nineteen (the real one)


The sound of a phone ringing woke Chaeyeon up. The tone softly hummed around the quiet and dark dimmed room, the lights are off and the blinds on the window is blocking the sunlight from illuminating through it.

She slowly s her arm to the table beside the bed, and hastily grabbed it, almost losing on its grip. She groaned, and rubbed her eyes for a mere seconds before turning the screen on— just to hiss and turn away when the brightness hitted her sensitive and droopy eyes. After adjusting for a few seconds, she once again tried to turn the phone on.

There's two message notifications. It was Yuri's. She immediately unlocked it, and opened the text.

Chaeyeon then looked beside her first, Sakura was still sleeping deeply and peacefully while tightly clinging on her waist, her leg was wrapped around her ones.

Ah yeah, she forgot. Her girlfriend snuck in to her room in the middle of the night.

The older woman insisted that she should sleep in because it's already late, she refused first but then, Yujin and the two kiddos begged her to stay— in the end, she agreed.

Five of them huddled into the couch, they decided to have a movie marathon all night. In their third movie, they noticed that Nako and Hitomi was already asleep at the other side of the long- couch, cuddling while they snore softly. Meanwhile in the other side, Yujin's head was swinging side by side, about to be knocked out any sooner. The couple decided that it was enough for the night.

Sakura carried her daughter, while Chaeyeon carried Hitomi to the room and tucked them under the blankets.

It only took one smack to make Yujin jolt awake. Sakura shooed her away and told her to sleep when she got to her room and not to have a late night call with her girlfriend but Yujin reassured her that Minjoo and her already bid goodbye a while ago. Minjoo was never the type of staying awake in such an ungodly hour, and Yujin too, sleepyhead couple.

“No, i'll sleep on the guest room,” The ash blonde haired insisted, and Sakura narrowed her eyes on her.

“What? Why not sleep with me? Are you shy...?” The older woman teased making Chaeyeon turn into a tomato.

Well, she's still a little bit awkward. “No! It's not like that.” She started, her cheeks was tainted with red. “Its just, the kids and maids might think of something. Plus, you got enough of me already, we need to rest. Do not say that you missed me so much already.” She added and saw how Sakura pouted.

“Eyyyy! But i always miss you though. And yeah, i still cant get enough of you,” Sakura said and threw her a finger heart, wiggling her brows in a teasing manner but Chaeyeon just glared at her.

The older groaned. “Fine.” Chaeyeon then smiled before planting a kiss on Sakura's lips. “Goodnight baby!”

“Yeah, goodnight, wife.” She muttered lowly and the ash blonde haired finally went inside the room.

Chaeyeon finished washing up and about to sleep when she heard the door clicked open and been closed then a sound of locking it.

Before she could even react, Sakura already sneakily slipped in to the bed and hugged her behind.

“....I kind of expected that this would happen.” The ash blonde haired girl sighed. Sakura giggled and pressed her lips on her girlfriend's exposed shoulder.

“Me neither.” The older woman mumbled. Chaeyeon shuddered at the tingling sensation from her shoulder.

A few innocent pecks turned into bites.

And eventually, Sakura's slender fingers s inside her shirt.

You probably knew what happened next.

After reminiscing the not very unexpected happenings of last night, Chaeyeon blushed and finally averted her gaze from her sleeping girlfriend then started to read Yuri's message.

From Yuri:

Good morning Chaeyeon-ssi. Sorry to bother you but i just wanted to say that i'll swing by at Sakura's house later, probably at 10. I hope you'll keep her busy there at her place until i arrive :) Thanks again.

The ash blonde haired gasped in realization. She almost forgot about that. She spared Sakura another glance before composing a reply.

To Yuri:

Oh good morning Yuri-ssi! Of course, i could do that! I hope the talk would go well

She pressed sent and after a few seconds, Yuri replied.

From: Yuri

I think it would go well. I just needed to make Sakura listen to me and everything will be fine :) she cant shoo me away from a long time. See you later, Chaeyeon-ssi :)

She unconciously smiled before typing a short 'welcome, and see you' and sent it to her before reading the other one message.

Her body frozed when her eyes saw the 'unknown number' on the notification. She then slowly brought her gaze to her girlfriend again. And when she made sure that Sakura was still asleep, she immediately opened it.

From: Unknown Number

Tic toc! Your time is getting shorter, sweetie. Enjoy it while it lasts. Cherish the moment you are having with your precious cherry blossom because sooner, she will be back to her rightful owner

Chaeyeon bit her lowerlip and tossed the phone at the table, unamused. They still havent stopping messaging her, and she was growing furious. Deciding just to ignore it, she turned her body around to face the sleeping woman.

She sighed and leaned down to kiss Sakura on the head, sighing in content when a familiar jasmine scent invaded her smelling senses. She then pulled Sakura closer to her.

The older woman shifted, and not long after, her eyes slowly fluttered open. Chaeyeon greeted her with a sweet smile.

“Good morning. Did i woke you up from your deep slumber? I apologize.” Chaeyeon muttered, her voice was still hoarse and husky.

Sakura rubbed her eyes lazily. “Good morning too, wife. And no, it's fine to me.” She said, her voice was also still husky and deep— before snuggling with Chaeyeon again.

But they need to get up now. Chaeyein planned to make breakfast for them and the kids.

“We should get up and dress now. I will make breakfast.” She said, but Sakura just clung into her tightly.

“Nooo~” The older woman whined making Chaeyeon laugh.

Sakura is really clingy and a softie, unlike last night—

“We need to get up now, come on~” She said, trying to detach herself.

Sakura finally let go of her with a sulky pout. Chaeyeon just kissed the pout away.

After clothing and fixing themselves, they finally went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. The place was unusually quiet because the three hypher kids was still on their sweet dreams plus, the workers arrive by eight in the morning except for the gardeners and guards, and it was only seven.

Chaeyeon was currently wearing her apron and fixing her hair into a bun while Sakura was looking in her fridge, searching the foods they can cook for a perfect breakfast.

“Nako-chan and Hii-chan love pancakes. Lets just make Yujin a ramyeon,” The older woman said and grabbing the series of the food they needed to cook.

Chaeyeon went over the counter and picked the things they will use then went to Sakura to help her carry.

“I'll just made a simple breakfast for us, yes? Bacons, eggs, hotdogs.... I'll make kimchi fried rice too.” She asked, and putted the frozen meats at the counter. Sakura went to the table and sat at one of the chairs there then clapped her hands like a child.

“Cook nuggets too!”

“Nuggets, yes, of course.”

Sakura just watched her girlfriend do the magic, was agape as she looked at her, very amazed at how skilled Chaeyeon is with cooking. The messy bun didnt helped either, she can fully see Chaeyeon's side profile, and defined jawline— plus, she can still see the marks around it, although it was slowky fading, it's still noticable. Chaeyeon is always attractive in anything she do. Call Sakura whipped and all, she wont deny it because she were.

With almost twenty minutes watching her and shuffling onto her seat, she finally walked towards the busy girl.

Sakura slowly wrapped her arms on her waist, and rested her chin on Chaeyeon's broad shoulders. The ash blonde haired girl seemed to be didnt mind though, so she stayed there, following Chaeyeon's steps if the said girl would move to the cabinet, or fridge.

“That looks so good,” Sakura pointed out the kimchi fried rice the other gitl was cooking. Chaeyeon just smiled bashfully at her. “But do you know what's more good?” She asked, smirking. The blonde haired hummed in response.

She leaned over Chaeyeon's sensitive ears and whispered huskily. “You.”

Chaeyeon almost choked and almost loosen her grip at the spatula she's holding, her cheeks warmed at the cheesy flirtings. She was about to speak and when they heard a loud cough coming from behind, making them instantly jumped away from another.

They both turned their heads in sync and saw Kaeun, the head maid. She was standing near the kitchen entrace, smirking at them. Chaeyeon went pale suddenly.

“I— I...” She stuttered when Kaeun hushed her.

“You two dont need to say anything,” The head maid said, and walked towards them before turning off the stove. She then crossed her arms at the couple who looked like five year old kids who've been caught stealing cookies.

“We kinda knew.” Kaeun confessed. The couple then looked at her. “Eh?”

“You guys werent really subtle about it. We just need the comfirmation. But overall, i'm really happy for you young master.” Kaeun said, grinning widely.

Sakura scoffed but there's a faint red tint on her cheeks.

Kaeun then gave Chaeyeon a gentle pat on her shoulders before grabbing another apron. “You young couple can wake the three kids now, i'll handle this, beside— i still need to cook for the girlies. Go on.” She announced, and continued what Chaeyeon has left.

The couple immediately obeyed and went upstairs to wake the kids up. As they walked to the staircase, Sakura chuckled.

“We're not really doing our best to keep this a secret, huh?” She muttered, and Chaeyeon laughed. “We failed miserably. It's a bad idea keeping it as a secret.” She replied before opening the door of Yujin's room.

The latter was sleeping deeply as expected, even snoring loudly with mouth agape and there's even a saliva slipping out. Chaeyeon snapped a few photos, she knows she can use it in the future for good before shooking the taller girl awake.

Yujin didnt even flinced, and Sakura stepped in when they didnt saw the taller girl wake.

She nudged Yujin's legs. “Oi, Yujin-chan, if you wont wake up— i'll send some 6th grade photos of you to Minjoo.” She threatened.

And like a miracle, Yujin instantly sat up, her eyes were shaking. “Please dont! I'm up, i'm up!” She begged and Chaeyeon was amused.

“Oh, 6th grade photos huh, Sakura-chan. Send me some, Minjoo would love to see it—”

“Oh my god! Anything except those elementary photos of mine.” Yujin said out of fear.

The couple chuckled. “We're just teasing you. Get up, we'll eat breakfast.”

Yujin replied that she'll just wash up and text Minjoo a good morning message then she'll be downstairs. Chaeyeon was delighted. Ahn Yujin is a perfect partner— of course, just one rank below Sakura. Her frog friend surely won.

They then went to the children's room and spotted them already folding their blankets. As usual, Sakura picked Nako, and Chaeyeon with Hitomi. The kids still looked sleepy and snuggled on their chests as they went to the dining room.

Kaeun already prepared the breakfast and was settled on the table. They putted the two kids on their own seat before plopping theirselves on the other chairs, Yujin appeared after, taking a seat beside her cousin while fumbling on her phone.

They finally ate their first meal of the day after a few series of teasings and scoldings.

Now, Chaeyeon needs to make Sakura busy until ten which is two hours from now on.

Fortunately, Sakura was in a day off and assigned Nayeon to take care of the Airline as she was gone. Yes, the Im Nayeon, the restaurant owner.

Chaeyeon was shocked also when the latter mentioned her name. Turns out, the girl with bunny teeth is the one who fill Sakura's seat when the real chairwoman wasnt around the company.

As usual, they did many things to kill time, like play basket ball at the court located near the outside pool. Sakura was stunned at the ash blonde haired girl's skills, she forgot that her girlfriend used to play the sport in middle school and won three MVP medals through out the middle school. The older woman knew how to play, but in this kind of state, she just wanted to see Chaeyeon playing. It was an amazing view.

Yujin challenged the older girl in a 1v1 match and Chaeyeon agreed in a heartbeat. The taller girl is an start athlete at her school.

Sakura and the kids watched them, cheering at them as the two girls played.

The older woman couldnt take her eyes off her girlfriend. Chaeyeon got this arrogant smirk plastered on her lips as she dribbled the ball and swiftly passed through Yujin without hassle, leaving the young girl's jaw dropped on the ground. Plus, she's sweaty, her hair was messy and she was constantly sliding her fingers through her locks— trying to tuck back the hair that was blocking her sight even if she's already on a ponytail already, and she looked good wearing those ped hoodie with white fitted jersey underneath and sweatpants that she borrowed from Sakura.

All in all, Chaeyeon looked so hot playing basketball.

Her sharp gaze traced the ash blonde haired girl's proud side profile, cant help but to gawk and admire.

“Woah, mommy, chill. Chaeyeonnie will melt!” Nako suddenly squeaked at her, broking her in trance. She looked at her daughter with a amused look.

Hitomi giggled. “Your gaze was so hard, Mommy Kkura. Chaeyeon-chan will definitely melt if you kept doing that.” She said.

Sakura then blushed. “You too, Hii-chan!? Eyyy. Just let me stare in peace.” She grunted before watching the two girls again with a dreamy look on her face again.

The two kids chuckled and snickered at the older woman. “Whatever, Mommy. Yikes, you look creepy.”

And the game continued, Sakura was clapping and cheering loudly like a kid for her girlfriend and when her cousin earned a point, she boo-ed her.

In the end, Chaeyeon won. The latter got twelve successful shots while Yujin got five.

“I admit, you're good at offense. Practice your defense a lot also, that's why i get easily passed through you. I liked how you're used into long-range shots, i'm amazed, Yujin.” Chaeyeon complimented her, and half-hugged the sulking dog.

The taller girl pouted. “You're really good at this. If i wont shoot it on the three points area, i wouldnt able to earn points. I cant even go five meters near the ring.” She replied.

Chaeyeon chuckled. “I'm not the MVP always for nothing,” She boasted. “You just need to focus on the enemy's eyes so you can foresight their next move.” She added before dragging her to the mini bench in the corner of the court.

Sakura gave them each a bottle of water, and wiped Chaeyeon's face and neck as the younger drank her water. She heard Yujin snorted beside them.

“How about me?” She whined.

“Call Minjoo over then.” Sakura answered, tossing another clean towel to her cousin. Yujin made a face before settling herself at the two kids who's snickering at her.

“You're a loser, Yujin-unnie. Hahahaha.” Nako teased, and Hitomi chuckled. The taller girl just glared at them. “Why—”

“Loser, idiot.” The child with fluffy cheeks said with her limited Korean that Nako must probablt taught her.

Yujin's face fell.

“Just kidding, unnie! You're still the best, just before to Chaeyeon unnie.” Nako tried to cheer her up. Hitomi nodded in agreement. “Yes! Yujin-chan, best, cute~ Chaeyeon-unnie, best best, pretty!” She said.

They all laughed at the statement, coo-ing at Hitomi's cuteness.

Chaeyeon suddenly realized something. “What time is it?”

Nako glances on her barbie watch. “It's 9:38.” She read out loudly.

The ash blonde haired girl's eyes widened. “Shoot!” She mumbled. “Lets go inside now? It's getting colder, grr. I need to change shirts.” She said, and immediately dragged Sakura to the house. The four was confused but followed anyways.

Chaeyeon rushed to the spare room to change her clothes and hasitily opened her phone, she saw Yuri texted just three minutes ago.

From: Yuri

I'm on my way Chaeyeon-ssi, i dont know when will i arrive. I checked the map and it's traffic. I might take a while :)

She quickly typed a reply.

To: Yuri

Its okay! See you in a while

After pressing send, she walked downstairs and spotted the girls huddled at the couch, Yujin and Nako are playing PS4 games that Chaeyeon wasnt familiar of. She strides over there and was about to sit beside her girlfriend when Sakura pulled her into her lap instead.

The kids didnt mind it at all as long as they dont flirt and move around.

Chaeyeon keeps fidgeting her fingers, her eyes are darting around. Sakura noticed it, but she just ignored it and continued resting her chin on the latter's shoulder.

When the clock strikes ten, Chaeyeon jumped in shock and nervousness.

Her vibrated too. She sneakily peeked in, and saw Yuri's text that she's already in the village and will arrive in a few minutes.

The ash blonde haired girl coughed awkwardly to get Sakura's attention.

“Sorry. Just in case.” She apologized, looking tensed. Her girlfriend looked at her weirdly.

“You're acting weird today.” Sakura mumbled to her. Chaeyeon sighed.

“You'll know the reason in a few minutes or so.” She just replied and looked at the television. Sakura blinked in confusion but she let it be.

After exactly three minutes, there's a knock on the door. And the five of them instantly turned their head back.

“Who the heck would knock the door? Gowon?” Sakura asked, looking very confused. Usually, the visitors dont even knock because when they entered the gate, she will be informed. Maybe it was Gowon fooling around?

Chaeyeon immediately stood up and rushed to the door. Sana appeared from the hallways and about to open it also but the younger girl beat her.

“I'll get it.” The younger girl said to the maid. Sana nodded and went back to do her job.

With a sigh, she slowly turned the knob and pulled the huge door open.

Yuri stood there with a small smile on her lips.

“Oh, hi, Chaeyeon-ssi.” She greeted and did a small wave to her. Chaeyeon copied her gesture.

“Hello, Yuri-ssi. You should come in now.” The ash blonde haired said, and signalled her to come in. The other girl chuckled before stepping in.

“I just really hope Sakura wont turn you down this time,” She said and closed the door. Yuri just smiled.

“She wont, trust me. She turned me down once already, she wont do it twice.” The shorter reassured her, and took a deep breath. “Where is she?”

Chaeyeon nodded, “She's in the living room with the kids, i'll go get her—”

“Why are you taking so long? Who's the—” Sakura walked out from the living room and immediately froze when she saw the unexpected visitor.

Yuri stared back at her and threw her a toothy grin. “Hey, Saku-chan.”

Sakura suddenly cant breathe, her muscles became tensed as she stared her old friend who's giving a huge smile. Waves of memories hitted her. She unconciously clenched her fists, she cant speak, the words she wanted to say was stuck on . Yuri did really gave her some space and now she's here to talk.

She doesnt know if she's ready or not. But one thing is for sure, she wont shove Yuri away again.

The older woman then turned to Chaeyeon who's giving her a apologetic and worried look.

She knew something all along. But she cant blame her though, atleast, Chaeyeon learned how complicated their friendship was.

“You will just stand there and stare at me? Aww, i appreciate it, but i would like it if you will talk and hug me.” Yuri said with her Busan-dialect tone. Sakura somehow missed it, they used to when she spoke Japanese with her dialect.

The older woman stared at her, still unmoving. Her eyes were emotionless, but her gaze was so sharp.

Chaeyeon was about to step in when Sakura finally muttered words.

“I know why you are here. Follow me.” She said plainly before walking away to god's know where.

Chaeyeon gave Yuri a look and a nod, the other girl smiled as a response before following Sakura with a light footsteps.

They walked through the wide and long corridor silently. No one dares to mutter a single word, only the noise of their footsteps can be heard. Yuri then scanned the place with stunned expression. She was proud of her                                      comfortably and in luxury. Her hard work and sacrifices finally paid off.

The older girl then halted her steps, making to stop too. Without saying anything, Sakura opened the door, and went in— waiting for her to do so also. Yuri gave her a smile and walks in, but the older woman just gave her a blank look.

Sakura brought her to the library slash office of hers

As she expected, everything looked neat and elegant. Ordinary or plain is not the word to describe it, but: Elegance. It's not your typical library you see at schools.

The wooden table was located at the middle with a computer and a swivel chair. There's a unfinished paper on top of the desk, and a mug with pens on it. Sakura still liked simple things but the choice of her stuffs was super-b— when she's the one using or organizing it, that certain thing will look expensive and classy.

She then gestured Yuri to the seats near the window. After settling theirselves on the chair, they stared at each other.

Yuri cleared and spoke first, she knew Sakura wont start the conversation. “How are you and Nako? Mentioning her, i want to see my niece.” She softly said, trying to lit up the heavy atmosphere.

“Why are you calling Nako, your niece?” Sakura answered back making the other girl's breath hitch, now she got no rights to call her like that? “She's still your child, you raised her with me.” She added, whispering— almost unaudible but Yuri caught it.

Her eyes lit up. Oh.

“Dont ever call her niece, you're Nako's third mother after all.” Sakura spoke again, sighing. Yuri cant help but to smile widely.

She thought that the older girl will be harsh towards her, turns out, Sakura just really needed time to think and to prepare herself to talk with her.

She saw how Sakura clenched her fist. “I-I'll go straight to the point, Yuri. I'm ready to hear your answer to the question i badly wanted to ask you ever since you l-left that house two years ago.”

Yuri would gladly answer it. But Sakura already knew the answer, she wont just accept it and kept believing the lie Yuri said years ago. Deep inside the older's heart, she knew, she always knew and just wanted to hear it from Yuri herself.

Instead of answering directly, she said, “You know the answer all along. Dont be a dumb-, Sakura-chan. You know what i said to you when i stepped out of that house, carrying my luggages with tear-stained face— was only a freaking lie.”

Sakura's breathings became ragged, here goes the truth.

Yuri gave her an unbelievable look. “Yet why you kept believing it? You're smarter than this. I will never be selfish, and you will never be selfish. There's always a person behind our actions and you knew them very well.” She then exclaimed.

The older woman closed her eyes and hissed. Yuri continued. “I will give up my passion for music to be with you two.”

“Then why did you appeared after hiding for years? If you're afraid of my devil father, why are you here?” She asked, gritting her teeth. Her heart was aching. There it goes.

Her hunch was right, every misfortune that happens to her, that demon was behind that . She was scared to admit that Yuri left her because her father threatened her. She just wanted to believe that Yuri left her to reach her dream of being a music producer, she can still accept that reason. She wanted to believe that she became selfish and begged Yuri to stay, but in the end she didnt.

The shorter girl bitterly smiled as she recalled that sleepless night two years ago, thinking what would happen with Sakura and Nako without her. Almost dying in regret. “At the first few months when i left you two, i felt so regretful, i cant even sleep or function properly because i'm busy thinking so deeply. Like what will happen to you two? What if i didnt got intimitated at your ruthless father's threat? What if i trusted you and your capableness? But everything was already done and i need to accepted it. It hurted so much, but i'm the one who's to blame. I tried to continued thriving at the States to become a successful producer, because i know you wanted to see my works being sang by famous singers someday.” She started off.

Sakura looked at her in dispair. Yuri was in pain so much like her, worse than her's, with guilt eating her up everyday.

“But when i succeeded, i thought of you two suddenly. I'm already rich, living in a expensive apartment unit, and doing what i love. It suddenly became meaningless when i remembered you. I'm a coward. I gathered enough courage to finally fight back, i shouldnt be a filthy scared puppy on your father. That's why i'm here, to beg for your forgiveness.” The shorter girl explained, her eyes started to brim with tears as she started to pat her chest, saying that her heart hurts.

Sakura kept mum, her gaze was focused on the carpeted floor as Yuri tried to choke back her sobs.

Why cant i just be happy without having to exchange something important to me? I'm probably cursed

“I...” The older woman whispered, turning her gaze up to meet Yuri's glassy eyes. “I've never hated you for leaving us. I'm only mad and beyond disappointed because you were scared and ran away from everything. But i completely understood you, you were forced by a powerful man that might harm you— us. I-I know, you chose that option so we can live in peace. Yuri-ah, i will never hate you nor despise you. You're a loyal friend to me, you treated me as a human who deserved freedom and happiness, you're kind to me. I would never ever, hate you despite of this happenings. I dont have any rights. Please dont ask for forgiveness, because as soon as you closed that door as your tears fell, you're forgiven.” She said while a lone tear finally fell fron her eyes as she reaches to caress Yuri's hand.

The shorter girl chokes and hastily stood up to pull her friend on a tight embrace. Yuri cried so hard on her shoulders, and she could only comfort her. Earlier she's just looked chill and cool then now, she's crying like a newborn.

“I'm s-sorry, Saku-chan. I really am. Sorry for e-everything. I missed you and Nako so much.” Yuri whined, snuggling further to her shoulders to seek comfort. She missed hugging her friend.

“Dont apologize. I missed you too, Yuri.” Sakura said, but there's another side of story she wanted to know.

“Now, i wanted to know it from the start, tell me everything please.” She asked, badly wanted to hear it. Yuri obeyed and detached herself from the woman.

She was a mess. She settled on her seat and tried to calm down. After a few minutes of sniffling and wiping the endless tears, she finlly started.

“Everything started when we four got closer than ever. Me, Riko, and Anna got a message one day— a threat to be exact. The person was telling us to stay away from you but we ignored it, believing the thought that someone was just fooling around. But we got the messages often until the threat got worse. We decided not to tell you about it because we dont want to burden you more further, we tried to search for the creep. The real happened when the news of you and Anna dating. The minimal threats became death threats. Of course, we became alerted with that, we tried everything to make you happy but sadly, it didnt lasted long. Riko's boyfriend was one of their people who's been assigned to monitor our moves and was been ordered to do unpleasant things to her, and there, she got pregnant with Nako but she kept it from you until you went to Korea. Anna was still there when Nako was welcomed to the world, while Riko left.” Yuri paused for a mean time.

Sakura's eyes twitched in anger.

That evil psycopath man. I will crush him to death

“After crying over our friend, and trying to contact you, she excused herself to get some fresh air and to buy a meal but she never came back. As she left the morgue, she said 'sorry' to me, that'all. The rumor of Anna being forced to study at States wasnt true at all. Yes, she was in States but for another reason.”

They looked at each other. Sakura's eyes were begging, and desperate for the answer.

With a deep sigh, she responded. “Because i'm with her to the States when i flew there. I lived at their house for a while.”

“What?” The older managed to gasp out, she cant seem to think properly.

“Like me, she got threatened but she refused. Until, the person made a move. Her family suddenly arranged a marriage for Anna and the second son of Yokohama Head. She was been forced to marry a Yokohama, Sakura-chan.” Yuri explained. Sakura clenched her jaw.

And they wanted me to marry a Yokohama too

“But when i lived with her. I learned that, she fell inlove with him, and Yokohama Ahino was inlove with her wife since the start. They had a child. His name is Ashiyo and aged three. She's happy now, Sakura-chan but like me, she's still living with regret. When she knew that i'll be back to Korea and face you, she gave me this letter and asked me to give it to you so i wouldnt have a hard time saying it to you.” She exclaimed, before fishing her hand to her coat's pocket— and when she retreated her hand, she was grasping a pink envelop and putted it infront of her.

Sakura's lips tugged upward a little, she was amused at her ex slash bestfriend. There was no bitter feelings lingering in her heart. She was glad that Anna found her happiness again and her true love. Besides, she already have Chaeyeon.

She picked the letter and stared it for a while before deciding that she will read it later. She signalled Yuri to continue.

“And here goes my story. He threatened me that he will harm my family if i wont leave you two. So i was forced. I got enough and asked him that why is he doing this, but i got another response. He said that incase i will agree, he have a music producer that will teach me. Huh, i will drop my career in a heartbeat— i got that job because of your father, a pointless and stupid help from him. He never bothered us when we went away to be honest. But i still dont get it why does your father is doing this? He's literally nuts.” Yuri mumbled under her breath.

I had no idea too, he's the son of the devil after all

“Now that i heard the full story, i can finally let go of this topic. I will protect you, Yuri, no matter what. He cant target my weakness anymore.” She said before standing up and walked to the door. Yuri followed her like a lost puppy.

“Nako's in the living room, let's go.” Sakura said simply before walking down to the hallway like she didnt heard something huge that will impact her whole life seconds ago.

Yuri was bewildered but atleast, the secret and truth was been out and she finally managed to got the chane of fixing their broken friendship. She needed to slow down, healing can take time, but fortunately Yuri's good at being patient.

When they got into the living room, Sakura spotted Chaeyeon and Yujin looking tensed. The ash blonde haired girl jumped in shock when they appeared infront of them.

“Uhm, is everything o-okay now?” She asked, fidgeting her fingers. Yujin also jumped from her seat and hugged Yuri.

“Unnie!~” The tall girl trapped Yuri in a tight hug. After all, they were also close and Yujin surely missed her unnie so much. Yuri just patted her head and smiled brightly.

Sakura's gaze was only fixed on Chaeyeon.

So she knew all along huh, that's why she's apologizing earlier. But i'm glad that my bestfriend met my girlfriend and already good friends

Yujin broke the hug and went beside Yuri who's really amused on her height. “When did you got taller!?” She said, groaning inwardly. While the puppy gave her a smug look.

In the middle of the commotion, the two kids was watching them. Nako's squinting her eyes at the newcomer, swearing that she's overly looked familiar into her eyes. She gasped suddenly after trying to connect the dots. Upon the realization, she ran up to them and stared at Yuri.

The girl noticed Nako and grinned like an idiot. She missed Nako so much. She crouched so she can match Nako's eye level.


“Mommy Yuri...” the child muttered, her lips quivering as tears started to form on her eyes. The adults were shocked especially, Yuri and Sakura.

“You can still remember me?” Yuri asked, flustered. When she left, Nako's only three years old that why its very shocking to hear the child called her.

“Of course! You used to feed me cereal!” Nako answered and jumped into Yuri's arms, almost making them fall on the ground.

Nako grew bigger than she expected.

She kissed the child and tried to calm her down from crying. Chaeyeon accompanied the confused Hitomi all along.

“P-Please, dont leave me and Mommy Kkura again.” Nako whispered but all of them heard it.

Sakura's gaze softened at the sight and words of her daughter while Yuri cried again, feeling overwhelmed.

“Sorry, sorry. I wont do it again, baby.” She sobs.

Everything went well that day. There's a lot of catching up to do.

Sakura silently prays that nothing unfortunate will happen to her again and let her live in peace.

But probably that time, God didnt heard her prayers because he's streaming Violeta Music Video.


Okay, finally, phew! After so many chapters the past was revealed. I got so many mistakes, but i'll just probably edit it when i'm on the mood. Plus, i'm really sleepy when i wrote this, you can tell.

Yey, bestfriends reunite!!!! 😤

Its a boring chap because i mainly focused on explaining their ty situation in the past :[

Drama and conflicts are hard to write! The next chapter will be just a fun chapter dw every izone members will be there!! yeet, we need a break from all this happenings too

I just wanted to say that this is still the beginning and there would be much complicated events that might happen in the future. There would be some plot twists too lol

Please comment and vote! :]

See yah!

P.S. Stream Violeta MV 💅

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
226 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1761 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1761 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww