special chapter


“Easy there, ma’am.”


Sooyoung’s voice entered Sakura’s ears, which made her jolt up in sudden shock and turned her head up from her paperworks to her secretary who’s standing in front of her table with a small smile plastered on her lips.


The Japanese woman shook her head, trying to collect her thoughts up and sat up straight on her swivel chair with a sigh, giving Sooyoung a curious look. “Yes? What is wrong, Ha?” She asked, her hand reaching for her collar and fiddled on the first button of her white button up shirt, wanting to it to breathe properly because she felt suffocated.


Smiling, Sooyoung shook her head. “Chaeyeon called me just a few minutes ago,” She said, and that made Sakura freeze on the spot— just hearing her wife’s name made her feel thousands of positive emotions already.


Just like that, she perked up, all of the stress and annoyance lingering in her existence faded away almost immediately— only positive energy remained. Chaeyeon’s effect on her stayed the same, actually, it even became more extreme after they got married just two years ago.


“Oh? Then, why didn’t she call me instead…?” Sakura responded, her lower lip after, craning her head a bit to look at her phone from the corner of her desk— untouched and lifeless. Chaeyeon didn’t also give her a message or anything.


Sooyoung giggled, crossing her arms. “She’s afraid she might bother you while working,” She replied with a small smile, almost barking out into a laugh when Sakura pouted.


“Sheesh, we’ve been lovers for years now and I always keep telling her never to hesitate to call me even if I’m at work or meeting, I don’t care. I prioritize her above everything.” Sakura sulked, clicking her tongue in slight disappointment before her eyes went up to her secretary again and leaned back to her chair, trying to relax. “What did she say, by the way?”


Sooyoung hummed before delivering the message to her. “Well, she asked if you can go home early.” She said softly, observing her boss quietly and sighed when she saw how Sakura’s nervous eyes landed on the pile of paperworks on top of her desk.


Deflating, Sakura massaged her temples, gulping. “Uhh,” She muttered, obviously troubled. “Well, I-I’ll try. Tell her, I’ll try. I will just finish these all, and I’ll dash home immediately.” She added, looking away and cursing something under her breath. She felt bad because she might go home around midnight, which is the earliest.


Sooyoung gave her a pointed look and the CEO scoffed. “Don’t worry, I-I’ll call later. I’ll explain that I might go home around midnight…” She whispered and sighed, looking back at her paperworks and stared at it lifelessly. There were some problems in the company so she’s really needed here to work on it for a while.


“It’s your birthday, Sakura.” Sooyoung pointed out. “Your wife is waiting for you. And probably, Nako too.” She added which made Sakura hiss.


“I know that, I know! But I need to finish these or we’ll face another problem by tomorrow.” Sakura exclaimed, sighing afterwards as she scratched the back of her neck, eyes shut.


Sooyoung was silent for a while, just staring at her boss with a blank look and sighed, excusing herself after that and Sakura just pouted, watching her secretary’s retreating figure.


After that, she picked her phone up and opened it— the picture of her, Chaeyeon, and cute little Nako popped up. They are smiling brightly at the camera and the CEO couldn’t help but to let out a smile too. This picture was taken last year, when they had a trip in Switzerland.


When the screen turned black, her smile dropped and sighed, opening it once again and unlocked her phone. She was about to open the phone call up when she stopped, thinking that it’s not a good time.


Chaeyeon and Nako will surely be upset the moment she calls and informs them to not wait for her because she might take a while. The both of them were already upset yesterday because she was in Japan, doing her work when her birthday came. They couldn’t also properly greet her because it was not on person and it was not on time because when the clock struck twelve, she was still in the meeting room with some investors and directors.


She really felt bad but she needed to do this— this is her responsibility. No, it’s still her family over work, but in these crucial times, she needs to choose work or else, a lot of people will be put at risk and trouble. She can’t afford that.


Hopefully, Chaeyeon will understand. She’ll just make it up to her family tomorrow.


A few hours later, Sakura is just growing frustrated and frustrated when suddenly, the double door of her office barged open, making her jump into her seat in surprise— almost flinging her pen and paper away from her hold.


“Ooooh! Hey there, birthday girl! Working hard, are we? But it’s your day!”


Eh, that irritating voice again. With a sigh, Sakura shook her head and fixed her posture, not even sparing Nayeon a glance as she happily took strides towards her desk.


“What do you want, Nayeon? I’m busy.” Sakura grumbled which made Nayeon laugh, leaning over her desk.


“What do I want? Get off that desk and enjoy your day with your family.” Nayeon said, with an authoritative voice that caught Sakura off guard, finally looking up to the older woman who’s giving her a stern look.


Her brow shot up. “What do you mean, by that?” She asked then heaved out a sigh. “I have no time for that, I need to finish these—” She got cut off when Nayeon circled around her and reached for her, forcing her to stand up from her seat and then started to fix her coat and collar.


Sakura dumbly watched her friend do that and when their eyes met— Nayeon threw her a grin. “I’ll handle your work for today, so go. This is my birthday gift to you.” She smugly remarked.


The CEO just gave her a very dumb look and Nayeon arched her brow at that, pushing the Japanese woman away. “Why? Are you doubting my handling skills now, Miyawaki? I used to handle your work even way before so I still know everything,” She huffed, walking over to her desk and picked up a paper, reading it silently.


Sakura shook her head. “No. But I don’t want to bother you and this one is too personal, I have meetings too—” She got cut off again when Nayeon placed the paper back to its place again.


“Easy. I’ve handled something like this before, Saku.” Nayeon snickered, turning to her friend again. “And what about it? I miss the other directors! I miss their annoyed faces when I in for suggestions!” She laughed at her own addition.


Sakura opened to say something again when suddenly, Nayeon shook her head, signalling her to stay silent. “Seriously, Miyawaki. Let me handle this, even just for today. Go, spend your time with your family. Chaeyeon and Nako are so down these days because of your lack of presence in your own home.” She said seriously then added, “They visited and ate at my restaurant, I can see how sad your wife is. Your daughter kept asking me about your whereabouts too.”


And that shattered Sakura’s heart, clenching her jaw. She really felt guilty.


“So, now wrap your things up and go home. Let me and Sooyoung handle this. They’re waiting for you.” Nayeon pleaded with a soft gaze and literally pushed Sakura away from the desk.


Something flickered inside Sakura. Nodding, she gave Nayeon a grateful look and the latter just smiled brightly. She immediately gathered her things, and dashed to the door, laughing when Nayeon shouted something.


“Oi, this ain’t free! I want a new car as payment, Miyawaki!”


Sakura just gave her a thumbs up, exiting her office. Even if Nayeon wants ten cars then she’ll give it.


She passed through Sooyoung’s desk, giving her a look. The secretary just gave her a knowing smile and nod so Sakura just nodded her head back at her before rushing through the parking lot of her building— ignoring her employees and just literally just ran towards the elevator.



Kaeun was happily watering the plants in the flower bed near the fountain while humming some random tune when suddenly, a familiar slick black car suddenly appeared in her line of sight.


Before she could even react, the car zoomed by the fountain and stopped in front of the house. And then, the door was opened, revealing Sakura who’s looking serious and slammed the car door shut after making sure that she turned off the engine of her Benz.


“O-Oh, you’re very early today,” Kaeun rushed up to her boss and Sakura just grinned at her.


“Of course, my wife requested me to go home early so here I am.” The Japanese woman said, chuckling wholeheartedly and was about to go inside when suddenly, the head maid grabbed her wrist, preventing her from going inside.


She turned around and met Kaeun’s shaking eyes. “What’s wrong?” She asked, confused.


The older woman laughed nervously, clearing . “I-I just want to greet my boss, a ‘Happy Birthday’, is it bad?” She exclaimed, throwing her a wary smile that made Sakura’s brow arch up at her sudden action.


“You already sent me a message earlier though.” Sakura responded, getting weirded out. Kaeun glared at her.


“I-Is it bad to greet you again? Personally this time?” The older woman said, annoyed and Sakura got even more weirded out, but she laughed. Of course, she and Kaeun are close so seeing the latter being like this around her made her really amused.


Sakura fully faced the older woman and squinted her eyes, like she’s suspecting her. A drop of sweat rolled down from Kaeun’s temple, her grip on the watering pail even tightened.


“You’re acting very weird right now…” Sakura commented with a sheepish smile before running inside her own house, leaving Kaeun there, sighing to herself and shook her head.


“I’m home!” Sakura shouted the moment she got inside, taking off her shoes and slipped her feet into her white fluffy slippers before walking around the house, trying to find her wife and daughter.


Her brow twitched when she didn’t spot them around the living room area so she went to the kitchen, going to ask some workers if they ever spotted them around. She’s so sure the two of them are not in the rooms upstairs.


She then heard giggles from the kitchen, familiar giggles and mutters so she immediately went there and peeked her head by the arc, curiously looking there.


A smile curved up into her lips when she saw familiar people inside the kitchen, laughing while talking with one another. Her loves, Chaeyeon and Nako.


She didn’t present herself first, silently observing them. The both of them are leaning at the messy kitchen counter. Nako is giggling while sitting on top of the counter. The both of them are… also a mess.


Messy hair, face tainted with some chocolates and obvious flour. Their clothes are full of flour too, also hair— making it white but they never bothered to clean it up, just excitedly talking with another that Sakura couldn’t hear but judging by their expressions— they look so happy and excited.


And so, finally, she walked inside the kitchen with a grin. “What are you guys doing?” She greeted, approaching them— chuckling when she saw the two jumped out of shock, looking at her with alertness.


“Why are you guys so surprised?” Sakura asked with a cheeky smile, walking over them and checked them out properly, giggling to herself before leaning in closer to give her wife a kiss on the lips (she even tasted chocolate from her lips) then gave her flabbergasted daughter a hug, not minding if she’s dirty.


Chaeyeon blinked, yelping. “Y-You’re so early, love!” She exclaimed nervously, darting her eyes to Nako. Sakura hummed, leaning on the counter with a smile, crossing her arms.


“You asked me to go home early so…” The CEO responded, her lower lip, tilting her head curiously.


The younger woman scratched her cheek. “I thought you’ll go home around five, but it’s just two…” She muttered to herself. Sakura laughed at that.


“Well, Nayeon suddenly barged in and threw me out of my own desk.” The older replied to that and eyed her silent daughter, reaching out to her and pulled her closer again. “What are you guys up to anyway?”


Nako and Chaeyeon looked at each other. The kid cleared and looked up to her mother. “Mommy,” She started off. “Well, we’re baking.” She added and glanced at Chaeyeon once again who just gave Nako a smile.


Sakura’s smile brightened. “Oh?” She exclaimed, giggling, softly ruffling Nako’s hair. “What did you guys bake? Can I join the fun or am I too late?” She asked.


Nako pouted. “We baked a cake… for you…” She answered honestly and Sakura was taken aback. “It was supposed to be a surprise when you got home but… you went home very early. The cake is still in the oven, Mommy.” She added, her voice lowering.


Sakura blinked, looking at her wife who just gave her a smile. Her heart swelled with happiness, she couldn’t help but to bite her lower lip to suppress her huge grin. They’re really precious. Even the smallest thing, they never fail to move Sakura’s heart.


She was speechless, she could only smile at her daughter.


“It was Nako’s idea. So, we literally prepared everything.” Chaeyeon butted in, walking closer to them with a bright smile. Sakura puckered her lips, thinking that she ruined the surprise.


The younger woman noticed it and glanced at Nako who’s now smiling at her meaningfully. “But the good news is, you can still join the fun. Let’s decorate the cake together!” She announced happily with a laugh.


Sakura’s eyes sparkled, liking the idea. “Sorry, it was a surprise—” Nako knew what her mother would say so she immediately shushed her off.


“No, mommy. It’s okay! I would rather decorate the cake with you!” Nako beamed with a small giggle, leaning closer to press her a kiss on the cheek then threw her a big smile. Sakura’s eyes softened, smiling at her daughter.


