Chapter 7

Love Is Like A Snowflake
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"Why are you not leaving? You were rushing to leave when your were inside Starbucks, now you're not?" I asked Song Mara. God Kris! Is this the attitude of someone apologizing?

Song Mara just nodded and started her car. She finally drove away from Starbucks. When we passed by my car and my waiting chauffeur, that's when I realized that I didn't really have a plan. Why did I even rode Song Mara's car?

"But CEO Wu, where do you have to go? Are you going to meet, Suho-ssh- I mean, CEO Kim?" Song Mara asked.

She asked a simple question, but I just didn't know how to answer it. "Uhh... yeah." I just replied.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but as my boss' secretary, I still need to ask you if you made an appointment with him."

I just scoffed and looked away from her. "I'm a very important person in Kim Suho's life. He can make time." I confidently replied.


The air was kind of awkward inside Song Mara's car. After that conversation, I had nothing else to talk to her about. She was not the approachable type in my opinion. She's very reserved and quiet. I wondered how the loud Suho was able to make friends with her. With Kai though, I might say that they're somewhat alike. Kai was reserved as well. He didn't like to talk and open up to anyone, except me, until the competition for the CEO position.

Song Mara and I reached the SK Group building and she led me to Suho's office. I wondered what Suho's going to say about my abrupt appearance. On our way to the office, I was thinking of a legitimate reason for coming without notice, but my brain was not coordinating with me.

When we reached Suho's office, Song Mara knocked on Suho's door to check if he's there. Luckily, Suho was not in yet. I heaved out a sigh of relief because that buys me more time to think of a reason for coming.

"CEO Wu, would you like anything to drink? CEO Kim would be here soon, so just wait for a couple of minutes."

"Just coffee, Ms. Song. In fact, you owe me since I didn't get to order coffee from Starbucks this morning." I told her.

"Neh. Just wait for a few seconds." She said and went to make me some coffee by their coffee station.

While Song Mara was making my coffee, I looked around her desk. She had a desktop that was surrounded by a bunch of sticky notes for reminders. She also had folders and papers all over her table, but they were organized, in contrast to my secretary's. I wondered if she displayed pictures like other workers, but she didn't. Her space had a monochrome theme, which matches her personality.

I felt like I was snooping around, but I had nothing to do. I was going to sit down on one of the couches, but saw something from the corner of my eye when turn away from her desk. It was a small frame where a picture of her smiling brightly was in. It was noticeable that the picture was ripped in half though. Someone was definitely beside her. That would only be Kim Jong In.

Song Mara came back after a few minutes with my coffee in her hand. "Here you go, Sir." She said and handed me the cup of coffee.

"Thanks, Ms. Song." I said and took a sip. "It's good."

"You're welcome, CEO Wu. If you need anything else, just ask, Sir."

I just nodded. "Sure."

You know it's bad when you can hear silence. I was also a quiet person, but I hang out with rowdy people like Xiumin and Suho, so I guess I was used to the loud atmosphere. Song Mara does not talk at all. I couldn't really leave abruptly since she might think I was just being a jerk again this morning. I'm really going to fire Xiumin! He calls me every time I don't need him, but the time I do need him, he doesn't call.

The elevator finally rang and Suho finally appeared. Thank God! Song Mara was accommodating, but she's just not the talkative type.

"Kris? What are you doing here?"

"Spare some time for a friend? I have to tell you something important." I really didn't.

"Nah, too busy. Isn't that right, Mara-sshi?" Suho asked his secretary.

He really chose to embarrass me like that in front of her? I even said that I was a friend and he could make time for me!

"You have a few minutes before your meeting with SM Group's vice-president, Sir." Song Mara informed Suho.

"Cool. Let's go to my office, Kris." Suho told me and walked towards his office. "Mara-sshi, we're having lunch again together since two jerks ruined our lunch date yesterday." Suho told his secretary, but looked at me when he said "jerks."

"N.. neh." Song Mara replied.

I trailed behind Suho and I finally thought of something to tell him. When we were inside his office, I closed the door behind me and sat on one of Suho's couch inside his office.

"What's so important that you even came to my office this early in the morning? And I didn't see your car or chauffeur in front. Did you walk?" Suho asked.

"Your secretary gave me a ride." I replied.

"Mara-sshi did?!"

I just nodded.

"Why? She hates you!"

"She hates me?" I asked Suho.


"Yeah, right. I don't care anyways." I replied. "But... watch out. Kai might take her away from you."

"What? How?" Suho asked me, obviously surprised.

"I'm sharing the CEO position with

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Almost 3 weeks when I got to update again! Aigoo~


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Asianfanficpcy #1
Please update soon
Chapter 19: Waw waw waw
Ilikethis aouthorrrrrrrr :)
Chapter 19: please update :(
Chapter 19: it is acceptable if suho hate kris. kris is his friend, he knows that suho like hana, but kris takes hana away. betrayal isn't something that could be forgiven easily. but i hope suho wouldn't hate kris for a long time. cause it is really pity if their friendship broke just because a girl.
i hope you will update this story!
I love this fic! Please update soon <3
when r ya gonna update? *pout*
please update soon!!!!
swoonnie #8
Chapter 19: I found kris' friendship w suho and xiumin is quite adorable...
But... :(
Anyway, update soon please...
Buckley_13 #9
Chapter 19: Can't wait for the next update
missohsehunie #10
Chapter 19: Authornim, i really love this story! update more often please ;)