CHAPTER 19: “How did it get so late so soon?”

The Fraternity
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2:30 a.m. Driven Insane

“” Dara groaned to herself, a phone pressed between her cheek and shoulder while her fingers busily typed against the keyboard of the computer before her.

She had allotted all her time searching about her father with the help of the Fraternity’s databases and systems, although she hasn’t found much the searches she has found seems enough to connect all the dots her mind had difficulties putting together.

“You shouldn’t curse, that’s becoming a bad habit of yours” Raymond spoke calmly on the other line, then chuckling away when Dara groaned even more without the cursing part of course.

Dara had averted her attention from the screen to the papers that were spread messily on her work desk, gathering some together and throwing the others away on the nearby bin that didn’t really seem like one for recycling.

“It’s just a bit too much to take in. He changed his name to Oh Sonjin, became the president of the Hyenas and really has the highest bounty on his head from the government. It doesn’t seem like anyone in the organization likes him though. There have been countless attempts of assassination and none had done any damages. He’s hated by everyone, I don’t blame them” she said, getting a bit of a migraine from all the things she had just found out. “The vice president of the company, Cho Yungchin was rumored to have planned an assassination himself but obviously failed. Also, there are numerous records of theft and apparently more than half of the organizations property was transferred to his without any of the board’s knowing and agreement” she continued angrily.

“There is no need for you to worry much of him at this point Dara … first you need to know how to get to him” Raymond reminded him and it wasn’t helping her think clearly or thinking of anything else at all. With a defeated sigh she laid down the papers and held the phone by her hand, the position giving her neck pain.

“That’s what I’m trying to do though, finding ways of how to find out when he’s going to show up” she said, combing her hair back in frustration of the few strands poking her eyes and face. It was her turn to hear paper ruffling on the other side of line, thinking to herself what the old man was doing and why he had called this late in the evening or early in the morning.

“From what you have told me, I may have an idea to when he’ll show up or when he’ll make his move” Raymond said carefully, the uncertainty in his voice very much obvious but Dara couldn’t care less about it as it’s probably going to be the closest she’ll get to a lead. “The sports event today, where idols will be competing in including everyone” he said so in a way that had her known of who ‘everyone’ was pertaining to.

“” Dara gasped with her free hand balling tightly as it hit the table.

“One more thing, if you do change your mind about going through this alone just give me a call” he said lastly.

“Thank you Raymond” she said, biting her lip strongly that it drew blood. She hung up then, breathing deeply as her chest ached to the thought of end coming so near.

7:30 a.m. Idol Sports Championship

“Here we are on yet another year full of expectations for our idols competing for a number of sports events we have planned for the day” the MC of the event spoke excitedly, behind him were the vans of idols who had come to compete with the day’s championship and just across the lot were the avid fans waiting to be let in.

The crowd roared loudly when one by one the idols had stepped out of their vehicles, looking rather fresh early in the morning and of course their beauty shinning even with the lack of sun. First out was Super Junior of course, led by their leader and fashionably followed by the rest of the members with Heechul on the very end with his dark glasses on looking very mysterious.

“Hyung, is something wrong?” Ryeowook fell behind the rest, staying closely to his hyung with anxiousness in his eyes as he looked at the older who was looking suspiciously around the area. Heechul just shook his head and smiled at the latter.

He felt rather unsettled, butterflies stirring in his stomach that felt more like hornets stinging him over and over again. There was something weird, not with the way the place looked but with the people around. He felt as if someone was watching them, him to be exact and no matter how much he shakes them off his mind it only gets worse and worse.

Right before them was Afterschool along with Gahi, both of them meeting eyes the moment they were stepping on the same space. It was rather evident in the girl’s eyes that she too was overly anxious about something she did not know, knowing this made each other more on edge.

The two locked eyes intently, sharing a word before both of them separated as they made their way to their change rooms. They had wanted to stay behind in the main foyer, just to wait for the other five of their apparent group with mainly all the members suspended from work. As the oldest they couldn’t help but worry for them and especially to their missing leader.

B.A.P, Beast and Infinite all showed up at the same time, crowding the area with the piercing screams of their fans. Certain members of the group found it unsettling to have someone in their group looking so miserable, Sungjong and Himchan to be more specific. Hyunseung on the other hand didn’t speak, not that he ever did when they were out but there was a certain difference to his silence and it bothered Junhyung more than anything else. The vocal had the exact feeling as the other two though he didn’t know that he did, almost instantly he walked towards Himchan and Sungjong, putting a hand around their shoulder and led them to the man’s change room.

“Is there something wrong hyung?” Himchan asked the older, looking at him as a thousand thoughts passed his mind on what it could be that was bothering him.

“Just … just don’t go anywhere without someone else, stick with Yongguk and Junhyung and no matter what you do if something unusual happens don’t go running after it alone” he said strictly and both of the younger nodded their head, although they couldn’t understand they still followed as it was the best thing to do.

It was quite a surprise for the fans to see SNSD being a part of the event as they usually didn’t join in such gatherings, what surprised the idols more were the small group of three consisted of Jessica, Hyuna and Gahi.

“There are more than enough guards around certainly not all of them are for the event” Hyuna commented, smiling and speaking without her lips moving. The others did the same, they would often giggle and just flick their hair without any of their conversation needing the act.

She was the sharp shooter of the group, it was only normal for her to notice certain details that would take the others a little longer but still quicker than other people. The moment she stepped out of her group’s van she already had a bad feeling about the day and then seeing just how much security the event had made her feel wrong about what was going to happen later on.

“Besides, they’re all suspiciously wearing black” Gahi groaned, thinking of how much she saw on the way to the change rooms.

All their assassin instincts were undeniably of course, senses becoming much more sensitive as the presence of every made them aware of their surroundings. Every speck of dust seeming to gain their attention, every sound that was made agitating them to make a move but when they do so avert their eyes on every little thing that surrounded them they see there were nothing else but normal.

Perhaps they had underestimated the assassin’s observation and ability to seek out hidden details, thinking that they would be on break as they were laid off. That much these men in suit knew. They have already expected their jobs to be difficult, especially when this job was kidnapping one of the youngest of the top circle of The Fraternity.

It was then time for the groups to enter the field, all wearing their appropriate colors for their teams; a rather dashing rainbow of colors that didn’t do quite well in terms of distinguishing whichever groups were on a team. Of course the fans knew quickly and their screams only became louder realizing so.

“The first one out with their green flag and looking rather fabulous on those runners, we have Team A” the MC announced as the flag bearer gallivanted out to the field holding mighty the flag of his team. The group consisted of SNSD and Super Junior with the flag holder being Eunhyuk who ran around like a maniac waving the flag mercilessly. Walking out as if it was a runaway both groups sensibly waved to their fans while some watched the crowd keenly.

“Of course, the next one up is the almighty red Team B” the next was called then. Walking out with the team members a few steps behind him was the way too energetic Chanyeol with the banner mighty up because of his height. Exo, Infinite and f(x) a group of groups that had Team A run for their money because of their number, but nonetheless the first didn’t give a damn really.

The MCs introduced the following teams leisurely, watching as they pumped up the crowd with their fanservices. Team C was yellow with Beast, 4 minute and Bap, while Team D was orange with Afterschool along with Gahi, Nuest, and Block B. The other teams were Team E with blue, in it were 2pm, Miss A and 2 am  while Team F were purple, Team G were white and Team H were pink all of the latter three consisting of rookie groups.

Everyone had thought there were only going to be six teams, looking at it they were already a lot of idols in the ground and unquestionably a great number of their fans sitting by the bleachers. The games or at least the opening ceremony was about to begin when one of the announcers had mentioned another team to join the event for the day.

“It seems like we have one more additional team joining us this fine day. Everyone, let me introduce you to Team I” the announcer announced and there they were, where everyone had entered joined in a band of eight idols wearing black and their black banner hang up high in the middle as they all stood in a straight line while making their way to everybody.

Rounds of gasps were heard across the stadium, mouth agape and eyes dangling as they watched the eight fine men walk towards the line-up of teams. The team was made up of the members of JYJ and SS501, a combination rather difficult to find, not even once in a blue moon but yet there they were as if being together was the most normal thing.

Heechul caught Jaejoong’s eye as his team passed the elder’s, he could tell by the way he didn’t look away after a few seconds that he knew there was something odd as well and perhaps it was the reason why he had showed up.

Right then the event proceeded to its usual beginnings with the opening speech and all. In the middle of the fans that packed the seats of the stadium was a lady dressed in casual clothes though her face distorted a little bit to hide her identity. She had entered all the same time the fans did, making it less suspicious and easier to get access inside. Although her seat was placed right in the area where she could see everything it was a bit difficult keeping up with the event when all sides of her seated a screaming fan girl.

“If I don’t get killed by my father, I’ll surely die from internal bleeding” she said to herself in a normal volume but no one heard her, not with all the screams from everywhere.

She had arrived way before anybody else did, meaning she didn’t take a break to sleep from the time she had spoken with Raymond that morning. She stayed outside of the stadium, looking out from inside her car at every car, van, truck that entered the area and she noticed there were fairly a large amount of them. What caught her eyes mostly was the black trucks that kept coming in while the ones before left. Staff members unloaded whatever it carried, bringing it inside under a black clothe. She had counted 11, the last one oddly being small and not as much covered like the others. It seemed to be some mechanical device, formed to be attached to a clock of some sort.

Her eyes tried to see as much as she could but with the heavy security there was only little she could do outside.

The rumbling in her stomach hasn’t settled yet and the way it spread told her it wasn’t going anywhere soon. It didn’t help that she was already on edge, after all she was going to die by the end of the day or so she thinks. Anything that would have helped her ease down were half a hundred feet away from her, not knowing she was even there but what could they have done if they were anywhere closer to her reach? 

Uneasiness boiled in her when she had heard the announcement of the last team. A tug that made her aware of everything else around her, although she already was but the moment just had seemed to sharpen them and it wasn’t a good feeling. It was as if much more pressure and burden had come forth her shoulder, there was no saving her when out of that entrance was Jaejoong. Her eyes never left him as he walked across the field to where he had to stand for the opening ceremony.

“Do you really want me dead?” she looked up to the clear blue sky, no sign of clouds anywhere and it seemed to be staying that way ironic to what she felt. She turned her gaze back to the idols who had dispersed themselves around while the competitors made their way to the first event of the day, the 100 m run.

Every fans had started to yell out the name of who they supported, getting quite crazy even but she understood their eagerness and didn’t mutter any snide comments. But unlike them she couldn’t sit there and watch the whole thing, she had things to do and business to take care of.


Dara's point of view.

11:00 a.m. Time

It’s rather peculiar that I have lost all kinds of nervousness and stopped fidgeting. I can’t understand what’s going on with me, I’m supposed to be going all crazy looking for any sign of my father but here I am leisurely walking around like I’m on a fare looking at some sight to see. Of course there’s the sight of the idols to see but having been

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Chapter 24: loveeeee it??. Thank you great story.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 24: It’s soooo gooooooodddddddddd!!! Definitely worth a reread and an upvote. Great job, authornim ^-^ I hope you’ll write more fics similar to this one. ❤️
lucid249 #3
Reading this again brought back the same feels. Thank you writer-nim for your story
jonangee #4
Pls can u just enumerate and give their corresponding aliases here in the comment. We cant view the pics. Find it hard to read without knowing whos who.
darailwoo #5
i cant view all the character thats why im confused who's who.
MYGOSH! This is very interesting! Gonna read~~~ gonna read~~!
Chapter 24: waaa~ T^T i love your story author-nim! i hope there is a part 2!!!!
Chapter 1: wow cool~!!!!
Oooh I like this :333
Chapter 24: I think der is a season 2 :))
Juseyo :))