Nako really grew up so well— she’s really grateful that she grew up into a nice environment, surrounded by good people even though she’s very much spoiled. The tooth she lost years ago finally grew too and it already told Sakura everything that her daughter is really big now.


“The cake is all good now!” Chaeyeon suddenly announced, crouching to open the oven and took out the freshly baked cake, placing it on the table. Nako squealed and Sakura silently eyed them.


Nako turned to her, hopping lightly. “I made this mommy! I made this with Mom!” She proudly said, puffing her chest which made Sakura laugh.


“It’s not yet finished, Nako. Let’s do the finishing stuff already! Come on, darling. Take off your coat and join us with this mess!” Chaeyeon instructed, grabbing the icing they made earlier and Sakura nodded, obediently listening to her wife.


“We actually made two cakes and lots of cupcakes. All of us are complete for today. Anna might also drop by.” The younger woman suddenly announced, walking to the other oven and checked if the cake was already alright, adjusting the temperature.


Sakura quirked her brow, lips twitching. “Oh?” She exclaimed, humming after as she rolled her sleeves up until her elbow.


The three of them started to decorate the cakes and cupcakes with so much fun and laughter. They really customized everything, Nako drew a big cherry blossom on top of the chocolate cake using pink icing while the couple bickered about what to do with the second cake. In the end, Chaeyeon designed it while Sakura was left to put random stuff on the red velvet cupcakes.


“And now we’re done!” Chaeyeon exclaimed after checking the cakes and clapped, feeling proud of her effort, her family’s effort. Nako kept hopping lightly, obviously excited while Sakura just smiled at them, trying to get off the smudge of chocolate away from her cheek. They had a small icing fight earlier, so they are all sticky and sweet.


The younger woman kept taking pictures of the cakes already, well-prepared— when behind her, is an actual mess. Piles of dirty tools, dishes, etc. Sakura sighed at that, her OCD is acting up.


Chaeyeon then forced Sakura and Nako to pose near the cake, and the kid immediately did it, even showing off a cupcake while smiling brightly while the CEO just did a peace sign. After that, Chaeyeon took a selfie with her family.


“I sent it to the group chat and they are suddenly rushing to go here already,” Chaeyeon said, rolling her eyes and placed her phone down, eyeing the pile of dirty dishes and giggled— looking at her wife who’s cooly leaning at the counter top while nibbling on the cookies they made last minute.


“Anyway, my family wanted to greet you. Too bad they’re too busy there in Japan.” The younger one said, approaching her wife, settling beside her. Sakura immediately gave her a cookie which she declined.


The CEO reached for her wife’s face, tucking the stray hair behind her ears. A habit she learned throughout their marriage, subtly admiring her face with a small smile. “Won’t Chaeryeong and her girlfriend, come?” She asked softly.


Chaeyeon shook her head. “Nope. She’s currently in Venice with Ryujin. She sent you a greeting too though.” She responded, leaning closer to her. “How about Dad and Mom?”


Sakura grinned, shaking her head. “They already visited me yesterday when I was in Japan and gave me their birthday greetings and gifts. Mom promised me to visit next week with Dad, they miss Nako a lot.” She answered.


“Mommy, Mom! I’ll just find Hitomi! I will show off the cake I made!” Nao suddenly appeared, smiling brightly then ran off but halted when Chaeyeon scolded her to shower first because she’s dirty.


The couple was left there in the spacious kitchen, eyeing the mess in front of them but was soon forgotten when Sakura suddenly pulled her wife for a soft kiss.


“I missed you so much, sorry if I’m too busy these past few weeks. I promise I’ll take three days off after I fix this mess, hmm, wifey?” The older woman whispered after she pulled away, still ghosting her lips over Chaeyeon’s ones with a small smirk.


Chaeyeon chuckled, nodding. She understands that part, of course. Sakura is a very busy woman, but whenever she becomes so busy— she never fails to make it up to her and her daughter. So, she doesn’t complain much.


“Three days?” Chaeyeon repeated, her half-lidded eyes glued on Sakura’s droopy pair ones. The CEO nodded, pressing another sweet kiss on her wife’s lips with a noise.


“Yes. Tell me where you wanted to go and we’re going to go there.” Sakura replied with a smile, cradling Chaeyeon’s face like it’s an expensive fragile glass. The younger woman hummed, thinking for a moment.


“Let’s stay in, and have a small gathering with some of our friends. You can also drop by my work in the dance studio once Nako is in school.” Chaeyeon answered, giggling. Sakura is spoiling her so much.


The older woman nodded without hesitation, eyes sparkling that told Chaeyeon that she’s delighted with the plan. “Sure, I’d like that.” She whispered as her gaze lowered and landed on Chaeyeon’s pair of lips again and soon, she engulfed the space between their faces again.


Sakura passionately kissed her wife, pulling her even closer by wrapping her arm around her waist and flushed their bodies together as they made out. Chaeyeon matched her pace, snaking her arms around her wife’s neck.


“Nako might catch us.” The younger woman whispered in between the kisses and Sakura just chuckled over her wife’s concern and just continued kissing her like it’ll be their last.


Sakura nibbled on Chaeyeon’s lower lip, gliding her tongue over. “She’s still showering. It’s the workers’ presence that you should be concerned about.” She responded and with all her might, lifted Chaeyeon up to the kitchen counter and continued kissing her.


“Well, I asked them that I’ll handle everything… Told them I’ll just call them if I need help so they’re probably outside.” Chaeyeon replied, panting softly when Sakura pulled away for air but the latter gave her kisses on her cheeks down to her neck as she waited for the younger to catch her breath.


“That’s good.” Sakura whispered with a deep and sultry voice, her hands roaming around Chaeyeon back and moved down to her stomach, caressing it softly as she nipped the skin below her ear, eliciting a gasp from her that urged her to do more.


She was about to move her hands underneath Chaeyeon shirt when suddenly—


“Wow, happy birthday to you indeed, Miyawaki Sakura!”


Chaeyeon literally pushed her wife off her, a little bit harsh to the point Sakura almost stumbled backwards.


The both of them looked at where the voice came from and saw Yujin standing near the arc, smirking at them while holding Minjoo’s hand who’s also snickering and giving her friend a teasing look.


Blushing, Sakura just huffed, fixing herself. “Shut up, dog.” She warned but Yujin just laughed at her, shaking her head.


“Oh, I don’t even want to think what might happen here if we didn’t barge in.” The tall woman said, approaching them while Minjoo just followed, eyeing Chaeyeon who’s also blushing furiously.


Clicking her tongue, Sakura just gave her a death glare but never said anything— helping her wife to hop off the counter. Yujin faked a shocked look when her cousin kept giving her dagger looks. “Woah, you should be thankful that we’re the ones who witnessed that! If it was Nako or the maids, they will be terrified!” She exclaimed, chuckling.


“Sheesh, Yuj. Stop teasing them. Let them be~ They’re lovers and married, even.” Minjoo gently scolded her girlfriend with a small smile. Sakura gave her a pointed look, a grateful look.


Yujin made some faces but sighed inwardly. “Alright.” Same old, same old! Still whipped for her girlfriend, Kim Minjoo. After that, the four of them exited the messy kitchen.


“Hey, Sana, Momo. Please clean the kitchen, sorry in advance.” Chaeyeon said when they came across the two workers who were just happily conversing while dusting the furniture. The two just laughed it off and obliged immediately.


Yujin made herself at home, of course, her second home after all. She lied down and rested her head on top of Minjoo’s lap and opened the television. Meanwhile, Chaeyeon and Sakura decided to take a shower because they’re sticky and dirty.


“Hey! No funny business you two! The other married couple will be here soon!” Yujin shouted when they were already walking upstairs which made Sakura growl while Chaeyeon just laughed, blushing a bit.


The moment the couple went down after a fast shower, it’s already noisy because, as expected— the whole gang had already arrived. Choi Yena and Ahn Yujin are the main noises. Nako and Hitomi are also there, screaming because Hyewon kept teasing them.


“Jesus Christ, y’all loud,” Sakura hissed, rolling her eyes while Chaeyeon just let out a laugh, running to the mess.


“Oh, look who’s here! The birthday girl!” Yena pointed out when she saw Sakura descending from the stairs like an angel.


With Yena’s announcement, the people started to crowd Sakura, giving her the gifts and greetings. Hyewon, Yena, and Yujin even kissed her on the cheeks to piss her off even more.


Grunting, Sakura wiped her cheeks. “Disgusting.” She whispered but actually, she liked the affection they gave her but she will never admit that outloud. “Anyway, thank you for the greeting and gifts! Also, Choi Yena, you for giving me a rubber duck as a gift. You too, Yuri, for giving me a chopstick.” Sakura said while smiling and the last part got everyone giggling especially Yena who puffed her chest proudly while Yuri just laughed.


After that, they all went to the backyard and decided to chill there instead because it’s very spacious. Wonyoung played with Nako and Hitomi pretty much all the time, with Chaewon looking like their babysitter.


“This cake is absolutely wonderful, who made this?” Hyewon immediately asked Sakura the moment she got to taste the chocolate cake. Sakura puckered her lips, pointing it at Nako.


“Duh, my daughter.” The CEO proudly said and Hyewon beamed, nodding.


The younger woman then turned around and went to Nako, immediately showering the child some praises. “No wonder, you are talented, my child. Please, bake Auntie Hyewon often.” Hyewon said, a tear escaped her eyes while Nako just delightfully nodded.


Sakura’s eyes narrowed. “That girl is bribing my child again.” She mumbled under her breath and just shook her head, smiling before turning to her wife who’s having a fun time talking with Eunbi and Yena— probably talking about business.


She just let them and observed her friends, smiling to herself when she saw how happy and content they are. A lot of things happened before but now, everything is going smoothly— there were some few problems and for sure, they will face some again sometime soon.


But now, Sakura is just happy, so happy. She thought she’s incapable of feeling this emotion after what happened to her a few years ago but now, she couldn’t wish for more. She already has Chaeyeon beside her with Nako. She’s on good terms with her Father, and her Mother is also alive and well. She has close friends that she can lean onto.


“Wifey,” Sakura’s thoughts were cut off when she heard Chaeyeon. She hummed, turning to her wife and saw that she’s holding a cake, presenting it to her with a lit candle.


“Make a wish, and blow the candle, love.” Chaeyeon gently instructed and the girls went to circle around her, looking at her with smiles on their faces.


The CEO let out a breathless laugh. She won’t admit but she’s kind of emotional right now. “Alright, alright.” She responded with a chuckle and before she could do anything, Nako beamed.


“Let’s sing her ‘happy birthday’ first!” The kid said loudly, and all of them agreed— immediately singing the birthday song for the birthday girl. Yuri became extra and really showed off her singing skill by belting an unnecessary high note at the end.


Sakura just smiled and closed her eyes. She silently wished as the song came into an end.


“Happy birthday, Sakura!”


With that, the CEO opened her eyes, blowing the candle and all of them cheered and whistled. Chaeyeon pressed a chaste kiss on her lips that made the girls cheer louder. Chaewon made sure to cover Nako and Hitomi’s eyes.


After that, they all started to have fun with one another until night fell.


Anna and her family dropped by but they didn’t really stay long because they had some urgent matters at home and Sakura understood. And soon, one by one— the others also went home.


“Oi, couz’. Happy birthday again, I might drop by here tomorrow.” Yujin bid goodbye and hugged Sakura, also Nako while Minjoo just smiled at them and after that, the couple went inside their car and also went home.


Nako yawned as they walked inside the house, Sakura noticed it and scooped her daughter with her arms, carrying her. She had a little hard time because her daughter is getting heavier. “You should go to sleep now, hmm?” She said and the kid cutely rubbed her eyes.


“Yes, mommy.” Nako mumbled sleepily. Sakura smiled and kissed her on the forehead before passing her to Chaeyeon.


“You two can go upstairs first, I’ll just get some coffee. Good night, baby.” The CEO said and when she saw that Chaeyeon went upstairs while carrying a sleepy Nako— she went to the kitchen to make some coffee— one for her, and one for her wife.


After that, she made sure that everything is all good before also going upstairs, checking Nako if she’s already sleeping in her own room and silently closed the door after seeing that she’s already indeed asleep on her bed, comfortably tucked in her blanket and continued to her and Chaeyeon’s room.


The moment she opened it, the sound of running water from the bathroom greeted her. She concluded that Chaeyeon is probably taking a shower again. She closed the door behind her and padded towards the glass door that leads to their balcony, opening it and went outside.


It was a chilly night, not too cold, just very refreshing. She placed Chaeyeon’s mug on the table while she held hers, taking a sip from it and leaned on the railings, looking at the shining moon and starry night.


It was very silent too, a perfect place to relax. She took a sip from her coffee, letting out a satisfied sigh after. And as she did that, she couldn’t help but to reminisce some memories. It’s her hobby.


After a while, she could feel a pair of arms snaking around her waist. She couldn’t suppress a smile. The familiar scent of sweet vanilla and lilies entered her smelling senses. “What are you doing?” Chaeyeon asked, tucking her chin on her wife’s shoulders.


“Reminiscing.” Sakura mumbled, leaning to Chaeyeon as she back hugged her.


Chaeyeon let out a small deep chuckle, tightening her hold. “Oh? Really? About?” She asked softly, pressing a kiss on Sakura’s neck, making the latter shiver a bit.


The CEO shrugged, humming as she let her eyes admire the stars. “Mostly about the past.” She whispered her answer, holding Chaeyeon’s arm that is wrapped around her waist.


Pressing another kiss, Chaeyeon tightened her hug, her grin getting brighter. “Past, huh? Speaking of it, a lot has really changed…” She whispered, sighing, also starting to get lost in her own thoughts of the past. Sakura nodded as a sign of agreement.


“Thank you really, Chaeyeon. You are the turning point of my life. When you came, everything fell into the right place.” Sakura suddenly mumbled, breaking the hug as she turned around, facing her lovely wife and reached for her fluffy cheeks.


Smiling, the younger just giggled at her wife’s cheesiness— she’ll take it, it’s rare for Sakura to be vocal in this kind of stuff. “Thank you too, Sakura-chan. I really thought I’ll be stuck in that endless loop until god knows when,” She muttered, pulling Sakura closer by her waist. “You don’t know how grateful I’am when I became Nako’s babysitter. I met y’all.”


Sakura lost it there and laughed so hard making Chaeyeon laugh too, but she paused after a moment— just to admire her wife’s laughing face. Her heart warmed.


“The best babysitter ever,” Sakura remarked with a chuckle, booping Chaeyeon’s nose with hers. “You also babied the mom of the said child.” She joked, moving her hand to rest it on Chaeyeon’s nape instead and opened her eyes, staring directly at her wife’s orbs— she can see herself in it.


“I love you so much, Miyawaki Chaeyeon.” Sakura whispered lovingly.


Giggling, Chaeyeon pulled her closer. “Sakura, I love you too, like so much.” She whispered back as she drunkenly gazed at her wife.



“Say… should we give Nako a baby sister for real?”



A/N: Hello~ It’s been a while, yes? Hmm, do some of you still remember this cringy story? Haha! Anyway, happiest birthday to Miyawaki Sakura!


Thanks to RedEld, I wrote this special chapter for Sakura’s birthday. Opening this story gave me lots of flashbacks. I received a lot of love and support because of this story, even though it’s not really that well-written and has a cringy plotline.


Also, comparing my writing style from year(s) ago, this one is a lot better, yes? Not an eyesore anymore pfft. I’m still editing this story so it’ll be less cheesy but laziness kept hitting me so I apologize for that.


For one last time, thank you again. I owe you guys a lot :]


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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
226 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1761 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1761 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww