CHAPTER 2: Interrogate or Kill

The Fraternity
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7:30 pm, C-Jes Entertainment


“Zero dear, would you mind slowing down I’d like to not die because of a car accident” Krome hissed, hands tightly gripping the seat belt of the back seats where she sat. Of course there were no other options as there was the driver who seemed to have a plan on crashing the car and the other passenger who did not mind the speed at all. Naturally they all have different preferences for driving speed, she liked hers average.


Fox chuckled amusedly over the others complaints, though no matter how much she did so the speed didn’t decline if anything it only increased if that was even possible. Zero looked back through the rear-view mirror and saw the elder’s face turn a bit shade of green. He was doing all of it on purpose but he knew well that he’ll be reprimanded sooner or later.


“Slow it down Zero, before he tells Croxx on you” Fox told the driver but it was unnecessary since they’ve reached their destination.


The parking lot was half empty with only one street light lighting the area, two cars were parked in the other end of the lot while on the other was another two. It was still early on the evening and having a few people coming in the company wouldn’t be so conspicuous. Before setting off, the three had put on a simple disguise with the help of Zero so that three idols coming in wouldn’t be very suspicious especially at that time of the night.


“I’ve always wondered what you would look like with blonde hair and blue eyes” Krome commented on the girl’s disguise, it was rather eye-catching and certainly very fitting on her. Fox brushed the comment aside and went on with the assignment.


Zero had put on a jacket to look more formal, a matching  gray pair of contacts whereas Krome made use of the gray wig tossed to her, tying it in a clean pony tail and wore a pair of glasses to look more secretary –like.


“Do we kill or interrogate?” Zero asked before they had the chance to enter the building, he wanted to be sure as to not to make any wrong movements that would blow them off. Those incidents have not happened yet but it was protocol to be safe and unknown.


“Just interrogate, Mr. Lee is working for a secret organization that steals money from entertainment companies. It is an organization in progress but they’ve come to hold a large sum of money …” Fox explained, she took the ID card Krome made for them and neatly pinning it to her jacket.


Amanda Kim, the ID said and under it was her title of a president of an entertainment company still in the process of training their artists. It was very compelling to not admit to any sort of appointment, especially when one said president is stretching over to the states, certainly one offer Mr. Lee won’t be able to deny.


“ And apparently they are associated with the drug dealers we took care of yesterday night, they have different leaders though and different headquarters with that” she continued on and finally they had stepped in the company, welcomed by a two security guards and one front desk lady who didn’t seem to want to entertain any guests.


“Well, Mr. Im it is only appropriate for you to go on first as you are after all the vice-president a role lower than us both” Krome teased, she was getting back at him in the most subtle way and one that didn’t require any physical element.


They reached the front desk, the lady occupied with messaging someone. They didn’t have time for any formalities neither did they want to amuse themselves with the workers lack of respect. Krome wouldn’t have minded have a short chat with her but given a short time the chance was given a pass.


“We’re from the BW Entertainment and we have a meeting with Mr. Lee in any minute” Zero strictly said, flashing the official (fake) paper along with his ID and everything. She took out three visitor’s pass and pointed the North elevators for them to take up to the 3rd floor, turning left and the second door to the right.


“What exactly are we asking him?” It was quite obvious that Zero wasn’t the interrogating type, sitting in a room and asking questions wasn’t one of his likings and neither was patiently waiting for anything to happen. He questions himself why he even volunteered to go with the three with Croxx could have been in his place.


“Just sit back and relax Zero, we’ll take care of it” Fox sighed, the elevator ding-ed and they wer

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Chapter 24: loveeeee it??. Thank you great story.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 24: It’s soooo gooooooodddddddddd!!! Definitely worth a reread and an upvote. Great job, authornim ^-^ I hope you’ll write more fics similar to this one. ❤️
lucid249 #3
Reading this again brought back the same feels. Thank you writer-nim for your story
jonangee #4
Pls can u just enumerate and give their corresponding aliases here in the comment. We cant view the pics. Find it hard to read without knowing whos who.
darailwoo #5
i cant view all the character thats why im confused who's who.
MYGOSH! This is very interesting! Gonna read~~~ gonna read~~!
Chapter 24: waaa~ T^T i love your story author-nim! i hope there is a part 2!!!!
Chapter 1: wow cool~!!!!
Oooh I like this :333
Chapter 24: I think der is a season 2 :))
Juseyo :))