CHAPTER 18: “I guess that’s just part of loving people: You have to give things up. Sometimes you even have to give them up.”

The Fraternity
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Sorry, I couldn't update earlier and it's been shorter since school just started. It's been busy but I'll do my best to make an update soon.



Dara headed towards her car which was parked outside the building, she thought it was going to be tiresome to park the car on the lot at first because she had to back up and get out, but then she had wished she did park inside, just to prolong the feeling of still being a part of the family. It was slowly slipping away, the sense of being with someone and not being alone yet she was all but letting it.

The best thing to do was drive away, to completely move on and start with her plans but as she sat there waiting for some sign to fall from the sky the scene of a certain memory played in her mind. It was the day they got back to Seoul, the day when she had left all of them in the mansion and she was making her way out, the day when she decided to cut her from everyone else

Her phone rang; it was rather a surprise since she wasn’t expecting any. She didn’t expect her superior to contact her at the time and because she had just seen her president just hours ago. With utmost curiosity she stopped her steps, took out her phone and stared at the screen that held a blocked number. There was certain oddness to the way her heart beat at that second; it was one that a person would feel when something bad was coming their way.

“Hello?” she said over the phone, pressing it hardly against her cheek to listen for anything that could give the person away if it happens that they didn’t introduce themselves but aside from the static there was nothing.

She was about to hang up, end the call when the speaker of the other line finally spoke. “Hello Sandara, how is my beautiful daughter been?” the speaker’s voice was filled with malice, it rang in a tone that made her known of who it was even when he had already introduced himself with his words but not with his name.

Her heart beat increased and her free hand balled into a tight fist, shaking as hatred filled her from the beginning. She trembled with fear, the last memory that she held of his father played like a 3D movie in her head. The suspense and thrill of it all becoming aggressive as it passed.

The silence that she replied with her father’s words made him chuckle, amused clearly that he had managed to shock the assassin, a part of her that she clearly knew about. She gulped hardly, looking for words to respond with and not understanding what it was that made her shake terribly when after all she had wanted to look for him.

“I’ve been well, I assume you feel the same way” she said finally, the calmness in her voice surprising her and made her legs move already so that she was further away from everyone else as possible while she spoke with the reason she had to leave them.

Her father chuckled again, this time much eagerly and she hated it. She hated how her father could be that joyful and that he was alive mostly when she saw him die right before her eyes. Suddenly she couldn’t breathe properly as if someone had been behind her and their hands wrapped around their neck tightly, killing them softly. She had to touch her neck, assure herself that nobody was there and it was all a figment of her imagination but as much as the only thing she touched was her own neck the tightness didn’t stop.

“I hear that you are looking for me. I do not think it is for a family reunion, otherwise it’s business then” he spoke again, paused a little bit and Dara could hear his fingers tapping away against a keyboard. She couldn’t help but think if he was watching her or someone else. “Can I just say I am very much impressed and proud to know that my daughter is an assassin herself, to top it off, one of the most wanted by the undergrounds” he said.

She felt a bit joyed hearing that someone was proud of her, that her father was proud of her but at the same time hated how he spoke so freely as if he never committed a sin against her and his own family. She despised him.

“I assure you that those words are very much true and to prove that I will be after you. I heard you have the highest payment over your head, I’m quite greedy with money so you should expect me soon” she sounded fair, confident with her words and she felt lightened up because of it.

“Oh I will my dear and I’ll have some of your friends waiting for you too. The youngest seem to really look up to you, he reminds me very much of your little brother Sanghyun, even perhaps the boy named Kim Himchan who undoubtedly helped you search for me although it wasn’t directly me” he said malevolently.

The sudden remembrance of his little brother, the small Sanghyun that she and Durami would play with, still little and adorable and innocent, but it all suddenly changed dark to when she saw him dead in the grip of his father. Her tears had soon reached the ground, pouring helplessly with no sign of stopping. Her heart ached so much as if someone was twisting it.

“Don’t you dare touch him or any of them or I swear I will kill you” she growled and her father had started laughing.

“On the contrary my dear, it is I who will kill you. Pity you didn’t die then, would have saved me a lot of trouble but in due time the business on hold will be ended and it is with your death …” he was cut off when Dara took in a sharp breathe and said.

“Why did you do that? Why did you kill mom, Durami and Sanghyun? What is wrong with you?” she was screaming on top of her lungs, sobbing but no one was around to see her.

“It’s something that I shouldn’t tell you but since you are going to die soon, I can spare some little detail. It was an assignment that took 7 years, 8 almost to complete. I was ordered to make a family of my own, cherish them. It was teaching me a lesson that in order to own power sacrifices are needed and these sacrifices was you, your mother and sibling. You were only a part of the bigger scheme of things, a little detail needed to be taken care of. I had seen it coming, that someone will know of this assignment and would come stop me, as expected it was my colleague and once dear friend Sloan that is why I had someone run after you and be shot by him. I had it all planned out except for you turning to be an assassin but that is not a problem I couldn’t take care of” he finished.

She was about to say back but even if how much she opened no sound and no words flowed out. She reacted the same way as anyone would, stunned, frozen, hurt, pained. Everything is made to be destroyed, she knew that but to hear that it was for reasons beyond joy and love broke her like a bat beating her over and over again.

She remembered her mother’s smile, how her lips curved upward whenever she was around her father. At quite a young age Dara saw what love was, what it mean and it was through her parents. They had seemed to be the most loved person and it was by the other half, it all seemed so perfect like a fairytale but hearing now that the author had written the story only to burn them for own warmth destroyed her.

She remember how she had looked up at him at some point in her childhood, looking at the man her mother love and was her father with utmost respect that now seemed very much unimaginable.

Her hand covered as tears poured down her face, knees weak and trembling from the shock his words had brought her. All the time she had thought she was ready to face him, ready to kill him were consumed by her fear and to see how vulnerable she had become from only speaking to him was already the first bullet wound, just how many will she take when she finally meets him?

Right then she heard voices from the other line, not of her father but his people maybe and they spoke of some gathering, a championship of some sort but before she could make anything out of it her father talked again.

“It seems as if I have business to attend to. I really look forward to meeting you again my dear daughter” he said and ended the phone. He didn’t mention any date or time just that he was going to see her again and it scared her very much.

She held on to her phone, clutching it as it pressed against her chest. From the lack of noise of her surroundings she clearly heard the hard beating of her heart and felt how painful it was when it did so. Her head felt light as if in no time she’ll collapse or faint but she stood firm, closing her eyes and chanting to herself to calm down.

“Get a grip Dara … get a grip” she chanted to herself, over and over again until her heart started to slow down back to its steady pace, cold sweats trickling down her forehead.

As she remembered every bit of it she found herself uttering the same words again. It was all too much to remember, all too much to take in and all too much painful. With a heavy breathe she started the engine, looking back to what used to be her home and drove away with a tear sliding down from her eyes.



6:30 p.m. For you, all of you

“You can’t do this alone Dara” Yongwoong groaned, his headache becoming worse and worse with the assassins heavy steps across the floor. In her hands were different kinds of guns, blades, bombs and oth

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Chapter 24: loveeeee it??. Thank you great story.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 24: It’s soooo gooooooodddddddddd!!! Definitely worth a reread and an upvote. Great job, authornim ^-^ I hope you’ll write more fics similar to this one. ❤️
lucid249 #3
Reading this again brought back the same feels. Thank you writer-nim for your story
jonangee #4
Pls can u just enumerate and give their corresponding aliases here in the comment. We cant view the pics. Find it hard to read without knowing whos who.
darailwoo #5
i cant view all the character thats why im confused who's who.
MYGOSH! This is very interesting! Gonna read~~~ gonna read~~!
Chapter 24: waaa~ T^T i love your story author-nim! i hope there is a part 2!!!!
Chapter 1: wow cool~!!!!
Oooh I like this :333
Chapter 24: I think der is a season 2 :))
Juseyo :))