Chapter J

Taming the Dragon

   Jenna lay on her side next to Jiyong, tracing his face lightly with a finger as he slept, clad only in his boxers. She snuggled closer to him, laying her head on his chest. Letting her eyes drift shut, she let her mind wander to earlier that day.

  After a rather lengthy hello make out session, Jenna pulled Jiyong into the house.

  "I can't believe you're really here JiJi! Are you hungry? When did you decide to come? Why didn't you call and tell me you were coming? You look like by the way. Holy cats did I ever miss you!" Jiyong laughed, the sparkle already back in his eyes, even as tired as he was.

  "I'm really here Noona. I'm a little hungry, but mostly tired. I was on planes too damn long, plus that car ride. I didn't know I was coming. I didn't think I'd get to see you again this soon. Everyone, including my boss, told me I was coming when they shoved plane tickets into my hands and Bae dropped a traveler's pouch around my neck with my passport in it. Apparently I was more depressed than even I realized. Thanks. Nice bedhead and jammies yourself Noona. I missed you too, so much."

  Jenna grabbed Jiyong's suitcase. "Go sit down in the living room. I'll put this in the bedroom and heat you up some soup the Gay Man made earlier. He's been spoon-feeding me since I came home."

  "Yeah, Bae did the same thing to me. What was worse was when Seunghyun Hyung would strip me down and scrub me in the shower. He is not gentle."

  Jenna grinned at that. "Probably revenge for everything you've ever done to him, or you stunk that bad. Kale didn't pull that with me. He'd just run a hot bath and demand I stay in it and wash until I was all red and pruny."


  "Yeah, also known as Gay Man. My best friend. The bald, yet hairy guy who opened the door for you. I keep telling him to change his name. He's a fruit, not a vegetable."

  Jiyong laughed so hard at that he started coughing. Jenna patted him on the back and shooed him to go sit down. She headed into her bedroom to drop off his suitcase. Turing to leave, she noticed the little box on her bed with the hot pink sticky note. She read it and started laughing. She headed into the kitched to set the pan of soup on the stove. Turning the burner on low, she walked into the living room and tossed the box to a startled dragon.

  "Um, Noona?" Jiyong stared at the little box in shock.

  "Hey, don't look at me! Kale thought he was being funny. I spared you the chore of trying to decipher what is laughingly referred to as his "handwriting." I quote, "have fun, but be safe. Your mothers would like a little warning before they become grandmothers. P.S. Red, does Jiyong know you're a screamer?" Jenna plucked the box of condoms out of the dragon's hands and set them on the coffee table. "I needed a new centerpiece anyway. Soup?"

  After eating as much as he could in his tired state, Jiyong started drowzing at the table. Jenna nudged him awake and sent him in to shower, while she went to grab him a towel and something to sleep in. She told him as they left the living room,"Don't worry, no one can see through that shower curtain. I don't want any ax murderers or nosy gay men seeing me wet and . I'll just leave the things on the toilet." Opening his suitcase, she cracked up laughing again. Grabbing some boxers and another box of condoms, this one with a note from the BigBang boys. "Warn us before you make us uncles so Seunghyun Hyung can learn to knit booties. Have fun practicing!", she set them along with a clean towel on the toilet, and went to pull out her things for when he was finished. She set the condoms on the pillow he'd be using.

  Jiyong came out of the bathroom, boxer clad and drying his hair with the towel. "Ah, much better."

  "My turn. The boys packed you a present. I left it on your pillow." Jenna snickered as she went to take her shower.

  When she returned to the bedroom in clean pajamas, Jiyong was already in bed, scrolling through something on his phone. He looked up. "Does everyone we know think we were going to go at it like rabbits from the moment I got here? Umma just sent me a text reminding me to warn her before making her a grandmother." Jenna rolled her eyes and turned off the lights, then climbed in next to him.

  "As funny as it would be to see the big bad TOP knitting baby booties, we aren't even a couple, much less thinking whether or not we want spawnlings running around. You're always busy and I'm no spring chicken. There's the whole busted pelvis thing too. It's healed, but the doctors said certain things could cause more damage. Not to mention, we live on separate continents."

  "Would you though, if I asked?" Jiyong asked suddenly.

  "Would I what?"

"Become a couple with me. I've loved you since I was a little boy Noona. I wanted to ask before you left, but I was a coward. I know you have a life here, and you must have loved your husband very much. I shouldn't have asked. Just forget it." Jiyong set his phone on the headboard and went to turn on his side, away from Jenna who put a hand out to stop him.

  "Just a minute Mister Kwon Jiyong! Could you wait for me to answer please? Yes, I loved my husband. I still do. However, he always told me to be happy if he ever left, whether it was with another person or by myself. Yes, I have a life here, but my work is portable and my family and friends have told me the same thing, be happy. I've actually been trying to work out how to split my year. Six months here, six months there. A- I'd forgotten how much I loved it there, and 2- I missed you, you idiot. I've always loved you for the little boy you were, but I realized when I was over there, and even more so since I came home, I love you you big dummy. First, I loved you as a baby brother. Then, I loved you as a younger friend. Now, I love you as a man." She took his face in her hands and looked him in the eyes. " Do you understand me? I LOVE YOU!"

  Jiyong's face nearly split in two his smile was so wide. "I love you too Noona."

  "Now, you look about dead and I haven't been sleeping well either, so I suggest sleep time now. Mushy stuff tomorrow." Jenna pushed her dragon back against the pillow and curled up next to him, head on his chest.

  "Yes Noona. Goodnight and I love you."

A/N Yay! Confessions finally and fluff and a slightly erted gay man who's actually based off my best friend, although he's a much bigger ert. The reason most of this chapter is in blue, is because it is what Jenna is thinking about that already happened. It's actually the next morning. So, any guesses as to what's going to happen now?


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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?