Chapter R

Taming the Dragon

  A flood of calls indeed. As soon as Jiyong saw the quadruplets settled in NICU, his phone started flooding with calls and texts. Everyone was happy the babies had arrived safely, and were stunned and overjoyed at their surprise Joy. As he sat near Jenna's bedside and watched her sleep, the daddy dragon kept fielding questions from everyone. Although he knew it was for their health and safety the babies were in NICU and being tested and monitored, he couldn't help but wish it was just him and his family, without all the doctors and nurses. He already hated being away from their babies.

  "JiJi?" a sleepy Jenna called weakly. Jiyong silenced his phone and slipped his hand into his wife's.

  "I'm right here Yeobo."

  "The babies?"

  "In NICU with what looks to be a small army of nurses."

  "Wish they were here with us."

  "Me too Yeobo, me too."

  Jiyong hardly left his wife's side for the first few days. Only when Jenna, who was bouncing back remarkably fast, got Kale and Ester to force him into the car did he even go home to shower. The couple spent as much time as they could in NICU, bonding with their babies. Being too small and weak to le, all four ended up at first with NG tubes to feed them and help them put on weight. Jenna was upset she couldn't feed any of them herself, but she understood. One of the things they worked on was trying to get them to take a bottle. It only took a few days for Jareth and Julian to catch on, and shortly after than the tubes were removed. It took Jeremy a bit longer. As for Joy, the doctor wasn't really surprised it took her the longest to get the hang of it. He was expecting the tiny girl to have many challenges to face.

  Jenna was released from the hospital after a week and a half, though she and Jiyong still spent most of their time in NICU with their babies. A month after they were born, Jareth and Julian were big and strong enough to go home themselves. After that, Jenna and Jiyong split their time, one at the hospital, the other at home. Two weeks later, Jeremy left to join his hyungs, mama, and appa. It took tiny Joy a full three months before she could leave and be with her parents and oppas. 

  While all this was happening the Kwons had a steady stream of visitors. For the first couple of days it was just Kale and Ester, who helped wherever they could, whether it was dragging the reluctant dragon home for a shower and change of clothes, or going to pick up the crib, carseat, clothes, and everything else Jenna and Jiyong picked out online for Joy and had delivered to the stores. Since they had no girl things prepared and had no idea when she'd be able to leave, they wanted to be ready for anything. Then, Jenna's parents arrived, loaded with gifts for their grandchildren. The next day and Jiyong's parents and sister were there, just as ready to spoil the new arrivals, although his siter did try to keep their parents a little calm, even as excited as she was to see her niece and nephews.

  Finally, the rest of BigBang managed to weasel (read blackmail and threaten) a few weeks off to come see the latest additions. Jenna was grateful her stitches were already healed, as she would have broken them laughing at the sight of the "bad boys" in gowns and caps, each holding a tiny baby like they were going to break at any given moment. Seungri, who always insisted on holding Joy, commented that it was kind of the Kwons to have four babies, one for each of them. He would have felt left out without his sweetheart. Nobody had the heart to smack the maknae for that. What Jenna did have was ample video of all of them, including Jiyong, singing Korean nursery rhymes. Seunghyun had really learned how to knit, not only booties but tiny hats, which the quadruplets always sported, and tiny sweaters and blankets for them to go home in.

  Once Joy was released, it was still over a year before the babies were cleared for travel. The doctor expected minimal problems for Jareth and Julian. Jeremy had some motor skill delays, including an inability to walk, but his active mind more than made up for it as fast as he picked everything else up. He might have been third born, but he was the first to talk. The most concern was for tiny Joy, with her sweet smile and sunny disposition. She wasn't growing as fast as her oppas and hadn't hit any of her milestones when she should have. Her parents didn't care though. Their attitude was, she'll hit them if and when she hits them. She's here and happy and healthy, and that's what we care about, and that is exactly what they told the doctors and therapists, both in Michigan and when they finally got back to Korea. By that time, Kale and Ester had moved in with the Kwons as on call "mannies" so, were moved with the rest of the household.

  As the quadruplets got older, Jiyong and Jenna made the decision to homeschool all of them, since they still split their year between Korea and Michigan. They managed to find great music teachers both places, as all four inherited their father's talent. They also found great physical therapists for Jeremy and Joy. It was hoped that one day their youngest son would walk. As for Joy, she also had occupational therapy so she could use her hands to their full potential, and speech therapy, in two languages. All four children spoke both Korean and English, the boys fluently and Joy at her own pace.

  BigBang went into semi-retirement. They still performed for special occasions but rarely went on tour. Jiyong wanted to spend as much time as he could with his family. He still wrote and produced, but now it was mostly from their Korean home, viewing the half year in Michigan as a vacation from being G Dragon. The others had their own interests they wanted to persue, but their favorite was being the Kwon Quads Korean uncles. Kale and Ester chose to stay in Michigan again after the kids got old enough not to need so much care, but lived in the Kwons' Michigan home as caretakers, and still spoiled the children rotten as their Michigan uncles.

  As for Jenna, when she got older, unless she was pushing Jeremy or Joy's wheelchair she walked with a cane, although she managed to keep up with her active family. Years later, she still couldn't believe how different her life became, from one simple visit to tame her little dragon.

A/N The story really ends here. *sniffles* There's an epilogue, because I had it written almost before I had a story. 

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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?