Chapter L

Taming the Dragon

  The new couple spent a quietly busy day. After dropping by the courthouse, they went grocery shopping, which was a novel experience for Jiyong. He could go out without a disguise and just pretend to be a normal person instead of a celebrity. He could put things in the cart without worrying he'd be scrutinized about every everything. The best part though was being with his lifelong love, who he could hold hands with and hug as much as he liked without having to worry about a scandal.

  After they got home and put everything away, Jenna, with Jiyong's "help" which basically meant she had a dragon attached to her waist made dinner, then they spent the rest of the evening curled up on the couch together, watching movies and making out. Eventually they went to bed, falling asleep in each others' arms.

  The next weeks were bliss for the normally insanely busy dragon.. Jenna preferred a quieter pace, which reflected in everything they did together. She intoduced him to things like her favorite book and art stores. They spent a lot of lunchtimes at a nearby park. It was a little chilly to swim, but they could watch the boats on the lake as they ate. She took him to her favorite street fairs (where she bought most of her jewelry) and farmers' markets (for fresh local fruit and veggies, plus the special handmade soap she used) as well. 

  One of Jiyong's favorite days was when Jenna and her friends dragged him to a renaissance festival, which he'd never heard of before, much less seen. He'd never laughed so much in his life at the silly performances, and was amazed at the detail the actors, and many of the patrons, put into their costumes. He managed to slip away at one point, claiming to need the "privy", to buy a very special present for his beloved.

  A few days later Jiyong called his mother to ask her to do him a huge favor, and nearly went deaf at her shout of joy. That done, he found Jenna's parents' number and called to ask them a very important question. He had the biggest grin on his face after he heard their answer. He also called Kale and Ester to ask for their help to prepare something extra special for his girlfriend.

  "No problem, but we're blaming you if anything goes wrong." Kale's tone seemed teasing, but Jiyong could tell he meant it.

  "I understand." The dragon made a few other calls after that, all with surprisingly positive responses.

  Finally the day came when Jiyong had to go back. He said goodbye to Kale and Ester and boarded the plane. Once back in Korea, the first the exhausted dragon did was drop by the dorm. He was stunned that everyone was there, including Seunghyun.

  "Good. I don't have to do this more than once. I wanted to let everyone know I was back, and I thought you might want to see my wife."

  "WIFE!" all four others exclaimed at once.

  "Hello everyone" Jenna said, managing to smile even as tired as she was. "You're looking at the new Missus Jenna Kwon."

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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?