Chapter F

Taming the Dragon

*throws confetti and baby penguins in celebration* I've reached over 100 subscribers between all my story babies! Thank you guys so much! You made this author very happy.  

  Jiyong woke far earlier than he would've liked the next morning, but he could no longer ignore his phone, which had been blowing up for a while. He looked over at Jenna, who was still burrowed under the blankets, snoring. He grabbed the devil device, scrolling through his texts, all of them asking about his drunk foreign girlfriend.Checking his voicemails, he got an earful about tabloids and he had some explaining to do. Even his mother left a message, asking what he had done to Jenna and how was he planning on fixing it. A quick internet search explained what all the messages didn't. Pictures of him and Jenna last night, somehow without the rest of BigBang or their manager, with Jenna stumbling and hanging onto him were all over. He face palmed. He hadn't even thought of paparazzi, he was so tired and hungry last night. Sighing, he called the head of YG first.

  "She's my noona, my baby sitter every summer from age two til when I became a trainee, then we were friends til about a year before debut, then we kind of lost track of each other. Her family are private people so we never released pictures with them. Yes, her parents and mine are old friends. She just got off the plane three days ago and jetlag finally caught up to her. Blame my mother, she sent Noona to me right away instead of letting her rest first! For Pete's sake, she came with us to watch us practice and we stopped for dinner afterwards. Yes, yes, I'll bring her in and we'll release a statement." He her hair as Jenna started to stir. "Just give us a couple hours and we'll be in. I just woke up and I think Noona is still asleep." He hung up and sighed.

  "What's going on JiJi?" Jenna asked sleepily. He threw his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

  "We've got to go to YG and release some kind of statement. Some idiot took pictures of us last night, and made it look like you're my drunk girlfriend. I'm sorry Noona. I'm sorry I forgot I'm G Dragon and not just your Little any more." She kissed the top of his head, more awake now.

  "So let's shower and go do damage control. I've talked to heads of companies and reporters before. The perils of being an author. They can dig all they like in my background. The worst they're going to find is I'm a widow and my two best friends are gay. I'm an old friend of your family and a law abiding American citizen. Jenna climbed out of bed and headed to the closet for some clothes. "I'll be out in a few. I'm sorry we forgot about the paparazzi. Lying in bed all day sounded like a great idea." She disappeared down the hall to the bathroom.

  The others stuck their heads into Jiyong's room. YoungBae asked first. "Damage control huh?" At his best friend's nod he shooed the others off, came in and sat on the bed, and patted the dragon on the shoulder. "I'm sorry Ji. We all really like Noona and we haven't seen you this happy in well, forever. The couple days she's been here have been really good for you."

  "I don't mind about me. I've had scandals before, but I don't like Noona being dragged into it."

  "Don't worry about me Little . Now, go get pretty for the cameras." Jenna came back in, freshly showered and dressed. "I'll be in the living room with the boys when you're done. Come on Bae-ah. Let the little lizard get cleaned up." YoungBae stood up and went to leave.

"Dragon! Not lizard! I don't do that tongue thing!" Jiyong stuck his tongue out, giggling at the silly Disney reference. Jenna grinned back and left the room.

"Ready to go Noona?" Jiyong padded out to the living room when he was finished, where once again Jenna was telling embarassing stories about his childhood. She nodded and stood up.

  They were quiet on the drive to YG and in the elevator to the boss's office. Jiyong was wondering what Jenna was thinking. Despite her cheerful attitude earlier, he was afraid she regretted coming back to Korea and was going to leave again. He vowed to be more mature and stop screwing around if she decided to stay. He also promised himself to protect her in anyway he could. She was the woman he loved, he had to, even more since he failed so far.

  When they arrived, the head of YG did not look happy. Before Jiyong had a chance to say anything, Jenna bowed politely and introduced herself, explaining who she was and what had happened. The boss didn't say anything, but he noticed his wild child looking sober and hovering protectively, When Jiyong took his chance to speak, he noticed the change in the dragon's usual attitude. He was confident, but polite, unlike his usual cocky "I don't give a what you think" self. Hmm he thought, if this girl is responsible for the change in attitude, what else would she do for him? I hope she stays, if she's going to be a good influence. We need a dragon tamer around here. The whole mess sounds like an unfortunate accident is all. He cleared his throat.

  "Okay you two. We'll release an offical statement  with what you're told me. From now on, when you're out in public, you'll be in public, whether by yourselves or with the others. No sneaking off so it looks like you're on a date if you get caught. You'll just have to put up with the cameras and security. You'll just be G Dragon showing his noona around. Now Ms. Stevens, which hotel are you staying at?" Jenna and Jiyong looked at each other. They hadn't thought of that question. The dragon decided to just answer truthfully.

  "She's actually staying in the dorm with us Hyung. There was no point in Noona paying for a hotel when we have the room."

  "Good, we'll add that she's staying in one of the girls' dorms to make it easier to catch up with each other. I'll talk to CL and let her know what's going on. With all the chaos at your place, I can't imagine any impropriety is going on. Seungri can't keep his mouth shut to save him. He's lucky I don't make him break it off with Daesung before word gets out, so with him and the others acting as chaperones, I'm not worried about anything untoward happening. I do have one question though Ms. Stevens. How on earth can you stand being in that pigpen?"

  "It's not that bad right now sir. Jiyong-ah offered me his room, which is fine as long as you don't go in his closet. I used to change JiJi's diapers. Anything is better than that." Jiyong hid his face in his hands he was so embarassed, while his boss roared with laughter.

  "JiJi huh? Some time you must tell me the story how he got that name. Now, let's go make your statements so you can go back and rest."

  "I'll even bring pictures if you'd like. They're well worth seeing." Jenna smiled micheviously.

  "Noona! No!" Jiyong whined.

  "Okay, okay, I was teasing." she petted his head.

  They met with the reporters. Jenna charmed them while Jiyong displayed some of his newfound maturity. Afterwards, they collected their security detail and went for lunch, as neither had eaten all day. They were dropped back at the dorm afterwards.

  "Hyung! Noona! Congratulations! Number one internet search right now and the video of your interview went viral! So far, all the comments have been positive. People think it's sweet the mighty G Dragon keeps in touch with his old baby sitter and wanted to protect her from reporters as much as he could. Oh, and 2ne1 stopped by. They said no problem pretending Noona is staying with them. They all want to meet her soon." Seungri was practically bouncing off the walls in glee.

  "That's nice, but we're going to go take a nap now. We'll talk to you guys in a couple hours." Jiyong pulled Jenna into the bedroom, shutting the door against noise and collapsing sitting on the bed. She stood in front of him, her hands on his shoulders.

  "I'm sorry about embarassing you eariler JiJi, but I wanted him to think absolutely nothing was going on. See, I could've told you there was really nothing to worry about. He seems a lot nicer than I was expecting." Jenna said, before kissing him. He shifted to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer, deepening the kiss.

  Nothing is going to happen huh? he thought as he leaned back on the bed, pulling her on top of him.


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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?