twenty four


Other ships centric, mostly YulYen so, yea here ya go YulYen nation!!!!!

“Have you heard?” Chaeyeon asked Yena who's playing PS4 with Hyewon. The duck-faced girl rose her brow, sparing a glace to her friend.


“The what?” She asked, turning her attention back to the television. The ash blonde haired girl plopped down to the couch, lazily throwing her leg over back rest, swinging it as she boredly watched the same aged friends play the game.


Since it's vacation, they're free to do anything they wanted. Their problems now are College, they havent decided where they will attend, many good Universities already offered them full scholarship. Funny how may it sounds, but everyone around their squads got offers, they're good at something too. For example, Chaeyeon, Eunbi, and Chaewon are really good at Academics so many Universities are fighting for them. Yena is good at Science and Psychology— few Medical schools are also trying to lure her. Hyewon is really good at Maths— and aiming to be an engineer so some schools are already messaging her too. Minjoo is very popular pianist and even Hanlim and SOPA are fighting for her.


This crackhead squad got some brains and talents too.


Currently, they're hanging out on Minjoo's mansion, like they do twice a week. The other three that wasnt mentioned earlier at the living room, are cooking, Chaeyeon took a break first, not in the mood for preparing foods so she crashed at the couch, plotting to tease Yena. The Miyawaki fam will also go here as they promised to bond plus Hitomi and Wonyoung.


“Yuri is finally here in Korea after two weeks.” She replied, smiling. Yena froze at the mention of the name. Hyewon even needed to slap her arm to snap back in reality. The whole circle of friends definitely knew something is going on between the two.


Clearing , she stuttered. “Really? I havent heard, she never said that to me.” Yena answered, recalling if Yuri mentioned to her that she'll come back today, but knowing herself if Yuri did mentioned then she'll remember that date and would be excited.


Yes, Yuri and Yena are contacting each other secretly. They even see each other secretly too, and always trying to avoid the topic about them when their friends are teasing them. The younger girl gave her number after that new year incident, and there it all started.


Well, theyre still not officially dating so they still havent revealed their complicated and unlabeled relationship to them. Yuri and her talked about it before flying out of the country, but Yena answered she still wanted more time, and Yuri respect it. Oh and dont mention about what the young producer replied to her. She's always blushing whenever she recalled that.



“I respect it. But when i come back, i will definitely win you over. I'm serious about you, Yena-unnie.”



The jitters and wild heart beat when Yuri said that before kissing her in the forehead.


It's not that Yena is scared or anything. She's still sorting out her feelings if what she's currently feeling for Yuri is already love. Yena can confidently say that she likes Yuri but dont know if she loves the younger thats why she's hesitant to commit. She doesnt really know what Yuri also felt to her, they never really said i like yous or i love yous, it just they bonded naturally. To them, action speaks louder than words. They're kinda complicated.


Yena also want Yuri to sort out her feelings first. And as they do that, they would just go outside and hang out, text each other everyday. Let the feelings develop naturally.


If she will date, then she will make sure she love that person so much and vice versa. Yena maybe looked careless and unfaithful but its the opposite. She's loyal and would sacrifice anything for her future partner. The squad got this mindset to be loyal and good to their future partners, and Yena is the one who taught them stuffs.


Its no secret to them that Yena came from a broken family so theyre glad that the girl didnt got influenced of her harsh environment. Yena got no guts to hurt her partner like what her father did to her mother. She vowed not to do that.


Chaeyeon snorted, smirking at her friend. “Oh really then? Okay, i think i got the wrong information.” She replied and watched Yena's reaction. As expected, the girl is disappointed and sad.


Yena is sulking and pouting as she fiddled the keys of her controller. She will admit, She missed the younger one, their friendly dates, and just everything about Yuri. The younger would also sing for her whenever they go to the park, and she missed that lovely voice. Well, Yuri will sing for her to sleep whenever they do video call but she wanted it to hear in person.


Chaeyeon scooted over to comfort her sulky ducky friend, hugging and ruffling her hair.


After a few minutes, the doorbell rang and Chaeyeon immediately stood up to open the door. Yena craned her neck.


The Miyawaki fam appeared and Chaeyeon immediately scooped Nako and Hitomi with her both hands, kissing them on the cheeks and quickly gave her girlfriend a peck on the nose when she saw Sakura pouting like a child.


Yujin and Wonyoung immediately roamed their eyes on the house, its their first time here. Theyre delighted, especially Yujin, she's happy that she finally took a step inside her girlfriend's house, and next time, she will make Minjoo come to her house and finally introduce her to her parents.


Yena and Hyewon paused the game to greet them, Yena and Yujin fist bumped as a greeting while Hyewon just walked straight to Chaeyeon and grabbed Nako from her arms without a word. Meanwhile Wonyoung is searching for a certain someone, same for Yujin.


“Theyre in the kitchen, they'll be going out after a bit.” Chaeyeon said when she noticed the two looking for their loves. The two blushed when they got caught. Wonyoung sat down to the couch, scanning the interior while Yujin is not amused so she walked around, trying to find the kitchen and to familiarize herself to the house.


Yena is disappointed, a bit. She kinda hoped and assumed. She sighed, very sad and lonely as she setteled herself on the floor again, to play the game and to distract herself.


Sakura saw it and turned to her girlfriend. “She's really looking for Yuri.” She said, and Chaeyeon nodded. “That duck misses her hamster, i guess. But kept on denying that theres something happening between them.” The ash blonde haired said, putting Hitomi down. The child immediately ran to Hyewon and started to punch the poor woman's legs, commanding her to let her bestfriend down or its on sight. Hyewon complied, giving the kid a fearful look.


Chaeyeon leaned on Sakura and the other woman wrapped her arm around her shoulders, giving the younger a kiss on the forehead. “You know what will happen later.” She whispered and the ash blonde haired nodded, smiling.


Wonyoung grimaced at the sight of the lovey dovey couple. Then immediately lit up when she saw three people including the love of her life coming out from the kitchen with foods.


Yujin is clinging on Minjoo as the older woman tried to balance the tray to her hand, letting her girlfriend clung into her like a clingy and affectionate dog she is.


Eunbi squealed and kissed Hitomi and Nako on the cheeks, giving them sandwiches they made.


Minjoo started to prepare the movies they will watch, Yujin trailing behind her. The older woman had a hard time installing the DVD because Yujin would snuggle her head to her hand, asking for a ruffle and pat. Of course she cant resist her so she would give her what she wanted. After an eternity she finished it, sighing. “Yujin-ah,” she called and the younger one just backhugged her, smiling innocently at her. “I'm going to get water.”




“Stop backhugging me when i'm walking around.”




In the end, Minjoo went to the kitchen while Yujin backhugged her. Wonyoung made a disgusted face. “Eww. I didnt knew Yujin would be this affectionate needy and clingy! What a dog, they will beat this two here.” She said, pointing at Chaeyeon and Sakura who's cuddling at the side of the couch. Sakura rose a brow at the tall girl. “Mind your own business and win your girl.” She replied, smirking.


“Shut!” Wonyoung blushed as Chaewon sat beside her with her usual poker face while she eat popcorn. She offered the blushing girl the food. “Want some?” She asked, and Wonyoung timidly nodded.


Hyewon and Eunbi was only floor, playing with the kids. Chaeyeon decided to tease them. “You two looked like a married couple playing with your kids.” She said and Eunbi looked up to her. “What? Us?” She asked, pointing herself and Hyewon. The couple nodded.


“Yikes. I would never ever marry Hyewon.” She replied and the mentioned girl clutched her chest, acting like she got shot on the heart. “Ouch. That's harsh, babe. You dont want to marry me? Lets just stay dating or engaged.” Hyewon replied playfully, wiggling her brows to the older woman making Eunbi kick her stomach lightly.


“Mommy, dont kick Daddy.” Hitomi innocently said to the couple and Nako nodded, playing along.


The people around the house laughed, minus Eunbi who's blushing hard. “Wh-What!? No! I'm not your m-mommy and she's not your daddy!” She said, flustered. Hyewon laughed. “Even the kids approve us, babe.”


“You—” Eunbi paused and groaned, defeated, letting them .


The squad fooled around for a while teasing Eunbi, and Hyewon is enjoying it. The young couple went back, holding some water and glasses before starting the movie.


Yena pouted, feeling so lonely. Every one got a partner and here she is.


She shoved a piece of fry on and muched it, lazily as she tried to focus watching the movie, but she cant help but to think about this certain someone and how she wished she was here.


When she's about to bite her sandwich, the doorbell rang, Chaeyeon untangled herself from Sakura and hastily stood up, “I'll get it, its probably the pizza delivery!” She shouted and ran to the door.


Yena sighed and sadly munched her food. She heard the door closed and footsteps getting nearer, funny how there's like two person walking when Chaeyeon is the only one who stood up, psh, probably Yujin— excited at the pizza. She then felt a presence behind her but she didnt mind it, it was probably Chaeyeon, her friend is concerned again, she thinks.


Silence. Chaeyeon is not saying anything nor everyone, its either theyre focused on the movie or the foods. When she felt uncomfortable to the stares and silent, she sighed and decided to face her worried friend.


“I'm oka—” was pursed immediately. When she turned around, instead of Chaeyeon, she was greeted by the woman whom she missed so much. She blinked and pinched her leg to see if it's not a dream. Ouch, it hurted. Oh , its not a dream she's here infront of her!


“Missed me?” Yuri asked, grinning widely at her, spreading her arms. Yena just stared and looked up to her with unreadable expression.


The younger music producer blinked, confused that Yena is not standing up to give her an embrace. The others are also anticipating and getting confused as why Yena wont move at all. Is she that shocked? When Yuri went away and went home the first time when they are all friends, she literally didnt let go of Yuri at all and just clinging or near her.


Yuri's arms are getting tired and slowly going down when Yena pulled her down to the floor by grabbing her wrist, letting her settle between her thighs, sideways and hugged her. The squad squealed, jumping around.


Sakura snorted. “They should really be official, i mean look at that. Tss. I want to smack their heads both if they would describe what theyre doing a friendly hug and greeting.” She said and sighed, watching Yuri trapped on Yena's arms. She unknowingly smiled.


Yuri never been fell in love with someone as far as she knew, heck she didnt even dated someone in their past days. She's happy that her friend is getting a love life now, someone she who would love and vice versa. Fortunately, she got a duck that will certainly treasure her, be faithful to her, and will treat her as a princess. She's relieved.


The squad went back to normal but of course, everyone got a partner now and they're happy. Yena didnt even let Yuri take off her shoes and coat first and wont unwrap her arms. Yuri's enjoying it though and didnt mind the teasing stares that didnt lasted long.


“Yena-unnie. Let me take off my shoes first, its kinda disrespectful and i'm kinda hungry,” the young producer tried and Yena's ears perked the word hungry. The duck-faced nodded and s her one arm below Yuri's thighs and one on the back before standing up, literally carrying her in bridal style to the couch and settled her down there. Yena is kind of strong or Yuri is only light. The younger girl was flustered and blushed at the action even the others are shocked, the kids who's watching the movie are intrigued.


Without a word, Yena walked over to the side and grabbed some sandwich and can of soda, handing it to Yuri then sat down to the floor, near the younger's legs. She started to take off Yuri's shoes off from her feet and placed it to the shoe rack, then waddled over to the even more flustered music producer who's frozen at the sudden sweet but suprising action.


She settled her self beside Yuri and placed her hand on her thigh patting it gently while she smiled adorably to her.


The others was in shock. Yena is never sweet at them in normal days, the duck faced would only be sweet and caring when someone felt sad. Especially to her bestfriends, the sight of Yena being not loud and being so sweet and gentlewoman are unusual.


After they saw the not so official couple being comfortable talking, they decided to do theyre own business and watch the movie instead.



After two movies, they got bored and Chaeyeon got an idea.


She went to the front and clapped her hands, earning the attention of the people who's looking bored as hell. “We're all getting bored so, lets have some fun! I have something on my mind.” She said, and Yujin rested her head back on Minjoo's shoulders. “We're listening.”


Chaeyeon grinned. “Lets play. Hitomi and Nako would decide what to play.” She said, looking at the kids who's eyes already mentioning at playing games. Nako jumped into her seat, clapping happily while Hitomi copied her.


The others are kinda interested. Eunbi nodded. “Sure! Lets get it.” She said and stood up, forcing the dozing Hyewon beside her to get up. With a groan, she stood up, a little but sleepy and leaned to Eunbi, the older let her and even kept her steady by wrapping her arm to the younger's waist.


Everyone stood up and looked at Nako and Hitomi who's talking to each other at the side like theyre plotting murder. After a bit, they walked infront of them to announce what game they would play.


“After a brief discussion. We settled and made an agreement, that the game we will play is...” Nako paused. The others flinched at the formal speech, damn is every CEO's kid like that? Nako is so smart. The child looked at Hitomi for approval and when the other girl nodded, she took a deep breath and grinned. “Let's play hide and seek!!!” She exclaimed clapping.


Everyone are in awe and smirked, liking the idea. They all nodded, interested and excited to play a kid game, they wanted to feel like five year olds again.


Hitomi piped in. “Me, Nako-chan. Find. You all. Hide.” She tried to say and the others understood. Wonyoung and Yujin are stretching like they would do sports so Sakura gave them a weird look. “The...? Its hide and seek, why would you two stretch?”


Wonyoung answered, cracking her fingers. “Its natural for us to stretch when we heard a game. We're just preparing, yes? No one knows, we might need to climb up to the walls to hide. We need to stretch some muscles.” She said and high fived her bestfriend. Sakura is bewildered. “I.... Good bye.” She said, shaking her head and went to her girlfriend, asking for some affection and attention.


Minjoo spoke. “Every space in our house is good and vacant, dont worry. Just please dont break anything.” She said, already planning where to hide.


Nako and Hitomi huffed, arrogantly. “Good luck! We will find you as soon as possible, losers. Me and Hii-chan are expert in these.” She said and Hitomi nodded. Wonyoung and Yujin squinted their eyes. “Psh. This kids, tch! Good luck trying to find us.” The taller said, flipping her hair, eyes burning in a competitive manner.


The others looked like they wouldnt let the kids spot them and looked competitive and serious. Even Chaeyeon. Sakura found it ridiculous but will play along, she'll just follow her girlfriend where ever she goes.


Yena pointed the wall at the side. “Yeah yeah. Lets start! Face that wall and count in 30 and were good to go!” She said. The two complied and went there, smirking to one another.


The adults started to scan the house and plan where to hide.


“Okay! Start!” Eunbi shouted and when the kids started counting, everyone started to rumble around, trying to find the best hide spots around the house.


Wonyoung swiftly went to the windows, slipping herself there behind the thick curtains and sat to the space, relaxing. Then the curtains was opened, she was about to complain that it was even 30 seconds when a familiar orange head was revealed. They stared for a while.


“Are you gonna hide here?” The younger whispered, fortunately she didnt stuttered. Chaewon nodded. “Yes, but you're already here so—”


“No no. Its okay, hide with me.” Wonyoung immediately said and literally dragged Chaewon beside her. She was surprised at her own action and blushed. The orange head chuckled and just sat there in silent, sparing a glance on the tensed Wonyoung.


Moving to Minjoo, her plan is to hide on her room. She ran upstairs and went to her room, she was about to close it when a hand stopped it from closing it. The woman is confused and pulled it, revealing her grinning girlfriend. “Let me hide with you.” Yujin said and before she could even open , the younger went inside and gently closed the door.


She admired her girlfriend's room, as expected, full of white, neat, smelt good. Its screams just so Minjoo. “Where will you hide here?” The younger asked. Minjoo shrugged and pointed the bed.


The older started to slip her body to the gap under her bed, Yujin watched her and smiled before following after. Minjoo's not shocked when she felt Yujin slipping beside her under the bed and snuggled to her. She let her abd just enjoyed the moment.


Meanwhile Eunbi, she's planning to hide to the bathroom. She went inside the bathroom of some random room upstairs, probably guest room judging by the lack of stuffs there.


She pushed the shower curtain to the side and flinched when she saw Hyewon already leaning back to the bathtub, watching her. The older woman stumbled backwards, clutching her chest in shock.


Hyewon smirked. “Didnt expected me here?” She asked, leaning her head to the tiled walls as she stared at Eunbi trying to catch her breath. The older hissed at her and was about to go away when Hyewon stopped her, grabbing her wrist and literally dragged her body to the dry bathtub with her, placing her between her legs and backhugged her without a word. Eunbi blushed and decided not to speak and let the other woman hug her.


On the other hand, Chaeyeon and Sakura...


They just found a storage room nearby and decided to settle there, Chaeyeon wasnt suprised that her girlfriend would follow her so she let her. They stayed there, cuddling behind the boxes. Its a great place to have a make out session too! But a big no no because the kids might see them on spot.


“I want a kiss.” Sakura demanded, pouting like a baby while Chaeyeon pinched her cheeks. “No.” She replied making the older sulk harder but didnt untangled herself from the younger.


“I just want a peck. You still havent kissed me today.” She tried, giving Chaeyeon a puppy eyes. The younger shook her head, amused and sighed. “Fine.” And leaned in to peck Sakura's lips when the older woman beated her to do it, capturing her lips with a little bit eagerness. She also cupped Chaeyeon's cheek while her one hand is on the nape, making sure the younger wont lean away.


Chaeyeon tried to get away, she got tricked again! Sakura is kissing her but she's not responding to tease and punish her. When the older got annoyed, bit and nibbled her girlfriend's lower lip, causing her to groan but didnt backed down. She also bit Sakura's lip, a little bit too hard causing her pull away, caressing the aching part. She threw her a smirk and flipped her hair.


Sakura pouted. “I just want a kiss.” She muttered like a kid.


And lets move on to Yuri. She's wandering aimlessly on the second floor with a quick and hesitant steps. She's not familiar at this house so she's panicking where to go. She then reached the end of the hallway, she scratched her head, and sighed, prepared to be caught first. Then suddenly a hand was wrapped on her wrist and the next thing she knew, she was being dragged somewhere.


“Yena-unnie?” She called and Yena looked at her over the shoulder, shushing her to keep it down. They then reached a certain room, Yena opened it and dragged her to the huge closet resting at the middle corner. She opened it and gestured her to go inside. Yuri blinked in confusion but did it anyways, she crawled over to the end corner and settled there, tossing some clothes so she can make herself comfortable. Yena followed after and closed the closet.


Fortunately, its not dark or hot inside. Yuri just watched Yena look around the closet and tried to search some stuffs that they can distract them. “I think it would take a while before they can find us, were at the last and furthest room.” She said and gave up searching, and just relaxed under the pile of clothes.


Yuri smiled at her. Yena blushed and looked away, rubbing her nose. There was a pregnant silence. Yuri is convinced that the older wont say anything so she kept silent when...


“I miss you.” Yena muttered, hanging her head down in embarrassment as she confessed. Yuri looked at her, and slowly grinned.


“Thats good to hear. I miss you too, ducky!” She exclaimed, chuckling. “Dont worry, i'll stay here for good now.” She revealed making Yena's eyes light up in happiness.


They were just looking and smiling at each other. Until Yuri brought up the topic.


“Yena-unnie... Remember what i told you, last minute before i went away?” She asked, eyeing the older woman. Yena flinched and awkwardly laughed. “Y-Yeah.” She replied. Yuri narrowed her eyes on her. “I mean it. I'm serious about dating you.” She said.


Yena chuckled, awkwardky again. “You know what? I dumped my shoes on the toilet—” Yuri cutted her. “Please dont avoid the topic. Whats wrong? Do you not feel the same? Its okay. Just please tell me quickly so i can stop immediately.” She said seriously.


“I dont want to get my hopes up.” She whispered, hugging her knees. Yena's breath hitched. “No. No. Yuri, i feel the same, okay? I'm sure about my feelings.” She answered and Yuri is satisfied, Yena isnt lying.


“Then what is stopping you? Do you want me to court you?” The young producer asked, frustrated. Yena bit her lower lip, shaking her head. “Courting is not a big deal to me,” She replied, lowly.


Yuri is getting frustrated and frustrated. She doesnt want this unlabeled/unsure relationship, she want to clarify it as soon as possible or she'll get insane. Her feelings towards the older are growing and growing each day. “Please tell me why are you like this...” She asked, sounding so helplessly.


What a great moment to talk about this topic. Theyre in the middle of thr game and yet here they are, discussing their feelings and relationship. Its for the better though, the sooner, the better.


Yena is alarmed, she's hurting and confusing Yuri. With a deep breath, she answered. “Because i'm still not sure about my feelings. And this question will sort it out instantly. So Yuri,” She said, taking a lungful of air before puffing it out in nervousness and tense.


“Do you like me only or already love me?” Yena asked, looking straight to Yuri's glimmering orbs.


Yuri pursed her lips and stared at the older woman with a shocked expression. Yena doesnt look like she's gonna fool around too.


Almost one minute passed, and Yena gave up. She sighed, defeated and gave Yuri a small sad smile. “It's okay, you dont—”





“I love you.”



Yena froze and slowly looked up at Yuri when she heard the word. The young producer is staring at her with loving eyes. She was speechless, her heart started to beat wildly, her stomach is full of butterflies, and her mind is buzzing. The three words she wanted to hear from Yuri so much, she finally heard it.


“You may think its a little bit early but, yea i think i fell in love with you, the first time we met? I dont know, probably when we first time we went out alone together? Ahh, it doesnt matter, all i know is i love you already when i woke up one morning. Whenever you're near, i get butterflies on my stomach, when i'm hearing your voice, it so melodic on my ears, when you smile, i felt like i'm floating on rainbows, what ever you do, i just fall in love deeper. It scared at me first since its so foreign to me, i never felt this way to anyone, but i learned that it is indeed love what i'm feeling and i wont deny it. I'm just waiting for you to feel the same. Now, Choi Yena...” Yuri paused her lovely speech that almost made the other girl cry in happiness.


“Do you feel the same?” She finally asked, and Yena's breath hitched.


Does she feel the same towards Yuri? Does she loves Yuri? Is she prepared to commit? Well, this is real love? Many questions are rumbling in Yena's mind. She stared at Yuri, trying to find something deep on herself.


That's when Yena realized. She indeed felt the same. She loves Yuri. She knows she already loved her for the first time they met, when Yuri appeared from the rooftop's door and Yena is on the futton, being squished by her friends. The way Yuri smiled that time fascinated her and made her heart go doki doki. But enough of that Yuri is waiting for her answer.


“I...” Yena breathed. “...feel the same.” She finally said it. Yuri's eyes lit up.


“The things you are feeling when i just exist, its goes same for you too. I feel like that too. But unlike you, i was unsure. I thought it was just a mere adoration and still doubting my feels, indenial. But after you said that three words, it became sure suddenly because i knew to myself that i'm scared that you wont give my feelings back, thats why.” She explained, feeking jittery at her own confession.





“Jo Yuri, I love you too.”



And they smiled big to each other. Finally. After months of having a unsure and unlabeled relationship, they can finally call theirselves girlfriends, but wait someone still have to ask about that. Oh, Yuri's on it.


“So. We finally confessed our feelings to each other. Again, Choi Yena..” The young producer chuckled and asked, holding tightly to the random shirt in order to contain her excitement. Her heart bursting.


“Can you be my girlfriend?” Yuri asked, being love sick she is, mentally squealing and fainting.


“Tss. Even if you wont ask that, i'm technically your girlfriend already after we confessed but sure, i would love to date you Jo Yuri, i can even marry you on spot if you want.” Yena said, half jokingly but she is more than willing to do that. Yuri is bewildered at the offer, she blushed so hard and shivered, her heart almost ripping out on her ribcage.


“I—I would love to, but let's take it slow?” Yuri said, chuckling awkwardly, she wanted to experience dating Yena too. Marriage is kind of a hassle, and Yuri just want to experience being girlfriends with Yena first before wives.


Yena faked a hurted expression. “Ouch. Jo Yuri is only for dating, not for marriage.” She jokingly said and Yuri immediately slapped her girlfriend's arm, oh the giddy, she cant believe she can call Yena her girlfriend officially from now on.


Yena laughed and pulled Yuri on her lap so she can hug her girlfriend , aahhh, Yena cant help but to squeak at the thought that she can now call Yuri her girlfriend.


They hugged there at the huge closet, while giggling, not minding the world, the heat, and the clothes over them.


Yuri then broke the hug and stared at Yena's sparkling eyes, smile plastered on their lips. The young producer leaned in, plotting to kiss Yena but the older stopped from doing so. With a confused brow, Yuri looked at Yena, feeling that she got rejected.


“No! I mean, are you sure our first kiss will happen here? At this crampy huge closet. I really want to kiss you like now, but uhhhh—” Yena asked, in panic. Yuri blinked and laughed for a bit, pinching Yena's cheeks.


“You're so cute~ I dont mind having our first kiss everywhere, even if were in a dumpster. What all matter is that we will kiss. That i'm having my first kiss with you, the moment is more important than place.” She replied, chuckling. Yena blushed.


Yuri stopped laughing and looked at Yena again with those loving gaze before slowly leaning in again, tilting her head to the side before closing her eyes. She never kissed any person, and she only know how to do it thanks to those movies.


Yena also closed her eyes, heart beating wild as she naturally s her arm to Yuri's waist to pull her closer and one hand to cup her cheek very delicately. She didnt knew how her body suddenly reacted, but she guess its just an instinct and she's glad.


Yuri just kept her hands still on Yena's shoulders as their lips crashed. The older's breathing ragged as she felt Yuri's soft lips pressed onto her's. Its like rainbows bursted. Her mind is malfunctioning.


As for Yuri, she also felt the same, and she's going insane at how this thing feels. It felt so good, like she just want to stay there, Yena's lips is so soft. She would be lying if she didnt fantasized kissing this ducky pouty lips. Okay, time to try those knowlegde about kissing thanks to the movies again. Gaining a courage, Yuri parted her lips a bit and started to move it, slowly— its sloppy and awkward judging from her lack of experience. Her brows furrowing because she doesnt know if she's doing it right and blushing hard because this is kinda embarrassing but enjoyable.


Yena almost flinched and self-destructed when she felt Yuri's lips started to move agaist her. She knew her whole body is beet red now. But nonetheless, she tried to respond, slowly. She think she heard Yuri whimpered lowly, when she responded her kisses.


It was awkward at first, theyre both shy and embarrassed but after a few seconds, those feels vanished and they kissed passionately. Oh, whenever someone needs air, the other one would chase immediately in span of a second. It's addicting for both of them, they couldnt get enough of each other's lips.


After a few minutes, they finally pulled away from their intense first kiss or it can be considered make out already. Yuri rested her forehead against Yena's, noses brushing to each other as they panted heavily and both beet red and flustered. Woah, that is some good . Yuri would love to do it again with Yena only, 10/10.


They both didnt knew that kissing felt so fluttering and this powerful— its very unexplainable. They will beat KkuChaen, they better hide now!


“Wow,” Yena muttered, smiling like an idiot, same as Yuri. “I think my heart is not beating anymore.” She whispered. The young producer chuckled lightly, and blushed again when Yena pressed a kiss again on her lips then on her cheek.


“We're now official and even kissed, i've never been happy.” Yuri whispered back, smiling sweetly at Yena. They stared at each other for a while and Yena leaned in again to capture the younger's lips, Yuri closed her eyes and waited for the soft lips pressed again on her's when....






“Oh my god!!!! Stop it!!!!” Chaeyeon shouted, and opened the door's closet. The new couple flinched and looked at her in horror. Its not just Chaeyeon but the whole squad. They were giving them a teasing but congratulating smile.


“Damn ma, we literally had to stop you or it might lead to worse.” Chaewon piped in, giving her friend a dirty teasing look. The squad cheers, and the two kids high fived.


“H-How long y'all have been there?” Yena asked, blushing as she helped Yuri to get off the closet. The two stood there infront of the squad, blushing and holding hands.


“We heard everything. These kids caught us all after less than two minutes so yea... We're already here from the start.” Yujin answered, grinning wildly and clinging on Minjoo as usual. Sakura chuckled and gave Yuri a look.


“You two are super cute! Yuri take care of our duck.” Eunbi said, clapping. Hyewon on the other hand sighed, fake disappointed. “Wow you already got a girlfriend and here am i. Hope you wont forget me, bro.” She said, wiping her imagenary tears before giving Yena a pat on the shoulders.


“Welp, because my friend is now taken. Lets celebrate!!!!” Minjoo piped in, cheering. The squad cheered too and congratulated the new couple.


They celebrated after that, and Yuri and Yena are super annoyingly cute and sweet, but they gave them a pass. But threatened them not to kiss infront of the kids or its on sight.



Yena and Yuri are very much happy that day.



A woman is walking down to the hallway of the gigantic building in Japan.


Workers are gawking at her beauty, and even stopping just to stare.


The said beauty, stopped infront of thr double doors and knocked. When she heard a signal, she stepped in and directly went to the CEO's desk. Its not her first time here anyway.


The swivel chair turned and Mr. Miyawaki was revealed, he's wearing that usual poker face even if he saw the visitor he's been waiting.


“Pleasant afternoon, Mr. Miyawaki. You called me? I immediately flew here.” The woman said, bowing as a gesture of respect to the old guy infront of her. Mr. Miyawaki nodded and smiled, without emotion.


“I've been waiting for you, young girl.” Mr. Miyawaki said, and clasped his veiny and wringkly hands to the table before looking up with a small smirk.


“Let's talk about our business, shall we?”



PHEW OMGGGGG 😤😤😤 my goodness, i finally finished this!

anyways hows the update yulyen nation? 🤡🤡🤡🤡 yulyen is on huge demand so here it is, i stayed low for kkuchaen for a while but dw it will be centric on to them next chap. i thinki would do this too to some ships so yea...

ofc we need fluff first before back to conflict again 🤡 guess who's that woman? pfft ksksksksk 💋

hope you enjoyed this and im sorry for the lack of kkuchaen content :3 i want to try yulyen too bc beside kkuchaen theyre my fav ship and here we go~ anyways comment your thoughts and see you on the next update! muah! 💞


(this story reached 100 upvotes omg T-T really, thabk you guys for reading this crappy story!)

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
226 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1761 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1761 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww