double-checked for anything she might have forgotten. She'd already mailed her gifts and souvenirs home so she didn't have to deal with them. 2ne1 had come by last night to say goodbye and wish her well. She'd met the girls several times so they could coordinate their stories since she was supposed to be staying with them. She found them friendly and likeable, if a little loud. Seunghyun had gone back to his villa, but had wished her a safe trip in his quiet way. Taeyang and Daeri had practically smothered her in hugs before leaving for their schedules, so it was just Jiyong and security escorting her to the airport. She'd just finished her double-check and was going to collect her bags and tell Jiyong she was ready to go when he cornered her in the bedroom, eyes full of tears.

  "What's wrong JiJi?" Jenna asked, concerned.

  "You're leaving and I don't want you to go!" He told her, almost angerly.

  "I don't want to leave either, but you know I have to. You have my number now, and I'll be back to visit."

  Jiyong suddenly threw himself into her arms, crying and hugging her tightly. Jenna cuddled him close, burying her face in his hair. Somehow, their lips and tongues found each other and they engaged in one long passionate kiss, before security started pounding on the door saying they had to leave now or they'd be late. Sighing as they separated, they grabbed her things and headed out.

  The pair held hands all the way to the airport. Jenna had them drop her off out front since she'd be much less noticeable by herself. With a final hug and kiss to Jiyong's cheek, she grabbed her things and walked off, without a backward glance. She didn't want the man she was falling in love with to see her cry.

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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?