CHAPTER 10: Getting Close

The Fraternity
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5:30 p.m. Break

“I feel a discrepancy in the universe …” a mysterious voice sounded above Dara’s head. A ghastly aura shrouding above her like a storm cloud, its familiarity sent the woman into a craze of annoyance but as well as amusement. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes and at the same time fight a smile that was forming on her lips.

“Perhaps it’s Himchannie” Dara raised her head up to see Heechul glowering over her from the second floor of the house. Her hand was pointed at the direction where the first floor washroom was located. The door was open and someone occupying it, they knew who it was and then the flush came through the silent hall.

“For the love of all that smells nice Channie, close the damn door when you use the washroom” she burst into a fit of laughter and was almost falling off her chair.

Himchan who just got out of the washroom stared at both of them with widened eyes as if he was just caught doing something illegal or perhaps seen a ghost. Slowly in surrender, he raised both his hands up in the air but not knowing what was really happening.

“I’m sorry?” he apologized like a lost kid who has done nothing, blame for something he didn’t know what. He was blinking furiously; it was quite frightening to be scolded by the two without knowing what for. He smiled nervously, took two steps back and broke into a run.

“Come on Chul oppa, don’t be so harsh on the kid” she smiled at the older who was waving his hand, telling her he got it and there was no need for her to continue with her speech. He was just playing around but Himchan’s expression looked like he was traumatized by what happened, surely someone would need to apologize later.

Heechul came down the stairs, whistling merrily as if he was enjoying some joke he had just shared with himself. He found Dara on her laptop, working on something yet again but before he could make out any of it the girl had closed the screen and turned around to face him. It seemed a bit important but he didn’t linger around the thought of finding it out since he thought it’ll most likely be nothing.

The house was empty aside from both of them inside it. The three youngest assassins wanted to give the idols a tour of the island which wouldn’t take too long since it still was small and there really was nothing to see. The other three assassins tagged along to keep them all out of trouble or they will all be in trouble form Dara if something happens. Dara and Heechul was left behind since they didn’t want to go and one specific assassin who had passed by because of nature’s call that has been the source of the discrepancy in the universe the older was talking about.

“What’s with the tension between you and Kim?” Heechul asked, Dara groaned and rolled her eyes so hard it seemed like her eyeballs really did reach the back of her eyes. She was about to turn around, showing the other that he wasn’t interested in continuing the conversation anymore but the older caught her hand and kept her still.

“Which one?” she replied wittily, grinning like a fool at yet another glower from the other.

“The older one, the one you were singling out a while ago and the one perhaps you are attracted to” he grinned back, specifying which one he was talking about quite to the point. Rather vague and subtle but on point and clear.

“Oh that one – what?” she stared at him horrendously like he had just confessed on committing the most horrific crime. His specifics were going fine until he took the wrong turn on the last one. It was the elder’s turn to laugh. Apparently the way her face started to distort and turn into a shade of red that made her look like a tomato was funny, she was aware of how her face was warming up and she hated it even more.

She threw the pillow that she found somewhere right at the elder’s face, making him almost fall back at how hard she threw it. Her hand found a slender object that was lying on the desk, she knew it was a pen – the one she just sharpened awhile ago but hadn’t used yet – and was about to throw it next but she stopped.

Dara didn’t know what to say and just glared at her oppa while her face got redder and warmer. If it were any other times she would have come out with a smart comment, a witty comment, and one that would require the opponent to crack their brains out before they could answer. It wasn’t necessarily given in that order nor in that combination, one of them would have been fine but this time she had none of them.

“I’m not attracted to him, if anything I hate his guts … makes me want to …” she didn’t finish her sentence with words but with her actions. She held the pencil on both end and snapped it into two like it was some twig. It clearly sent the message she was going for and she was smiling, which made him easily believe the possibilities of it happening was very high.

“Really? Then why don’t you explain what that was, you were frying him on the spot” he insisted.

“He was doing the same oppa. It’s my territory and I’m not going to let anyone question my superiority, assignment or not” she said blissfully as if tormenting souls was her favourite pass time.

Heechul just rolled his eyes, finding the girl hard to talk to at times and very stubborn. It saved their lives more than enough times for them to not question her gut instincts but it had them almost killed as well. When it came to her personal stuff though, it was almost next to impossible to get it out of her, very frustrating and maddening even. The topic had their psychologist’s interested hooked; it was rare for their leader to be moved.

“Oh please, the two of you were going hard at each other like you’re going to war” he smiled highly.

“If you’re going to quote a song, may it please be not by Maroon 5? You’ve butchered their songs too many times already” she rolled her eyes.

“As long as it describes what I’m talking about then butchering Maroon 5’s songs it will be … are you two having some sort of secret relationship? You both are arguing like a couple who will have afterwards to fix their problem” he accused, narrowing his eyes heavily on the girl like that would make her speak the truth. He even asked with a creepy smile that made him look like a complete ert and his eyes started to wander around like he was imagining it. Even thought it was a preposterous idea, it was still embarrassing.

“Oppa” she groaned and whined again. “For the last time, I’m not in a secret relationship with him or any relationship of any kind for that matter. Mostly, I have not nor will I ever have with him” she made her words clear and loud that everyone who was inside the house would have heard it.

“Have with whom?” Jaejoong along with the rest of the group had showed up from the kitchen.

The two of them turned their way to see all of them lined up and waiting for an answer to the idol’s question. Heechul was grinning from ear to ear while Dara look liked she wanted the floor to open up and eat her and at the same time wanting to kill the older. It wasn’t a good thought since she was very capable of making his death look like an accident so no one can blame her although it was very obvious.

“None of your damn business” she said through gritted teeth and killer eyes. She looked at Heechul and the elder flinched when her hand twitched. She didn’t do anything though, she grabbed her laptop and left.

“Mmm~hmm, is it just me or is it getting hot in here?” Heechul eyed Jaejoong and his grin turned into a sly smirk.

“Where is she going?” he asked, his concern intriguing Heechul.

“I don’t know, maybe off to kill, torture, punish, torment, murder, exterminate, obliterate or slaughter something” each word got each of the idols gulping their spit and trying hard not to imagine the beautiful girl executing such frightening deeds. It wasn’t easy since they’ve already seen her kill somebody. The assassins were finding the idea exciting.

“Say Jae, want to have a little chat with me? Maybe over some tea and biscuits” his smile was all alone creepy, that was the first hint the idol got that he shouldn’t be alone in a room with the elder even though they’ve been friends for a long time.

There was something behind his smile that wasn’t just teasing or joking. Jaejoong saw a bit of interest but not with him, he was quite sure it was about the girl who just fled the room but he didn’t know nor understand why it had to do something with him. Maybe it’s related to the way they were exchanging words and questions awhile ago, but other than that he couldn’t think of anything.

“That incident wouldn’t be the first time” Hyunseung said, muttering to himself as he thought but he was actually speaking too loud that all of them had heard.

Although it wasn’t something to be specifically worried about, his tone of voice made it seem like it was a problem and knowing that it was the second time it had happened they couldn’t help but feel a bit worried.

“What incident?” Heechul looked at the assassin who had settled himself on the sofa, in his hand was the remote control of the T.V and became busy with flipping through the channels.

It was just the two of them that were separated from the big group behind but it had seemed like they were watching Zeus close to zapping the mortal into ashes and Hyunseung was completely unaware of it like always. Finally, before some war was broken Hyunseung caught the eyes that were trying to disintegrate him with imaginary lasers.

“Well, it really isn’t the first time we’ve crossed paths with Kim Jaejoong-ssi as assassins. I wouldn’t really say the first time went great since it was just passing by” Hyunseung bent his head back and his eyes were pointed sharply at Jaejoong and a grin that was mocking the older came to his lips. 

“Wait … were you the three visitors our vice-president had?” he asked, surprised at himself and not them for not figuring it out sooner.

“Took you long enough” Hyunseung scoffed and turned his eyes back to the screen.

Heechul eyed Jaejoong again and he got a crazy feeling about the guy. Although he had known him for a long time now there were still a lot of mysteries he kept with himself. The verdict of whether it’s a positive thing or not has yet to come, but with the way he seemed to have an effect on the

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Chapter 24: loveeeee it??. Thank you great story.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 24: It’s soooo gooooooodddddddddd!!! Definitely worth a reread and an upvote. Great job, authornim ^-^ I hope you’ll write more fics similar to this one. ❤️
lucid249 #3
Reading this again brought back the same feels. Thank you writer-nim for your story
jonangee #4
Pls can u just enumerate and give their corresponding aliases here in the comment. We cant view the pics. Find it hard to read without knowing whos who.
darailwoo #5
i cant view all the character thats why im confused who's who.
MYGOSH! This is very interesting! Gonna read~~~ gonna read~~!
Chapter 24: waaa~ T^T i love your story author-nim! i hope there is a part 2!!!!
Chapter 1: wow cool~!!!!
Oooh I like this :333
Chapter 24: I think der is a season 2 :))
Juseyo :))