Chapter D

Taming the Dragon

  When he awoke the next morning, Jiyong was smiling. He couldn't even remember what had been bothering him so much lately and causing him to torment his band mates and friends. Even better, his Noona, the love of his life was back, and seemed to be starting to feel the same way he did. He reached for her, but found nothing. He sat up, calling "Noona?" No response. He looked at where he had left her suitcase last night, but it wasn't there. Had she left him without saying goodbye, or did he just dream the whole thing?

 Jiyong jumped out of bed and ran out of his room, clad only in his sleep shorts. Did I just dream it? he thought, then noticed the smell of coffee and bacon. If someone was up then he could ask. He followed his nose to the kitchen, where he noticed who was cooking. Dressed in jeans, a tank top, and a bright purple apron, her fuchsia hair shoved back in a headband, there was his darling noona, frying bacon and pancakes and telling something, no doubt another embarassing story about him, to Seunghyun and YoungBae, who were doubled over in laughter. 

  "He really thought he could fly with a towel pinned around his neck?" YoungBae could hardly get the question out.

  "He was four or five and thought he was Batman I think. I never did understand who he was supposed to be. Auntie about had a heart attack when he jumped off the porch railing and started howling when he twisted his ankle." Jenna would have said more, but she felt two slim arms wrap around her waist from behind.

  "Morning JiJi" she said, twisting around so she could kiss his cheek. 

  Jiyong buried his face in her back. "I thought you left or were a dream when you weren't in bed. Where's your suitcase?"

  "I shoved in in that pigsty you call a closet so we wouldn't trip over it. Breakfast is almost ready. You want to go pry the love birds out of bed?"

  Seunghyun and YoungBae's mouths dropped open. Not only did she insult the dragon's overflowing closet, she sounded so blase about their resident couple. They were hardly used to it. "You know about Dae and Ri and don't mind Noona?" Seunghyun could hardly get the words out.

  Jenna grinned. "Little spilled the beans last night. First that comment about Seungri-ah being a bottom boy and later warning Daesung-ah that the maknae needed to be able to dance today when they came to say good night. I kind of figured anyway, the way those two act with each other. Plus, when I got up last night to use the bathroom, I noticed Seungri-ah is kind of a screamer, even though he tried to be quiet.  Why should I mind? They aren't a couple, but both my best friends are gay. I'm American too, remember. We're more used to it. Nice to see the fanfic writers get something right once in a while, although I still think GTop is the funniest." The two in question blushed, Jiyong burying his head in her back again.

  "You read fanfic Noona?" the dragon asked, voice muffled againt her back.

  "I've even written a few. School girls love , and I like corrupting today's youth" she replied with a grin.

  YoungBae sighed and went to go bang on Daesung and Seungri's door, since his leader was still glued to his noona. "Hey you two! If you want pancakes, get up now!"

  "We're coming now hyung! Seungri couldn't find the painkillers!" Daesung yelled back.

  "I told you to go easy on him last night! Seungri has to dance today. And before you try to deny it and say he has a headache, Noona heard you two just to let you know." Jiyong added his cranky leader voice to the mix.

  "Um, we'll be in here for the next month." Daesung sounded embarassed.

  "Get out here before the food gets cold! It's not the first time I've heard boy on boy love action. Remind me to tell you the blueberry jam story sometime." Jenna sounded amused as she dished up the last of the pancakes.

  Daesung and Seungri came out of their bedroom, looking rather sheepish. Seungri was limping slightly and winced as he sat down, Daesung sitting next to him. Everyone else took their seats and started to eat. Jiyong had sat to Jenna's right and took her hand. Since she was a lefty, this was no problem, and she squeezed his fingers.

  "You know Noona" Sungri said with his mouth full of bacon. "You keep feeding us like this, you'll be rolling us around after a month. Not that we don't like it, but you don't have to." His earlier embarassment seemed to have vanished.

  Jenna shrugged, entwining her fingers with Jiyong's, who looked happy enough to burst. "I enjoy cooking, and at home I don't have anyone to cook for. My family lives too far away and my best friends seldom have time to visit. They're too busy with their boyfriends and careers. After my last accident, ?I had to retire from being a caregiver. I'm a freelance writer now." She sounded a little sad.

  Jiyong squeezed her hand and changed the subject. "It's okay Noona. We're just not used to having such a great cook around." He smiled. "Are you going to come watch us practice today?"

  "If you don't think I'd be in the way, I'd love to." Jenna replied. "I have some work to finish up, but fortunately my notebook is portable. I write on paper first so I can go through and edit it, then I type it out and email it."

  "What kind of writing do you do Noona?" YoungBae asked.

  "Mostly articles for newspapers and magazines. I dabble in poetry and short stories now and then. I've even had one or two published." Jenna grinned. "I write fanfic to keep my story skills sharp, and like I said, I enjoy corrupting young school girls. I told one of my editors I was coming to Korea to visit an old friend and she suggested I write a few articles after I finish what I'm already working on. She'd a brick if she knew who my friend was. She's a huge BigBang fan. Not that she'd admit it, but I know she reads GTop fanfic, and I'm pretty sure she writes it as well. I recognize her style. As for me, I've always been a DaeRi shipper, even if GTop is funnier." She winked at the couple and squeezed her dragon's hand.

  Seunghyun cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable. "Shouldn't we get ready and get going?"

  "Aish! Look at the time!" The boys all scrambled to get dressed and out the door, while Jenna cleaned up the kitchen and grabbed her notebook and purse. She was introduced to the boys' manager, who insisted she sit up front. She asked questions about everything  in the city that had changed since her last visit, while Jiyong sat behind her and pouted, poking her like the little boy he'd acted like yesterday, instead of the man she had been starting to see him as. He wasn't really jealous, he just wanted to cuddle and have her attention. After all, she was his noona and love. He was the one who had kissed and held her last night and held her hand this morning.

  "Quit poking me Little ! I know you're there! You're also not too old to turn over my knee and spank!" Jenna sounded irritated.

  Jiyong startled. Had he just misunderstood everything, and his beloved Noona really just saw him as her little boy? What was that last night then? He watched her follow everyone else inside the building and into the practice room, where she settled herself into a corner where she would be out of the way, opening her notebook.

  Jenna tried to write, really, but her thoughts were on the dragon she'd snapped at earlier. She had thought he'd grown up well, but he was still acting like such a little kid. Was last night a fluke? She thought there was a spark, but maybe she'd misunderstood and she was his playmate still. She found herself watching him dance, chewing on her pen as she considered everything that had happened since yesterday. She finally gave up trying to write all together. Slamming her notebook shut, she set it aside and drew her knees up, wrapping her arms around them as she continued to observe. She hadn't noticed she'd fallen asleep until Jiyong shook her awake.

  "Come on Noona, time to go! We're stopping for food on the way home." He gathered her things and helped her up off the floor and out to the van. Settling her into the back seat, he sat next to her and pulled her head onto his shoulder, since she was already falling asleep again. Jenna leaned against him, and he wrapped his arm around her.

 She could feel him softly her hair. What now? was her last thought as sleep reclaimed her.

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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?