CHAPTER 14: Settling

The Fraternity
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Sloan pulled himself all the way inside the chopper, seating down with Raymond beside him.

“Where to next young master?” Raymond asked the younger man. He held a planner of all the schedules that day but he still needed to ask as the list didn’t mention which ones were more important than the other, added to that the president likes to jumble up his schedules.

“Back to HQ, I’ve got a meeting in 10 minutes” Sloan said and right away the chopper turned towards the direction of their head quarters.

Raymond let the president close his eyes for a break, he wasn’t tired or anything but such travels made him quite dizzy so to manage not throwing up he had to close his eyes and drift away to unconsciousness.

While the young man was at that state Raymond unpinned the button of his suit, behind the gold eagle was a small chip or some recorder that he attached to his phone. Soon after, the messages and information were soon transmitted. He quickly then discarded everything in time that they arrived to the HQ of the Fraternity.

1:30 p.m. Got Back

“Hit that high note like you got kicked in the balls” Kyujong pushed Yongguk and Taecyeon, biting his lip to stop himself from laughing at the sight of those two’s faces turning a deep shade of red.

It probably wasn’t a very good idea to have rappers to sing, especially when they are rappers with deep voices. Of course Jia and was already in a laughing fit, holding her stomach and even crying from the humor of it all. They were bored and they thought trying Kyujong’s idea wasn’t such a bad idea. Everything was coming undone quite lovely but when they have tried the rappers, all hell broke loose and someone had definitely partially lost their hearing.

Myungsoo was sitting by the stairs, covering his ears as hard as he could to deafen his hyungs’ singing. They definitely had their roles picked out quite well for them within their groups, though he had to admit that Yongguk seemed to have a pretty good singing voice compared to Taecyeon’s.

“Why don’t you kick below the belt hyung that might do the trick” Kyuhyun suggested, the two rappers suddenly stopped ‘trying’ to sing and glared at the older. They were completely fond of the guy, if ever they pounce on him they’ll still have clear conscience if he hurts badly.

Everything stopped, the rappers was still glaring at Kyuhyun as he scooted behind Jaejoong for a shield. The two really looked like they were about to pounce on the idol, hesitation crept up to their bones when behind the idols was Dara passing by. Her dark expression was vaguely seen through the glass windows but it still sent chills down their spine. They both thought that if they want to commit a crime they at least should do it out of the assassin’s sight, she might smell blood and go on a frenzy like a shark.

“Rather than overcoming their weakness, it’s better to sharpen their strengths …” Dara said, her face softening up as she looked directly towards Yongguk and Taecyeon. “Just like how living with the past won’t change anything in the future” she smiled softly at them and both of them blushed as they clearly knew what she was talking about. Painstakingly, they nodded their head as if she was the president and they needed to take her words to mind seriously.

Jaejoong watched the girl walk away, she had a bit of resemblance with her company’s president. She seemed cruel, her malicious looks often feels like molten lava pouring over you and her words more often than anything hits you hard, but then she’s nice as well to the point that it seems as if there are two of her instead of one.

Looking at her or more like watching her makes anyone think that she’s just some ordinary idol who had too much to think about that she often leads a double life of some sort. Maybe because her eyes always looked so distant that although she had her hands full  there was still something else and just as much as she wanted to tell someone about it there’s just no one who can understand her. Or perhaps the problem was not that there was no one who can understand her but because she didn’t let anyone understand it.

“More than anything else, I want to see unnie happy with someone. She always seems so sad although she’s smiling” Jia said, looking at the same way Jaejoong was and thinking just about the same thing as the older was.

“She’s always smiling when she’s with Jae hyung though, even though they’re teasing each other and to the verge of killing each other sometimes it’s enough to bring light to nuna’s face” Junhyung commented, smiling at Jaejoong.

“Hyung, do you like nuna?” Yongguk asked.

All eyes had turned towards the center of attention, waiting with patience for the answer that they all hoped was a ‘yes’ or something on the line of that word. It was something hard to deny when if facts are laid out it would look like the final verdict, even with all the objections that would come along.

“Maybe” he grinned.

“We’re not hearing a no” Myungsoo sang.

“I’m not saying a yes” Jaejoong replied just the same.

Just then a lineup of seven assassins entered the front of the house, all of them looking fairly tired but no signs of wounds or anything. Jia smiled when her eyes met Heechul, she was relieved to see him back even though she showed no signs of it. Yongguk was looking at Himchan as well, but the boy was busy talking to the maknae so instead of keeping his eyes on the visual it turned to another visual, Myungsoo. He looked very much sad and Yongguk knew why but there was nothing he could do.

Jaejoong eyed Gahi and when the two of them locked us, the older nodded and the latter knew what she meant by that. For some reason the idol felt relieved that he no longer carried a secret on his own, that finally he had someone to talk about it even. He felt the wheel of his plans accelerating as it rolled uphill.

“You’re back” Taecyeon smiled, his eyes on Jessica even while her eyes were on Hyunseung.

“Umm… yeah” the girl answered lifelessly.

Aside from Hyunseung and Jessica, the rest of the assassins headed towards the group of idols sitting by the stairs. Dara was out of sight but they’d face her later on. Both Junhyung and Taecyeon watched the two, one of them looking a bit lonelier than usual.

“Talk to him, you’ll have to sooner or later” Hyunseung smiled, rubbing the girl’s cheeks. Jessica only pouted even more and making the other chuckle. The sight of the two would have been scandalous if they were back in Seoul, their closeness a very much suspicious and would make anyone think they were a couple.

“Why do I have to?” the girl asked but she knew the answer to her own answer. It wasn’t that she had to but it was that she needed to. “Why now? We’ve got more problems to deal with, much more important than him and I” she pressed, her unwillingness to go on with the assassin’s plea obvious to anyone who sees her expression over the matter.

“It’s because of the other problems we need to deal with. Sica, if we are going to stop nuna from going on with her plans it’ll take all the time in the world and you know that. It’s about time that you talk about it. He’s making an effort to reach to you, don’t make him wait any longer” Hyunseung replied, making his point strong enough for the other to understand and unable to object to. Jessica just groaned and Hyunseung smiled, putting an arm around the girl and walking back to everyone else.

The both of them passed by Taecyeon and Junhyung, the older of the two eyeing Hyunseung and had a hunch that he was the one they were both talking about, of course he was right as the male assassin smiled softly at him. Junhyung on the other hand looked at Taecyeon, his face held an expression of perhaps anger or maybe jealousy.

“Where’s Dara?” Heechul asked the group and all of them pointed inside the house.

An awkward cloud shrouded above Jaejoong and the assassins, knowing may not always be the greatest advantage if being stealthy was what they were heading for. One thing was absolute between them and that was to not get the girl in any trouble that would cause her life, especially when she was up against an organization such as the Hyenas.

As if right on cue, the girl they were looking for came through the open doors and looking as lively as ever with the smile on her face that held no comparison to any stars as it seemed brighter than usual. Both Heechul and Gahi smiled back at the girl as if she was their youngest sister that they had left for work and came back to have her eagerly waiting for them.

Even though there were no signs or any thoughts of it three certain people in the crowd felt a pinch of jealous towards the three assassins. Their closeness seeming to be the issue for them since the start and till now had no way of overcoming it.

“What happened to my baby, Chan what did you do to Jong?” Dara was on her way to hug the elders, struggling quite a bit at it actually but as her eyes fluttered over to the maknae her destination changed drastically. Himchan raised both his hands up, a sign that had meant he had nothing to do with it and Hyuna couldn’t help but laugh as he was yet again the first one to be blamed.

“I didn’t do anything” he replied. Sungjong frowned, making the elder’s case much worse.

“Nothing nuna, I just didn’t get to buy some lemon candies” the maknae managed to make up a last minute excuse for the sake of not getting busted by their all too observant leader. Dara just smiled dearly and ruffled the boy’s hair. “Ask your Chan hyung and Hyuna nuna to make you some” she said and the boy’s eyes lit up, it was no part of his act as he was really pumped up to hear such words. Himchan and Hyuna on the other hand were already exchanging glances and thinking to themselves what trouble they got themselves into.

“We’ll take care of that later, let’s eat first” Gahi announced and all of them perked up by the mention of eating. The cooks already made their way towards the kitchen while the others chatted a little bit.

The Fraternity is nothing if the members hold no trust towards the others, that is why in every assignment that their leader was not a part with there were no needs for briefing or explanation as to what happened and because of that the seven felt much more relieved than ever. It was hard enough to lie to each other if something happens but it was biting more than you can chew, so they avoid it any way possible.

Lying to someone you love comes the difficult part of feeling guilty even if how much it was for their sake.  Telling her the truth would need a great sacrifice and that sacrifice could mean losing their friendship, their family but if they wait for that right moment to speak then it might just mean nothing would be lost. At least that was what they were hoping for, Sloan on top of them all but in the line of their profession death always comes to one who walks with their eyes closed on a pavement with light clear as day and in the end of that pavement was a pit of which you can never climb out from.

All of them gathered around the dining area and the kitchen, helping each other with what needed to be done. It has been a couple of days now and their teamwork – even if they do not play too much, have gotten better than expected. Everyone enjoyed what they were doing and no one seemed to be out of place, that was until Dara turned her head to see a down Hyunseung sitting by the staircase.

“What’s the matter” the girl asked softly, taking the empty space beside him and sitting down as comfortable as she could get with her still aching foot. Hyunseung only smiled boyishly and shook his head like he always did whenever there was something that he didn’t talk about. He should have known better not to do that though because that only provoked the older to push even more.

“I’d say by the way you are distancing yourself from the rest of the world it could only mean that t is related to Junhyung, am I right?” she said quietly. Often times the girl has unbelievable senses but it only comes when it was with someone other than herself and most of the times it was much more dangerous than the Psychological abilities of Heechul.

“I’m just failing to understand what Junhyung is doing here, I mean I’m sure you already know by now nuna” he sighed, rubbing the back of his hand. Dara sighed as well as if she was thinking about it too but the other already knows that she knew what the answer was.

“To begin with, once upon a time both of you were happily together but of a tragic twist of fate you never reached your happily ever after and perhaps now fate has given you another chance” Dara simply answered, nudging the other with her shoulder.

“He left me nuna, he went for someone that I can never be and what’s stopping him from leaving again if that is to say he had come back to stay?” he asked sorrowfully, his eyes glistening with the tears that were forming in his eyes and Dara can tell he was using all the control he had in him to stop them from betraying him.

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Chapter 24: loveeeee it??. Thank you great story.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 24: It’s soooo gooooooodddddddddd!!! Definitely worth a reread and an upvote. Great job, authornim ^-^ I hope you’ll write more fics similar to this one. ❤️
lucid249 #3
Reading this again brought back the same feels. Thank you writer-nim for your story
jonangee #4
Pls can u just enumerate and give their corresponding aliases here in the comment. We cant view the pics. Find it hard to read without knowing whos who.
darailwoo #5
i cant view all the character thats why im confused who's who.
MYGOSH! This is very interesting! Gonna read~~~ gonna read~~!
Chapter 24: waaa~ T^T i love your story author-nim! i hope there is a part 2!!!!
Chapter 1: wow cool~!!!!
Oooh I like this :333
Chapter 24: I think der is a season 2 :))
Juseyo :))