Chapter 14

Love Is Like A Snowflake
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Three weeks in Jeju Island passed by just like that. It was the same old business everyday for me. Get up, get ready, go to work and go back to the hotel and sleep. Don't get me wrong. I love how I easily adjusted with my group of co-workers for the project. I mean we're completely from different fields of profession, but everyone was getting along pretty well. The job at he site was pretty easy. We learned both interior and exterior of the hotel. The blueprints that was created by the architects were amazing. I really couldn't wait to see the results of this project. Being outdoors made me feel relieved. Although it was freezing outside every single day, I was enjoying and getting along pretty well with my co-workers.

I shouldn't forget about my boss though, who's proud of me for what I'm accomplishing for myself. For the past two weeks, he never failed to call me every single day, every single hour. Suho would ask what was my agenda for the day when he calls in the morning. He'll ask me how my day was so far when I'm in the middle of eating lunch. Then, when I get home, he'll ask me how my day went. He'll occasionally tell me that he misses me. I didn't want to say the same thing even though I do miss him. I don't want to lead him into thinking that I feel the same way he does. When I found out that he liked me, it really placed me in a awkward position. I didn't know what to do or how to act. I found it a relief that I'm away from him so I don't have to face him yet. I just feel really guilty for him. I couldn't reciprocate his feelings for me. If I could, I wouldn't either. Kim Suho receives someone better. Someone else, but me.

I've been receiving calls from the heirs of the Wu Corporation as well. Kim Jong In won't stop calling me. He keeps on texting me, but I would never reply back. He never stops until he gets what he wants which is one of the things I hate about him, but also love. Him slowly showing me his determination to get me back is making me think about giving him a chance again, but I know that I shouldn't. His cousin, who's also my neighbor, Kris Wu, has been pestering my inbox and call logs. Kris Wu is exactly like his cousin. He doesn't stop until he gets what he wants so I treat him the same way I treat Kim Jong In. He would call me about the most irrelevant and bothersome stuff, like how to work a stove or something, or did I eat already or do I want to eat with him. I would just ignore him since it was all just a game, that I didn't want to play in the first place. I haven't seen Kris Wu in a while. I've been avoiding him as much as possible and being in a completely different group as him helped me so much.

It would be pretty troublesome for me to change my number since I gave it out to all my co-workers, so I just left it. Besides, I'm still curious about Kim Jong In. In his texts, that he thinks I ignore, he would tell me how his day went, how stressed he was at work, how annoying his cousin is for telling him how him and I are always together - which is clearly not true, and how much he misses me. Kim Jong In... how can you do this to me so easily? Just... how?




Three weeks. I haven't had a proper conversation with Song Mara in those three weeks. I know I'm immature for everything that I've done to her. It's just that, I can't express myself well. It's hard for me to tell her how I feel, to tell her to stop ignoring me, to tell her that she should stop looking at Kai and finally look at me. What hinders me from doing all of this was everything. Basically the circumstances we were both under. Kai, Suho, my family, me, her. Everything. I guess Song Mara was never meant to be with me or Kai in the very beginning.

We had a week left in Jeju and the preparation to start off the project was almost done. The construction started last week after we finally convinced investors to invest on our all-year recreational hotel. Every single worker who came to Jeju got to experience hands-on activities in the construction site. It was pretty exciting actually. It's way better than staying inside my office all day. Besides, I get to see Song Mara when we're at work. Though I would only steal glances at her, I'm just happy that I still see her. I know for a fact that she's avoiding me.

It was a Sunday and we had a day off from work. I decided to stop being a bother to Song Mara. I stopped texting and calling her last Friday when I realized how stupid and irritating I was. How childish I was being towards her and still thinking that she would finally start liking me as well.

I was all alone on my hotel room. Ate, fell asleep and that's basically it. I had nothing better to do. Until the afternoon came.

"Hello?" I said when I picked up my phone.

"Kris-sshi, are you doing anything?" Hong Gyu, one of my group mates, asked me.

"Uhmm... nothing really. Why Hong Gyu-sshi? Do you have something in mind cause I'm up for anything really." I replied.

"Well, me and the other workers are having a Sunday night out at the bar down by the beach. You wanna tag along with us?"

"Sure. What time?"

"We'll meet you in front of your hotel around 5:00. Is that okay?"

"Okay, cool. I'll meet you guys. Bye." I said and hang up. "Finally! I can finally get out of this freaking dungeon." I talked to myself and got up the sofa where my body was laying on the whole day. I stretched and got into the shower to get ready before 5:00 comes.




I went out of my room after getting ready for a night out in Jeju. I had a week left and today was my day off so I decided to come with my co-workers. I also didn't want to spoil a happy mood by denying them so I just came. I was standing in the hallway waiting for the elevator door to open so I can meet my co-workers in front of the hotel, but then someone stood right next to me.

"Going somewhere, Mara-sshi?"

"Neh." I simply replied which I thought would end our conversation, but it didn't.

He just nodded. "I haven't seen you in a while, Mara-sshi."

"I've been busy lately, Mr. Wu."

"Song Mara... we need to talk."

"We don't have anything to talk about, Mr. Wu. And to be honest, I wasn't busy. If it wasn't that obvious, Sir, I dislike your presence and I've been avoiding you." I told him the honest truth without any fabrication. I didn't know it would come out like that.

The elevator suddenly opened and there were people in there which eased my heart a bit because I don't have to be alone with him.

"You should have never told me, Song Mara." He said.

I went inside the elevator after hearing what he said and he followed after. The elevator door closed and it was silent. My conscience suddenly acted up, but I just told him the truth. I disliked him. He was someone that I shouldn't be spending time with. He has wronged me in so many ways and have given him so many chances, but it was worthless. So, why should I waste my time?

When the light on the elevator showed 1 and the elevator doors opened, I immediately rushed outside of it and left Kris Wu behind. Seeing him once for tonight

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Almost 3 weeks when I got to update again! Aigoo~


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Asianfanficpcy #1
Please update soon
Chapter 19: Waw waw waw
Ilikethis aouthorrrrrrrr :)
Chapter 19: please update :(
Chapter 19: it is acceptable if suho hate kris. kris is his friend, he knows that suho like hana, but kris takes hana away. betrayal isn't something that could be forgiven easily. but i hope suho wouldn't hate kris for a long time. cause it is really pity if their friendship broke just because a girl.
i hope you will update this story!
I love this fic! Please update soon <3
when r ya gonna update? *pout*
please update soon!!!!
swoonnie #8
Chapter 19: I found kris' friendship w suho and xiumin is quite adorable...
But... :(
Anyway, update soon please...
Buckley_13 #9
Chapter 19: Can't wait for the next update
missohsehunie #10
Chapter 19: Authornim, i really love this story! update more often please ;)