CHAPTER 12: Talk

The Fraternity
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10:30 p.m. Just in the Living Room

All of them were just lounging in the living room, even Dara who they thought would never see the light of day again joined in. She sat on a wheel chair they found somewhere in the house. Beers and coke was laid out on the table for anyone who wanted to drink, Jessica and Himchan were busy in the kitchen making food for everyone else. Heechul insisted to drinking wine as he wanted to be classy, in the end Gahi joined him as not to make the other lonely as it always happens.

Dara wasn’t allowed to drink anything, even pop since it was her punishment so she could only take water. The youngest wasn’t allowed to drink either, although Sungjong was already in his 20s the oldest of them all laid the verdict that he wasn’t going to drink a single drop of alcohol or sugar for that matter.

“Can’t I just stay in the basement?” Dara asked Heechul but the older just gave her a stern no with his glare. He didn’t want her out of his sight and it’s going to stay that way even if it meant watching her for the whole night. “I promise I’m not going anywhere and it’s not like I can go anywhere really” she asked again and she could see the other softening up to her but alas it didn’t work.

Dara glared at Heechul and him doing just the same to her, Jia watched the two interact with each other and she found them adorable in the ‘naughty siblings’ kind of way. Dara saw Jia watching them, the younger of the two girls blushed but Dara only smiled at her sweetly as if she knew more than she led on. Perhaps Dara knew more than they wanted them to think or maybe they already knew that, given the fact that she was the leader of the assassins but she knew something that included the idols and the assassins in a much more emotional level.


It’s been only two days since we got to Dara unnie’s island, the reasons behind it being we are being hunted by some illegal organization and wants us dead because we witnessed their transaction. In my opinion, it’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard because what can eight idols really do to harm them. If we do go to the authorities and we tell them something that something isn’t going to be too long since we don’t really have anything to say other than we saw some armed man and tried to kill us. We didn’t really see the transaction happen, if anything all I can remember is the part where the assassins had come in.

Having Taecyeon with me sort of makes me feel less scared of what was happening, though I wouldn’t say it out loud I’m that thankful of him. Besides, he’s been busy and he may think he’s being careful but it’s a bit obvious he’s been watching Jessica-ssi intently, and I mean intently. I don’t even understand how he can stay calm whenever he sees her and Hyunseung-ssi that close with each other.

Anyways, I’ve got my own love connection I need to think about and I’m not sure how it’s going so far. It has been 3 years now I think, since the last time I’ve talked to Heechul oppa. Having been separated from him after the break up really does make me miss him so much.

“Jia, are you okay?” I guess I’ve been thinking too hard that I probably looked like a statue. I blinked repeatedly to get myself back to reality and saw oppa gawking at me with a worried expression. I smiled at him and nodded my head, he seemed to be satisfied with my reply but I can tell he isn’t.

I’ve never been the jealous type, even with my previous relationships and also oppa. I’m not quite sure if it’s a problem or not, but I’ve been told a few times that it makes me seem cold and unable to show my real feelings. I find that ridiculous really, but I guess they are right and I thought then that was the reason why oppa broke up with me.

Being cooped up in an island far from South Korea isn’t really my idea of a vacation, but it’s what I can get even though I’m under a protection program that my ex-boyfriend is a part of. Maybe I’m just hard like that, I mean the sense of fear haven’t been really exposed to me, except for that night at camp. I thought I was going to die then but these so called members of the Fraternity comes in and saves the day. I didn’t know why I wasn’t afraid at that time, I also didn’t know yet that oppa was a part of them but perhaps having his presence around even if I didn’t know it was him kept me safe and calm.

“Nope, Jia is not alright. What did you feed her oppa?” I heard Dara unnie snort, using some stick to poke oppa’s arm. I giggled at their silliness, oppa smiled at me and apologized for unnie’s behavior with his eyes. “Do not apologize for me, I didn’t do anything wrong” then unnie suddenly blurted out, I blushed hardly at how fast she caught what oppa was trying to say.

“That is it young lady, you are grounded again. In the basement right now” Oppa announced and unnie didn’t look anything but excited. I guess she was playing all along and got oppa trapped, I seriously need to take some pointers from her.

“Come on Stupid, wheel me down” unnie called for Jaejoong-ssi who just rolled his eyes but stood up to wheel unnie to the basement. “Since when did the two of them go so close like that? And stupid?” Kyuhyun oppa asked, we were all eyeing the two but they were caught up in their little argument.

Dara unnie turned around just before they made the turn, she looked at me and smiled genuinely at which I smiled back just the same. I haven’t really thanked her for what happened the other night. I really thought she meant what she said that she was going to chase oppa for pairing her up with Jaejoong-ssi, but when oppa found a safe place to ‘hide’ he told me that unnie only did those theatric effects to give me and him some alone time.


“Hey” he started and I could already feel the awkwardness and the burden of not talking for years come down at us like the heavens falling on our shoulders. That’s a bit dramatic but that’s just how it is and there is no other way I can reword it.

“Hi” I replied back, my throat felt like it was on fire and I need a whole jug of water to quench it but obviously we are far from the house and we didn’t get to bring a water bottle.

The lack of light on our spot made me feel a bit relieved, if I ever blush or if my expression betrays me he wouldn’t see it clearly but then again he had eyes for the dark so I’m not really sure how it’s going to be on my advantage now that I think of it.

“How you’ve been?” I could tell he feels just as burdened and awkward as I am right now. Although I was not the one who talked first or did surprising things when we were still together it was never quiet between us and if it was it was never uncomfortable or awkward.

“I’ve been fine, I missed you actually” I suddenly said and I mentally slapped myself for being too honest at the moment. Where did that come from? I don’t know but I didn’t regret saying it, actually I felt rather relieved that I got to say and whether he would respond in a good way or not was beyond my interest.

“I missed you more” he said softly and I felt my heart beat too fast on that second. I wanted to throw my hands around him and kiss him like I used to, maybe I’ve shown anger towards him for breaking up but to be honest I loved him all along, even now I still do.

“So … is this why you broke up with me? I’m seriously being delusional and hoping that it is” I said. All the courage to ask such thing have filled me up and I didn’t know where it came from but I knew I wanted it.

“Letting go of the one you love the most is the hardest, but sometimes it’s the right thing to do” he said simply and all the control I had in my body slipped, at that moment I didn’t care of anything especially the fact that we weren’t together. I threw all those thoughts away and even if I couldn’t see him in the dark I stepped closer to him, grabbed what his face and kissed him.

I’ve missed him so much and I would be lying if I say I never thought of him again because the truth was, he’s all that I thought of the whole years we’ve been away from each other. To know that he left because he couldn’t fathom getting me hurt because of who he really is struck my heart. I couldn’t care less if he’s a magician or some hobo, he’s Kim Heechul, the only guy I’ve loved so much.

“You’re not scared of me?” he asked, pulling away from me but holding me against his body. I sobbed but shook my head no, he chuckled and kissed my head. “I couldn’t let anything happen to you if ever the people we go after finds out who I really am. I tore me apart to leave but it’s all I could do to keep you safe. I’m sorry” he sighed, resting his cheek on my head.

“Would you stop that, you’re sounding like one of them vampires” I cried even more, I didn’t know if it was from happiness or what.

He chuckled even more but I couldn’t care less if I was acting like a baby or not. “I love you, I always had” he whispered and we kissed again.

“Heechul oppa, Jia~. Yoo~hoo~” we heard Dara unnie’s creepy haunting voice. Both of us just laughed, Heechul oppa pecked my cheek and told me to go run off while he gets chased.

“Yah Kim Jaejoong, if you drop me you are so dead” then there went the whole peaceful flashback. We all laughed when we heard Jaejoong-ssi crying from pain, unnie’s probably hitting him with something or maybe just her hands.

“Umm… oppa, should you go check on the two? Unnie’s probably stabbing Jaejoong-ssi’s eyes out by now” I looked at oppa and chuckled. He frowned and sighed before going, muttering something like “those two”

“Hyung~” Sungjong whined when Himchan was chugging beer, can after can after can and obviously the younger was getting worried. Moreover, someone in the group was beginning to worry even more as he watched the younger drink like there was no tomorrow. “That is enough hyung” the youngest sighed, taking the can of beer from the older’s hand and shoving the other cans away.

“Why don’t you get him up to his room Jong” Gahi said, the latter just nodded with a sigh and looked at the drunk assassin.

Sungjong slapped Himchan’s face so loud the sound of the skin contact painfully resounded across the room, some cringed away as if they were the one who got slapped. Everyone just stared at the younger staring at the older, wondering what he was thinking when he slapped him. Sungjong just giggled though and Himchan didn’t seem to have felt the hard slap.

“I’ve always wanted to do that” he just giggled again. “Come on” he said and grabbed the elder’s hands to pull him up, but Himchan didn’t budge. He looked like he was sleeping, snoring even but then he would wake up with a creepy smile on his face and then go back to sleep again.

“Guk hyung, help me with Channie hyung” the maknae said. He wasn’t asking for help, he was demanding for it and the edge of his voice meant he wanted it now so that made the older stand up immediately to his side.

“Better get Myungsoo to go with you, you might need help with the feet” Jessica chuckled, seeing how the two boys were struggling to even get him up. The mentioned idol didn’t move until Himchan almost fell over, pulling Sungjong with him. A bit dramatic maybe, Myungsoo got a hold of the latter’s waist and kept him grounded.

“Thanks” Sungjong smiled sweetly, like the way he always does with anyone but for the older there seemed to have no feeling to it or probably it was just him thinking things too much.

Myungsoo and Yongguk had one of Himchan’s arm draped over their shoulder while Sungjong led the way upstairs. Aside from the drunken idol groaning and muttering words there was a complete silence between the three, or more specifically between two of the three. Finally they reached the third floor, Himchan’s room just in front of them.

“Guk hyung, why don’t you take him inside and I’m sure you know how to take care of him” Sungjong smiled and Myungsoo noticed that it was different from the smile he was given.

“Ah, alright. Thanks Jong-ah” the older said with his usual husky voice, Sungjong beamed for no apparent reason and it kind of irritated Myungsoo a bit.

Sungjong opened the door for the two, Himchan carried by Guk in his arms. The maknae watched the older put his hyung down on his bed, looking down at him with a sad smile that he knew quite well because after all it was a smile he always used when he was around his own hyung, Myungsoo.

“Wouldn’t it be better if you take care of Himchan hyung instead of Yongguk hyung?” Myungsoo suddenly asked.

“He knows him better” Sungjong shook his head, his smile as he watched the two become more and brighter as the moments passed. It was like watching the two leads of a drama finally confessing their love with each other, the happiness it brings you was immeasurable.

“You’re with him almost all the time, wouldn’t you know him better?” Myungsoo asked again, he wasn’t sure where all the questions were coming from but he wanted them to be answered and maybe it’ll answer his own questions.

“Sometimes even if how long you’ve been with somebody or how much time you spend with them someone new can know just as much about them or perhaps even more” Sungjong sighed, he finally decided to close the door and just let the rapper take

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Chapter 24: loveeeee it??. Thank you great story.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 24: It’s soooo gooooooodddddddddd!!! Definitely worth a reread and an upvote. Great job, authornim ^-^ I hope you’ll write more fics similar to this one. ❤️
lucid249 #3
Reading this again brought back the same feels. Thank you writer-nim for your story
jonangee #4
Pls can u just enumerate and give their corresponding aliases here in the comment. We cant view the pics. Find it hard to read without knowing whos who.
darailwoo #5
i cant view all the character thats why im confused who's who.
MYGOSH! This is very interesting! Gonna read~~~ gonna read~~!
Chapter 24: waaa~ T^T i love your story author-nim! i hope there is a part 2!!!!
Chapter 1: wow cool~!!!!
Oooh I like this :333
Chapter 24: I think der is a season 2 :))
Juseyo :))