twenty five


“Hey, are you free later?” Sakura asked suddenly, eyes focused on the road. Chaeyeon looked at her then hummed, thinking for a second if she got any important walk later.


She shook her head when she recalled there's none. “Yes. After getting some documents at my school, there's none? I guess babysit Nako.” she replied, staring at her. “Why?” She asked after, then saw her girlfriend cracked a smile.


“Well, i want to invite you for a date. I'll be off to the work early, and i needed to take you somewhere.” Sakura said, smiling happily and Chaeyeon chuckled in amusement. “Is that a no?” The older asked, frowning. Chaeyeon laughed. “It's a yes, dummy. When did i turned down a date from you? Tss. I'll wait for you later.” she answered, smacking Sakura lightly because the other woman is driving.


Sakura grinned, glancing at her. “That's good.” She said. There's a silence when she spoke again. “Any University your eyes caught? Did you picked already?” She asked.


She remember the younger girl whining to her that she cant seem to choose a College she will go on to, and also getting confused on what course or major she will take. She tried her best to give advices to her, and said some facts about the Universities that offered her. Sakura also suggested one but of course, it's still Chaeyeon's decision. The younger said she wanted to take Culinary, but wanted to be a vet and architect. Chaeyeon is still quite unsure about her dream. Sakura said to her that she should follow her heart about it, and she must really like this course over anything and have passion for it or else everything will be a mess.


Chaeyeon hummed as a response, pouting. “Not really. I havent yet made up my mind. But i want to attend the school that you're also involve like my last   school. You also suggested that University, right?” She said. Sakura nodded. “Haneul Wiro University is good, that's one of my dream schools but yea, now all i can do is be a stockholder there. That's where Yujin and Wonyoung attend school and the President is the pup's Father, obviously.” Sakura said. And Chaeyeon nodded, she will definitely consider that Uni on her top list.


They then finally reached Chaeyeon's old school after a while. The younger kissed Sakura on the cheek before finally making her way out, reminding her the date later. Chaeyeon stood there at the gate, watching Sakura's Aston Martin drive off and disappear before she went inside the school grounds, meeting up with Yena.


“Woah, holy . Aston Martin Vantage? Damn. How many cars does she owns? What the .” Yena asked, as they walked to the building. Chaeyeon chuckled and tried to recall. “I dont know, probably ten or more? She likes cars so much. Arent Yuri got one?” She asked. The older one nodded. “Yeah, she got an Audi. She laughed at my reaction when i saw it for the first time.” Yena told her, shaking her head at the memory.


“Our girlfriends are big time. Yuri said to me that every one music she produce for an artist, she can buy a car. She also didnt told me she co-produced one of Ariana Grande's album tracks. I didnt believed for a second until she made me search it and her stage name is there! And now that she's gonna focus in K-Pop, JYPE already contacted her which is insane.” Yena said, really amazed and proud at her own girlfriend. Chaeyeon laughed at her friend and just nodded. They kept talking about their girls until they reached the office and did their business.


After the process and few meetings with some school staffs. They finally went home after bidding good bye to each other. Of course, Chaeyeon went to the Miyawaki Residence to babysit Nako as usual.


She paid the taxi driver her fare before going outside. She is greeted by Mr. Yang, and opened the gate for her with a big smile. Greeting back, she went inside and started to walk to the pathway to the house, and as she do that, she kept checking the roses if it's on good condition.


The ash blonde haired girl is greeted by Nako and Hitomi, running to her when they saw the door opened and she was revealed. Much to her surprise, she spotted Yujin and Minjoo on the living room, playing Mario Kart happily. This couple loves trashing on Sakura's mansion and it's not like Chaeyeon is complaning, the house is always plain and quiet without much people around.


And they wasted time doing random stuffs. When lunch started to arrive, Chaeyeon cooked for them. She earned another various of compliments from the kids, she needs to practice her skills since culinary is one of her choices for her course.


Until time quickly passed by and it's already afternoon. When they heard or saw a car being parked near the porch, they already knew who it is so when Nako beamed after glancing on the window and caught a glimpse of a gray car. She immediately went to Chaeyeon, tugging her shirt happily before running to the door, she always wanted to be the first who's going to be greeted by her mommy.


“Mommy Kkura!” Nako yelped, running towards her mother who just opened the door. Sakura caught Nako on her arms and carried her, kissing her cheeks and forehead then asked her how was her day. Chaeyeon followed, putting up her calm façade when inside she's excited for their date.


The CEO noticed her girlfriend and gave her a peck on the nose. “Hey babe, everything on the school went fine?” She asked, smiling a bit. Chaeyeon nodded and hummed. “Yep! I just need to pick my new University and take entrance exam, i guess? I still have a few weeks or month, so dont need to worry on that.” She replied. Sakura brought her hand on Chaeyeon's head, giving it a lovingly pat. “Good,” She muttered. “Be ready in five. I'll just drop my papers in my office then imma get the car. We'll take the kids and that couple.”


Chaeyeon cant help but to be disappointed, she thought they will be alone in the date. The older woman seems to notice her disappointment and sadness, she then chuckled at her reaction. “Dont worry. We'll go somewhere that we're alone. I'll leave the kids to them. Yuri also texted me, the other couple are bored and wanted to be with us so i guess the two couples will tend and take care of the kids first while we're gone. Sounds fine?” She explained further, kissing Chaeyeon's forehead. The younger pouted and grinned before nodding, delighted at the idea. Atleast they will be alone.


Nako also giggled at her unnie's reaction. Sakura then looked at her daughter. “Is that okay?” She asked, and the child nodded. “More than okay!” She answered, wiggling her body out of Sakura's grip. The CEO putted Nako down and watched her go to Hitomi, whispering something to her before messing around with the couple.


The older couple chuckled. “Yah, love birds. Prepare. We're going to somewhere.” Sakura shouted, looking at Chaeyeon before giving her a kiss on the lips then went to her office to drop the papers. She didnt took long there and went to the garage to get the Mercedes Benz GL Class since they cant fit on the Aston Martin.


Yujin is scowling when Chaeyeon went outside. They were waiting for Sakura and looks like the big pup doesnt like the idea of going outside, but Minjoo on the other hand is very happy and playing with the two kids.


The SUV appeared, and Sakura is driving it. She rolled her window and gestured them to go inside and they complied but Yujin is still being grumpy. She started to walk to the backseat with slow manner and Minjoo noticed it. She grabbed her girlfriend's wrist and dragged her inside. “Why are you so grumpy, hmm?” She asked, pinching Yujin's cheeks. Yujin groaned. “I'm not...” She tried to deny but Minjoo glared at her.


The younger sighed, hugging Minjoo and snuggling her face to the latter's neck. “I thought we'll just play games today.” She replied honestly. “Aww this pup, really. We can play again tomorrow. I really wanted to go outside too. Let's play tomorrow at my house, sounds good?” She said to her girlfriend and Yujin instantly lit up then nodded. Minjoo gave the two a look on the rear view mirror and Sakura nodded before driving off, calling her bodyguards that she'll be at somewhere.


Nako and Hitomi appeared behind them, grimacing at the smushy couple in the front seat. “Seriously! Y'all disgusting couple. Ewww. Being clingy and mushy.” She teased, poking her tongue. Yujin looked up to her niece. “Oh shut up, Nako-chan. You'll be whipped like your mother and unnies too on your partner in the future, in the right time.” She said, poking her tongue back to the kid. “Who knows? Your partner in the future will be Hitomi.” She said. Hitomi, understanding the sentence, blushed. Nako furrowed her brows.


“And so? That's much better! I want to marry Hiichan. She's my bestfriend.” The kid said, frowning. The adults laughed at what had the kid said. Hitomi blushed furiously. Cute kids.


“Yeah, i hope you can still remember that when you grow up.” Chaeyeon piped in. Nako nodded, leaning into her seat. “I will!” She said, confident and Hitomi kept mum beside her.


They finally arrived at the destination. To Chaeyeon, its very familiar place to her. Sakura parked beside Yuri's car, and the couple looked like they're waiting for them and beamed when they saw a familiar SUV appeared.


“Ahhh finally. I really wanted to stroll now.” Yena said, yawning and stretching her arms. The couple were leaning on the hood of Yuri's white Audi R8 2018 model, waiting for them while flirting. Yuri leaned her head on Yena's shoulders as they waited for the others to go out. Chaeyeon went out first, getting Hitomi and Nako out of the backseat first before the other couple hopped out from the car, hands interwined.


Sakura checked the car first before going to the huddling group. “We'll be leaving Nako and Hitomi to you guys for a while. We were going somewhere, first.” She announced and the other couples got no problem with it. Before Sakura and Chaeyeon could go away, Yuri called them first.


“Saku-chan. Keys.” She said, making the older confused but handed her the SUV's keys anyway. Then Yuri threw her another key, fortunately she caught it. Sakura assumed that it's Yuri's Audi's keys. The young producer then threw her a wink and smirk. “Just incase. Enjoy your date, we will take care of the kids.” She said, before they walked away, Hitomi and Nako happily skipping in the middle of the couple.


Chaeyeon chuckled, turning to her girlfriend. “Where will you gonna take me?” She asked, and Sakura looked at her, smiling. The older then grabbed her hand and slowly interwined them. “You will know later.” She whispered, grinning before gently dragging Chaeyeon to the familiar pathway.



“Wait i remember this place...” Chaeyeon muttered, looking around. Sakura brought her to the place full of cherry blossom trees, where she brought her also last few months ago when the trees isnt still bloomed and full of pink flowers.


But now, the trees are fully bloomed as its already end of March. The cherry blossom petals are floating and  falling from the trees, making the place looks more beautiful and brighter. There werent much people strolling around too, so they can enjoy  without much distraction and bother.


Chaeyeon's eyes glimmers at the sight, using her free hand, she tried to catch the falling petals with happiness. Sakura watched her with a sweet smile.


The younger retreated her hand, running around while swaying her arms and jumping like a kid. Sakura stood there, watching her girlfriend, wearing a silly love-sick grin. Her eyes would follow Chaeyeon whenever she goes and would walk a little bit closer when Chaeyeon would go far without her knowing, busy admiring the view of falling pink petals and watching the tree full of cherry blossom sway because of the heavy wind.


Sakura slowly took out her phone, snapping a photo of oblivious Chaeyeon who's still busy looking around. She smiled when she saw the photo she took, her girlfriend look so ethereal in this one so she changed her home wallpaper. The previous wallpaper is a selfie of Chaeyeon and Nako, but she made it her lockscreen instead and changed the home wallpaper as the photo she took recently because Chaeyeon looked very beautiful and surreal there.


She slowly went to her usual bench and sat there, watching the girl enjoy the wind and petals falling into her, even going to the pile of petals— scooping some of it before throwing it to the air. Sakura would chuckle at the antics. After a while, Chaeyeon sat beside her with a grin, some pink petals stucked on her hair and clothes. The CEO slowly brushes it away and gave Chaeyeon a peck on the lips.


“Wow, time indeed flies so fast. You said you will take me here again and say something to me when the flowers bloom,” Chaeyeon said and realized, squinting her eyes to the smiling Sakura. “That made me realize. What are you gonna say again?” She asked, scooting closer to the latter.


Sakura chuckled, looking the sky, watching the cherry blossom petals fly around. “Well yea, glad you havent forgot that.” She muttered, then fixed her position, eyes a little bit gloomy. “Listen carefully, okay? I will tell you something,” She said to Chaeyeon and the younger nodded eagerly.


“You see. Today is the day where i finally escaped Japan, from my Father, and went back here to finally see my Mother. It's been six years now. This day marked six years when i learned my Mother is no longer living and the day i was shattered, the day i thought i lost my purpose of living,” Sakura started and Chaeyeon already gave her a sad look. “When i learned that my mother no longer exist in earth, this is the first place that popped out on my mind while i was running with no certain location to go to. So i went here, trying to collect my thoughts and blaming myself.” She continued, looking at the sky with a sigh, opening her palm to catch a falling flower.


Chaeyeon intently listened at her. So Sakura continued with a small smile. “I sat in the same bench were sitting on and watch the people, families happily bonding and admiring the scene. I'm so envious at them, but i dont know where else to go. I even thought after visiting this place i would just you know? Kill myself around,” Sakura said, chuckling and the younger slapped her arm, glaring at her. “Chill babe. I didnt do it anyway! And just hear me out, okay? Anyways, back to the story. When i was being gloomy and broken as heck, a girl approached me with a smile.” Sakura said, smiling suddenly at the thought. Chaeyeon glared at her, not supposed to be feeling jealous.


“She sat beside me without my permission and i dont mind. Then, she suddenly talked about how the cherry blossom looked so good and beautiful. And i didnt answer of course. I was just staring at nowhere and ignoring her. Until she said, ‘Why are you sad? Dont be sad. The cherry blossom would not brighten up and its not really good being sad’. Funny how i still can remember it. And i was like, ignoring it. But then, she suddenly made me turn to her.” She stopped and looked at Chaeyeon's irritated expression. “She then pointed her each index finger on the edge of my lips and lifted it up. She said, ‘Dont be sad! There you go, you are smiling! No matter how hard your life is, just smile and be positive! Everyone is extra beautiful when they smile’ and gave me a toothy grin and dashed off to her family, leaving me there, dumbfounded.” She exclaimed, grinning and blushing but Chaeyeon is getting irritated and jealous, is her girlfriend telling her this story on purpose to make her jealous or what?


“She's one of the reason why i didnt harmed myself and made me think positively. I'm super grateful to her until now.” Sakura muttered, smiling like an idiot. Chaeyeon leaned away from her, brows furrowed. “Okay. I'm moved at the story but really? Are you in love with that girl? Seriously, the way how you tell me the story involved her, you got heart eyes.” The younger said, pouting and sulking. Sakura stood still for a bit, staring at her girlfriend then laughed.


“Not gonna lie, i'm in love with her.” Sakura replied with a chuckle making Chaeyeon's eyes fire. “What! Miyawaki Sakura what the are you saying!? How dare y—” She snapped, her jealousy limit reaching the level. The CEO pulled her into a hug, she's still chuckling. “Hahaha. Why so jealous babe?” She asked and she got a growl as a reply. “Get off me! You chea—” Chaeyeon is cutted off when Sakura pressed her lips against her's.


The younger was silenced by a kiss, she's too weak whenever Sakura kisses her. Oh how she loves it so much, that her jealousy and anger subsided.


Sakura pulled away after a few second, staring Chaeyeon's sparkling orbs. “I'm not yet finished, no? Hear me out first.” She said. Sakura then pecked Chaeyeon's nose. “Look Chaeyeon,” She paused.


“We already knew each other way before that babysitter thing happened.” Sakura muttered, making Chaeyeon froze, staring at the older with confusion. “Believe me or not, but you are the girl who made me smile and stopped me from doing ery, the one i met exactly six years ago in this exact place, in the exact bench.” Sakura continued, replying seriously. Chaeyeon hissed.


“Wha...?” The ash blonde haired girl could only mutter, beyond confused as her mind runs. Sakura smiled. “I never forgot you. So when Chaewon showed me a picture of you, i immediately took you in but then we met, you didnt recognized me? So i was sad that i said to myself that it's not you. But as the day passes by, i realized that it is indeed you, my heart tells so. Especially when you're giving out some motivational words and i confirmed it when you did the same exact gesture at Nako one day. I know its you.” She explained further. Chaeyeon bit her lower lip, because it is indeed her. She can now remember Sakura. When they met eyes in the mansion, the first(second) time they met, there's a familiarity on it, Chaeyeon oddly felt that Sakura is familiar, turns out she's the kid she approached looking sad and all then used her signature move whenever her sister is sad. She never use that gesture often and only do it on Chaeryeong— she never uses it anymore and she always forgot about it even.


Sakura then smiled, putting her index fingers on the end of each corner of Chaeyeon's lips and lifted it. Chaeyeon's heart flipped, when Seulgi did this, she didnt even felt much like this but when Sakura did it, it was so fluttering and sweet, like she wanted to roll down to the ground in happiness.


Now, Chaeyeon remembers. Exactly six years ago, she approached a emotionless looking girl and tried to make her happy. Oh how the destiny is making them meet again. Now Chaeyeon's mind is a mess. What if she didnt approached Sakura that time? What if she didnt saw Sakura that time? What will happen now? Did Sakura really killed herself in another dimension? She's glad that everything turns out for them is well. She cant help but to hug the latter, tightly as she could.


“Why are you crying?” She asked, gently Chaeyeon's blonde locks. The younger didnt even realized that she is indeed crying. “I dont know... Many questions are rumbling in my head...” She replied. Sakura planted a kiss on the side of her head. “Shhh... The most important thing is, how it turned out well. That's why i easily warmed up to you, because you are my hero... That simple gesture, moved me. Nobody knew about this, even Aunt Ahyeon or Yuri.” She replied, patting her girlfriend's back in comfort.


The couple was like that for the next few hours, talking about their childhood. Chaeyeon cant still believe that destiny is letting them meet and their situation like this. She's thankful.



After a while, the couple finally decided to go somewhere. Of course, not before they vandalize one of the trees there with SKR ♡ CY using the sharp stone they found.


When they arrived at the parking lot, the SUV were nowhere to be seen. Sakura chuckled, she likes how Yuri's mind works. And so, they used the Audi to go to a café that will caught their eyes.


They found one easily anyway. It was just down town and fifteen minutes drive from the park. Sakura parked the car infront and went outside with Chaeyeon, after double checking, they went inside.


The café is a little bit packed and small. Fortunately, there's still a table for four that is vacant. They immediately settled there and looked for their menu. After talking about their orders, Sakura lined up to the counter and Chaeyeon waited.


The CEO came back with their orders and didnt hesitated to dig in when Sakura settled on her seat. They're conversing about random things as they ate.


They were just happily eating, laughing, and talking when a disaster comes in. Of course, The universe wont let them in peace, they probably hated them after all. The door of the place rang, indicating that there's a new customer, and the others cant help but to take a glance. And sure, they regretted stepping in, in this café because the new customer is none other than Yokohara Mizu, the main antagonist in their love story.


Mizu immediately noticed them and didnt wasted time to take a sit beside Sakura, clinging on her arm. “Babe~ What a coincidence! Were destined omg.” She said, beaming while Sakura is gritting her teeth. Chaeyeon just sighed and gulped as she watched the wicked witch clung on her girlfriend.


And Sakura was about to open to speak when the bell rang again. They had an urge to look at the new customer and Sakura paled.


It's Kang Seulgi, another antagonist— well for Sakura— in their love life. And seems like the model also noticed them, more like Chaeyeon right away and grinned before walking down to her then sat beside her.


“Hey, Chaeyeon! Nice seeing you here haha!” She beams, staring at the younger. Chaeyeon just offered her a small smile. “Hi, Seulgi.” She said weakly and the model frowned at the tone. “Whats with the tone—” And she turned her head. There she saw Chaeyeon's girlfriend having another woman beside her. It angers her to the point that she's red.


“What the ?” Seulgi growled making Sakura glare at her. “Seriously...?” The model scoffed, looking at other two infront of them. She shook her head and turned to Chaeyeon, before looking back at Sakura. “Wow. This woman, really... I cant stress this enough.” She muttered, glaring at Sakura and Mizu.


The pure japanese girl rose a brow at her and Seulgi cockily glanced back. “I dont know what is happening, but you,” Seulgi turned to the stoic Sakura. “You disappoint me. I really hate you.” She huffed, making Sakura slack her jaw. Chaeyeon is alarmed. “Seulgi. Its okay, its a misunderstanding.” She tried to calm the other down but the blonde is furious. “You're absolutely look hurt. This is unacceptable.” Seulgi replied then glanced over to Sakura again. “The audacity of you. I told you to never hurt Chaeyeon again. Really? Infront of her? I dont know whats going through your small head but i seriously want to punch you.” She hissed but Sakura remained silent, trying to suppress her anger.


Can we have a peaceful date?


Chaeyeon held Seulgi's arm. “Stop. Please. It's a misunderstanding.” She replied. Mizu rolled her eyes, enjoying being close to Sakura and ignored them, its not like she can understand it fully. Sakura remained still, glaring at Seulgi with her sharp eyes. Seulgi scoffed. “I dont care if its a misunderstanding. Its clearly youre hurt,” She replied again. “And i hate seeing you like that.” She added, muttering before taking a deep breath. Chaeyeon froze with that.


Seulgi looked at Sakura and stood up, grabbing Chaeyeon's wrist, making her stand up too. “It's clear that you're displeased and hurt at the sight of them. I'll take you away from here.” She said, seriously and started to drag the dazed Chaeyeon outside. Sakura finally snapped back in reality when she saw a stranger dragging her girlfriend away from her. She hastily stood up and marched outside where the two went.


The CEO grabbed Seulgi's coat and turned her around, gripping harshly on the model's collar as she took a step forward. “How dare you to touch my girlfriend and drag her out of my sight.” She growled, absolutely in rage. Chaeyeon tried to make them calm, trying to detach Sakura from Seulgi but cant seem to do so. Seulgi isnt backing down and glaring back with the same intensity.


“Shut up. You're literally having another woman flirting and clinging beside you and she's witnessing it. How low of you.” The model fired back, making Sakura's grip tighten, almost ripping Seulgi's coat and shirt. “You dont know a thing. And you just popped out of nowhere. You're a stranger also so how would you know? Huh?” The CEO hissed, bringing Seulgi closer to her. Sakura is in rage and looks like she wont hesitate to beat Seulgi up. Chaeyeon needed to stop it before it get worse.


“Dont ing meddle. You dont know a single thing.” She added, lifting her fist up making Chaeyeon hug her arm, telling her to stop. And she did, when she was about to throw Seulgi away, Mizu went out of the café and gasped.


“Sakura! Oh no! Dont hurt her, fool!” The woman exclaimed, running towards the two and pushed Seulgi away to the ground before clinging on Sakura. Chaeyeon sighed and went to Seulgi, asking her if she's okay and helped her to stand up.


“That side is crazy!” Seulgi said, glaring at Mizu. The ash blonde haired tried to calm her down.


Sakura watches them being close, chest heavily rising up and down, very displeased at what she's seeing right now. She didnt even realized that Mizu is clinging on her again and asking if she's okay because she's too angry and jealous.


The people are giving them weird looks.


Chaeyeon heaved a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose as she looked at Seulgi who's still glaring at Sakura, the older woman is also glaring back. “Seulgi. I'm sorry for what she did. She's just.... Uhh, can you go home or go away for now? For me?” She pleaded and the blonde's gaze seems to soften at the plead but she doesnt have a plan to leave them alone. “Sorry, but i wont leave you alone with this two around. Hell no. Just let me, Chaeyeon.” She replied, looking cockily at the raging Sakura.


The CEO took a step forward when Mizu stopped her from doing so. Saku-chan, dont. Just come with me, okay? Away from these crazy women. We have something to talk to too.” She hissed, giving the other two a death glare. Sakura kept mum, eyes not averting at Seulgi.


Chaeyeon needed to make a decision. Their date is ruined. They cant escape Seulgi and Mizu, because she knew they're persistent and wont ever leave them alone but if they will continue their date, the two will definitely join them and will just literally make a mess— Seulgi and Sakura might even fight.


She needed to think wisely and smart for this one, thinking the possible outcome of picking Sakura or Seulgi. The ash blonde haired then looked at her girlfriend, eyes sad and dark— obviously displeased and guilty. Sakura knew what she is thinking and cant help but to frown, and clench her fist.


“Kkura-yah,” She softly called for her girlfriend, tired and there's no hint of much emotion, so hollow and empty. “Let's just talk later, okay? I'm sorry.” She muttered, grabbing Seulgi's wrist. She gave the dazed Sakura a one last apologetic look before dragging Seulgi away from the scene with her. Chaeyeon cant afford to mess things up more and chose Seulgi. It's the safest choice. She knew well she will face a disappointed and sad Sakura after this but all she needed to do is to make the older woman understand the messy situation. Plus, she needed to clarify things between herself and Seulgi.


Sakura stood there with Mizu, both shocked at the sudden decision to ditch them. The CEO's face darkened, eyes shaking as she watched her girlfriend and the stranger disappear into her sight. She knew what the looks Chaeyeon is throwing, meant.


She's trying to understand it, but seems like she cant so. She's too sad and angry that her girlfriend didnt chose her. She knew Chaeyeon doesnt want to do that, and made a smart move but it hurted Sakura so bad that the CEO felt like . She felt, thrown, abandoned— by her own girlfriend, and she even dragged a stranger with her. The thought of Chaeyeon picking Seulgi over her just made her heart shatter into pieces. That reason blocked Sakura's thought of understanding the younger.


Why she didnt chose her own girlfriend? Sakura thought. Of course. Knowing Chaeyeon, she doesnt like mess and will try her best to prevent it even if she will hurt Sakura and herself. The younger knew Mizu doesnt have any slightest intention to leave them alone, especially that she can use Seulgi as an excuse. Call her pathetic, petty, or what, but she's devastated over Chaeyeon not picking her and not go through this mess with her.






For the first time through out their relationship, Sakura cant or didnt understood Chaeyeon.




welp.... 💅 sorry i need to do that. i know the reason is low but this is the thing i could only think of. to sakura, this is a big deal.

and i will apologize in advance too because the next chapters will be full of angst and drama :[ sorry but i needed to make a huge progress already, i cant just keep the plot circling like this forever so yea 💅😔

anyways, sakura and chaeyeon knowing each other before the job deal is a forgotten twist of mine. as you can see at the early chapters, i dropped hints but i cant spot the right timing to insert the twist and so, it ended up here lol this story is a mess

see you on the next update, hopefully i can update fast because i'm still not in my best condition rn 💞

(y'all can read my other story, it's the alcohol's fault, just treat it as my peace offering for writing this such slight heart breaking chapter lol)

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
226 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1761 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1761 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww