Chapter A

Taming the Dragon

  Something was going on with BigBang's leader, and not even his best friend knew anything about it. The dragon seemed more agitated than usual, and nobody knew why. In desperation, YoungBae called Jiyong's mother to ask her if she could think of a solution.

  "I'm actually sending him a long overdue present, but it won't get there for another week I'm afraid. Can you boys bear with His Grumpiness for that long?" Jiyong's umma asked, voice full of concern for her son's bandmates.

  "We'll survive, and thank you" YoungBae said as he hung up.

  "What'd she say Hyung?" Seungri and Daesung were especially interested since their leader had mostly been taking his temper out on them.

  "Just another week. She said she was sending him a long overdue present, what that means or how it's going to help I don't know. Just try to stay out of his way as best you can." Youngbae patted his dongsaengs on the shoulder.

  The next week crawled by for most of BigBang. Seunghyun as the oldest didn't get too much crap, but as for the rest, "Kill me, kill me now! Hyungs! He's trying to kill me!" the maknae whined, flopping on the couch after getting yelled at and made to clean the bathrooms, again. After bullying Seungri, Jiyong holed up in his room, in theory writing, while everyone else was camped out in the living room. It had been a week since YoungBae had talked to Jiyong's mother, so they were hoping his present would be arriving any time, and would be enough to calm the leader. Ordinarily, they didn't all like being stuffed in the dorm, especially with a crabby dragon, but curiousity had gotten the better of them. What kind of present could really be expected to calm Jiyong when he was like this?

  All of a sudden the doorbell rang, startling everyone. They froze for a moment, then all four scrambled for the door. Seunghyun got to it first and yanked it open. Instead of a delivery person like they were expecting, there was a tall, solid American woman with bright fuchsia hair and glasses, leaning against a large roller suitcase with a stuffed dragon wearing a business suit perched on top. She looked a few years older than they were.

  "Can we help you ma'am?" Seunghyun began in his uncertain English, "I think you may..."

  "Who was at the door?" Jiyong wandered out of his room, looking half-asleep. "Tell them to go..." 

"Hello Little ." the woman said in English.

Jiyong stopped talking, jaw dropped, then squealed "NOONA!" as he ran toward the woman and launched himself into the arms she held out for him, wrapping his arms and legs around her as he hugged her tightly. "What did you do to your hair?" he asked in her ear.

  "That isn't Dami noona" Daesung whispered to Seungri, who nodded. "And I think she called him a little ?" The two youngest giggled.

  The woman hugged her armful and kissed his cheek, then pried him off her. She bowed to the others and said in flawless Korean, " Hello, my name is Jenna Stevens. I was Litt, I mean Jiyong's baby-sitter in the summers when my family would come to Korea to visit. I saw him less after he started training, but we didn't really lose touch til about a year before you guys debuted. I was in my seond car accident then and had just gotten married so couldn't fly over any more. I haven't seen him in over ten years."

  "You're married Noona?" Jiyong picked up her hand, which was absent of rings.

  "Widowed Jiyong-ah. My third car accident. I survived with a broken leg and pelvis, but my husband didn't make it. It's been almost three years now. I was just now cleared for travel." Jenna sighed, then scooped the dragon back up like he was a little boy and snuggled him.

  "Where are you staying Jenna-shi?" Seunghyun asked.

  "I have the paper around here somewhere. Probably in my pocket. Auntie made the reservation for me after I called her to tell her I was coming back to Korea. She said you boys could use a dragon tamer for a while. I'll be here for a month. And everyone please, call me Noona. No need to ask your names. I've been following your careers since your debut."

  "Why stay in a hotel? Stay with us! Come on Noona! Like when we were kids? Pretty please?" The others were shocked. Their leader using aeygo?

  "Aren't you a little old for that? And besides you have four others to consider that it might be awkward for them."

  "Oh, don't mind us Noona. We'd love to have you stay." Seungri said, eyes sparkling. The other three grinned and nodded.

  Jiyong slid out of her arms and pulled her over to the couch, curling up in her lap as soon as she sat down. Seungri sat at the other end. After grabbing Jenna's suitcase and closing the door, Daesung got water bottles for everyone and passed them out, afterwards perching on the arm of the couch to pet the maknae.

  "Where is Noona going to sleep Hyung?" Daesung asked.

  "Noona sleeps with me! Right Noona?" Jiyong gave his best puppy dog pouty face.

  "Are you sure you're BigBang's leader and not an overgrown two year old?" Jenna chuckled as she ruffled her little dragon's hair. "I'll share your bed if you're sure I won't molest you in your sleep, and if you promise not to kick me in my kidneys like you always did when you were little."

  "Hey! I'm a grown man now! Not a baby!" he whined.

  "A man wouldn't ask a lady he hadn't seen in ten years to sleep with him without at least buying her dinner first." The rest of the group laughed as Jiyong pouted.

  "Sheech Noona. You make it sound like I want in your pants."

  "Wouldn't be the first time you were in my pants, my skirts, my bras..." Jiyong put a hand over at that point. The rest of BigBang looked gleefully at each other. Having this noona around for the next month was going to be lots of fun.

  "Ew! Noona you me!" the dragon slid off her lap and looked at his now damp hand.

  "Yep, definitely a two year old. But you did finally get off my lap you overgrown toddler." Jiyong just snickered, wiped his hand on his pants, and climbed back into her lap.

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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?