twenty three


uhm a little bit ehem ehem on the end. like on chapter eighteen :D just a mere warning~




Shun cleared his throat and turned to his equally annoyed and cold daughter. He gave Chaeyeon a one last glance before walking up to the couch and sat there, crossing his arms as he made himself comfortable and looked around the house. It's his second time going here— the first time when Sakura bought this house.


“I'm gonna eat dinner here. We'll discuss things,” He announced. Sakura clenched her jaw, she cant refuse. “Well then— Sana! Tell Kaeun to cook dinner for two people—” She was cutted off when the man piped in.


“No. We'll have a family dinner. Four of us.” He said, firm. Sakura looked at Chaeyeon, she saw how her girlfriend felt scared right now— even this ruthless man made her daughter cry and terrified! Now he wanted to eat dinner with him so he could threaten and embarrass Chaeyeon. She could just throw him away from her house but she cant, this man might harm and worse not let them go on their day peacefully. If his order wouldnt be granted, then you will taste hell.


With a defeated sigh, she called Sana again to tell Kaeun to cook a whole dinner for the family.


She looked over her father thats busying himself with his phone, probably talking with his business partners. She then turned to Chaeyeon who's calming Nako down by her hair. “Chae. You go to the veranda, and distract Nako, okay? I'll talk with him first. As much as i wanted you to not be involved with this dinner, we need to do it. I'm here to protect and defend you, hmm? Dont worry and i'm sorry.” She whispered, not letting Shun to hear their conversation.


The younger stared at her, worried. “Okay. And dont apologize, i told you, I'm ready to be involved the moment i loved you. I trust you, Saku-chan. You looked so troubled, remember what i said few months ago.” She replied back, patting her cheek. Sakura gave her a crooked smile.


“I looked really troubled because of the happenings earlier, dont worry, after dinner i'm gonna him out of my place.” She said, and gestured Chaeyeon to go away from this area. The ash blonde haired complied and walked away with Nako on her arms.


Sighing deeply, and fist clenching, she walked over to seat to the chair infront of Shun, giving him an unamused look. The man noticed the glare and putted his phone away to look at his daughter with the same expression.


“If you went here because the Yokoharas told you that i kept rejecting, i'm indeed rejecting. No way in hell i would accept the proposal. I had enough of that.” She spoke first, annoyed. Shun chuckled bitterly.


“Well thats one of the reason i went here. But its not my main purpose.” The man said. “You know well that if you wont marry Mizu, you will marry a guy, a stranger.” He threatened, raising up his brow.


“Greedy man. Let me tell you that you cant control me anymore like in the past.” She said, cockily, fearless. “I'm not that scaredy little kitten anymore. So off and leave us alone.”


Shun laughed. “Wow. Yeah, i'm aware of your drastic changes. You know how to talk back now, hmm? I can still remember how you tremble around when were in the same room. I'm curious how did you managed to change how you see me.” He said, massaging his veiny hand as he stare and mock his daughter.


“It doesnt matter to you. I mean, you should have expected that one day, i would fight back, you wont be powerful monster forever, Father.” Sakura fired back, her lips turning into a smirk. That's where Shun's face darkened. “You know this kitten can transform to be a full wolf too, as the time flies. After all, you raised me in your monstrous way. One day, i will crush you,” She hissed, glaring at her father with full hatred.


“You talk like you got enough power and money to bring me down, daughter, lets not go too far— shall we? Youre still a mere kitten to my eyes.” The man said, rough and deep, there's a hint of anger on his voice. Sakura scoffed, resting her head on her hand. “Maybe i dont have, but soon. I already know how you move, Father. It's my time to be a monster, yes? Wait until i got my full pontential.” She said.


The man nodded, impressed at the attitude Sakura is showing. He's intrigued. “Hmm. Chaeyeon really changed you, huh. She unlocked the monstrous side deep inside of you. I shouldnt really downgrade that young woman.” He said, really amused. “I will surrender my wealth for her. Touch her and i wont mind being put into the jail for harming my own father.” She growled, brows furrowing.


Shun can feel he's sweating, Sakura is really different from the Sakura he knew and slaved. She's alarming, she's serious. “That woman really changed you. I'm your Father and she's only—”


you. You were nowhere being a Father after doing all the s you did to me. I'm only calling you one but you were not, and will never ever be my Father.” She cursed. Shun is pissed now.


“You're rude. I'm not the one who made you a monster like what youre showing right now. It's Chaeyeon,” He said, trying to make the ash blonde haired girl the suspect. “How dare you. You're the one who made me like this, you raised a monster. And Chaeyeon, she made me realize that i have this side that can crush you, that i can be more powerful than you. Thank you for being stupid, i guess.” Sakura scowled, then stood up. The conversation would only get more no sense at all.


To Sakura, she think she's doing well scaring off her Father. It felt so right cursing and mocking him. Oh wait until she got the full potential, she'll make his life a living hell like what he did to her mother and to her. She'll be a monster, but that side is only for him to see and for the people who also ruined her life like the Yokoharas. She should thank Chaeyeon for encouraging her, damn, she should marry her.


“Tss. I'm getting annoyed. Lets just eat so you can go home.” She said, before walking briskly to the kitchen. Shun on his seat, his fist balled.


He sighed and massaged his temples. “I never wanted ...” He paused, when his phone rang. He looked over to the caller, and glared at his phone when he realized who is it and rejected the call. He stayed there a while, thinking deeply when his phone rang again but now its a message.


Without reading it, he putted his phone in silent and hid it on his pocket then fixed his clothes before going to dining room, he needs to make his job right or else.


He walked to the kitchen and spotted the three already sitting down. His eyes darted to his granddaughter, and Nako immediately looked away from him. He scoffed. Is he that scary? Tss.


He took a seat infront of them. Sakura is eyeing her, and he didnt backed down and stared back. The eye contact was cutted off when Kaeun appeared with the other maids, pushing the tray of foods. She served them and bowed, taking her leave when Shun called her over.


“Kaeun,” He called and the head maid froze and slowly looked at him, uninterested. “Yes, Mr. Miyawaki?” She asked, calmly. He just nodded and when Kaeun received the message, she bowed again and left.


However, Sakura is not impressed at all. The exchange of glaces is alarming her. “What the heck is that? Are you gonna threaten and fire Kaeun? She served and cooked me food for years,” She hissed and Chaeyeon just calmed her down by patting her arm.


Shun snorted, holding the untensils. “I just greeted her. Why think of me so low, daughter?” He mocked, smiling fakely as he silently prays and started to cut his chicken , not waiting for the couple. Sakura chuckled darkly, turning to Chaeyeon and signalled her to eat and feed Nako, and that leave the talking to her and dont mind him.


“Because you are indeed low, Father,” She said, muttering a silent prayer with Chaeyeon and Nako, before picking up her untensils. Shun stopped gritting his knife, and looked up while clenching his jaw. “You threatened all my loved ones to go away from me, remember? That is so low—” She smirked when she saw that Shun tossed his utensiles away, annoyed. Nako jolted up, suprised and scared at the outburst. She clung into Chaeyeon. “Baby, its okay,” The ash blonde girl soothed the child who's in verge of tears.


Sakura looked at her daughter before glaring at the man, he's staring at Nako and looked guilty for scaring her. Pfft, him? Be guilty? He never showed that emotion to her when she begged to take her back to her mother, or when he disciplined her by shouting harsh words to her. Her blood is boiling, he shouldnt bring his anger management issues her and show it to her daughter.


“You're scaring her. I suggest you to leave,” Sakura growled. “I dont want her to witness how devil you are.” She added.


Shun calmed his self and fixed his posture. “I wont be leaving. Not until we talked about stuffs i need to settle with you two.” He insisted, firm and went back to eating again. “Well atleast make her not involve in this deep crap. Chae, bring Nako to Jinsoul.” She said and Chaeyeon immediately complied. Scooping Nako into her arms, Sakura kissed her daughter's forehead first and tried to calm her down. When they were about to walk from the dining area, Shun spoke without sparing a glance at them.


“Make sure to comeback, Chaeyeon,” He muttered, Chaeyeon frozed. “After all, you're my main purpose. Come back soon and finish your meal.” He added, putting the piece of chicken into his mouth. The mentioned woman took a deep breath before walking away to bring Nako to Jinsoul.


No one dared to talk when Chaeyeon went away, Sakura is too tired and just looked at her food, she's gonna wait for Chaeyeon first. Shun, who's eating peacefully noticed the act, cant help but to snort silently. The woman only drank her grape juice, thinking deeply.


Sakura really changed so much, its a bad change for Shun. She will never listen on his words anymore, and threatening will be useless because looks like she's ready to use her connections. Sakura was always listening to his words, obeying without hesitation and always shaking in fear whenever he's around— even if she wanted to fight back so much, she just kept silent, because she know he'll threaten her by harming her loved ones. She would never dare to talk back. He needed to work harder. This is what he feared, his daughter not obeying him and even talking back rudely at him. Chaeyeon made the biggest impact on her life. That woman is Sakura's both strength and weakness. He should settle this off as soon as possible, while Sakura is just in the process of being a powerful wolf.


Chaeyeon came back, silently. Sakura's face lit up when she spotted her girlfriend, and they started to eat peacefully, like Shun never exist infront of them. The man gripped his untensils very tight. He's not angry. Flash of memories played through his mind. With a scoff, he shrugged it off. Obviously, Sakura misunderstood him for being annoyed at their moment— She always misunderstood him.


“Whats your problem?” She hissed. Shun paid no mind at his daughter and turned to Chaeyeon. “We'll talk alone, later.” He straightforwardly exclaimed, drinking his juice before went to eating again. Sakura isnt fond of the idea, she pulled Chaeyeon's chair closer to her, in reflex.


“I will never allow to have you and her in the same room. After you eat dinner, go away from my household and never comeback.” She growled. Shun couldnt help but to use force again at her. “Its an important matter. Dont let her talk with me then i wont leave you two alone. I will harm anyone. I know Yuri disobeyed me already and went here, she maybe escaped from that country but she's still in my hands.” He threatened, glaring back.


“I see, threatening and harming people is all you can do,” Sakura clenched her jaw. “Leave Yuri out of this.” She said. Chaeyeon stared at the man she feared of, looks like Shun wont hurt her or something— its more like this man is pleading. She gulped and turned to her pissed girlfriend.


“I'll talk with him,” She whispered, low and the two looked at her. Sakura with shock and Shun with blank expression. “So he can leave us alone.” She added.


Sakura was about to snap when Shun stood up from his seat. “You heard her. I wont do anything bad, i just want to have some talk. Give us fifteen minutes and were good. I'll leave.” He said. Sakura squinted her eyes. “Fifteen minutes!? Hell no.” Shun snickered. “Take it or leave it, kid. I already have people around Yuri's apartment. I need to speak with her.” He said and went ahead.


Sakura ruffled her hair in frustration, Chaeyeon cupped her cheeks and gave Sakura a kiss on the lips to reassure her. “Dont worry. I will fight back, just support me from here. I'll handle it well,” She said. “I know this will happen eventually. I'm r-ready.” She stuttered and Sakura is completely unconvinced. But in the end, the older lets out a sigh and led her to the library where Shun went.


“I'll be waiting here. Scream or immediately go out when he does or said something weird.” Sakura said, grabbing Chaeyeon's hand and pressing a light kiss on it. “Sorry my family is this complicated.” She whispered. The ash blonde haired girl smiled. “I already told you. And i know, in the end everything will be fine.” She said. Sakura nodded and opened the door for her.


Chaeyeon slowly walked in and closed the door. She spotted the man sitting on the chair, waiting for her.


She took a deep breath and nervously slowly walked towards him, sitting on the opposite side of the chair.


Shun just intently looked at her while she fidget on her seat. The man sighed. “You two love each other so much, huh?” He broke the silence. Chaeyeon stares at him, biting her lower lip, hesitating to answer. “Yes. Very much.” She finally said.


“You're not afraid of the consequences? You know well what you got involved into, young lady. Its not too late to back out—” He was cutted off. “I'm sorry, sir. But no matter what happen, i wont leave her.” She snapped.


Shun chuckled. “You got guts, young lady. Remember, you're talking with a devil. A powerful one that can harm your family in one phonecall.” He said, and Chaeyeon felt afraid again. “Sakura is already destined to marry Mizu, before you even entered the picture. You're only a girl who got disowned by your own parents and trying hard to earn money.” He added, crossing his arms and smirked. Chaeyeon kept mum.


No one spoke for the whole five minutes, and Shun is getting impatient. “Leave my daughter while its not too late, its for your own good. I liked you more than Anna, you lasted for many months and tried fight for your love. But sorry, kid, world is cruel— i'm cruel.” He said then stood up, giving Chaeyeon once last glace then walked. But before she can even reach the door the woman yelled.


“What kind of Father are you? You're the worst man i ever met. Tell me why, tell me why Mr. Miyawaki Shun. Why are you doing this to us? To your daughter? Why did you changed, yet what Sakura told me with a sad eyes that you're a good man and a Father in early times? How can a man be such a devil like you? Why cant you just leave us alone. Why did you broke Sakura, your own daughter?” Chaeyeon muttered, clenching her fists. She snapped, she cant keep those questions to herself anymore. Shun stopped on his tracks, obviously got shocked at the outburst but remained composed. “Why are you so cruel. Why are you doing this. Why just why... I have so many questions.”


Shun turned his heels and coldly looked at Chaeyeon. “All of that questions. Sakura... she asked me all of that. Its not that i wont or could not answer it. Because i simply cant.” He replied, making the woman look at him with wide eyes.


“There's a big reason in my change that no one can understand,” He muttered. “Even you. Even Sakura. No one.” He added, cold. Chaeyeon stared at him. There's a glint of sadness on his cold and emotionless eyes.


“Y-You.. You're the one threatening me right? Those text messages i've been receiving.” She asked that instead to change the topic because it was unusual to see this cruel man in despair like this. Shun looked confused then after a few second, he bitterly.


“Let me tell you, young lady,” Shun spoke again, putting his hands on the pockets of his pants. “I'm only a puppet. Nothing else. Every action i make, someone is controlling me. If i'm that person then i'm the only one who's pressing the send, the words arent from me.” He revealed making Chaeyeon confused than ever.


He turned his heels again and grabbed the door knob. “Tell Sakura that we only talked about the Yokohara.” He said and finally opened the door then walked out.


Shun spotted her daughter leaning in the wall, she immediately looked up when she heard the door opened. They made a brief eye contact. “I'll be back.” He said and Sakura went inside the library.


The man sighed before making his way outside of the house.




“What did he said to you?! Did he threatened you?” Sakura asked, worried as she checked her girlfriend. Chaeyeon shook her head, smiling. “No. He just keep insisting that i got no chance because you'll get married soon... Of course i refused and argued with him then he walked out.” She answered then hugged her girlfriend. She doesnt know either why she did what that man asked.




Sakura spooned Chaeyeon behind and buried her face to her nape.


It's a stressful day today, especially to Sakura. She needed cuddles and Chaeyeon to relax her down thats why the younger accepted the invitation to sleep with her tonight.


Chaeyeon on the other hand, cant sleep, and looks like the older woman is in the same situation too. They were both thinking deeply. It goes on like that for almost an hour when she lets out a sigh and turned her body to face Sakura.


The older woman looked like she's on despair even in the dark room, Chaeyeon can perfectly see it. “Wife. You cant sleep?” She whispered, hoarse. Chaeyeon nodded, bringing up one hand to her girlfriend's cheek. They stared at each other in silence.


“I never wanted to be in this kind of family,” She pressed her lips into a thin line. “Scratch that... I never wanted to have a father like that, well, who would want? I guess i'm the unlucky one.” The older woman whispered, letting out a deep sigh. Chaeyeon didnt answered.


“If you didnt came into my life, i think i'll be his puppet and a scared obedient kitten forever. I got no one to lean on and Nako is only the person that kept me sane, until you happened. I dont know what will happen to me if you will disappear to my life.” She said, and Chaeyeon winced at the word 'puppet', its making her confused and dizzy. But she still felt fluttered. “Thank you. Dont let me go.” She whispered, grabbing the hand on her cheek and brought up onto her lips to plant a gentle yet loving kiss on it.


“I wont.” Chaeyeon replied with a small smile, then leaned in to press her lips to Sakura's. She pulled away after a second to mutter, “I love you.”


Sakura grinned. “I love you too.” She replied before pulling Chaeyeon closer to kiss her again. The younger cupped Sakura's jaw and deepened the kiss, shamelessly shoved her tongue to the older woman's mouth.


Oh, she knew how to make Sakura exhausted so she can sleep.

Chaeyeon supported her body with elbow as she hovered above Sakura as she continuously kisses her passionately. When their lungs started to scream for air, she then busied herself by leaving wet kisses on Sakura's neck. The woman below groaned, tilting her neck upwards to give Chaeyeon an easy access.


“W-Wait... Is this okay? I mean, you're on your period—” Sakura realized. Chaeyeon chuckled. “I'm not haha. I'm just teasing you earlier. Lemme relieve your stress,” She whispered.


Sakura just blinked and the comforter was already thrown in the side, and the younger woman was already sitting on her middle. She was about to sit up when Chaeyeon stopped her, pushing her back from lying position— she blinked in confusion. Chaeyeon smirked and rose her brows cockily. “W-Wha—”


“Let me do the work for tonight,” Chaeyeon said, already taking off her own shirt. Sakura's eyes widened and blushed, okay, this is new. Sakura usually leads and dominate so, seeing Chaeyeon on top of her with a naughty smirk and teasing look instead of underneath her looking all flustered, is unusual. Sakura cant help but to feel, flustered. Damn ma. This is what probably Chaeyeon always felt when theyre uhm— making love.


(I swear i want to give up writing :/ pffffft help me)


Sakura's were intently glued to Chaeyeon, slowly bringing it downwards— admiring her insane body. Even if Sakura saw it even touched it multiple times, she cant help but to admire it, everything about Chaeyeon is so beautiful. She slowly bit her lower lip, feeling hot. Her burdens, problems, and just everything are already forgotten.


She slowly brought her hand to the younger's waist, snaking it into her abs but before she can even reach her main target, a hand was wrapped into her own, stopping from it to move further. Chaeyeon pinned Sakura's both hands above her head. “No touching,”


Sakura whimpered, now she's teasing her. She cant help but to let out a whine, , this girl really. “Chae..” The younger smiled on top of her, slowly releasing her grip to her both wrists before bringing it to the hem of her shirt, tugging it upwards.


“Just lay down there, let me. And enjoy.” Chaeyeon whispered in a seductive manner before taking her over.





“Shin ing Ryujin!” Chaeryeong yelled and smacked Ryujin who's busy typing on her phone with a idiotic grin plastered on her lips.


“Owww! Babe, the hell. It hurts.” She whined, rubbing her head with a pout. Chaeryeong's eyes twitched and smacked the poor girl again. “Babe my , you player! ing focus on your job and stop talking with your new or what!” She scolded and huffed.


Ryujin squinted her eyes and grinned. “Ooooh. You jealous, babe? Nothing to worry, babe. Its only Hyunjin, she's telling some joke on the group chat. Psh, maybe if you're online.” She replied, pocketing her phone and scooted closer to the brown haired girl.


Chaeryeong glared at her and looked towards their target again. “Do your work nicely, Shin.” She said, eyes not averting to the target who's currently in a café and drinking coffee with a furrowed brows.


The other girl snorted, fixed her jacket and stood up. “Easy peasy, babe. Dont worry, you know i'm experienced with these.” She boasted, cracking her neck before checking herself to the glass of the establishment. Chaeryeong snorted.


“Yeah whatever. Just go in and do it.” She coldly said and crossed her arms, still staring at the target, scanning her movements. Ryujin smiled. “What do i get if i successfully did it?” She asked. Chaeryeong sighed. “Whatever you wanted.”


Ryujin took this as an advantage. “Okay. A kiss on the lips from you is enough.” She answered with a cheeky grin. The brown haired girl froze and annoyingly looked at her, probably the wost move. When she turned her head, Ryujin bent her back to match her eye level. Their faces are only inch away from each other.


Chaeryeong's breath hitched, her bestfriend is indeed beautiful, she's aware but as the day passes— she's getting annoyingly prettier. Even in the evening, she still shines. And it's scaring Chaeryeong. She shouldnt feel like this to her bestfriend no matter what, Ryujin is only playing and teasing her. She's such a fool if she will fall.



(Only if Chaeryeong knew that those flirtings and teasing arent meant to be playful but sincere.)



Before she could even push Ryujin away, the other girl already stole a kiss on her nose then ran away inside the café with a big grin. Chaeryeong could only blush and glare outside.


Ryujin sighed, satisfied before putting up her actress mode. She forcefully curved her lips up into a smirk and made her expression, very appealing before walking to the table of the target.


“Good evening, miss,” She greeted the target, and she looked up to her, annoyed. “I cant understand Korean. Go away.” The woman said in Japanese.


“Ooh, so you're Japanese. I knew how to speak Japanese.” Ryujin said, using her Japanese speaking skill. The woman is impressed. “What do you want from me?”


“Simple, your name and number. I would also love if you would let me sit with you.” She said, grinning. The target nodded, obviously smitten. Well, it's Shin Ryujin.


“Nice to meet you, beauty. I'm Shin Ryujin and you are?” Ryujin asked after she sat down in the opposite side. She threw a wink to the other woman and lend her hand for a handshake. The target blushed but fixed her posture and went to sassy mode again.


“Nice to meet you too,” She said, grabbing Ryujin's awaiting hand.


“I'm Yokohara Mizu, hello, Ryujin.” She introduced herself, smiling very seductively to her. Ryujin grinned and shook their hands, she immediately retreated her hand when she saw Chaeryeong glaring at them from the window.


She cleared and started to flirt, of course, for job purposes.


Chaeryeong watched them outside, her chest burning into jealousy when she saw how Ryujin flirted casually to Mizu that even a sassy like her made her smitten in a few minutes. Its obvious that Mizu liked Ryujin already and even throwing her a seductive stares and Chaeryeong could not help herself to roll her eyes.


“Looks like she's enjoying it so much too, what a player tss.” She whispered and averted her gaze, just to stare at the twinkling stars of the night sky.


Unbeknownst to her, Ryujin will throw her a glace time to time when Mizu is distracted, just to check if there's some guy bothering her. After all, Ryujin's eyes would only find Chaeryeong.


If many people are smitten and inlove with Ryujin, then poor them, she cant do anything about it— she cant give their feelings back.


Shin Ryujin is smitten and very much inlove with her cold bestfriend, Lee Chaeryeong.





phew finally 🤡 its not a long update but anyways, pfft.... so yea. too many much dramas but i dropped many hints there. i wrote sakura and her father's relationship and how awkward and hate each other yeet.

dont worry pure fluff will happen next chap and ships will appear, yes yulyen nation i can hear you! ~

and no i wont talk about that ooooOOOMMFfff scene just enjoy top chaen lmao. i didnt tagged it as M because its not full and i warned you beforehand kaksksksksksksk

anyways see you idk when will i update again lol~ upvotes are much appreciated and please leave a comment! it motivates me to write, pleaseeee 😭 (sorry for the mistake, kinda rushed)

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
219 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1752 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1752 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww