CHAPTER 7: Calm Before A Storm

The Fraternity
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"What’s going on?” Croxx asked their leader who was close to pulling her hair out because of the short conversation she had with their boss. It was quite a sight to see, there have been no instances when their leader had spoken that way to their boss at least not to their knowing.

“We’ll talk later, let’s just get them back to their cabins for now” Fox sighed, giving back the gun for 38 to put away and all of them did the same. None of the assassins spoke, not a word and not even a sigh. They followed what their leaders told them to do so as they had a feeling what they had to talk about later on was something that affected all of them.

Of course the idols just gave up since it was either they go back on their own and take the risk of encountering another batch of lunatics or have them guarded by the people who ‘saved’ their lives. All of them couldn’t help but wonder who they were, although they heard names being mentioned they didn’t actually believe it’s their real names and besides they all felt like they knew who the were but didn’t really.

“You’re not going to hurt us are you?” Myungsoo asked them in general but had his eyes on the one that was walking ahead of him carrying a bag of guns. He found himself quite attracted to him, but in what way he didn’t know. All he knew was that the person seemed to be someone he knew a lot but couldn’t wrap his finger around it.

“If we had any plans then we would have done it already” 38 snapped and Qat burst into a little bit of a fit laughing so hard. Tats, catching the little dangerous glance Myungsoo was giving her quickly covered with her hand. “Maknae be nice” Tats settled the two youngest down, gesturing for the maknae to come to his side and happily he did.

“Surely you can make it back to your cabin from this point. We’ll watch for anyone that comes near you from here” Fox said, the assassins stopped by the top of the path and watched the idols make their way down.  They were a bit hesitant at first but with the paining Kim Jaejoong they needed to get back. “And remember not to tell anyone of this” Krome reminded them.

2:30 am, back in the cabin after the clean up

Fox was yet again on her phone, drowned deeply within the repeated conversation she was having with their boss. The sound of it wasn’t settling, a bit of nerve-wracking from the way words were exchanged and although it were reciprocated rather calmly it had the same sense as waiting for a ticking bomb to explode.

They haven’t been given proper explanation nor any information whatsoever to what the boss has told their leader. When they got back Fox immediately called their boss and half an hour later she hasn’t finished yet.

“It sounds serious” 38 poked Tats’ arm with the soggy end of the chewed out lollipop stick. They were trying to pass time without causing much trouble or no trouble at all and if not, as much as Croxx loves the two they will end up like the stick. “That’s because it is serious” Tats just sighed, pulling the younger to sit beside him and keep still for the whole duration of the phone call.

The air in the room thickened, becoming a bit suffocating as it went by. Aside from Fox’s voice they could only hear the ticking of the grandfather clock stationed in the corner of the room beside the fireplace. As it still was summer there was no need for the fireplace to be lit up but with the chilly air in the room, it made the idea tempting, but of course no one would be sane enough to go through the actual lighting up.

“I’m giving you full authority on this assignment Fox, everything appropriately needed in order to protect those eight would be supplied to you directly” Sloan spoke with his non-faltering clear and heavy voice. 

There was no sign of the man losing his marbles, he sounded as serious as every time Fox contacted him and that worries her even more. Perhaps worry isn’t the emotion that was filling up inside her stomach but by chance maybe fear.

“I’m sorry boss but I am failing to understand the reason behind this assignment …” Fox replied, closing her eyes in thought that maybe it would help understand the answer Sloan would give her for her recent reply.

“Fox …” Sloan breathed like a father repeating his words to her daughter for the umpteenth time, as if he was trying to explain such facile matter to a little girl and she couldn’t help but feel a bit abashed by his tone of voice. “They have witnessed a transaction of an illegal organization, wholly seen or just mere bystanders they see them as threats and most especially since their leader got away. Added to that the Fraternity has been involved, it is impossible for the matter to be just left in the shadows”

There was no bargaining of their situation, decisions had been made and it’s for them to act upon on or choose to ignore the verdict of their superior. The phone call ended and once again she was faced with the responsibility of having to tell the others. It was not difficult to do, not at all, but knowing the people that they had to associate themselves with made it much more than just a walk in the park.

“So…?” Croxx pursed his lips, his eyes wandering over the other’s expression and tried to read her mind but alas he couldn’t make up a thing, it has been normal lately.

“We …” she trailed.

Making the audience feel the thrill of the scene wasn’t her style or making them wait when it was only a matter of speaking, but seeing how she was doing the exact thing hinted them of what they’ll be hearing.

“We’ve been given an assignment to have those eight idols under witness protection” and there she said it but looking at their faces she thought to herself if she’s just spoken in an alien language or maybe she went on her words too fast for them to not catch.

“By eight idols … you … you don’t mean those eight, right?” Krome asked, her index finger pointing towards the window but they all knew what she had meant by that and of course the leader nodded.

“WHAT?” they all said at the same time. They really weren’t the type to over react at all and having a first to it was rather amusing that made their leader crack a smile.

“It’s nice to hear the harmony in your voices” she teased even more and with that she received a very harmonious seven-pair of glares from the seated audience.

“Is he serious about that?” Krome asked and Fox nodded, there wasn’t more to say and she couldn’t explain it any further than she already has.

Maybe she hasn’t explained anything to begin with but what was there to explain? The boss’s decisions have been made final and surely none of them wanted to go against his words. In the life of being assassin they grew to learn that as much as they are feared there are still ones above them to fear from.

“I’m in full authority of the assignment, all ideas will be solicited whenever it comes up and all of it can be accommodated. The length of time of this assignment is still indefinite; if there is any further information given I’ll relay them to you. Are there any questions so far?” she asked and weren’t surprised to have their youngest to have the first one.

“How exactly are we going to execute this assignment? Just like them we still are idols and have schedules that will most like clash with theirs, moreover how are we going to protect them when we don’t know their locations and such?” no trail of dismay was in his voice even after his reaction beforehand. He was still new even with the length of time he has been an assassin and so the assignment was just an assignment and not one that opposed their person or at least half of it.

“In due time we’ll speak of it more, but for now

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Chapter 24: loveeeee it??. Thank you great story.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 24: It’s soooo gooooooodddddddddd!!! Definitely worth a reread and an upvote. Great job, authornim ^-^ I hope you’ll write more fics similar to this one. ❤️
lucid249 #3
Reading this again brought back the same feels. Thank you writer-nim for your story
jonangee #4
Pls can u just enumerate and give their corresponding aliases here in the comment. We cant view the pics. Find it hard to read without knowing whos who.
darailwoo #5
i cant view all the character thats why im confused who's who.
MYGOSH! This is very interesting! Gonna read~~~ gonna read~~!
Chapter 24: waaa~ T^T i love your story author-nim! i hope there is a part 2!!!!
Chapter 1: wow cool~!!!!
Oooh I like this :333
Chapter 24: I think der is a season 2 :))
Juseyo :))