CHAPTER 16: Unable To

The Fraternity
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8:30 a.m. 

 “Come on little birdies, time to wake up” each one of the assassins had a respective idol to wake up, aside from Dara all of them were in the second floor knocking furiously at the doors of those idols. It was a given that some of the assassins didn’t really want to be around their respective idol for more than one reasons, but they couldn’t do anything really as that was the bargaining chip for them from their leader if they were truly given the permission to join in her plans.

Almost all of them were successful at waking the idols up except for Gahi and Sungjong who wasn’t anywhere close to the doors of their idols, it was a given that they didn’t really want to do it but none of the others wanted to help. Sungjong just groaned though, not letting thoughts flood his mind and went on with the given task.

“Myungsoo hyung …” he called, lightly tapping his knuckles on the wooden door to wake the older up. Light footsteps approached the door and Sungjong stood frozen, his lips trembling with unspoken words. Then the door opened, Myungsoo whose eyes were still not fully awake and squinting from the bright lights of the hallway.

“Yeah, is there something wrong?” he asked, his hair was disheveled and his bangs were pointing to million directions. Not thinking much he reached out his hand and fixed the elder’s hair, stopping quickly after he realized what he was doing. “I-I’m sorry. Umm… Pack your backs, we’re going back to Seoul” he said hastily and turned around to walk away but Myungsoo had grabbed on his waist, pulling him back into a hug.

Sungjong’s breath stopped – not literally of course, but he was holding his breath until the next thing happened. Nothing though, Myungsoo just hugged him from behind and his chin resting on the latter’s shoulder. He could feel his hyung’s beating heart, it might be cheesy but it was beating at the same pattern and rhythm as his.

“Just 10 seconds Jong, please” Sungjong blushed hard and he was thankful the older couldn’t see it but he just nodded though, it wasn’t as if he could pry himself away from Myungsoo’s strong hold and it wasn’t like he could pull himself away either.

10 … 9 … 8 … 7 … He didn’t want to count, he didn’t want the moment to end but it had to be just like everything else … 6 … 5 … 4 … Myungsoo thought the same way, he might not have the exact explanation for his needs but there was no way he could stop it … 3 … 2 … 1 … and Myungsoo’s arms slipped lose and had been taken off from his waist.

“I’ll be down” the older heaved a sigh before entering his room again.

“Alright” Sungjong stuttered and left as well, wanting to look back but unable to do so.

Gahi on the other hand kept pacing back and forth in front of Kyujong’s door, reaching her hand for the door knob but then taking it back just as soon as she moved her hand. She wanted to run away, she wanted to not be on the spot where she was standing because of a reason being he didn’t want to face the guy who has been courting her for God only knows how long now. 

She too had some love connection with Kyujong though it’s not as formed as the others. She was more like Dara and a little bit of Heechul in a way because she knew what was going on like him but really didn’t know what to do about it like the younger. Dara who was coming down from her own room noticed the assassin who had turned to biting her nail and tapping her foot against the flood impatiently.

The leader smiled at the silliness of her unnie but she couldn’t really blame the older for not doing anything. She knows a lot about her and as much as she wanted to help her there was no way she could help, it was needed to be done by the older on her own or it won’t be all worth it.

“Unnie, go on” Dara told her, smiling as she passed by the girl.

“You are not helping” Gahi narrowed her eyes on her leader but she knew she was right.

Over thinking things was one of her flaws and it often times put her in a situation like that moment. The only way to get out it was to just breathe in and out and just let everything flow as it would flow. So with a deep breath she reached for the door knob, turning it and pushing the door open. She was more than surprised to see the guy already awake with all of his properties packed inside his bag.

“Good morning” the idol smiled at the surprised girl as he turned to make his bed.

“How come you’re up already?” Gahi asked curiously.

“I couldn’t sleep and then I heard Heechul hyung talking about going back to Seoul so I just started to pack” he smiled but didn’t really look at her. She didn’t know why but the lack of attention the idol was giving her sort of made her a bit sad and it also just signaled her to just leave.

“Oh alright then, just come down when you’re done” Gahi said, turning her back to leave but Kyujong caught her arms and she didn’t quite know how he caught her quickly but she stopped though, turning back and facing him. “You need anything …” she asked but her words were cut off when Kyujong suddenly stopped her with his lips.

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know …” Kyujong pulled away but he was cut off just the same way.

“Umm… can we keep it below ?” Sungjong commented when he happened to pass by them on his way down. Blushing, both of them separated and looked at the maknae who had a smug look on his face while he walked off.

Kyujong’s POV

The kiss was amazing, even though it wasn’t as long as he had hoped for or done in a romantic way as he had planned it was still amazing. It would have been greater if the maknae didn’t interrupt them, even with that he was still thankful of the younger or else something would have happened by then and he could only imagine if they were cameras hidden in their rooms and the leader of the assassin’s may end up seeing them.

“Can we talk?” I asked, and she nodded.

I had been waiting for this time for so long, wanting to tell her how much I love her even though I’ve told her many times and I’ve been rejected too many times as well. I never stopped of course and I have no plan of doing that. I always knew that she likes me, and sometimes more than that but she had always said no. Now it’s proven that she does love me too or at least have feelings for me and that’s enough.

“Why do you keep saying no to me?” I asked, holding both her hand and intertwining our fingers. I did so in the most softest and slowest ways because I didn’t want her to pull away, I was more than happy that she didn’t because a person can only take too many rejections and if she did after we kissed I don’t know how I will be able to take it.

“I’m afraid that I’ll lose you too if I let you in my life” her voice was weak but it wasn’t what caught my attention, it was what she said.

Loose me too? What does she mean by that? Was there anyone before me? Well of course there is, she’s one of the hottest ladies out there but it with the ways she spoke it seem like it was more than a boyfriend thing. She looked at me like she read my thoughts and I guess she did with the way she sighed.

“I was married once you know, it was years back when Dara, Heechul and I had just started working together. He was just a normal guy but he made me feel so special and even accepted me for who I am. I never felt so loved and I never loved anyone as much as I loved him, but having the job of an assa

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Chapter 24: loveeeee it??. Thank you great story.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 24: It’s soooo gooooooodddddddddd!!! Definitely worth a reread and an upvote. Great job, authornim ^-^ I hope you’ll write more fics similar to this one. ❤️
lucid249 #3
Reading this again brought back the same feels. Thank you writer-nim for your story
jonangee #4
Pls can u just enumerate and give their corresponding aliases here in the comment. We cant view the pics. Find it hard to read without knowing whos who.
darailwoo #5
i cant view all the character thats why im confused who's who.
MYGOSH! This is very interesting! Gonna read~~~ gonna read~~!
Chapter 24: waaa~ T^T i love your story author-nim! i hope there is a part 2!!!!
Chapter 1: wow cool~!!!!
Oooh I like this :333
Chapter 24: I think der is a season 2 :))
Juseyo :))