

The next morning, Chaeyeon found herself waking up on Sakura's arms. She was so happy when the first thing she saw in the morning was the older's angelic sleeping face.


She stared at her for a minute and even played with Sakura's nose, fortunately the sleeping girl would only twitch her nose and was not waking up. As much Chaeyeon wanted to stare at her girlfriend's face, she needed to cook because they would wake up soon.


With a quick peck on the forehead, she untangled her body to Sakura earning a grunt from her and shifted to change her position. She also gave Nako a glance before washing up and went to cook.


The smell must be the one who woke up Nako because when the ash blonde haired girl was cooking some soup, the little girl was already behind her, peeking on what she's cooking. They only decided to wake Sakura up when she finished setting up the table.


The older woman tried to pull her into an embrace when she woke her up but Chaeyeon's reflexes was faster. Sakura pouted but no matter how cute she was, they needed to eat.


While eating, Chaeyeon and Sakura would glance on each other then smile shyly. Unknown to them, Nako was watching them, spoon on , not amused.


“You two must be dying to feed each other and hug. It's okay unnie and Mommy. I heard your confession. But strickly no kissing infront of me and my cereal!” Nako shouted and made a disgusted face.


The two couple was so embarrassed that they didnt spare each other a glance any more in the whole breakfast.


After washing Nako up, they changed her into her uniform that Sakura asked one of her bodyguards to get it from her house— and drove Nako off school. Of course, the little girl wont go in to the school with her remark.


“Have fun on your first day of being together, mommy and unnie. I just wanted to say i'm happy but please, dont forget to fetch me later.” She said, waving at them, walking backwards while Youngho tried to support her so she wont stumble down.


The new couple went to a near by park to talk after that.


They sat on the swing in silence. Only the creaking noises of the rusting chain from the top of the swing can be heard. Chaeyeon was still wondering if it was real while Sakura would stare at her.


“So...” The older finally started off, making Chaeyeon look at her. “Yeah?”


“We're official, but why are we so awkward and quiet?” She asked, pouting a little bit before swaying her swing. Chaeyeon stared at the other girl, Sakura also noticed that.


They're really awkward. So awkward. But that wasnt it supposed to be normal? Since they were first timers? Or they're just really awkward by nature?


“I kind of noticed that. I— sorry. I just feel shy.” Chaeyeon said, biting her lower lip.


Sakura chuckled before holding the ash blonde haired girl's hand ans interwined them. “Were a couple now. We should be honest to each other. Anything's bothering you?” She asked, caressing the back of Chaeyeon's hand with her thumb.


“A lot, actually.” The younger honestly answered. There's so many stuffs going on through her mind. She never felt so pressured and troubled.


First, she's dating her boss, a CEO of an Airline. She cant help but to feel worried because of the netizens' eyes. They judge a lot without knowing the full story, Chaeyeon's scared to be judged. The media was also obssessed with Sakura, if the media found about her relationship with her, they're both doomed. Second, Negative thoughts. Of course negative thoughts wont lose. She thinks, it's too early and she was being pushy with the relationship. Third, she's terrified at everything might happen in the future. And many ramdom more.


“Like what?” Sakura asked, raising a brow at her.


“I'm scared for both of us, Kkura-chan. I think it's a little bit early. I should have stopped myself just a little more. And, I feel like i forced you.” She replied, holding the other girl's hand more tighter.


“Look, Chae. I also love you. Please stop thinking like that. It's fine. We already have each other, hmm?” Sakura replied, ruffling Chaeyeon's hair, lovingly.


The ash blonde haired girl chuckled but she doesnt feel fine though. They're silent again after that, and like usual, Sakura would break it when she noticed that the atmosphere was getting thicker.


“What's your plan for us?” She asked, making Chaeyeon think again.


“I really wanted this relationship to be secret though.” The taller girl replied, looking down. “I hope you wont get mad.” She added.


Sakura admits, she felt sad. She wanted the world to know that Lee Chaeyeon was hers but it aint happening, she guess. Chaeyeon should have a big reason for that.


“M-May i ask why?” She said, trembling a little.


“It's not that ashamed or anything, Sakura-chan but i'm scared. People will judge us. I'm scared of that. I'm just a broke senior high school student, and you own an Airline. What would people think? Netizens these days are cruel, Kkura-chan.” Chaeyeon reasoned then smirked before adding, “Plus, i like excitement and thrills. I would like them to guess what's our status even if we're a little bit obvious, except for Yujin and Eunbi-unnie. That puppy knew something was going on while unnie, she needed to know.”


Sakura scratched her head. She wanted to disagree but she doesnt have such a heart to refuse her beside Chaeyeon's a little bit right, specially that the media doesnt know her real age. The ash blonde haired girl might be called a gold digger or something and Sakura wouldnt like that. She really wanted to tell the whole world though but if her girl wanted to keep it a secret, then she will accept it. She's too whipped for her.


“Okay, fine. If that's what my wifey wants.” Sakura responded and lifted their interwined hands to kiss the back of Chaeyeon's hand. The younger girl went red.


They played around like five years old at the playground until they decided to go to the nearest café to buy coffee but the new couple didnt stayed there for long as Chaeyeon needed to get ready for school and the girl insisted to Sakura go to work.


But of course, Sakura wont just let that. She argued with Chaeyeon that she wont go to work if she wouldnt drive her to school, the ash blonde haired girl agreed because she thought she wont win over the argument anyway, she's fighting with a literal CEO, she wont stand a chance of the older girl's debating and competitive skills.



“You dont need to, really.” Chaeyeon had said for the nth time making Sakura roll her eyes.


“Baby, we're literally in the car now, and i'm driving you to your school now.” The older woman said as she stepped on the break when she saw the traffic lights went red. She looked over beside her and saw her girlfriend pouting, cutely.


“You can go over there at the side and i'll just wait for a bus...” Chaeyeon muttered weakly, looking at the older girl with sparkling eyes. Sakura narrowed her eyes on her.


“Hell no, i wont. I wont drop you off there, wife.” She answered and finally started driving again when the lights went green. Chaeyeon leaned her head on the window, still eyeing her attractive girlfriend.


“The car would drew attention. I wouldnt want that. Rumors might started spreading.” She said, pouting.


Knowing that the students on her school was a bit, nosy... They might judge her, and make some bad rumors about her. Some of the students there loves spreading false rumors around the campus, they dont listen to the real side of story and they would make one or they will make the victim look bad.


Sakura snorted. “Let them. I'll put them into jail. I have some spies lurking around the campus.” The older answered while frowning.


The ash blonde haired girl was bewildered. “Spies?”


“I have connections on your school. The president of that school of yours is my Uncle and most of the teachers there are my acquaintances. I'm also one of the major shareholder of that school, if you dont know. So, if they will badmouth you, i wont hesitate to expel them.” Sakura answered before smirking to her. Chaeyeon's eyes almost popped out on its socket.




“It's true. You should check the website of your school sometimes and search the shareholders' names, mine will show on the top.” She added, even tilting her chin up like she's boasting.


Never once in her life she checked the website of her school, neither that she cares about the positions and the shareholders of that school, she was simply trying to work her off so she can graduate.




“Dont cuss, wifey. It doesnt suit you.”



“Just drop me off here, there's no students here.” Chaeyeon suddenly said when they reached the far part of the school. Sakura shook her head.


“Too far. I dont like to see you walk that far, you will get tired.” She simply answered and continued driving to the front gate of the school.


Chaeyeon appreciate it, seriously. But she doesnt want half of the population at her school to be kicked out. She's trying to avoid the students as much as possible but Sakura has different plans and even drove her to the front where crowd of students enter.


They finally reached the gate, and thank god that there wasnt much of the students. But the problem is, all of the people who's entering the gate was looking at the car, anticipating on who's going to go outside. Sakura parked near the gate and looked at Chaeyeon who's thinking how she would hide her face from the students.


Sakura smiled when her the other girl whipped out a scarf and started wrapping it around her face in panic. She shook her head in disbelief and held Chaeyeon's face, making her stop on what she's doing and stared at her girlfriend.


“No need to wrap that scarf on your beautiful face. Just tell them that your boss was just being kind and dropped you off school. Tell them that your boss is a pretty hag.” She said, and pinched Chaeyeon's face before leaning in for a peck on her lips.


The younger girl just stared at her with wide eyes and reddening face, not moving because of shock which made Sakura chuckle. “I'll see you later. After i finished my work, i'll drop by to your apartment. Be a good student, okay?” Sakura said and the other girl nodded slowly but didnt got off from the car.


The older woman tilted her head. “Move or i'll walk you to your class?” She said, making Chaeyeon jolt and hastily grabbed her bag before opening the door making Sakura laugh.


“G-Good bye! Thank you so much for driving me, bab— boss, i mean! Hehe.” The ash blonde haired girl stuttered before finally closing the door and gave her a last wave then ran inside the campus.


Sakura stayed there, watching Chaeyeon run away and almost tripping. She was amused of what her girlfriend had just acted. Chaeyeon was so red and shy.


“Ahh, Lee Chaeyeon. You cutie. I'll take a bullet for you.” The older woman muttered with a idiotic grin plastered on her lips as she drove away from the place.



After running like a crazy woman, she finally reached her classroom, panting and sweating hard. Yena was the first one who reacted.


“Girl, what in the hell? Did you just got from a marathon? You looked like you ran for five kilometers straight.” She said as she watched her tired friend who plopped herself to her seat.


Hyewon laughed and almost choked on her chocopie. “Yeah. She also looked like she was being chased by some bulls.” She snickered.


Chaeyeon ignored them and tried to catch her breath. Minjoo looked over from her book and decided to join the teases. “Damn, you dont look athletic at all! You're turning into a hag like Eunbi-unnie now!” She said before laughing like a maniac even clapping her hands.


Even Chaewon who's silently watching them chuckled.


“I heard that Kim Minjoo!” Eunbi's voice boomed through the room. They instantly turned to the door and saw a fuming Eunbi while glaring at the said girl.


“Yikes! The hag heard me badmouthing her.” Minjoo said before standing up and ran around the room, trying to escape from the oldest' wrath.


The people inside the room laughed as they watched the two girls in amusement. Eunbi gave up chasing the younger girl who's dancing at the corner of the room.


“Ugh. I swear to god. One day, i'll get you and throw you to the dump!” Eunbi muttered before slowly walking to Chaeyeon who's looking at them with a smile.


“I cant hear you! The thing that i can hear is your bones cracking!” The younger said and did her infamous monkey-clapping move, trying to annoy Eunbi more but the oldest shrugged her off and flip a hair to her before turning to Chaeyeon.


“As soon as i heard the news, i sprinted here!” She whispered, even looking around if their friends can hear them. Chaeyeon looked at her. “What news?” She whispered back.


Eunbi rolled her eyes. “I heard you got out from a Porsche car earlier! Is that Sakura's?” She aggressively whispered. The younger bit her lower lip.


“Yeah. It's true. Sakura dropped me off.” She answered truthfully, fidgeting nervously. Eunbi gasped.


“Wait? Did you meet in such an early hour? What's the meaning of this?” Eunbi asked, eagerly to know the answer. Yena suddenly butted in.


“What y'all talking about, huh?” She said, before pouting. Eunbi shoved her away. “Nothing, you duck. Get off.” She said making the younger girl pout angrily before stomping towards Hyewon and ranted.


Chaeyeon looked around and saw Chaewon staring at them, she threw a nervous smile to her before turning back to the older girl who's waiting for the answer. “Let's just talk later, okay?” She said making Eunbi frown.




“Okayyy, class! Good morning— oh, Miss Kwon? Class is starting, please go back to your own seat.” Mr. Yoon suddenly appeared. Eunbi bowed and smiled apologetically to the teacher before turning to Chaeyeon, giving her a pointed look and went to her chair.


Chaeyeon sighed. She just hope Eunbi wont be shocked and will understand her plans.



“You wanted that what?” Eunbi huffed while looking at her in disbelief.


After class, Chaeyeon had dragged Eunbi to the back of the school where they go if they wanted to ditch class. They even fixed the abandoned room there and made it their hide-out (Yena's idea because she said she watched some movies that had secret hide-out on their school).


The younger winced. “Yes, i wanted this relationship to be secret.” She said, leaning back to the chair.


Eunbi blinked. “Girl i— why?! Why at the sudden decision? I envy you guys, it's like a fanfic, so cliché. Cold and mysterious CEO fell inlove with a dumb broke senior high school student like you? If i were you, i'll definitely tell the whole world and i will brag about it.” She said, expressing how disappointed she was.


Chaeyeon sighed before ruffling her hair in frustration. “Believe me, unnie, i badly wanted to. But it's just, our story was on a different case. Like a fanfic, you said? Except it wasnt. The world is harsh, unnie. After we got off this place, all you can hear is the students mentioning my name.” She said, her tone was sad that Eunbi herself felt in despair also.


The older girl sighed and nodded, she understood, her friend doesnt want her relationship with Sakura to be judged, she just wanted peace. “But keeping it on our friends was kind of absurd? Especially, Chaewon. She deserve to know.” Eunbi asked, staring intently at the other girl.


Chaeyeon snorted before standing up. “I actually want excitement. I wanted them to find out what was going with us without announcing it to them, to be honest. I have a plan and i'll be dropping a clue there.” She answered.


The older looked up on her, trying to read what's going on her mind. “And what is that?” She played along. It wont hurt to keep it from them, right? It kind of thrilling.


Smirking, Chaeyeon winked at her. “You'll know. I wanted you to meet Sakura personally, soon.”



It was six when Sakura arrived with Nako at her apartment. The little girl was eager to meet her again and even brought PS4 so they can use it for killing time.


“Why would you bring a PS4 here?” Chaeyeon asked, confused. She watched Sakura and Nako fix the cords.


“I bought it earlier, Chaeyeonnie, so if i will go here, i'll be playing this when i'm bored!” Nako answered, dusting off her hands after plugging some wires and cords at God knows where.


“Isnt that dangerous doing that Nako!? Kkura-chan, look at your daughter.” The taller girl remarked as she tried to drag Nako away from the wires. The kid just looked at her weirdly.


Sakura laughed. “Nah, it'll be fine. Let her. She even did worse than that.” She answered without even looking at her. The statement even made Chaeyeon scared but didnt reacted first when the little kid suddenly threw her hands in the air and shouted, 'finished!'.


The ash blonde haired girl just stared at them turn on the T.V. and played some games. She stood there dumbly. All she can do is to sigh and just scratched her head before going to kitchen to get some foods the mother and daughter can eat.


They stayed like thay for an hour. They even made Chaeyeon play God of War but the ash blonde haired girl would die after a minute because she's panicking when some enemy fights with her. They just went like that until the clock hits nine, Chaeyeon even attempted to shove them away from her place but Nako insisted for another sleep-over.


Of course, Chaeyeon was about to refuse when Nako literally whipped out a huge blanket and a pillow from her small bag. She was forced to agree in the end, anyway, knowing that she cant refuse now when the little kid jumped on her bed and playfully closed her eyes.


She also saw how Sakura giggled at the corner. Chaeyeon knew they planned it, Sakura asked her daughter to do this, and which Nako gladly did. Sakura honestly answered that she wanted to be her side when their first day of being a couple will end. Chaeyeon swore her girlfriend was weird.


Like yesterday night, the couple settled theirselves on the futon, facing each other.


“Are you sure you werent uncomfortable?” Chaeyeon asked, snuggling closer to her stuff toy. Sakura nodded. “Yeah. It's much comfortable since you're beside me.” She responded and made Chaeyeon blush at her again.


The older woman laughed at her and pulled her closer to her. Chaeyeon enjoyed snuggling her face to Sakura's neck, she just felt so comfortable and warm. The latter was also hugging her by the waist and playing with her hair, making her feel peaceful too.


They stayed at that position for a while and no one dared to mutter a thing. Only the soft giggle from the bed can be heard which was produced by Nako who's definitely not sleeping and watching them cuddle. But the kid did not bother them, so the couple just let her. Until, Sakura softly spoke.


“I suddenly wanted to meet your friends though. They seem to be lovely and fun to be with. It'll be fine if you would introduce me as your boss. I just wanted to meet them.” She whispered on her hair. Chaeyeon hummed.


“You will soon.” She just answered, sleepiness kicking in because she just felt so calm and comfortable at their state. She can feel Sakura pouted.


“When's that soon?” The older woman whines. Chaeyeon finally leaned away a bit and looked at Sakura's sparkling orbs before grinning.


The older girl badly wanted to meet her crackhead friends minus, Chaewon, of course. So, Chaeyeon decided. She threw Sakura a grin before speaking.


“Will the mall be alright?”


First of all, i wanted to apologize at the lack of updates. I got a week long fever, and i thought i died lmao that's why i'm not that active on twt. my mom also advised me not to use cellphone much but heh...

But i did warned you guys i'll be randomly updating. But you can always find me on twitter. I would post some updates there if i could write a chapter and would publish it

Please do not be afraid interacting with me there lol

Anyway, the chap was a little bit boring, forgive me, i'm so sleepy i just tried my best to update T-T but next chap, hmmm, let me spoil you... It's all about Sakura, Yujin, Nako, and Chaeyeon's crackhead squad's meeting. Plus, someone will appear in the next chap 👀 guess who it is...

That'll be it, sorry again! And i dont know when i'll be updating again so see you soon 😔

twt: @rosesrunaway_
wp: @rosesrunaway

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
219 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1752 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1752 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww