twenty nine (last chapter)



Sorry for the mistakes owo




Chaeyeon was looking for the kids who are swimming in the pool when she heard heavy footsteps behind her, realizing that its not Sakura or any woman at all, she turned around, eyes widening a bit when she saw the newcomer.


Shun slowly strides towards the younger girl, halting when he's beside her, hands inside his pockets, gaze ahead and watching the kids swam and play around the pool. He cracked a smile when he saw Nako waving at him then gave him a heart before jumping into the water. He chuckled and turned to Chaeyeon who's calmly watching the kids, not intimidated at his presence anymore. Shun is glad with that, he's never scary or intended to scare someone with his aura in the first place, he always emit this soft and calm vibes around him not after his life got toyed.

“I already had a talk with my daughter again,” He started off making Chaeyeon look at him, confused. “I think she wouldnt be able to get out of that library for a mean time, please give her time and space.” He added, sighing heavily.

Chaeyeon's curiosity is eating her up but she chose the best choice— just stay silent and nod. Shun lets out an amused smile when he saw her reaction, Chaeyeon indeed is a wonderful person, that's why he wanted to make Sakura marry her, he doesnt want Sakura to lose this person— and good news for him, they love each other so much and Sakura is more than willing, and she's going to wait until Chaeyeon is ready. 

“I will leave later, i still need to explain a lot from Yujin's family and sort. Also for Ahyeon, but i think i'll just do it tomorrow. I got a lot of stuffs to fix here too.” He blurted out. Chaeyeon shrugged. “I understand. I'll just say it to Sakura later, sir.” She replied, softly and a little bit formal. She still respect him.

He puffed out his cheeks when he heard Chaeyeon called her 'sir', he needs to work on that later. “Of course, not after i have some talk with you.” He said, and Chaeyeon's head turn again then blinked. Shun smiled a bit. “Call Kaeun to look for the kids. Lets meet at the garden at the back, i would love to have a chat with you, Chaeyeon.” He said and before the girl could even open , he turned his heels and walked away, of course giving Nako a wave first before disappearing to the garden.

Chaeyeon bit her lower lip and took a deep breath, shouting for the head maid's name who just suddenly appeared from the door, holding towels for the kids. She explained that Shun wanted to have a chat and take care of the kids first, and Kaeun of course nodded without a question and even shooed her away.

She spotted the man sitting on the bench, caressing the red roses with a careful fingers, not wanting to pierce his skin on those sharp thorns.

She took a seat beside him and he didnt even budge, just staring at the flower with soft look. “Roses are still her favourites,” He suddenly spoke, and Chaeyeon smiled, but didnt answered. “I used to give her these when she was younger and she was so so happy back then.” He beamed but his smile disappeared instantly then sighed, retreating his hand back before turning to her direction.

“Why did you want to talk with me, sir?”

Shun closed his eyes and sighed, shaking his head. “First of all, dont call me sir or whatever. Just call me Dad.” He suggested, and Chaeyeon looked taken aback. “U-Uhm, no promises, sir.” She stuttered making Shun shook his head but lightly chuckled.

The wind blows gently at the garden, and the two watched the flowers swayed slowly, some of the petals flying to god knows where. It was silent, but its a comfortable one and not awkward at all.

“Thank you,” Shun finally managed to open his mouth. Chaeyeon looked at him with a confused expression and the chairman smiled. “For loving my daughter and accepting all her flaws. For taking care of her. For trusting her. For making her happy— just for everything.” He added and turned his body to the ash blonde haired girl before bowing, Chaeyeon let him, surprised and in awe. He straightened his back again after a few seconds, eyes full of guilt, sadness, yet theres a glint of gratefulness.

“You know how exactly i've been to her. I'm such a bad father. And i'm grateful you came into her life. I broke her and thank you for fixing her again.” He said, sighing heavily. “Thank you for everything. Just everything. And i'm so sorry for what i did. I will live my life full of regrets until my last breath. I wont forgive myself for doing such things to my own daughter. And i know you can make her happy than anything.” He exclaimed, chuckling as he recalled how whipped and in love her daughter is whenever it was about Chaeyeon. He doesnt want to compare Anna with Chaeyeon but, the ash blonde haired made Sakura back to herself again, changed her to a better person than she is, and Sakura's the happiest whenever she's with Chaeyeon. Anna made her daughter happy too, but Chaeyeon, she made Sakura the happiest.

Sakura loved Anna too of course, but it wont beat how much she's very much inlove with her current lover. Shun saw it all. Sakura wont even dare to look to other people, and would only stare at her girlfriend with the brightest smile. And Shun knew its the same for Chaeyeon.

If she doesnt love Sakura at all, she probably left her in the first place when she learned that Sakura is broken, but she willingly stayed and fixed her slowly. Shun chuckled on his thoughts. They're soulmates. He wont complain. They're perfect for each other, they are fated to be together. Even if the world is against them, they will face it with their hands clasped together tightly. And this is why he wanted them to tie the knot already even if its still early. He knew they will last forever.

In some way, their strong relationship bond reminds Shun of something. It was him and his wife's love. Shun also fought for Rahyeon and won at the start, but unfortunately, as time passes by, he became weak and thus, this happened. Hopefully, it wont happen to them, its not like Shun will let it happen, he doesnt want his daughter to experience the same thing.


As for Chaeyeon, she was speechless. She could only give out a small smile because she knew everything the man was saying are honest and sincere. “Your daughter did a lot of things good things to me too. I learned many stuffs from her. And a savior of mine when i was trying to make meets end. Sakura did intimidate me in the first time, i thought she's that scary, greedy, and snob CEO but turns out, she's more than that, better than that but she wont show her real side and instead sticked on with her faćade because she doesnt want her broken walls to break again. She was scared to let people enter in her heart, she was traumatized but in the end, she overcame her fear and gave me a chance. It was going smoothly but as the days passes, it started to became rough ahead but its normal. We need to face a lot of challenges together in order to have a stronger bond and happy ending.” She explained her feelings and chuckled. “Funny how im just doubting yesterday. But thankfully, a wonderful woman made me think straight. I love your daughter so much, dad. And i'm willing to risk it all for her, and Nako too of course. I love all her flaws, and i accept for what she is. I love Miyawaki Sakura.” Chaeyeon added with a sweet smile. Shun was amazed and chuckled.

“I'm happy for you both. Please last forever.” He said then leaned her back to the wooden backrest of the bench then closed his eyes but of course, not missing out Chaeyeon's wink. He was getting lost in his thoughts when he realized something making his eyes widen in shock.

Did she just called me Dad????

He looked to her and saw the younger averting her gaze to him while blushing. Seems like she's embarrassed. He wanted to but he let it pass and instead, he spoke again, he might forgot to inform her about his plan again.

“Anyway, i still have another stuff to discuss with you.” He said, his voice is now serious. And it gained Chaeyeon's attention. “I kept a lot of secrets from my daughter and just recently, she found out the biggest one.” He revealed. Chaeyeon got an idea and bit her lower lip, trying not to open and pry, but failed to do so.

“Is it about… Her mother probably still being alive?” She asked, not sure and hesitant. Shun's eyes widened. “H-How did you know—?” And that answers Chaeyeon's question. She gulped, clenching her hands on her lap. So its indeed true, the diary entry is true.

“Is this why Sakura needs some space?” She asked, and Shun weakly nodded. She took a deep breath before finally asking what she's been dying to ask. “Is… Her mother really still alive and well?” She trembled.

Shun smiled weakly. “Yes.”

Chaeyeon covered out of shock even if shes expecting it. She felt tears forming in her eyes. She felt sorry and happy for Sakura.

“I kept a lot for my wife's safety, and also Sakura's,” He said, then sighed. “The ex-chairman learned that i've been secretly visiting Rahyeon and started to move but i'm faster but i need to risk a lot and with that, i hurted Sakura again by making her learn that her mother died already. I faked Rahyeon's death, and hid her somewhere. She agreed, if it means she will see her daughter but things didnt go well. I could only give Rahyeon some updates of her daughter while she tried to heal from her illness. I felt so horrible. Whenever i visit her, she would cry because finally, she'll learn what is happening with her daughter's life. But now, everything is safe, i will make them meet.” He told her and gave her a look. Chaeyeon wiped her tears, and nodded. She felt so happy yet sad. Happy because Sakura will meet her mother again after long years of being separated and Sad, because she lived for years knowing her mother is long gone.

Shun took a deep breath. “I need your cooperation. I'll surprise Rahyeon and Sakura too tomorrow. My wife doesnt have any slightest idea what is going on,” He said, fishing out a piece of paper from his pocket then handed it to Chaeyeon before giving her a pleading look. “Can you manage to make Sakura go here with you in this address? Tomorrow around 9am? We technically live here. Dont bring Nako, she would be left out and let the mothers unite first before i introduce Nako to Rahyeon.” He said, and held Chaeyeon's hand tightly. “I trust you with this, okay? Can you do it?” He asked. Chaeyeon clutched the paper then looked at Shun with eyes burning with determination. “Easy.”

And with that, Shun smiled. “Thank you, really. As much as i wanted to stay here. I need to fix some stuffs here at my office. Let Sakura loosen, and think. But make sure she eats, alright? I'll be expecting you to be at our doorstep tomorrow at 9.” He said, then gave Chaeyeon another smile and nod. He waited for Chaeyeon to respond first before walking away from the garden but of course, not after repeating how grateful he is then bid his granddaughter a goodbye and promised her that he'll be back as soon as possible before finally going away.

Chaeyeon took a deep breath before looking at the flower bed full of roses. She just stared at it intently as she let her thoughts eat up her mind. She jumped in surprise when Jinsoul suddenly popped out from her vision. The gardener chuckled then cutted the red flower then removed its thorns then gave it to Chaeyeon.

“Sakura would love this,” She said and gave Chaeyeon a sweet smile. The younger softly laughed, thanking Jinsoul before going inside the house, giving Kaeun a nod and the kids with a smile when she passes by the pool.

She went to the kitchen and grabbed a can of soda that Sakura recently likes then also grabbed a pack of umeboshi before checking the library and when she didnt spot the certain bub there, she went upstairs. She knew Sakura needed time but she wouldnt let her lover starve there, food is a great comfort.

Reaching the door, she knocked gently before opening it. She smiled when she saw Sakura near the glass window, sitting at the chair while looking outside, the familiar old diary on her arms. The CEO looked at her with a gloomy look, Chaeyeon could not help but to feel pity for her girlfriend, she wanted to comfort her but its for the best to leave her alone and give her space.

She placed the can and the pack on the coffee table, and extended her arm to show the rose to her lover. Sakura's eyes lit up. “Chae—”

“It's okay. I'll leave you to think alone, i know you need it. But i brought you food just incase. I just wanted to check up on you.” She said, then looked at the flower. “Jinsoul said you will like this. I know its your favorite, here,” She said, and handed her the rose. Sakura smiled slightly, twirling the flower then smelled its petals. “Thank you for this, and your understanding, babe. Just give me a few hours and i'll be down by dinner. Can you look out for Nako until then?” She asked. Chaeyeon nodded then winked at her. “Sure thing. Its my original job, right?” She answered, grinning cheekily.

Chaeyeon gave Sakura a kiss on the lips before walking outside and finally went downstairs. Before she went back to the pool area, she called Yena to ask about the university stuffs and gave her updates about the situation.

“Me and Yuri and the gang are going to pay a visit there as soon as possible. Probably in two days or so? If everything is settled already. We dont want to intervene. And oh, school is gonna start soon. Prepare now, sweetie.” 

Yena said on the other line like a mom. Chaeyeon chuckled as she got herself a bottle of chocolate milk. They talked for a minute before hanging up. She took a deep breath and looked at the window, she can see the kids playing on the pool outside then smiled.

“Hopefully, everything will go smoothly sooner.”



“Chaeyeon? Why are we here again?” Sakura asked, who's beside her. Chaeyeon stopped the car and the engine when she properly parked the car on the space. Yes, the younger can drive, she learned just three months ago— Eunbi taught her to drive when its their free time and Chaeyeon is a fast learner so, its a easy thing. Sakura was bewildered when Chaeyeon snatched her car key before hopping in to the driver's seat, insisting that she'll drive. Eventually, Sakura just agreed and enjoyed the view of Chaeyeon driving— its a pleasant view, Sakura might say.

Chaeyeon drove to the address that Shun given her, and its about an hour away from Sakura's house. The CEO didnt asked much as she was busy discussing about her schedules with Sooyoung over the phone.

“You'll know.” She just answered, unbuckling her seatbelt and doing the same thing for Sakura before going outside.

Chaeyeon scanned the surroundings, its a peaceful and simple neighborhood. She glanced at the house infront of them. It's a two storey homey house and its just a simple one but cozy looking. She nervously bit her lower lip before glancing at her oblivious girlfriend who's also scanning the surroundings with a confused face.

She immediately pressed the doorbell, her hands are visibly trembling. She side glanced Sakura, she's scared what how the woman might react.

The door opens and a woman in mid 50's went out, Chaeyeon's breath hitched. Its definitely not Sakura's mother, this woman looks old and doesnt have the same features as Sakura.

“Are you Miss Chaeyeon,” The old woman sweetly asked, then turned her gaze to Sakura and her eyes lit up. Chaeyeon noticed that. “and Miss Sakura?”

The ash blonde haired girl nodded with a small smile. “You're correct.” She replied, the old woman beamed and opened the gate for them. “Ahh, yes, of course. Sir is waiting for your arrival. I'm Yoon Soha, a caretaker.” She introduced herself then bowed. “Its really nice meeting you two but i need to go out and buy some ingredients. I'll talk to you guys later, just please knock the door. I'll take my leave now, excuse me.” She said and excused herself not before giving Sakura a look.


