CHAPTER 9: Good Meeting

The Fraternity
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9:45 a.m. Dara's Room

4 days it has been since the trip to the camp. 4 days it has been that no assignment has been given to them. 4 days it has been since they last saw each other. 4 days it has been that Dara started planning for yet another trip, an indefinite one.

“I hate paperwork” Dara grumbled as she went through the files of papers spread out her bed. A couple of small booklets tied up with a rubber band and a blinding amount of cash stacked on one side. They were all neatly piled but they were just too many of them littered across over her sheets.

She had a day off while the rest of the members went off for their own schedules. She had made sure the doors were locked, especially her door and the windows as well. There was no one in the dorm aside from her and it was best that way. All her secrets free for anyone to see if they just come in and she couldn’t afford getting busted that way, especially if it were her members that had come in.

The paper work was mostly done by someone else and it wasn’t to say she wasn’t good at it, having to stay seated or on one spot for a long time was something she despised so much. The work had to be done though and it was only her who can finish it at the time without prolonging the current situation.

In front of her was her laptop, alive and blinking but untouched. A file was open and it had the title of ‘Official release statement’. It seemed so much like a release statement coming from the lawyer to the judge to free his/her employer.

“Well that’s everything” she sighed, looking past by the mess in front of her to the shelf across the bed where another picture of her and her group was placed. She had to go again and had to lie to them, she thought maybe they have gotten used to her disappearances by now but it still bothered her at night about what they really thought of it. All she could do was hope that they don’t take it into heart.

Averting her eyes to the screen of her laptop, her fingers trailed along the keyboard and she had opened her e-mail but not her regular one. Across the page was the name Elizabeth Montgomery in italics. That was her or what she proposes to be. A manager of a music company outside of the contry who is willing to take in 16 idols from groups to train and orient about the west genres of the industry. It was all valid of course, liable for the entertainment companies to believe and not question.

By the foot of her bed was her luggage, two bags that had all she needed for the unfixed ‘training’ she’ll be going to. All was set and she only needed to tell the others of the plan, by sunset tomorrow they will be out of the country and hiding until everything was cleared, which she found a bit too dramatic even for her.

“Sent and done” she pressed send and the statements have been forward to the companies. She had a few of Sloan’s people to go ahead and have a small meetings with the companies and all of them having no trouble at all. The statement was only needed for having everything official.

“They’d probably get the news now” she sighed, putting everything away and decided to take short nap.

Super Junior/SNSD – SM Entertainment

“Since you have each other I don’t think there would be any trouble at all. This music training is a big asset for you both so take advantage of it” their president told the three of them and they sternly nodded, getting everything he said and glued in their heads.

Infinite – Woolim Entertainment

“They said there would be a total of 16 people on board, I would think that you know the other 14 so you don’t have to worry about. You’ve got each other anyways so it’ll be all alright” he smiled in a father-like manner towards his two idols that he has treated like he’s sons. He didn’t have to worry, as long they got each other everything was fine.

Beast/4minute – Cube Entertainment

“I expect that you two take care of her, she’s your responsibility for the whole duration of this trip. Of course don’t forget about yourself, I know this is a huge thing for all three of you but don’t forget about your health either, it’s much more important than anything else” the old man heaved a sigh, the trip was making him tired more than expected and he didn’t seem to understand why but seeing the three of them and thinking that they had each other made it much less of a worry.

B.A.P – TS Entertainment

“Now, now. You two behave yourself, take this chance to explore your talents and make friends as well. Don’t forget to work hard but always remember to have fun” he said, making the two more eager to be on the trip already but of course they had to go back to their dorm and pack up what they need.

2pm/Miss A - JYP Entertainment

“I know you’ll both do well but I still expect you two to behave. It’s a new journey and I want you to make the best out of it” the president smiled, not having any bit of trouble knowing that the other two companies would be letting their idols as well. All was good.

2ne1 – YG Entertainment, JYJ – C-Jes Entertainment, Pledis Entertainment, B2M Entertainment

“Good luck with everything and don’t forget to bring me back a souvenir or a shirt or anything” the president coolly said before letting them go to get ready for the morning’s flight

7:30 a.m. Set Off

When supposedly they were set to go all together, only half of the recruited idols gathered in the bus that were supposed to take them to the airport since they all had their passport with them and everything. They were worried of course but not because of any recent events, what had happened 4 days ago that shook them was forgotten quickly because of the heavy schedules and so it took their mind out of it.

The bus drove down the busy morning streets of Seoul, the sun peaking through the ominous clouds that started the day, its gloom not enough to bring down the idols’ excitement at what they thought was a field trip of some sorts. Since the bus was supposedly for 16 idols each of them took the window seat and left the other open for whoever wanted to join them. Though the size was good for the number but seeing as it was half of it silence filled the trip.

“Wait, aren’t we off Seoul now? I don’t think there are any airports around here” Jaejoong curiously said. Pulling aside the curtain of the window and seeing the fading buildings and the welcoming vast lands of farms, they were truly outside the city of Seoul.

“Mister” Taecyeon called to the driver. He didn’t respond or even look back at the panicking group of idols he carried on the bus. He was of certain age and maybe he just didn’t hear them calling, especially with the engine roaring to his ears and so they decided to get close.

Kyuhyun tapped the old man’s shoulder, trying to get his attention without the attention averting from the road. The old man jerked a little bit in surprise but nonetheless gave them the attention they were searching for.

“Yes, my boy?” he asked in a raspy voice.

“Aren’t we supposed to be going to the airport?” Junhyung asked.

“I’m only taking you to the address I was given …” he shrugged, reaching out to the small cabinet he had by the side of the stirring wheel and took out a piece of paper with the address he was driving to written on it.

They took the paper at hand and read through it. The address given was unfamiliar but they knew it was way out of the city lights and deeper into the country side. What they thought would be a happy trip just turned into a frightening nightmare, a horror story perhaps but their driver seemed so nice that maybe they were just over thinking everything but then again they really didn’t know the old man.

Maybe it was a bad choice to not call their manager for help when they still had signals on their phone, three hours later and they were in the middle of nowhere with just mountains circling the road.

“Man, are we dead or what” Kyujong muttered, his eyes on the wire gate up ahead.

The place looked like the outside of a prison cell, barb wires hang above the wire walls and other line of wires across the wall. It was every frightening, especially with the distant howls of dogs or perhaps wolves that scattered around the thick forest that towered across the land.

Like someone was waiting for them the gates opened with the bus having to stop or honk at someone. They all had the urge to yell at the driver to stop and turn around to drive away, but something held them back and they didn’t know what it was.

“Well, here we are” the old man killed the engine and opened the doors, looking back at his passengers and waiting for them to start moving out. “Are you kids coming down or what?” his voice was weak but there was a certain power to it that made them all stood up and did as he said.

Across the courtyard where they had the bus parked was a warehouse, one big enough to park planes in it and that’s when they all sort of figured it out, plus the run way they thought was the courtyard.

“Give that back” they heard a faint voice from somewhere. They looked around but saw no one. All of them glanced at each other and asking through their eyes if they heard what they heard too.

“Come and get it then” then there was another but it was much deeper than the first one, much happier as well.

They were all starting to freak out if the place was hunted by ghost or what, certainly clouded skies could have attracted them to come out of their hiding tombs but then from the side of the warehouse – through the small door, was Sungjong chasing Himchan for what looked like food. The two of them stopped on their tracks when they noticed the group of people watching them.

“They’re here” he shouted and right then the doors to the warehouse opened.

Slowly coming out of its cavern was a small white plane, looking very polished and expensive. All of them gasped in amazement at how beautiful it was. Following behind it were most of the people that were supposed to be with them in the bus.

“Well go on, they’ve been waiting for you” the old man said, looking at the direction they were looking at and waved when one of the girls did then he drove away.

Pulling their luggage behind them, they made their way to the others and still were fazed by the beauty of the plane parked a few feet away from them. They were about to ask them where the hell they were when another someone else came out of from the warehouse holding a clipboard and walking straight to the plane.

“Zero, is the plane ready to go? I just called the housekeeper and she said everything is set for our arrival” she asked. The door of the plan opened dramatically slow and the pilot came down of the stairs. “Yeah she’s ready to go and we are too it seems” he grinned and turned to the idols who just came.

All of their mouths were hanging open, they didn’t know if it was because the guy knew how to fly a plane or the fact that their assumptions about that certain group was real.

“Oh, hello” the girl with the clipboard smiled.

“Wait, what’s going on?” Myungsoo asked, just as curious and lost as the other seven beside him were.

“Introductions and explanations later ladies, right now we need to go or we’ll get caught in the storm” Gahi came to sight with Heechul, unaffected by the presence of the people they have been waiting for. Myungsoo scowled for being collected as ‘ladies’.

“We’re not going until we get some answers here” Taecyeon stepped in and just rolled her eyes.

“We’ll talk inside the plane so get in or we’ll drag you in” she threatened her voice deadly and tone much more poisonous than any other venomous animal living. They all gulped their spit and moved on, not asking any other question or anything else. The sudden memory of Zero or Hyunseung as they knew him came to mind and they did not want to suffer the same fate the man did.

One by one they all got settled, the idols on the left side of the plane and the assassins on the right side of the plane. Everything was going smoothly as planned, no one whined nor complained and the idols had stopped with their questions though they know they can’t keep their silence forever.

Behind them the doors of the warehouse closed and the place that they thought was a ghost town of some sort, before they saw people, had turned back to their imaginations. The door of the plane closed finally and they were stuck there with no way out, much worse to that they were surrounded by what they thought were just ordinary idols but actually were dangerous people.

“All of you behave okay, we wouldn’t want someone to get punched in the face for talking too much” Heechul said worrily, heaving a sigh and sitting to where there was an empty space and it was beside Gahi.

Hyunseung and Dara passed by them and went straight to the cockpit, neither of them bothering to look back or any of the pointless gestures of niceties. Hyunseung told everyone through the system to buckle up their seatbelts and get ready for takeoff, he also told them that the flight would be three hours long but mentioned nothing about their destination.

Their worries were momentarily flushed away fr

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Chapter 24: loveeeee it??. Thank you great story.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 24: It’s soooo gooooooodddddddddd!!! Definitely worth a reread and an upvote. Great job, authornim ^-^ I hope you’ll write more fics similar to this one. ❤️
lucid249 #3
Reading this again brought back the same feels. Thank you writer-nim for your story
jonangee #4
Pls can u just enumerate and give their corresponding aliases here in the comment. We cant view the pics. Find it hard to read without knowing whos who.
darailwoo #5
i cant view all the character thats why im confused who's who.
MYGOSH! This is very interesting! Gonna read~~~ gonna read~~!
Chapter 24: waaa~ T^T i love your story author-nim! i hope there is a part 2!!!!
Chapter 1: wow cool~!!!!
Oooh I like this :333
Chapter 24: I think der is a season 2 :))
Juseyo :))