Chapter O

Taming the Dragon

  What? A double update? Say it ain't so! I feel bad for neglecting my baby so badly, and I had a lot to say. Way too much for one chapter. KE

  "You're what? But, we always used a !" Jiyong didn't sound upset, just happy and stunned.

  "Well, apparently one was defective JiJi. I'd been feeling weird, but figured that and my cycle being all messed up were just from the stress lately, but even after things went back to normal, well except for missing you so much I wasn't feeling any better. Now I know why. It was them." Jenna lightly patted her tummy.

  "Them? We're having twins?" Jiyong sounded even more excited at the thought. Jenna shook her head.

  "No, not twins JiJi. Doctor Lee says we're having triplets."

  "TRIPLETS!?! That is the most awesome thing I've ever heard, well along with you saying you loved me, you'd marry me, I do..." Jiyong interrupted himself from listing all his favorite things he'd ever heard. "Wait though Yeobo. What about you? Didn't you tell me getting pregnant could be dangerous for your pelvis? That having babies isn't safe?"

  "It's not, but since it happened. It's not like we can unmake these babies and I wouldn't want to. We're going back to the US soon. I'll be under the care of all my doctors there. I'll probably be put into a hospital that deals with high risk pregnancies once their weight becomes an issue. We'll be fine." Jenna patted her tummy again and smiled at her husband. "Guess Seunghyun will be knitting booties after all. So Daddy, are you going to come kiss Mama hello, or just sit there looking like a stranded fish?"

  Jiyong shook himself and went to wrap his arms around his wife, kissing her tenderly. "I'm excited and terrified at the same time. I never thought you'd been calling me Daddy. How old are they?"

  "I feel the same way. Never thought I'd be a mama, especially at my age. Doctor Lee says they're approximately ten or eleven weeks old. She was amazed I hadn't had any symptoms. You can't see much yet, but I have the ultrasound picture if you want to see our children."

  Jiyong was grinning like an idiot while Jenna fished around in her purse for the ultrasound. She showed it to her husband, pointing at three little spots. "See? There's Jareth, Julian, and here's Jeremy. They're going to be beautiful if they end up looking anything like their daddy."

  "Our babies will be beautiful anyway. So you named them already, and all J's? How do you know they'll all be boys? Aren't they too small to tell that yet? I love those names, but what if we have girls, or both?"

  "I don't know, but I have a feeling they're boys. A girl would be nice too. If one is a girl, I was thinking Joy. I'm only choosing their English names. You'll choose their Korean."

  Jiyong cuddled his wife, mindful of her precious burden. "I didn't think I could get any happier than I was already. Have you told anyone yet?"

  " I wanted you to be the first to know, then we could tell everyone together. Well, except my parents and Kale and Ester. I want to wait til we get back to the US for that. They'll freak, knowing my medical history, but they'll worry less if I'm within fussing distance. Call your parents and sister and the boys. Just tell them we want to throw a small get together before we leave. We'll tell them then. I'm glad we decided to go to Florida to see my parents first. Oh, and you should probably invite your manager and boss too." Jenna rested her head on Jiyong's.

  After a day long shopping spree buying baby things and furniture, Jiyong made his wife rest, despite Jenna's reassurance she was fine. Fortunately, they had a spare room that they hadn't known what to do with, that made a perfect nursery. The day before they were set to leave, the anxious daddy dragon only allowed his wife to pack their suitcases and order the food for the party that night, while he did everything else. The boys were going to empty the fridge and cupboards after they left, and Jiyong's parents were going to come check on the house while they were gone. 

  When their guests arrived, Jiyong escorted them to the living room, where Jenna sat in a chair, as composed as if she were a queen. Her husband sat on the arm of his wife's chair and took her hand. Once everyone else was seated, Jenna cleared and spoke.

  "Before we start to party, JiJi and I have something we'd like to tell all of you. Seunghyun," He looked startled at being addresed. "I hope you took knitting classes. You're going to need them. Everyone, I'm pregnant, with triplets."

  The excited roars and squeals of joy were nearly deafening as everyone crowded around to hug and kiss the couple, though extremely careful not to squash Jenna. The quiet gathering turned into a loud and noisy celebration as everyone chattered excitedly, asking all kinds of questions about the babies and what their plans were now that they were going to be parents.

  "Our plans will be similar. We just have more people to think about now. We'll probably have to stay in the US a bit longer than expected, since triplets tend to come early, and they'll have to be big and strong enough to be able to travel. Worst case scenario, Jiyong comes back by himself, and the babies and I will join him later. Hopefully, that won't be the case, but we've tried to think of everything." 

  The next day the couple boarded the plane, and for once Jenna slept the entire trip. After meeting their daughter and son in law at the airport and hearing their news, Jenna's parents seemed concerned rather than estatic. For the two weeks the couple stayed in Florida, Jenna was asked over and over again if she was okay and did she really intend on having the babies. She finally blew up and asked them how dare they think anything else about her and Jiyong's children and their grandchildren! No, she hadn't set out to get pregnant, but it happened and how dare her own parents even think that harming three precious babies would ever be an option! They backed off after that, though they still made a fuss over her.

  As soon as they got back to Michigan and installed in Jenna's old house, now their US home, she called Kale and Ester, who were by themselves even more excited than BigBang and the rest were. She also called her doctor, who told her flat out she was crazy, but set her up with appointments.

  For the next three months, Jiyong was a happy slave to his wife, doing all the cooking and cleaning and shopping, driving Jenna to appointments and putting together baby furniture and decorating the nursery. Jenna had a lot of appointments, despite the fact that she had no real symptoms, other than growing bigger. The doctors weren't thrilled she chose to keep all three, but were pleasantly surprised that her pelvis seemed to be handling the burden (she riled up at that comment, with only Jiyong just managing to soothe her) much better than expected, and she didn't have to be put in the hospital as soon as they thought.

  One day the couple were snuggling on the couch, cooing over the latest ultrasound, now that the babies looked like babies and were definately boys, not that that ever stopped them from fussing over the pictures before, and Jenna was rubbing her enormous, to her anyway, stomach when Jiyong  got an upsetting phone call, telling him he had to go back to Korea, for a whole month.

  "You know my wife is six months pregnant, with triplets right?" The dragon barely managed to keep from screaming at his manager.

  "I'm sorry Jiyong. It can't be helped. These damn overseas things just got moved up, despite all our efforts, even begging. After this though, you'll be able to stay however long you need to before your family can travel." The angry dragon disconnected the call and threw his phone against a wall. Jenna reached out and his back.

  "JiJi, don't be like that. I heard most of what he said. The sooner you go, the sooner you'll be back with us. We'll be fine."

  "But Noona, I mean Yeobo..."

  "Go. I love you even more for not wanting to leave, but go. Kale and Ester will stay with me."

  Jiyong was still protesting three days later when Kale and Jenna, who had another appointment, dropped him at the airport.


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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?