CHAPTER 11: Closer

The Fraternity
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[[[[[[[[[ Alright. So guuuyyys~~ from this point on, there would be much less killing and all of the gory detail and a lot for to the emotional element of the story. And as I have mentioned before, there are boyxboy pairing but nothing ual, that I can promise you. I think it's on the next chapter that there is one about them boys, so just a warning. Hope you guys enjoy <3 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

BY THE WAY. This is a little something I made, I got bored at some point in the day. 


8:30 a.m. Bonding

“HYUNSEUNG HYUNG IS MISSING” Sungjong screamed, making Junhyung spit the water he had in his mouth. He was the first one to react out of everyone in the breakfast table and Taecyeon just happened to be sitting across from him.

The boy jumped from the second floor to the first and landing on his feet like it was nothing, then he went straight to Himchan and Hyuna with tears almost rolling off his eyes. The two of them chuckled and petted the younger. “He’s sleeping in Sica unnie’s room” Hyuna smiled and that got the latter to calm down and just nod his head with his lips shaped as ‘o’.

“HEECHUL-ah” then another scream shook the house, it was Gahi and she sounded stressed, panicking.

Her footsteps weren’t heard when she hastily ran down the stairs as if her life was depended on it. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, to the first floor where most of the people living in the building was. All of them were all up on their feet, bodies turned towards where she was with curious expressions on their faces.

“Nuna, what’s wrong?” Heechul asked first.

Gahi was just blinking while she looked at them, mouth parted a little but no words came from them and it made them even more aware of what was wrong even if they didn’t know what.

“Dara is missing. She’s not in her room or any rooms in the house, she isn’t out in the garden or by the beach. Heechul, the plane is missing” she said, her voice was trembling none of the idols seemed to have noticed that but it was enough for the assassins to get worried.

“What do you mean the plane is missing … HYUNSEUNG” the second oldest of them all yelled loudly, making sure his voice reached all the way to where the other’s room was.

It took only a couple of seconds for the one being called to make his way out of his room and down the stairs were everyone was. One eye was close and the other struggling to stay open, his hair was disheveled into a nest. He just woke up and the first thing he woke up to wasn’t a bright and sunny day.

“What? What’s going on?” he groaned, rubbing his eyes awake.

“Dara is missing, does she have the key to the plane?” Heechul asked but with the way his eyes were avoiding the other’s he already knew the answer.

“Yeah, she asked for it last night before we went to sleep” Hyunseung yawned a bit, waking up to what seems like a rough day.

Heechul threw his hand to his head, tugging his hair between his fingers and not letting go until pain registered. All of them were just waiting for someone or something to break the silence. The idols didn’t understand what was happening but they knew it was a dangerous time to make any jokes or even make the assassins aware that they were there.

“Himchan, I want stats on that girl ASAP. Where she is right now and what she’s doing” Heechul looked over to Himchan with a stern look that would have made anyone pee their pants but the latter just nodded and went on to what was given to him to do.

“What’s happening?” Jia asked carefully, afraid to get scolded or get on their bad side but her eyes shimmered with worry.

“Dara just left without saying anything and whenever that happens she always comes back almost dead” Gahi answered and they were all relieved that it was her and not the fuming Heechul.

Right then, Himchan who went out of the room to do what he was told came back and all eyes were on the guy, waiting for his news and hoping it was a good one.

“She’s at Seoul right now, Gangnam Station #238. Does that place sound familiar?” Himchan said and both Gahi and Heechul just stared at each other.

“What the hell is she doing back there?” Heechul just groaned, wanting to hit something but he was afraid to scare anyone in the room especially someone who was staring at him with worried eyes.

“Chan, look at what you can find about Park Hanshim” Gahi ordered him again and without any questions he went on to where he had come from awhile ago. “Ummm… Hyuna go wake up Jessica and just stay here with everyone okay. If you need anything we’ll be up in Chan’s room” she added and the girl nodded.

9:15 Gangnam

“, I should have brought that gun with me” Fox grumbled to herself as she panted heavily with her back against a pile of bricks.

She gripped on her shirt and tore a piece off, using the strip to cover the wound on her feet. Awhile ago a couple of the goons she was fighting with got lucky and had their knife run through her right leg by her ankle. The cut wasn’t deep but with blood trailing down her leg, she couldn’t risk it dripping on the floor making a trail, especially as she was way deep into the facility.

As much as possible, she tried to not use a gun whenever she was out for an assignment. There was no questioning her ability to use one, in fact she was the best at using the artillery even if their gun expert was 39 and their sharp shooter Qat. Jessica once called it her fatal flaw, it wasn’t as bad as it sounded like but it sometimes gets her almost killed.

Holding a gun for her isn’t the same as holding a blade or a sword. Once she holds one of any kind it acts like an aphrodisiac minus the part. She turns into a definite killer, as if the metal clouds up her mind and she becomes unstoppable. The assassin would kill anyone who comes in front of her, whoever it may be.

“I’m going to die when I go back anyways, so might as well risk dying here” she said to herself, closing her eyes and clasping the hilt of the swords she brought with her. She breathes in and out deeply, calming herself.

A smile crept up her lips when the echoing of her heart racing like a humming bird and the acceleration of her adrenaline level. Her eyes shot open, dilated and saw clearly in slow motion everything that was in front of her.

“It’s go time” she grinned and stood up from where she was hiding.

Four armed men appeared by the bottom of the stairs close by the exit door. The smart thing to be done was to hide, but hiding was not in the plan she just made. Holding the swords tightly she charged. It took them a second too late to realize that who they were looking for had showed herself and that they were seconds to death. Blood was sprayed against the walls and the floor flooded with it.

She heard someone coming down the stairs, just one though. She pressed her back towards the wall and waited for the person to get down and when they did she grabbed the person by the neck and pinned them against the wall, her sword pressed against his neck.

“Where’s your boss at?” she asked through the mask that covered her face except for her eyes.

“Ahh.. I… d-don’t ..k-now” the guy choked in fear.

“Answer me or I’d cut your head off” she threatened and he trembled even more.

“On the lower floor, last door on the left” he answered and was about to remind her about her threat when his voice was cut off with her sword. She didn’t really believe the answer from the guy but it was the best lead she’s had since she got in.

Following the directions given to her, she made her way down. She didn’t bother hiding or waiting for them to attack, she cleaned off her path with blood and left no one alive. Finally, she reached the room.

“Hmmm…” she hummed to herself, standing in front of the door and waiting for some sign to appear. There seemed to be something off with the whole situation, something eerie that seemed to be making sense but not.

She didn’t have time to think about it, her hand went for the door knob and twisted it to open. To her surprise a man was sitting comfortable behind his desk like the alarm hadn’t went off a couple of times. He lifted his head up and smiled at the assassin standing by his door.

“I’ve been expecting you” he said.

He didn’t look familiar at all but he seemed to know her and maybe even the real her. She stood motionless by the door with her hand gripping her weapon tightly, as if in any second she’ll be deflecting any attack that would come from the other.

“Tell me, what do you know about Park Imsu?” she asked and a creepy smile crept up the man’s face. He seemed old enough to know a lot of the transaction of the organization yet there was something about him the told her there really wasn’t much that he knew, but he still played a big part on the grand design of things.

Suddenly, the radio that was stationed behind him – a walkie talkie she presumed, made a noise. She looked over to the machine, narrowing her eyes on it and waiting for it to talk while the other just sat nicely on his chair as if it was nothing.

“Park Imsu, hmmm… what is it that you want from him exactly?” his smirk was utmost disgusting and horrific. Fox felt disgusted and wanted to just mess his face up in a way that he himself wouldn’t want to look at his own reflection.

“What do you know about him?” Fox pushed in, feeling her patience fleeting away by the second.

“Well, you could ask someone in your house or perhaps S-…” he was about to go on when a fire that came out of nowhere shot him in the chest.

“No…” she screamed and wanted to get to him and making him talk more but she knew there was nothing she could do to save him. “” she groaned to herself and punched the wall where it made at dent of her knuckles. She was so close onto finding out something about her dad but it all just slipped away like water in her hand and all she got was a letter, S.

Down the corridor where she had come in where voices of other goons in the building, all armed and ready to find whoever has been on a killing spree. There were about approximately 40 men coming, all of them wanting to kill someone. If it was someone else they could be dead before they could even make it out of the floor, if they were even crazy enough they would march down the hallway to their death but she was all of the mentioned.

She walked out of the room and, right where the men could all take a shot at her dead and that was what exactly they did. Bullets came out of their guns’ nozzles continuously and didn’t stop until she was down the floor bleeding to death. Charging forward she deflected all of the gunshots, her eyes clouded by anger.

No words were spoken as she stabbed and jabbed everyone who was in front of her, killing them all in a matter of minutes. She took out to grenades from her back, pulling off the pins from and throwing them to the pile of dead bodies in the middle of the floor. Soon others would be coming as back up and she didn’t have any more reasons to stay.

She was on the fifth floor of the building complex, standard height to be jumping off of and so she used the window as her exit. She took a bit of a run and slammed her body against the window, shattered the glasses that fell along with her body. There was no one on sight that could have seen her jump to her seemingly death, but it was just another ordinary day except with a whole floor exploding behind you. She landed on her feet and bounced right back up.

Everything could have been alright, no problem at all but the force of th

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Chapter 24: loveeeee it??. Thank you great story.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 24: It’s soooo gooooooodddddddddd!!! Definitely worth a reread and an upvote. Great job, authornim ^-^ I hope you’ll write more fics similar to this one. ❤️
lucid249 #3
Reading this again brought back the same feels. Thank you writer-nim for your story
jonangee #4
Pls can u just enumerate and give their corresponding aliases here in the comment. We cant view the pics. Find it hard to read without knowing whos who.
darailwoo #5
i cant view all the character thats why im confused who's who.
MYGOSH! This is very interesting! Gonna read~~~ gonna read~~!
Chapter 24: waaa~ T^T i love your story author-nim! i hope there is a part 2!!!!
Chapter 1: wow cool~!!!!
Oooh I like this :333
Chapter 24: I think der is a season 2 :))
Juseyo :))