Chapter B

Taming the Dragon

  "How old are you? Get off me you cow! What happened to the big bad BigBang leader?" Jenna chuckled as she shifted her lapful of dragon to a more comfortable position, not in the least bit upset to have her "baby" back.

  "Noona's lap is still the comfiest seat ever," Jiyong pouted, batting his eyes at her. She snuggled him closer as he buried his face into her neck, smiling. "You even smell the same, like that cinnamon soap you always used."

  "I still use it. One of the few things I'm not allergic to. You know what a sensitive delicate thing I am." They both laughed at that, obviously an old joke. "Never outgrew my allergies. Only my hair color and the fact I was married changed JiJi."

  "JiJi?" his group mates snickered. "That's even better than Little ! How'd you end up with that name? Little is obvious." YoungBae didn't even try to contain his laughter. Daesung and Seungri bit their lips in an attempt not to anger their leader. Seunghyn's eyes shone in amusement as he leaned against a wall, waiting for the answer.

  Jenna the hair of the boy in her lap. "Well you guys all know how pretty he is as a girl, right?" The other four nodded as Jiyong buried his head further into her neck in embarassment. "When he was really little he used to like to play dress up in my closet while I was baby-sitting him. Only time I could keep clothes on him really. Usually I was lucky if I could get him to wear underpants." From the way the others were grinning, this was all new information for them. "One day he came up with this get up he was so proud of. I don't remember what he was wearing exactly, but he wanted to "walk the walk" as he put it on the kitchen table . He also demanded a model name like the pretty TV noonas. So, I started calling him JiJi whenever he played dress up. I don't think even his sister ever knew why."

  "Sing for us Noona?" Jiyong begged, again using his puppy dog pout, trying desparately to change the subject.

"Are you sure? I'm not exactly talented, unlike you guys." Jenna looked down at the little dragon snuggled against her.

  "I don't care. I missed your singing. One of those Celtic songs you always sang?"

  "All right. I'll do one or two" she always had had a hard time saying no to him when he was being cute.

  "Yay!" he shifted so he was lying on the couch, using Jenna's lap for a pillow and Seungri's for a foot rest.

  "Hyung! Get your stinky feet off me!" Seungri whined, trying to shove his leader's feet off his lap.

  "Shut it maknae!" Seungri pouted, but quit struggling. 

  Jenna cleared and started singing Caladonia, softly petting her dragon's hair. Her voice could be most kindly described as an off-key tenor, but the boys were enchanted nontheless. The had never seen their leader so tame before, and the song was beautiful. When she got to the line "I kissed the fellas and left them cryin" she bent down and kissed Jiyong's cheek. He grinned and buried his face against her legs. He'd never admitted it before, but he'd been in love with her since he was a little boy. Ten years apart hadn't changed that he discovered.

  "He's going to start purring in a minute," Daesung whispered in Seungri's ear. "We should've gotten a dragon tamer years ago. This is adorable." Seungri snickered. YoungBae said nothing, but he whipped out his phone and took a quick picture, for blackmail material later.

  Jenna finished her song and took a long drink of her water. She looked around at the michevious grins surrounding her.

  "Oh don't let us stop you Noona" Seungri said, elbows on his unwanted lapful. "Please continue." "I want a copy" he mouthed to YoungBae, who winked in agreement.

  "Any requests?" she asked, clearly amused by the boys' expressions.

  "Whatever you like" Daesung said, now leaning against the back of the couch. "Your favorite song maybe?"

  Jenna shifted a little, then went back to petting. She started singing again, this time Suil a Ruin. She noticed Seunghyun had quit leaning against the wall and was headed into the kitchen. "Ice cube" she quickly mouthed to him when she caught his eye, and he nodded. He came back with ice cream, and also an ice cube, which he handed to Daesung. He plopped into a chair, shoving a big spoonful of ice cream into his mouth, eyes laughing. Jenna noted the grins of the other three and smiled back. Jiyong, blissfully oblivious, still has his face pressed against her legs. She carefully pulled the back of his t-shirt and looked at Daesung, who leaned over and slipped the ice into the opening.

  "! That's ing cold!" Jiyong jumped up, kicking Seungri in a rather tender place in the process.

  "Ouch! Hyung I might need that!" Seungri yelped, clutching himself.

  "Shut it maknae! Everyone here knows you bottom, no matter how many scandals you may have had." Jiyong was dancing around to try to get the ice out of his shirt, much to everyone else's amusement. He finally got rid of it and his puppy face to Jenna, "Noona, wae?"

  "Wae what?" she mocked back. "I didn't do nothin. Jenna was all innocence as the others roared with laughter, Seunghyun choking on his ice cream.

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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?