Chapter P

Taming the Dragon

  What's this? A triple update? Why yes it is. I already had most of this chapter written. I knew the end of this story almost before the beginning. I'm sad to say it's winding down now.


  Jiyong smiled tiredly, running a hand through his sweaty hair. Only one more hour, then he'd be getting cleaned up and headed home. The long plane ride to see his noona, no his wife and soon to be born babies, he corrected himself mentally, was nearly going to kill him with impatience. Wow he must be more tired than he thought, to think of Jenna as Noona, not Yeobo. Not to mention, they'd only had a few very hurried phone calls in the month he'd been gone, which was almost unbearable. She kept reassuring him she was fine, that their triplets were growing well, but it wasn't the same as being there. He couldn't wait to hold her again, and be there when their babies were born. He still had moments when he couldn't believe he was really going to be a father, and to triplets no less! Jenna had taken to teasing him when he brought it up, every time they did get a few minutes to talk, that it was all his fault for being so enthusiastic the broke, but it was just her way of trying to get him to calm down. Though he'd loved her since he was a small boy, and knew rationally they were married and becoming parents, now that he was away from her it seemed less real, even though she kept telling him that yes, he was married, she was Jenna Kwon, he was the father of the soon to be born Jareth, Julian, and Jeremy Kwon.

  Finally BigBang was done promoting, in several Asian countries who wouldn't hear of G Dragon skipping just for his wife and babies. The others were planning to stay an extra few days in Japan to decompress, but Jiyong was booked on a plane back to the US. He paused only at the hotel long enough to shower, change, pick up his suitcases, and say a hurried goodbye to his band mates and brothers, who loaded him down with presents and messages for Jenna and their nephews. He threw everything into the back of the cab and told the driver to hurry.

  Jiyong nervously bit his nails the entire flight, too keyed up to even attempt to sleep. By the time he collected all his luggage and got into another cab to go home, he'd progressed to chewing on a finger. The cabbie looked concerned. "Are you okay sir?"

  Jiyong offered a small smile. "Sorry, I'm just anxious. I haven't seen my wife in a month and she's pregnant with triplets. Fortunately, this will be the last time we'll be separated for a long time. I never want to be away from my family this long ever again. Hell, I didn't want to go this time."

  "Well, here's the address you gave me. Go hug and apologize to your wife for leaving. And sir, congratulations." The cabbie smiled and got out to help Jiyong pull his bags out of the trunk. After paying the man and giving him a large tip, the anxious dragon grabbed his things and bounced up the sidewalk to the house, suddenly full of energy. 

  The house was dark, but since it was three in the morning that wasn't surprising. Jiyong hadn't mentioned when exactly when he was coming back, so it's not like Jenna would have known to leave the porchlight on. He decided to quietly sneak in the house and if he were really careful, he could strip down and climb into bed without waking her. He hoped his presence would be a welcome surprise in the morning, and not just scare her. He crept up the front steps and unlocked the door, setting his suitcases and bags just inside before carefully shutting and locking it.

  Jiyong walked slowly through the house. That's odd he thought. Where's the nightlight? Jenna kept a small light on in the hallway at night, in case of midnight kitchen raids or bathroom trips. Maybe it burned out? He stopped at their bedroom door and took a big breath before entering, fully expecting to see a Jenna sized lump in their king size bed, snoring. It was too dark to see much though, so he felt his way over to his side of the bed and flopped down, suddenly exhausted and wanting to cuddle. He scooched over and reached for where his wife should be. "Yeobo? You awake? I'm home." He felt nothing. He sat up and turned a light on. No Jenna. Well, maybe she's in the bathroom and I just didn't notice he thought. Wow, I'm exhausted, but it's so good to be back was the last thing he thought of before he passed out not even undressing or getting under the covers.

  When he woke late the next morning, he smiled once he realized where he was and stretched, having enjoyed the first good sleep since he'd left. He rolled over, expecting to see Jenna or at least rumpled covers from where she'd slept. Still nothing. He sat up and looked around their bedroom. That's when he noticed a lot of her things from on top of the dresser were gone, and now that he was paying attention, the house smelled like it had been closed up for at least a few days. He got up and walked over to their walk-in closet. A bunch of her clothes were missing. It was the same when he checked her dresser drawers. He looked in the bathroom. Sure enough her toiletries weren't there. Jiyong ran through the rest of the house. Nothing else was missing. He checked everywhere he could think of for a note or some explanation as to where she was. If she'd gone to the hospital, wouldn't somebody have called me? he thought.

  Jiyong was just rummaging around for his phone to call Jenna when it rang.


  "Jiyong? It's Kale. You need to get back to the US as soon as you can."

  "I'm already here. Where is she?'

  "Jenna refused to let us call you before you got back since you wouldn't be able to do anything anyway, but she's in the hospital. I'm glad you're here. You wouldn't want to miss the birth of your babies. Ester is on his way to the house. He was going to collect the mail and make sure it was fine, but he can pick you up and bring you here. They'll be taking her in in an hour or so. Yes they're early, but we knew it was likely to happen. I told her you deserved to know anyway, but you know how stubborn that girl is. I'll see you in a bit."

  Jiyong had just changed his clothes when the was the sound of a key in the lock. He ran out to a startled Ester.

  "Oh good, you're back. Did Kale call you yet?"

  "Yes, can we hurry to the hospital please?"

  "Get in the car."

  Pausing only long enough to shove his feet into his shoes and checking to make sure he had his wallet and phone, Jiyong ran out to the car, leaving the other to lock up. The entire drive, Ester kept trying to reassure Jiyong everything was fine and he wasn't going to miss anything. The dragon just grunted and chewed on his finger anyway. 

  Rather than parking first, Ester pulled up in front of the hospital to let the anxious Jiyong out.

  "Go find your wife and give her a good scolding for not telling you she'd been hospitalized. Well, amybe you should wait til after the babies are here."

  The dragon didn't have to be told twice as he jumped out of the car and ran inside, totally forgetting he had no idea where maternity was, and not paying attention to Ester yelling where he could find Jenna. Once Jiyong was actually inside he realized he needed to know that piece of information, so he stormed up to the front desk and demanded. "Jenna Kwon? Where the hell is my wife?"

  "Sir, calm down please. I can't understand what you're saying. Can you speak English? Then I can help you find what you want." The lady behind the desk spoke calmly, but Jiyong noticed she was nervous. Once he realized he'd been shouting in Korean, he took a deep breath and tried again, this time at a reasonable volume, and in English.

  "I'm sorry ma'am. I'm just nervous. I'm looking for my wife, Jenna Kwon. She's in maternity."

  "First time father?" At Jiyong's nod, the lady smiled. "That's okay sir. Take the elevator over there to the third floor and follow the signs. And sir, congratulations."

  "Thank you." Jiyong said as he ran for the elevator.


A/N I originally had some other things planned for this story, such as Jenna leaving Korea after reading untrue rumors about Jiyong being seen dating Kiko, and going back to the US before telling him she was pregnant, then him only finding out after Kale calls him because the car she was riding in got broadsided and they didn't know if she and the babies were going to make it, but then I thought why? It's been a fun fluffy story so far, why toss in a bunch of angst? There's going to be some unexpected things in the next chapter, but it'll all be fine. KE



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iamnay #1
Chapter 19: it so beautiful. i like it. gonna miss the little and his noona :((
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 19: really very beautiful story...............continue writing with another stories equals beautiful like this.............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 17: i like it.........really wish one happy end.............
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 16: yes....i like it.............please finish this story...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 12: beautiful ; continue......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 11: i like it......please continue the story.....
mikkydragon #7
Chapter 10: nice.....update.....
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 9: please update soon.....
Chapter 8: Does Minzy have a girlfriend in this particular scenario.
Chapter 6: What's going to happen?