The lovers walked to the doorsteps and Chaeyeon knocked on the door and patiently waited for it to be opened. Sakura rose a brow at her. “Chaen, why are we—” She was cut off when the door opened, and she froze when she saw the person who opened it.

Chaeyeon smiled and straightened her back,then gave a small bow to the person infront of her. “Good morning, sir,” She greeted.

Shun chuckled before bowing back a bit, then turned to his frozen daughter. “Sakura...” He muttered. Sakura is confused as hell and looked at her father and girlfriend. “W-Wha—”

“Come in, i'll explain and will introduce someone to you.” He said, opening the door wide for them to enter. Chaeyeon nodded, dragging Sakura inside.

Shun prayed silently before closing the door then turned around. He saw the two girls looking around the living room, standing in the middle as they scanned the interior design of the house, it was just simple yet stylish. Chaeyeon and him shared a look before Shun nodded to the direction of— probably kitchen.


After a few seconds, they heard a soft and gentle voice from the kitchen. “Shun? Do you have visitors?”

Both Sakura and Chaeyeon froze with that. Shun just smiled at her daughter who slowly looked at her with those wide eyes. The younger girl gulped, checking Sakura's reaction, she too, is nervous. Finally, Sakura will meet her mother again after the years of thinking the woman is already resting peacefully. But that voice, is kinda familiar to her too, it rings a bell.

Sakura unknowingly clenched her hands, gulping down, as she felt tears started to form at her eyes. She very well knew the owner of soft and velvety voice. How could she forget? She always dreamt and daydream her voice, humming a song for her young self way back then. The voice that makes her feel at ease and safe. And the voice that she never thought she'll hear again. She looked at Chaeyeon, the girl knew, it was planned to surprise her but, Sakura thought she's not ready, she's about to break down already.

“Shun? Are there any visitors?” The voice is getting nearer, footsteps getting louder, and Sakura's heart are shaking and legs are starting to get weaker.

“Honey, look it yourself.” Shun responded.

And after a few seconds, a familiar beautiful woman came out from the kitchen, her greyish hair tied up into a ponytail, wearing a simple shirt and pants, visibly confused and curious but that expression didnt lasted long though.

Chaeyeon's face dropped and covered .


No freaking way…

Meanwhile, Sakura is close to break down. Her eyes are shaking, and she cant help but to tug her bob hair and took a few steps back, trying to calm herself when she realized who's the person that's infront of her.

The woman walked beside her husband and gave him a confused before looking at the two guest, her expression turning into shocked one then slowly covered with her both hands, muffling a surprised gasp.


“S-Sakura? Is that y-you?” The woman stuttered, tears started to form on her eyes. Sakura flinched and gasped. That voice, that soft doe eyes that makes her feel at ease with one gaze— she cant be wrong.

This woman infront of her, is none other than her mother that she thought was long dead. She's real, alive, and well. She aged a bit, but still the most beautiful woman in earth for Sakura. Its been more than 7 years since she last saw her.


“Are you my d-daughter?” Rahyeon asked once again when Sakura didnt replied. She needed to make sure that this girl is really her daughter before she pulls her into a longing and tight embrace.

Sakura choked a sob, wiping her tears with her sleeves. “M-Mom? Are you real?” She asked, sobbing loudly. Chaeyeon decided to walk on the corner, letting the two unite and hug, she knew how they badly misses each other, to the point they're not sure if they are both real.

Shun started to silently cry beside her shaking wife, wiping his tears, regret is once again eating him up again but glad that his wife and daughter met again after long years of not seeing each other and lying.

“Sakura.. M-My baby,” Rahyeon breathed, taking a slow steps towards her crying daughter and extended her arms for a hug. Sakura immediately ran towards her mother's arms, hugging the older woman so tightly as she wailed like a five year old.

“M-Mom...—” She choked, burying her face on the older woman's shoulders. Rahyeon shushed her daughter, hugging her while her hands are rubbing the girl's back to comfort her then kept giving her kisses on the head while also crying. “Dont cry… Sweetie… Mom is here now,” The woman whispered and it made Sakura cried even harder.

If its not a heartwarming moment, Chaeyeon would probably laugh her off for witnessing Sakura cry like a baby. She smiled towards them, amused and happy. Her heart flutters at the sight before her. She then turned to Shun who's just looking at his wife and daughter with teary and glimmering eyes, he's happy yet there's sadness on his eyes too. He let the two have a moment and decided not to intervene.

Sakura broke the hug after a few minutes, sniffling and wiped her tears again, but it continued flowing— she's a lot more calm than earlier. “M-Mom, is it r-really you?” She asked again, she felt nostalgic, she still cant believe it. Rahyeon cupped her tear stained cheeks, and looked at her with those soft and longing gaze. “I-I'm real, my baby. Its me, your mom, Rahyeon. I'm alive and healthy.” She whispered before pulling Sakura into a tight embrace when she saw the girl was about to have a break down again.

