Chapter Q

Taming the Dragon

  "Jiyong!" The dragon heard his name called as soon as he stepped off the elevator. Looking up, he saw Kale waving his arms to attact his attention. Running over to the other man, the anxious husband and about to be father was just going to ask how his family was doing when the other spoke first, pushing him gently down the hallway at the same time.

  "She's been asking for you since I told her you were coming. She's pretty doped up already since they've been getting her ready for a Cesarean section. Your boys don't want to wait."

  "Are they okay?"

  "The doctor isn't expecting any problems that you wouldn't commonly find in premature triplets. Jeremy's heart rate seems a little low, but that's all so far. They'll know more once they're here. Ah, here's her room."

  Jiyong ran in to the sight of a drugged up Jenna, who seemed to have grown a lot in her tummy in the month he'd been gone. He still didn't think she'd ever looked more beautiful, even with her hospital gown and sweat soaked hair.


  "Aish, don't yell you damn dragon. I'm about to get gutted like a fish and give birth. I haven't gone deaf. Remind me never to let you near me again." 

  Jiyong looked hurt, and unsure whether or not to go near his wife.

  "Are you her husband?" A new voice joined them as the doctor entered behind the upset dragon. Jiyong nodded slowly. "Why so upset son? Your babies should be fine and will be here soon. Your wife did remarkably well considering her past injuries. Oh, I know. It's your first time right? I bet she just told you never to touch her again. Don't worry. They all say that."

  "JiJi? Why are you standing over there? Don't I at least get a kiss after not seeing you for a month?"

  "Sorry Yeobo. It just doesn't feel real." He walked over to Jenna's bedside and gently kissed her.

  "See, everything's going to be fine Mister Kwon."

  "Tell you what JiJi. I'll stand there, and you get drugged up and have triplets. Will it feel real then?"

  Jiyong just took his wife's hand and squeezed it as the doctor explained what was going to happen. Then, Jenna was wheeled down to the operating room. The dragon had to put on a cap, gown, and booties before being allowed to join her. Meanwhile, Kale and Ester had opted to stay in the waiting room and text everyone with updates. Besides Jenna and Jiyong's parents, they also offered to text the rest of BigBang, as well as Jiyong's manager and boss. As much as the couple were family to Jenna, it was still her time with her husband, to see their babies first.

  Back in the operating room, Jenna who was feeling no pain whatsoever, and a very anxious Jiyong were waiting to meet their sons. With the first cry of their oldest, Jareth, they couldn't help but smile and feel relieved. The brand new daddy dragon got to cut the cord, as he also did for their second son, Julian. After that, it was "GET ANOTHER INCUBATOR IN HERE STAT!" from the doctor.

  "What's going on?" Jenna and Jiyong asked at the same time.

  "I have a surprise for you. I thought we just couldn't see Jeremy well on the ultrasounds because he was further back than the other two. I thought his heart sounded a little funny, but it wasn't just his. I've been wrong this whole time. I hope you wanted a girl as well. There's another baby, tangled up with your third son." Somehow, the doctor managed to tell them all this rather calmly while he worked to gently untangle their youngest children from each other. No sooner was Jeremy born and handed to a nurse than they could hear the doctor swearing.

  "What's wrong with our daughter?"

  "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. The cord's wrapped around her neck and she so tiny. Come on little girl, stay with us. Your mommy and daddy didn't know to expect you. You're a great surprise."

  Even in their shock and anxiety, the new parents couldn't help but smile at each other and think We have a girl too! We got our Joy after all!

  After a tense few minutes, Joy's first cry could be heard, immediately followed by all three of her brothers.

  "Mister Kwon, you have two more cords to cut, then I'm sure your wife would like to see your children." Jiyong cut the cords, then while Jenna was being sewn up, the nurses brought the babies over one by one. She burst into tears at the beautiful and noisy sight. Jiyong grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead, unable to say anything. Then, the best thing that ever happened to them happened. Jareth and Julian were placed in Jiyong's arms, while Jeremy and their surprise Joy were placed on Jenna's chest. The couple were both crying openly now as they held their children for the first time.

  Reluctantly, they handed the babies back to be placed in incubators, since they were all so small. "Don't worry Mister and Missus Kwon. They'll be well taken care of when you can't be with them. They'll need some tests, especially little miss hide and seek." The head nurse smiled. "You know, they're our first quadruplets we've ever had here. The Kwon Quads are going to be famous."

  "I hope they won't be." Jiyong almost growled. "I want our children to be as normal as possible. They'll have enough of that nonsense while we're in Korea."

  "I forgot. You're a singer or something over there, right? I can understand wanting to keep these little ones out of the spotlight. Okay, no more jokes Mister Kwon."

  Jiyong told Jenna in Korean. "I'm glad our Joy will have her Oppas to look out for her. Can you imagine? Four babies! I'm going to have to go buy girl stuff."

  Jenna smiled tiredly. "Our mothers and the boys will have a field day spoiling her rotten. I wonder if Seunghyun knitted any pink booties. Don't snarl at the nurse JiJi. She just meant they were the first quadruplets born here. I like the sound of Kwon Quads." She passed out.

  "Two units B negative!" At Jiyong's panicked look, the doctor smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry. We expected this. She's just worn out from having four babies, and we expected her to need blood. She'll be fine. In fact, she'll be going back to her room soon. Why don't you help the nurses take your children to NICU? They'll stay there til we know they're stable. It's not actually far from her room. Again, we expected this. Didn't expect Joy, but we expected this." Reluctantly, Jiyong followed the nurses, walking next to Joy. As they passed by the waiting room, he heard a shout from Jenna's friends.

  "Jiyong! How is she? How are they? Holy hell there's four of them! How'd you manage that? Well, never mind. Four boys?" Kale and Ester crowded around to see the babies.

  "No, we have our Joy after all, as well as her Oppas."

  "Oppas? Oh yeah, what girls call their big brothers. Jenna did tell me that. Yay! A girl to dress up and fuss over! Where's Jenna?"

  "Getting sewn up and a blood transfusion. I'm supposed to meet her back in her room. These four are headed for, what's a NICU?"

  "Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Baby ICU. I'm not surprised as tiny and premature as they are. Plus, with Joy being such a surprise..."

  The head nurse cleared . "I hate to break this up, but we're blocking traffic and these children need to be settled."

  "We'll see you in a bit Jiyong. I hope you'll be ready for the flood of calls and baby girl things."



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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?