CHAPTER 22: Unraveling

The Fraternity
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8:30 p.m. A Ball to remember

“Gorgeous” a woman said to the others who were a part of a little circle they formed by the edge of the ballroom. They wore similar dresses though their masks differed from each other in ways that accentuated their ranks and from which organizations they were from.

As the event have not officially started even with the guests had already settled inside, they took the opportunity to marvel at the beauty of the ballroom hall as they would all soon adrift to converse. It was the only night where each and every person who had set their feet in that great hall can mingle with fellow people of their underground world. Outside of those doors that concealed them was the boundary in which all of them treated one another as rivals or when chances came, associates.

It was rather confounding at the ways the hall was decorated, a scene comparable to what movies display and to the extent that it seemed to have been taken from inside the screen. The night’s colors were red, black and gold and in every turn one takes these trio were seen in more ways than one. Elaborate detailing was shown at every precise settling of silverwares, the napkins and even the centerpieces. Truly an astonishing plan realized.

Hung above the ballroom was a grand chandelier only it wasn’t of the usual ones. It was one of those that resembled a wind chime. Held down by a chain was a rim of metal and confined within the border were more circles that became smaller as it reached the middle where a small ball of gold was pierced with cylindrical bars to hold them all in one place. It was all gold plated of course. Within each rim were holes where small bulbs were attached to, beside these holes were smaller ones where quartz of diamonds hung by chains was clutched to. These chains were shortest on the furthest rim and became longer as it reached the centre.

“Like a waterfall of rainbows” one guest said as he looked up and watched as the quartz that the light streamed to create arcs of colors.

There was nothing common to the party, although having the title of a masquerade ball it was only the masks that the guests wore that gave the impression. Formal attires and red carpet dresses were worn by the ball goers. Some had worn suit and tie or a rather explosive ensemble that had the appearance of the Bali bird of Paradise. It was a night of full conspicuous exhibition of oneself.

“Very impressive” Rez spoke quietly, his eyes trailing the second floor were brads of black and red satin weaved through the railings of the balconies.

He stood closely to his group, ordered to never leave the sides of their assigned employer for the night. Their president was nowhere to be found as when they set foot inside, he was immediately dragged into the crowd of the other presidents and began having conversations that they didn’t really want to play part in.

“After tonight, I’ll be pestering boss to let me redecorate just one floor of the headquarters” Calix said excitedly. Her eyes were twinkling at every sight of gold or anything she fancied, that all included men who passed her standards but sadly none of them surpassed her fiancé.

The two of them turned around after having the sight seen and found their members rummaging through the table of foods laid out for them. Tats filling his mouth the best he can with his mask limiting the way his mouth could open. They didn’t stop him though as it was one of those hard to come events when they didn’t have to act proper since everyone was watching them.

Some things never changed, one of them being the care-free assassins who can have their alter ego come out in just a snap. These things also included the on edge Croxx leaning against one of the pillars that separated the ballroom to a small walking hall by the bay windows. He had his brows furrowed, deep in thoughts over small little details that obviously bothered.

Perhaps being a psychologist makes him unintentionally overanalyze things, much to the point that he becomes completely lost within his thoughts. Often times it gets him into trouble but when his expression starts distorting to many it may mean that it’s worth their time to be listening to, although it might bore them to no extent.

“What are you thinking about?” Krome approached him, settling herself beside the younger and watched the others to look nonchalant despite the frenzy she’ll be in when she hears of what the other has to say.

“Did you ever wonder if it’s coincidence that boss tells us of the murders right before a big get together for all the organizations?” he said calmly, his eyes darting past their members to the group of presidents that stood in the middle of the ballroom, looking very much interested on whatever conversation they took part in.

Krome pondered over his words but didn’t get any ideas at the beginning but the more she thought about it, the weird it started to turn out. She may not have the brains like Croxx, Tats and Fox did but she had enough brain cells to figure out how strange it all seemed to be.

“Are you saying that there’s more to it than chaperoning these old hags?” Krome raised a brow. Instead of answering, Croxx’s lips broke into a grin because of her name use for their superiors.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. See, if boss only wanted us to guard the board members then it wouldn’t have been necessary to tell us about Fox, no matter how much he thinks we need to know of it. If it’s just for work, personal issues would need to be taken care of later and the fact that he told us we will take care of her in due time got me thinking that ‘due time’ would be later tonight” he explained and yet they both couldn’t figure out whether to feel relieved to have unraveled the night’s main event or be anxious of what is coming their way soon.

Before they could ponder on more unwanted thoughts, the lights have suddenly turned off and causing gasps from all the guests. It was the most common reaction, but of course the next one was the obvious sounds of guns being loaded.

“Do not fret my dear guests, I just thought perhaps I should have a flashy entrance but as my juniors have commented just now, it was not a good idea” someone spoke and the main doors have been opened to reveal three silhouettes against the bright light from outside.

The lights were then , revealing three masks of different colors but of same design. A man stood in between the other two behind him and wore a red one that covered just his eyes and looked more of the devil rather than just a painted one. He wore a casual suit and tie along a cape that matched his mask.

To his right was a man who was taller than him and a bit more thinner but still muscular. He wore a white mask that only covered his eyes and the superior half of his nose. Pale lips were pressed into a tight line, not looking very amused of their entrance. He wore the same outfit but in white. To his left was a woman, obvious at the tightness of her own version of his suit and tie. Her blonde hair was put on a pony tail; it stood out with her black suit and her black mask that was bejeweled with shiny black gems.

“My apology for being late, there were other things I needed to attend to and my personal secretary had failed to remind me of the time” he went on and the man in the white mask bowed his head in courtesy.

“At least you made it Cho Yungchin-ssi, we wouldn’t want to have Hyenas newly appointed president not show up” one of the presidents said with utmost teasing and the other grinned widely at the comment while the two behind him couldn’t help but roll their eyes.

The eight assassins who stood by the other end of the had their eyes on the female that walked closely behind the president, eyes skimming all over her as if she was a memory they couldn’t quite remember but the familiarity was all over her. As much as they stared – as in some circumstances, when one stares for too long the person they are staring at will look back at them – she never gave them her attention, she only seemed to be attentive to the man she was following and the man that walked beside her.

The party had then officially begun. An orchestra played for the musical entertainment of the guests and the ballroom kept free for those who wanted to dance. Everything was classy, even with the manners they were speaking that it seemed as if time has been turned back to the early 1900s.

As much as it was what they were all about, none spoke of politics between their organizations or the government for that matter. It defeated the purpose of the truce if ever they broke that, though there were still unexplained reasons for the truce being laid out on first place it was still a great plan to have everyone mingle as it seems to be only once in a blue moon.

“From the last time we met I clearly remember Iris, but it seems as though you have another assistant” one of the presidents had pointed out the lady behind Cho Yungchin, in politeness she nodded her head but did not speak. It could have seen as rude manners but it were clearly good ones, as she wasn’t clearly spoken to.

Yungchin smiled amusedly from the attention the lady was grabbing for just standing behind him, but he couldn’t deny the fact that she clearly stood out even with her face hidden behind that mask and her identity hidden behind his security.

“She is my personal bodyguard, I have not felt the need for it last time but as time passes one does not know what may happen. It is always best to be prepared” Yungchin answered neatly, not leaving any trail for them to follow. “Besides, I think Iris had been in need of company lately. He seems to be enjoying his time” he added, not forgetting to tease the other while he has a chance.

“I assure you that I really do enjoy the company” Iris commented with a hint of annoyance in his voice and the others couldn’t help but be entertained at the small bicker of the two, but perhaps it would have been much more entertaining if they knew of their relationship.

“There is Ms. Go” another spoke and all of them turned to where he faced, walking towards them in an outfit that seemed to have been rob from a peacock and her mask wasn’t an exception. It had looked like a rainbow vomited all over her. Fox and Iris couldn’t help but shudder at the glitter that covered her entirely.

“We were starting to worry about your absence” someone said and a smile that seemed to have been practiced over and over again was plastered across her lips. It was sickeningly joyful that it was unreal, but perhaps because of her eyes being covered a little bit, it seemed to be much more genuine than usual.

“Of course I would not miss what could be the greatest social gathering of the year” she said sweetly as she joined them, greeting everyone but Fox and the latter didn’t mind that at all, if anything she was grateful as she didn’t need to face her.

Obviously, it was a great known fact that the two didn’t get along but only inside the organization. Iris even pulled Fox towards him and moving to her place, far away from her. There were no need for gratitude as Iris himself never truly liked the advisor, he was happy having her spend all her time with the previous president but as his brother had been moved up a rank it was rather unavoidable, but perhaps not for long.

“It’s nice to meet you finally, the president of The Fraternity, Sloan am I right?” she then proceeded greeting the mentioned president, a lovely smile on her face as her hand was extended towards the other.

“The pleasure is all mine Ms. Go” Sloan replied with the same enthusiasm as she did, though if it was only acting he then did a fantastic job. He reached for her hand and placed a kiss on it. Although he shuddered, he hid it quite well.

“I heard that the members of your board had hired the top eight assassins of your organization, it seems as if they truly are the best if they were chosen” she started off, touching a subject that should have been avoided yet she was head-butting it like there was no tomorrow.

Fox stiffened at the mention of the others but hiding it well behind her mask, she was purposely avoiding Sloan’s eyes and the others as well, it wasn’t fairly easy especially when all of them doing so all at the same time. If it wasn’t Iris tugging on her arm now and then, she would have been very much tempted to look back.

“It seems to only fit for security, don’t you think so Yungchin-ssi?” Sloan turned to the president, smiling in a teasing manner and the other answered with the same smile.

It was all too obvious that Sloan was trying to get something from the other, wanting just a little bit of information that will tell that the lady with him was no other than their Fox but as persistent as he was with asking, Yungchin was just as persistent with avoiding. If there was one thing Yungchin was going to do that night it would be to protect Fox’s identity until it became necessary or doable to do so.

“I don’t want to question the security, but is it safe for us to be here when there might be an assassin on the loose?” someone asked and it diverted all the attention to him. Surely it wasn’t such a big deal to have answered but it was straying a bit too much from the whole point of the night, point being a happy social event without any of the things they normally worry about.

“There is no need to fret my friend, we are all safe” Yungchin assured the other with a simple answer and a sure nod of his head.

As their conversations continued, Iris leaned to Fox and whispered words to her ear. With a quick nod of her head, she slowly stepped back from him and continued until she was wal

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Chapter 24: loveeeee it??. Thank you great story.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 24: It’s soooo gooooooodddddddddd!!! Definitely worth a reread and an upvote. Great job, authornim ^-^ I hope you’ll write more fics similar to this one. ❤️
lucid249 #3
Reading this again brought back the same feels. Thank you writer-nim for your story
jonangee #4
Pls can u just enumerate and give their corresponding aliases here in the comment. We cant view the pics. Find it hard to read without knowing whos who.
darailwoo #5
i cant view all the character thats why im confused who's who.
MYGOSH! This is very interesting! Gonna read~~~ gonna read~~!
Chapter 24: waaa~ T^T i love your story author-nim! i hope there is a part 2!!!!
Chapter 1: wow cool~!!!!
Oooh I like this :333
Chapter 24: I think der is a season 2 :))
Juseyo :))