“How are you, Kkura-yah? I heard you experienced a lot of hard stuffs, sorry mother is not there to go through it with you. Sorry that i lied. I missed you so badly, my love.” Rahyeon whispered, gently patting her daughter's head. She sure has grown up a lot but in Rahyeon's eyes, Sakura will be forever her baby.


“The most important thing is youre still alive and well, m-mom. I missed you too, so badly,” Sakura replied, her voice muffled as she's burying her face on Rahyeon's shoulders. She sniffed before leaning away to look at her mother's face. Rahyeon chuckled, pressing a kiss on Sakura's forehead. “I love you so much my baby. Its been long.” She mumbled, and Sakura cracked a small smile, lips quivering as she fight back to hold her tears. “I love you too.” She replied back before hugging her mother again tightly, not even letting go.

Rahyeon patted her daughter's back, caressing her hair as she cradled the other woman to make her calm down and feel safe. She eyed her husband and gave her smile, Shun bit his lower lip then hung his head low. She then turned to Chaeyeon's direction, shock is evident on her face. “Lee Chaeyeon-ssi,” She called out, making Chaeyeon jump in surprise. The ash blonde haired gulped and hesitantly, turned to their side. Rahyeon smiled at her. “Quite small world, eh? Its nice meeting you again.”

“Likewise, ma'am.” Chaeyeon replied, and smiled. Rahyeon chuckled. “I wanted to have a talk with you again but, let me have time with my baby first. Looks like she doesnt have any plan to let go of me too.” She teased, chuckling lightly as she wiped her tears. Sakura grunted and snuggled further on her mother's arms. Chaeyeon just bowed lightly, smile plastered on her lips.


Shun placed a cup of tea on the table before sitting on the opposite chair. Chaeyeon hesitantly grabbed the cup and took a sip before taking a glance at Sakura and Rahyeon who are sitting on the veranda, the CEO is side hugging her mom as they talked about things, catching up with their lives. Rahyeon will constantly plant a kiss on Sakura's head, and baby her whenever she spot a good timing. Sakura will not complain. She's a whole baby when it comes to her mom. You cant blame her though. She missed everything about her mom, especially when Rahyeon always comfort her and make her felt assured. They also talked about random things and would just suddenly speak about how much they missed each other.

“I'm happy that finally they met again.” Shun muttered, and Chaeyeon craned her neck to look at him. She smiled when she saw him staring at his wife and daughter. “I can tell, sir.” She replied. Shun sighed. “But i still felt bad that i lied to Sakura and kept her mother away, then faked her death. Regrets, a lot of regrets.” He said, sipping his tea. Chaeyeon looked at the man. “There's a reason though. And what will happen if you didnt made an action? Miss Rahyeon is probably not with you guys now.” She tried, making things positive. Shun chuckled then nodded. “You got a point.” He paused. “They look so happy. Rahyeon really missed her daughter very much, and also Sakura, she missed her mom badly. Now everything is okay, they can finally bond again.” He replied, amused as he watched the two women he loved so much, his family.



Its been almost two months and many things happened but only good things, fortunately. Everything is so peaceful now that stuffs are settled.

For the first few weeks, Sakura refused to leave her mother's side and would even stay over there just to sleep beside her. And also, she introduced her mother to the people of her house, and company too. It was lovely, Rahyeon also met Nako for the first time and she was delighted to have a cute granddaughter like Nako.

It took Ahyeon quite a time to believe and almost rushed her to the hospital when Rahyeon appeared. She also punched Shun thrice after she calmed down. The family are also hesitant but all of them accepted and forgave Shun immediately when Rahyeon herself made them understand.

Yujin was bitter and protective at first, glaring at Shun whenever he came by even after everything but slowly she became soft when Sakura and Rahyeon kept scolding her. In the end, she accepted it but she still couldnt fully forgive him for doing such stuffs to her cousin. Since everything was already settled with Yuri, Shun still needed to apologize to another certain person and exactly, that person suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

It was Murashige Anna, Sakura's ex girlfriend. She's not alone, she's with her cute son and husband whom she learned to love despite of the arranged marriage. She and Sakura tried to catch up, and even had a chat with Chaeyeon while Sakura plays with her son. Anna also gave Nako lots of presents, and shed a few tears when she saw Riko's daughter for the first time.

“You surely moved on from me,” Sakura teased, earning an elbow from Anna. “You . Tch. We're still bestfriends arent we?” She asked and Sakura laughed, pulling her into a hug. “Of course.”

The best of friends plus Yuri finally reunited again too after a few years. They also flew to Japan to visit Riko's grave with Nako, of course. The child is well aware, and Sakura didnt kept that secret from the kid. They would visit Riko whenever they have free time.


Also its been a month since Chaeyeon's university started. She's doing well and still babysit Nako of course, its still her job after all. Unfortunately, the gang seperated and now not classmates because of their courses/majors are different. Minjoo went to Violeta University of Arts, Majoring in Music, Chaewon also went to the same school as Minjoo but Majoring in Theatre. Hyewon decided to accept the scholarship offer of a certain medical university (it was a shocker when Hyewon firmly said she wanted to be a doctor out of a sudden), meanwhile Eunbi, she went to a culinary school. Leaving Yena and Chaeyeon to attend the same school. They are both majoring in Dance at Haneul Wiro University. Most of them decided to take up a course or major that's related with their hobby instead. And, They're still close and always meet each other twice a week.

Everything also went smoothly for Shun, the company survived and the issue died down already. He visits his father once a while in his luxury prison to check him up, and he's not surprised when the doctors said Shiro got indeed a mental illness.

Meanwhile, Rahyeon still go to the hospital where she met Chaeyeon for her weekly check up and Sakura would always accompany her. She's getting better than ever and started to plan to build a small flower shop nearby to entertain herself.


All in all, everything is now easy and peaceful. Sakura couldnt wish for more, she's contented and happy. Same goes for Chaeyeon.



Chaeyeon's classes were cancelled due to emergency meeting and their professors decided to let them go home early. So she decided to go to the Miyawaki residence to babysit Nako, she knew Sakura is working at the moment.

When she reached the place, she was surprised to see Rahyeon there, cradling a sleepy Nako on her arms. The woman gave her a smile and Chaeyeon bowed as a greeting, she immediately went to them. Rahyeon handed the now sleeping Nako to her. “Tuck her in,” She softly said. “And lets have a small chat at the veranda. I still havent talked to you alone because of Sakura and wrong timing. See you there in a bit, i'll make juice and sandwiches for us too.” She smiled and walked away to the kitchen. Chaeyeon went upstairs and tucked Nako on her bed, humming a song while caressing her hair for a few minutes before deciding to go down, she wouldnt like to keep the woman waiting for her.

She spotted the woman at the veranda, sipping on her cup already. Chaeyeon took the unoccupied seat, and nervously fiddled with her fingers. Rahyeon nodded her head to the direction of the cup of orange juice, and the younger immediately picked it up, bowing in gratitude before taking a gulp.

Rahyeon chuckled. “What a small world it is, right?” She started off then shook her head. “How's your school? I heard its your first year of college and taking up Performing Arts and Major in Dance.”

Chaeyeon placed the cup on the table first before nodding. “I guess i'm doing fine, ma'am, the school just barely started so i still cant feel the pressure and stress. And you're right, ma'am,” She answered. The older woman nodded. “Hmm. I also heard from Sakura that you got a scholarship offers? You know, my baby always talk about you thats why i know, i just wanted to confirm.”

“Ahh yes. I'm a scholar and self-supporting student.” She answered politely, playing with her fingers as she stared at the sky. Rahyeon nodded again, impressed. “That's impressive. Sakura is right, you're a great woman.” She paused. “How about your family?” She asked, hesitant, her daughter didnt mention Chaeyeon's family a lot, only that Chaeyeon has two younger sisters and theyre living in Japan.

“Oh. Kinda complicated. I'm still in-contact with my sisters though and my mom sometimes call me too but i'm independent.” She answered with no hesitance. Rahyeon didnt pry more further than that and left the topic.


“I just wanted to thank you,”


Chaeyeon scratched her head. Wow, she and Shun really are fitted. They're always thankful.

“You made my baby happy while i was gone, stayed with her even if she's kind of like that. And loved her no matter what.” She added, smiling at Chaeyeon. The ash blonde haired grinned. “I love your daughter so much, of course, ma'am. I'm no other women.” She replied. Rahyeon looked satisfied with her answer then sighed in relief.


“You're really the right person.” Rahyeon mumbled making Chaeyeon confused, then pointed to herself. “Me?” She asked. The older woman gently nodded, pointing something on her neck. She looked down on where she's pointing and it was her necklace. Chaeyeon caressed it then looked at Rahyeon who's wearing her signature sweet smile. There's no explanation needed anymore.

“Keep that. It looks wonderful on you.” The older woman complimented. Chaeyeon blushed and nodded. After that, they talked about random stuffs, like anecdotes of Sakura and other related about Sakura.



Sakura took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the coldness and breeze of the wind. She never felt this happy, contented, and peaceful in her entire life. When she opened her eyes, her lips instantly curved up into a big smile because the moment her eyes fluttered, the first thing she saw is the love of her life, Lee Chaeyeon. The ash blonde haired girl is sitting on the rail, enjoying the wind, watching the planes took off and land on the run away and would sometimes smile at the night sky.

You probably guess by now, they're in the infamous rooftop of Hotaru Airlines Main Building.

Sakura took Chaeyeon here for a deeper meaning, but she only said to the girl that it'll be a date— well, the others are probably roaming around the building right now but Chaeyeon doesnt need to know that. 

Her original plan was actually to take Chaeyeon to the cherry blossom tree park but she remembered that the cherry blossom petals are long gone now so she decided just to take her here, it's unique and simple here yet this place is also Sakura's favorite spot in the entire Earth. She still loves her airlines so much too of course.

She stared at Chaeyeon with those love-struck eyes, recalling all their memories. Bad and happy, it doesnt matter, as long as Chaeyeon is there at the memories. God knows how much she loves this woman infront of her and now, she fell inlove deeper with her again. Well, she cant help it. The way her fading ash blonde hair swayed because of the impact of the wind but it looks like it was dancing, and Chaeyeon's smile is just so heart-fluttering, and the way she just looks at the sky and her planes like she was amazed.


Her hands slowly went inside her coat's pocket, caressing the box. She smiled.

Of course, she still havent forgot the promise ring she bought but with the past events, she cant spot the right timing but now, is the perfect time. It was not prepared by her much, and was rushed but knowing Chaeyeon, she would just like it in more simplier way. If her father didnt even encouraged her to do so, she will chicken out. 

“Hey, Chaen.” She called out, walking closer to her then leaned on the rail. She heard Chaeyeon hums. “Are you happy and satisfied?” She asked, making the younger look at her with a confused expression. “Yes.” But she still answered.


“But are you happy with me?”


Chaeyeon flinched with that sudden question but she smiled nonetheless and answered with confidence. “Of course. You dont need to ask. If im not happy and very much inlove with you, i'm currently not on your side.” She replied, soft. She then pulled Sakura closer to her, cupping her cheeks as she stared at Sakura's nervous and glimmering orbs. “What's wrong, bub?” She whispered, sad and gentle.

Sakura sighed. “Well, its just—” She paused and fished something from her pocket. The sight of the elegant looking box almost made Chaeyeon lose her balance but immediately composed herself.

The CEO pulled out the box and opened it, with hesitant and trembling fingers, her face uneasy. Chaeyeon almost cooes and decided to tease the woman. “Are you proposing, my love?” She asked, playful. Sakura blushed, rubbing her nape in embarrassment. “I-I think so? Kind o-of? Not for marriage though. That'll be next time when you're already old enough and ready for such phase like that with me.” She answered, nervous.

Chaeyeon blinks and bursted out laughing, pinching Sakura's cheek. “Cutie. Then whats that?”

“A promise ring, wifey.” Sakura replied. Chaeyeon snorted. “Hmm. Okay then. Is this really a proposal or what?” She asked. The CEO scratched her head. “I dont.. know, really. I just wanted to give this ring to you because i love you so much.” She answered, unsure.

Chaeyeon nodded, then grinned like an idiot. “I'll accept your proposal but,” She paused then looked at the ring, it made Sakura panic. “Its a promise ring, right? What's your promise then? Before you slip that ring onto my finger.” She added, making Sakura sigh in relief.

She took a deep breath and looked at the beauty infront of her then gave her a smile before finally saying the words she means to say to her.

“Not only a promise, but promises but okay. Because i want to promise that when you're ready, i'll marry you. I proposed to you because i'm very sure you're the only woman that is fated to me, and whom i love so much. I'm scared that other people might also steal you away from me, that's why i'm stepping my game up. I know its a little early but i'm sure. I will never love another person like how much i love you, Lee Chaeyeon. I'll wait until god knows when. I'm your loyal dog or cat, or whatever. You're the only woman i will marry and spend my life with,” She breathed out, kissing Chaeyeon's back hand before continuing. “I promise that i'll protect you, love you, and stay with you until forever. I promise to make you happier. I promise to stay with you no matter what happens, even in your lowest, i'll stay and sing you to sleep. There's still a lot of promises to be sealed but let me stick with that few for the mean time.” She said, softly, caressing Chaeyeon cheek as the woman stares back at her with teary eyes.

“Silly,” Chaeyeon muttered, wrapping her arms around her neck and pulled her into a hug. “I will remember that all. God, i love you so much, Miyawaki Sakura. Just give me enough time to prepare for marriage, you fool. Atleast let me graduate and get a stable job. I cant make babysitting your daughter, my full-time job.” She said, chuckling but as the same time sobbing.

It doesnt need more explanation on how much they love each other. They're like made only for each other.

“So, can i?” Sakura asked, breaking the hug and wiped Chaeyeon's tears. The ash blonde haired nodded, presenting her hand. Sakura immediately slipped the ring on her finger then kissed it and looked up to her with the biggest grin ever. She then fished out another ring from her pocket, and its the pair— and then also wore it while the younger examined the beautiful ring.

“I really love you, you know that?” She whispered, making Chaeyeon go down to the rail and trapped her between her arms, using the rail as support. The ash blonde haired girl winked and gave her a sheepish smile. “I know. And i love you so much too.” She answered back, leaning in, closing the distance slowly.

And their lips met, and their heart bursted rainbows.

Everytime they kiss, it felt like its the first time.

They kissed passionately, Chaeyeon snaking her arms around Sakura's nape while the CEO wrapped her arms around her waist. The both of them kissed intimately until their lungs begged for air.

When they broke apart, there was a loud cheering noises behind them. Chaeyeon looked at them, and its almost everybody— the gang, the kids, Shun and Rahyeon, and even Anna, Sooyoung, Jinsoul, Kaeun, and Nayeon. She blushed and hid her face on Sakura's shoulders.

Yena whistled. “Woo. What a movie! I'm the bridesmaid at the wedding.”

The other started to murmur their congrats speech towards the couple. Shun is delighted at the sight. He's proud.

“A celebration!!! Haha! Its on me,” He shouted, and immediately asked Sooyoung to ask the best buffet restaurant for a reservation. Hyewon is more excited about the food than the couple.

After a couple minutes of teasing, cheering, congratulating, etc., the others started to happily go downstairs, excited to go to the buffet and eat. The couple decided to stay back and let the others go to the exit first before them. They were about to walk behind when Nako popped out of nowhere. Sakura picked her daughter up.


The kid looks happy and satisfied. “Yay!!!! Im happy for you, Mommy and you too, Chaeyeonnie. You're still my favorite babysitter though.” She said, and pecked Sakura's cheek, and also Chaeyeon's. The couple gushed over Nako's cuteness and kissed her fluffy cheeks also before thanking her.

With that, Chaeyeon and Sakura went down, hands clasped together tightly while Sakura's other arm is carrying Nako.


Nothing can break them apart. Especially now, they're stronger than ever. Ready to face everything together, no matter what. Bad or good, they'll stay beside each other even if the world turns its back on them. That's how much they love each other despite knowing each other for only a short period of time.


After the day ends, still, Miyawaki Sakura is only for Lee Chaeyeon and Lee Chaeyeon is only for Miyawaki Sakura


— Until forever...






Wait, i dont know if its the real ending but theres still an epilogue left lmaooo

but anyway, here we go laid ease! its almost finished huhuhuhu i cant believe it… i really can finish a whole story!

i guess i'll just put my last author note here or add another one on the epilogue but :]

Thank you everyone, especially the ones who already waiting and reading patiently at the very beginning. I know this story is kinda ty and rushed, and it lacks a lot, i'm sorry for that, i promise to write better in the future. I felt so overwhelmed that its already finished. I admit, i always thought of giving up this book and abandon it, but turns out, i just needed a break. Thank you for waiting for the long updates that it also taking long to update. This author is so lazy. But anyway, thank you again— i dont know what to say anymore, i'm just very grateful to y'all that you guys managed to stay with me for a long time like this and beared my ty writing and plots.

As you can see, i'm not good at writing endings, or writing in general but i tried my best to write a good one but its rushed. I actually lost motivation to write because of THAT issue, im in despair, sad, and worried. But writing kept me distracted and i couldnt just cry there and wait right? We need to be strong!

I still have a lot of something to say but, i cant put it to words. I'm grateful and sad. Why sad? I'm sorry if it didnt met your expectation but im trying my best, so i deeply apologize if you guys didnt like it. But all in all, thank you and i love you guys *bows* your comments made me happy and i still couldnt believe i managed to got 117 upvotes on aff and 3k+ on wattpad, it really shocked me considering that this story ty, im so sorry kkuchaen and kkuchaen nation.

Before i finally go, please be happy :] i know the issue made us felt sad and worried but i know we can get through this. We need to be strong for IZONE. We will wait for them no matter what, and support them until the end, right, WIZONES? 💞 thats why i decided to update this monday, today is supposed to be the day they will drop Fiesta and Bloomiz but..., so yea, i dropped this today so i can atleast distract you guys i guess?

Thats all… Thank you again 💘💌💋💌💕💓💝💓💝💓❣️💗❣️💗💟💓💗💟💕💗💌💓💌💓💝💗💖💗💘💓💟💓💗💗 see you on the epilogue!!!!!! XOXO

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
226 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1761 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1761 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww