

It's been almost a month since the carnival incident— as Chaeyeon calls it.


Everything had changed, by everything means— Sakura. The woman changed so much it made Chaeyeon felt weird.


Sakura was much happier and she tend to open up to the other girl more. She's also smiley for the past few weeks and she would wait for Chaeyeon to come to her house before she leaves.


The woman really hid her true self from her last month but now, she's glad that Sakura shows her real self more. Chaeyeon would also talk to some workers there and gather some information or ask something that was regarding the older girl, it's all the same thing— they fear Sakura because of her strong and scary image  and they're very shocked at the sudden change when one day, their scary and intimidating boss turned into a happy and bright puppy in a span of one night.


Kaeun, the head of the maids was one of Sakura's closest and longest worker of her. She witnessed Sakura smile, angry, serious, and heartbroken. But in all of her seven years of serving her, she never saw Sakura this happy for long. She usually only smile sometimes and later on, she's already on the bad mood. Nako is her source of happiness.


The head maid even called her as the 'miracle' because when Chaeyeon worked as Nako's babysitter, Sakura became more approachable and happier than before. Not forgetting how the older woman wiggled her brows in a teasing manner to Chaeyeon when she said that making the ash blonde haired girl go red as a tomato.


Back to Sakura...


She's much clingier than Chaeyeon thought and her poor heart cant handle it anymore. Sakura will do some unnecessary skin ships to her like, hugging her from behind when she's playing with Nako, hold her hand, and wrap her arms around her shoulders.


When Sakura hugged her that night, she knows something inside her bloom— she's still just in denial phase. She's scared to admit because in the end, she'll just get hurt. That's why she tried to avoid Sakura as much as possible but the older woman always find ways so Chaeyeon's attention will turn to her— her plans are all failed because one move from Sakura, the ash blonde girl will turn her full attention on her.


And besides, Sakura showed her real side to her which means she trusts her, Chaeyeon cant just hurt the older's feelings when she's just changing for better.



Chaeyeon hesitated if she will open the door or just run away— the second option sounds better but everyone knew she cant do that.


She sighed and opened her new cellphone— thanks to Sakura who's paying her so high, she bought a new cellphone and threw her old one because it barely open anymore. Then, she dialed Eunbi's number.


It took two rings before Eunbi anwered the call. “Unnie... Should i just.. you know run away? Will Sakura find me? Then sue me?” The ash blonde girl muttered in a depressed tone.


She heard a huff fron the other line. “Idiot! Of course she can find you! She's a freaking millionaire— or even a billionaire! The girl owns an Airline,  fool. She can find you in one snap of fingers. But about her suing you... I'm sure she wont do that. And get your inside and work, damn woman, if i'm on your shoes i'll definitely seduce Sakura and ask her to be my sugar mommy.” Eunbi answered playfully making Chaeyeon's eyes widen.


“The heck you were saying!?” She growled to the phone, clenching her fist hard. Oh, she doesnt know why her body reacted like that, she definitely doesnt know.


She heard a laugh on the other line making her brow arch. “Woah, easy there tiger! Damn, never knew you'll be that possessive and easy to be jealous type. I'm just joking.”


The ash blonde haired girl choked with that. “W-What do you mean!? Shut up, oldie.” She yelped, her face getting hotter. Eunbi hummed in a teasing way.


“Tsh. Whatever, just go to work! Dont call me, i'm going to cook breakfast. Byeee.” The older girl said on the other line and hung up leaving Chaeyeon blinking confusedly.


She sighed and putted her phone on her pants' pocket.


After the carnival incidence, instead of going to her apartment, she told Sakura to drop her off at Eunbi's place instead. The woman didnt asked her about that since they're a little bit awkward. That car ride was probably the most awkward ride Chaeyeon has ever been into. Nako and Yujin was asleep, but the tall girl was only probably fake sleeping because who the hell smirks when you're in deep sleep!?


She told Eunbi everything what happened, the older girl about that but when she admitted something was weird happening on her heart— Eunbi was dead serious and gave some advice on her. Ever since then, she would always go to the older girl for someone to talk to and ask for some advice. In case you were wondering if her other friends knew, they dont, even Chaewon dont even knew a single thing but the ash blonde haired girl know what Chaewon was capable of and sooner she will eventually learn that something was off.


She couldnt also much focus on classes because her brain was full of Sakura, Sakura, Sakura. She sometimes drown herself into studying so she can forget Sakura, it's often successful.


Chaeyeon sighed once again before opening the door ready to get greeted by Nako but instead of hearing one squeal, she heard two squeals.


She pressed her lips into a thin line when she saw Nako and a familiar tall puppy running towards her.






The ash blonde haired girl caught Nako with her arms but she didnt expected that Yujin would also jump into her like a real dog and almost fell into her .


“Yujin!” She squeaked, and stumbled backwards— fortunately, there's a wall behind and leaned there.


“Oof! Sorry, unnie!” The tall girl apologized and hugged her tightly. Nako giggled while Chaeyeon pouted.


Yujin often came by at Sakura's house now also, just to and her older cousin.


“You bad dog! Go away from her!” Sakura's voice boomed around the house and the tall girl instantly hugged Chaeyeon more, even poking her tongue out to older cousin more.


The oldest among them jumped four steps from the stairs and approached them with her hands resting on her side and there's visible fire in her eyes. “Ahn Yujin! Get off her or i'll kick your away from my house!?”


Yujin laughed at that and made a face, annoying Sakura more. “I'm very scared, grrr~ Yujinnie is scared! Chae-unnie, help me from a old hag's wrath!”


“Wha— you little shi—!” The oldest immediately pursed her lips when she saw Chaeyeon gave her 'dont-curse-your-daughter-is-here' look. She threw the laughing puppy a death glare before marching closer to them.


“Get out and go to school! From now on, you're not welcome in my house!” Sakura huffed, and Yujin made another face making Nako giggle.


“Ha! Like you can do that. This house is my second home. And i can break in here whenever i want!” The tall girl shouted and grinned, mocking Sakura.


Yujin turned to Chaeyeon and grabbed Nako from her arms before running outside the house. “I have your daughter! I'll take her as hostage! Give me a ride or i wont give her back to you, hag!” She shouted from outside with a giggling Nako on her arms.


Chaeyeon chuckled and Sakura wasnt amused.


The older girl scratched her head before turning to the ash blonde haired. “Are you hurt?” She asked with worried eyes.


There we go again. Chaeyeon's heart fluttered.


“U-Uhmm, yeah. I'm used to Yujin, she's uncontrollable.” Chaeyeon responded, averting her gaze to the girl beside her.


Heart stop omg!


Sakura smiles ever so brightly. “Yeah, i agree with that. No one can control that puppy. Anyway, i'll drive you guys to school, let me call Jongsuk first and while i do that, watch the kids, Yujin will probably climb to the tree with Nako again.” She said before walking away.


Chaeyeon took a deep breath and calmed herself first before going to where Yujin and Nako went.


She found them near the garden, playing tags with Gowon.


“Miss Ahn! Please dont go there, it's muddy.” One of the caretakers, Jeongyeon scolded the tall girl who's running around the muddy part of the garden.


“It's Yujin for you, Jeongyeon-unnie!” She shouted back before sprinting towards Chaeyeon who's watching them from a far, leaving the two kids play.


“Unnie! Where's my hag cousin? She'll take us to the school, right?” She said, grin plastered on her face and her dimples showing. The ash blonde haired girl nodded with a soft smile.


Yujin led her at the bench near at where the kids are playing and sat there. She leaned back and crossed her arms. “Sooooo....?” She said, her eyes glued at the older girl.


Chaeyeon's brows arched. “What 'so'?”


The taller girl scoffed. “You knew what i'am talking about. You want me to shout that?” She challenged, smirk playing on her lips.


Chaeyeon's cheeks warmed before shaking her head, and Yujin creepily smiled at her before leaning closer to her. “So, what happened for the past few days i'm gone? Any progress?” She whispered earning a playful slap on her arm.


“Yujin! Oh my god. Nothing good happened and nothing will happen ever.” The older girl replied, sighing.


“Awww, you look so disappointed though? You want something more to happen right?” Yujin teased making the other girl more redder.


The tall girl gave her a satiesfied look when she didnt gave an answer. “Oooh, not denying, what a development! But kidding aside, tell me if really something happened.” She said seriously.


Chaeyeon sighed. “Nothing really, i swear. Just like before, she would give me a very sweet smile everytime there's a chance.” She said, playing with her fingers. Yujin clicked her tongue in disappointment.


As you can see, Yujin is also aware at how's things going on between Chaeyeon and Sakura. At first, Chaeyeon denied it but her heart and body proved her wrong— Yujin is the first one noticed that. Even if she's inexperienced with love stuffs but she cant really help the older girl much since she doesnt know how. Yujin can only offer her company and talk about what was happening.


Yujin also told her many things about her cousin. Sometimes, they would meet up just to talk.


Chaeyeon learned that Sakura fell inlove and had a girlfriend in the past also, her heart aches after Yujin revealed that but she calmed down a bit when the taller girl said that Sakura already moved on from that person— she tried her best not to get affected but the taller girl still caught her looking depressed.


Like what Sakura told her that night at the carnival, Yujin also told her about her older cousin's hard times. She was there when Sakura's in pain and she's also one of the few people Sakura leaned on to.


What Yujin said to her that moment was still repeating all over again in her head.


“Saku-chan, she's strong but also weak at the same time. I was there, beside her while she's having a hard time. I witnessed it all, and i dont want her to be miserable again like in the past. I know, Sakura-unnie has some special feelings for you. It requires many time to warm her ice stone heart, and you just did it overnight. You're special to her, more than special even if you didnt feel like you are.”


Yujin said that, the exact line the younger girl told her at the cafe one day. Maybe Chaeyeon shed a tear that time, she also felt miserable when Yujin told her about Sakura's hard times.


And she recalled how Yujin answered when she asked about Nako's father. She watched how Yujin shifted into more serious one after she said that.


“I... I'am not in the position to answer that, i'm so sorry, unnie.”


Chaeyeon understood that quickly. One day, she will know for sure and no need to rush.


And if you want to know if she's inlove with Sakura? Her answer— Pshh, Hell n-no! Hahahaha. I just found her very a-admirable hehe


Yujin sighed and stared at the daydreaming girl beside her and bit her lower lip. “Hey, Chaeyeon-unnie. Let's call Nako now, i already saw Saku-chan's car move at the porch.” She muttered making Chaeyeon snap in reality and nodded weakly.


They called the kid before they went back at the front. Sakura was there, waiting for them while leaning against the car and fumbling on her phone. She looked up from her cellphone when she heard footsteps and smiled. “There you are. Let's go or you two will get late.” She said before pointing at Nako and Yujin.


The tall girl huffed before entering the car with Nako. Chaeyeon also hoppes in to the passenger seat.


She caught Yujin looking at her with pointed looks again and decided to ignore it. After a few second, Sakura went in and checked their seatbelts before she started driving.


In the whole ride, Nako and Yujin just sang along loudly at the radio songs while the two older girls smile at them.


Yujin would also catch her older cousin look at Chaeyeon while the ssh blonde haired girl was busy writing something at her notebook. She will also throw some teasing looks at Sakura when their eyes met at the mirror leaving the older girl blushing.


They first drop off Yujin because her school was much more closer than Nako's. Before she went out she didnt forgot to smirk teasingly at two. Sakura was already blushing and the ash blonde haired girl was averting her gaze to the tall girl.


“Bye bye, Nako-chan!” She bid goodbye at the little girl and kissed her cheek.


“Bye bye, Yujin-unnie. Tell Wonyoung-unnie i said Hi!” She chirped and waved at the tall girl.


Yujin made a salute gesture and grinned like an idiot. “Yes, Ma'am.” She said and finally went outside.


She watched the car went away from her sight, and sighed deeply.


“Please take care of Sakura-chan, Chaeyeon-unnie. I cannot bare to see her looking so broken and a mess again after she left. Make her happier than before.” She whispered before entering her school.


She will, and i know


AaAaaHhh our christmas break will be next week i hope i can write more phew! And this week i have tests again to take so... yeah the next update will be probably up on saturday and if i got bored studying and write instead that'll be better

And sorry for the long times skip, i'm sure it will be often lol

(This is actually another rushed chapter, i'll just edit it when im free)

Now you already know Chaeyeon's feelings and some snippets of Sakura's past :P

Also Congrats to my babies for winning such an award, and i'm also proud of LOONA <3 ugh i stan talented queens!

Vote and Comment!~ :)))

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
226 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1761 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1761 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww