special chapter 2


Miyawaki Nako surely got it all, anything she had wanted she could easily get it all without even breaking a sweat — that was how spoiled she was, and even if she was still young, she was already powerful, and known because of her family name.


Nako had very loving, supportive adoptive parents — her beautiful, lovely mothers, Sakura and Chaeyeon — who were so caring. They all gave the love Nako deserved, even much more. They were perfect, and tried their best to be the best mothers in the world so Nako would have a normal peaceful childhood as much as possible despite the high status of her family. Even though both of them were too busy with their work, they never failed to make their child lonely — they were always making time for her but now, Nako understood fully, it was their responsibility — and they needed to work so she would live comfortably, and so they could also help other people.


At first, Nako wasn’t aware that she held such a huge honor of being a Miyawaki — even though not by blood, that surname was for her, and that would be hers until her last breath. She was young, and a child but she knew that she was not really an ordinary one — normal people didn’t live in such huge mansions like Nako did, and they didn’t usually get what they wanted from their working parents. Nako knew she was living above average, and that would be her life but she didn’t complain because she was comfortable.


And she was happy. Her mommy Sakura always loved to spoil her with everything she wanted but in exchange, she would be a good girl but as she grew up, she learned the importance of money, and being always spoiled was bad so Nako used to refuse a lot of her mommy’s offer to make up to her. Nako only asks whenever she really needed something, when her requests were necessities.


She understood that her mommy was busy, and not always in the house when it was daytime so she played with her babysitters instead, always sad that she had to spend a lot of time with them instead of her mommy. Because sometimes, she was bored playing with her toys with her babysitters, she would instead learn how to read, and learn other words in both Korean and Japanese.


Even at such a young age, Nako understood that she had no father at all. Well, it didn’t take long for her to notice that. Every story she had read in books, there would be a guy, a father in one happy family but yet, Nako never asked for him because she was content with her mommy anyway. Sakura was her mother, and also became a father figure too. Plus, there were no guys around anyway, she wouldn’t find her father because if he loved Nako then he would be present.


A lot of people called her a child genius too because at the age of three, she could read well already, and knew a lot of words in Korean, and Japanese — could also speak, and understand in both languages too. She was proud of that because a lot of people also called her mommy genius, like mother like child. So, it wasn’t a surprise that Nako was really smart, and could understand situations, and circumstances.


And maybe that was why she was too wary and shy around people — she had a lot of babysitters in the past, she had trouble trusting them because she met a lot of different kinds of women already throughout her younger years. The first babysitter took advantage of her being the only daughter of a CEO of an airline — she was a little traumatized because of that, she had troubles opening up that was not her mommy or Yujin or Kaeun or even Nayeon.


Sure, she liked some… Chaewon was counted, she was sweet, and quiet — teaching Nako a lot of words, and other things that made Nako gain more knowledge about many things. She was a good teacher too, and she always taught her to write instead of playing with her toys together.


But then, Lee Chaeyeon entered the scene. Who would know that she would be Nako’s other parent when little Nako with pigtails met her that fateful day? Chaeyeon was emitting very soft vibes, her face was kind, and she was so soft-spoken, plus her hair was blonde! She looked like a barbie so instantly, Nako fell for her, and she was comfortable around her.


Way before, Nako knew she would be the one when she saw Chaeyeon, and Sakura together. She wasn’t opposed when they told her that they were dating, and all, instead she was so ecstatic because she would have another parent! Another one who would treat her like a child of her own. She loved Chaeyeon ever since they met for the first time, and she was perfect for her mommy. Chaeyeon made her mommy happy, and she made Nako happy too.


Their small family expanded, with her aunties entering her life, and also Sakura’s life. And it was better, everything was really better. The more, the merrier indeed. Nako was surrounded by kind, loving people that were always there for her, and made her really happy.


She almost couldn’t wish for more. Almost.


Well, you see. Nako had this little dream of having a younger sibling, a younger sister specifically because she wanted to take care of her little sister, and teach her a lot regarding girl stuff — they would greatly bond along in girly things, and Nako wanted that. Sure, she got Hitomi but it was different. Hitomi was her best friend, and she wanted a little sibling that she would take care of, and be a big sister figure. Nako wasn’t exactly lonely but she was almost desperate to have a little sibling, she wouldn’t care anymore if it was a boy or girl, she just wanted a little figure running around the house and Nako would chase her or him happily, and play with her or him.


Nako was vocal about it even when she was still younger, even if her mothers were still girlfriends — she had already asked for a younger sibling endlessly. She would always answer that whenever her parents would ask her what she wanted even though she knew that they were asking Nako if she wanted some new toys, or other stuff.


And she also knew that Chaeyeon and Sakura weren’t too sure of that because they were both busy enough, and couldn’t even make a lot of time for Nako too, their attention was already divided because of work. Nako tried to understand but she was still sad over that. She badly wanted to have a little sibling, seriously.


Whenever they go to a park, mall, or just anywhere — and Nako spotted a family with two or more children, she would eye them longingly in envy. Sakura, and Chaeyeon knew that very well. Nako wanted a small addition to their little family, and she really hoped that they would seriously consider adopting another cute little child.


Nako wanted to be called an unnie, or noona by her younger sibling.


And well, as her twelfth birthday approached, Nako lost hope about that — she didn’t mention about having a sibling anymore because it looked like her parents really didn’t have a plan on adopting another one. Maybe, they found it bothersome, to have two children, and all — they probably thought that Nako was enough, and surely, Nako perfectly understood it, really. She would still get all of their attention but attention wasn’t seriously a problem, plus, Nako was a big girl now, she wouldn’t need that much attention and care from her parents.


As usual, Nako was greeted by Sakura and Chaeyeon on her birthday morning after she just woke up from her deep slumber — her lovely parents showered her with kisses, and greeted her. Her mommy even had a day-off so she could spend Nako’s birthday with her family properly while Chaeyeon had a temporary leave from her work for a reason Nako wasn’t aware of, maybe taking a rest. She wasn’t complaining since she got to spend a lot of time with her mom lately, they loved to bake together, cook together, and dance together.


Yujin and Minjoo appeared after they finished their breakfast with big gifts to be given to their favorite niece, and also brought a big cake along for the girl. Yujin kept close to Nako, whining that she was growing up fast, and she couldn’t accept that fact that soon, she would be a teenager, and would enter middle school — crying that her little kid devil was long gone, and was slowly turning into a woman. Well, they were partners in crimes.


They gave Nako a set of books she liked. Nako squealed at that, happy at one of the gifts she received from her great aunties. It was undeniably her favorite among all the gifts they gave to her so far, she didn’t know the gifts her mothers would give to her, maybe they would give it later or something but she wasn’t expecting something, really. She just wanted to spend the day together with them.


“Thanks for this, really. Yujin-unnie, Minjoo-unnie.” Nako thanked the young couple again with a cheeky smile plastered on her face, hugging the books close to her chest. Yujin reached for her, and ruffled her hair lovingly, mirroring her smile.


Chaeyeon appeared to the scene, holding a huge plate with six slices of cake from the cake Yujin and Minjoo brought, placing it on the coffee table before walking closer to inspect the gift her kid got. “Oh, books!” exclaimed the woman softly, and smiled, checking it out before smiling back at the birthday girl, pinching her almost non-existent fluffy cheek.


“Mommy, and Mom’s gift will be given to you later, okay?” Chaeyeon then announced, throwing Nako a wink that made the latter giggle, nodding along but she was anticipating it.


Every year, Sakura and Chaeyeon never failed to amaze Nako with their gifts — it could be unique, something small, something expensive — but it was always memorable, and never failed to move Nako’s heart. Last year, it was a bike, and a handmade clay pot with a beautiful flower already planted into the soil. Well, Nako had taken a liking to flowers that time so her parents gifted her something simple, and related to her interest.


Now, she was curious about this year’s birthday gift. Nako then thought of the things she liked these days, hmm, well — paintings, she liked to paint these days, and liked to copy those famous paintings of legendary painters. She wouldn’t be surprised if they ever give her a famous piece of a known painter but she would be grateful because art pieces like that would cost tons!


Suddenly, she realized that something was missing — someone was missing. It was her mommy. Sakura was nowhere to be found, and she was always sticking close to her mom as much as possible so where she might be? Upstairs? If she went out of the house for work without even telling Nako, she would be very upset.


Chaeyeon noticed her expression suddenly falling, and gave her a tight smile but never said anything, she waited for Nako to ask it herself while caressing her cheek. “Where is Mommy?” asked the girl, still hugging her precious books close to her. Yujin and Minjoo were sitting on the other couch across from them, silently watching the two from their seats.


“Out. She’s rushing but don’t worry, she’ll be here soon, okay?” The older woman answered softly, wearing a knowing smile but it still made Nako pout — her thoughts were confirmed, Sakura managed to take her exit quietly while the birthday girl was distracted.


With a huff, Nako sulked, “And Mommy better be getting my presents, and not going to work! It’s my birthday today, and I want to be with her the whole time,” She replied with a sulky pout that made the three adults present inside the living room burst into laughter. Chaeyeon patted her head, then leaned in to press a kiss on her forehead, a cheeky grin was plastered on her face when she leaned away to look at Nako properly.


“Maybe it’s the former,” teased Chaeyeon, and that made Nako whine but she was practically trembling in excitement.


Chaeyeon then ushered her off, telling her to shower, and all because her best friend Hitomi was on her way to the house now. Instantly, Nako glowed, and literally ran upstairs. It had been a while since she last saw her friend, her best friend — the only person who stayed ever since from the beginning.


Well, because Nako was a very shy, aloof kid in school — she didn’t exactly have many friends, and the surname didn’t help. Everyone knew that she was a Miyawaki, and the daughter of the CEO of the great Hotaru Airlines, the leading aviation company in Asia right now. She really had a hard time getting some friends, and other people to talk to because they were either scared of her, and her power, or hated her because she was filthy rich. The bodyguard lingering around the school wasn’t helping either, the students were intimidated by her plus the fact that Nako was too smart for her own good only worsened the situation about people getting envious of her. And only Hitomi stayed by her side, her best friend since birth.


The both of them really shared a huge bond together, they always got each other, and trusted each other so much. They were always together but recently, Hitomi went to Japan with her family for vacation, and Nako hadn’t seen her best friend for over a month now — video calls, and messages were different from seeing Hitomi in person. She couldn’t feel Hitomi’s warmth, she couldn’t smell her, and she couldn’t touch her. She really missed Hitomi, and fortunately, her family would go back to Korea exactly on her birthday so Nako guessed it wasn’t going to be her worst birthday ever.


She was looking forward to meeting her cute, mochi-like best friend again! Her favorite person in the whole wide world besides her family. And the cutest too, teehee.


Nako rushed to wash herself up thoroughly, not even taking her time to soak into the bathtub for a while since she was excited and Hitomi would be here soon so no time to waste. After that, she wore her favorite sundress, and sandals — even making an effort to clip her hair, and fix her bangs all by herself. She learned it all after watching her mom doing it countless times to her so her hair would be proper looking.


When she went down, she saw that there were no people around the house anymore — she heard the noises coming from the backyard though so she went there, only to be greeted by her other aunties. They were all present, and already preparing the things for the small party in the Miyawaki Residence’s huge, spacious backyard. Hyewon was the first one to notice her, and immediately went to her, pressing a kiss on top of her head as she greeted her — the older woman then handed her a gift, and Nako smiled, thanking her because she knew what was inside already; definitely food.


The others followed along, greeting the birthday girl one by one as they gave them their gifts to Nako. After that, they continued preparing on their own, and Wonyoung, and Chaewon accompanied her the most as they waited for Hitomi.


They talked about almost everything as they watched the others move around the backyard, doing their own things happily, and Nako was really grateful she had these wonderful people. They were making an effort to make Nako’s birthday extra special.


Soon enough, Hitomi arrived with a squeal — she ran to Nako, and almost toppled over her when they hugged for the first time in a month. Nako, even in her small height, fortunately had a very scary strength so they didn’t fall over to the grass but when she staggered on her feet, and stumbled backwards a bit as she tried to regain her balance while hugging her best friend back — she was laughing happily.


“Nako-chan, happy birthday! 誕生日おめでとう !” Hitomi greeted her once they stopped hugging, and giggling together for a minute, holding Nako’s shoulders then leaned in a bit to press a kiss on her cheek.


Instantly, Nako blushed, clearing but she smiled nonetheless. Hitomi wasn’t really clingy, and she only kissed Nako rarely. Usually, when she was really grateful, and excited but it never failed to take Nako aback. “Thank you, Hii-chan. I’m glad you’re back,” responded the other girl, then looked at Hitomi with a little bit of anticipation. She knew she shouldn’t assume but Hitomi also never failed to give her a small gift when it was her birthday, they never did.


Hitomi was confused for a bit then realization hit her, exclaiming a small, ‘ah.’, then reached something in the pocket of her jacket. When she retracted it, there was a small box, and Hitomi shyly stretched her arm towards Nako, presenting her the box that was seemingly her gift for the birthday girl. “Here’s my gift for you, Nako-chan. It’s just simple and small but I hope you will like it.” Her best friend said shyly as she handed the box to her.


Nako already loved it even though she didn’t know what it was because anything that Hitomi would give her, she would cherish and treasure it like prized possessions even if it was cheap or anything, she would keep it properly. She excitedly smiled at her best friend then opened it, with the latter watching her nervously.


A gasp escaped from Nako’s parted lips as she saw a bead bracelet. The color was mint, and it almost reminded her of her favorite food, mint chocolate ice cream. Then, she saw ‘NAKO’ written on the beads, and when she looked up to meet Hitomi’s gaze, she already got her wrist up — also showing her own bead bracelet. It was a couple bracelets, and Nako was so happy!


Hitomi showed hers, and her name was also written on the peach-colored beads. They both squealed, and hugged each other. “Thank you for this, Hii-chan! I love it!” She shouted, and she was a giggling mess, grinning happily. Hitomi smiled back.


Someone cleared so that their eye-contact broke, blushing as they looked away, and turned to the source of the sound, they spotted Yena standing near them while wearing a knowing smirk. “I think your mommy is here now~” She sang, and Nako lit up again, looking around to spot Sakura.


Well, she spotted her already, walking with her mom Chaeyeon, wearing their usual happy smiles. And Nako couldn’t clearly see but there was a small figure following them behind, waddling, and trying to catch up. Oh, a new visitor? And who might that be?


Chaeyeon ran to Nako first, distracting her from staring at the small figure that was hiding behind Sakura’s legs. “So, we got you our gift, baby.” The older woman said, crouching to match her eye level, and Nako smiled excitedly. “And well, but before that, I want you to meet someone, dearie.” added the woman then turned to Sakura signalling her to walk closer.


Nako watched as Sakura walked closer, and the small figure — definitely a kid, followed behind almost shyly, holding the hem of Sakura’s shirt from behind, clutching it tightly. The CEO kept murmuring words to the kid, seemingly encouraging her.


And when the small kid finally stepped out of Sakura’s shadow, Nako blinked, staring at her with interest because she was very unfamiliar. Hitomi was also confused but she eyed the kid silently, observing her. Suddenly, Nako’s heart skipped a beat.


The kid was small, smaller than Nako, and she had fluffy, pink cheeks that looked like peaches. Her hair was tied into pigtails, and her chinky eyes were shy but meeting Nako’s gaze. She was holding a box in her small little hands, clutching it tightly but almost afraid that she might ruin it. She looked like she was just around five to seven years old. But all in all, she was so cute that Nako tried to resist the urge to pinch her cheeks. Nako used to have those fluffy cheeks when she was younger too.


“Nako-chan, meet Sayeon,” Chaeyeon said, holding the small of the kid’s back, gently pushing her closer to properly meet Nako, and the latter was silent, tilting her head with a smile, trying to be friendly. “Sayeon-ie…” the woman turned to the kid, and Sayeon looked at her, her eyes glimmering as she focused her attention on Chaeyeon. “This is your Nako-unnie. The one who I was talking about.”


Sayeon’s big, doe eyes sparkled in familiarity, and excitement, then turned to Nako again who was just smiling at her. “Oh! Sayeon-ie knows!” She squeaked, and even stepped in closer to Nako, grinning back. “She’s Sayeon-ie’s big sister!”


Nako’s eyes widened, her eyes almost bulging out from its sockets. That was when realization hit her like a truck — everyone was looking at her expectantly, watching their interaction silently with smiles on their faces. The sudden secrecy of her parents, they were acting weird these past few months, and suddenly everything clicked. Chaeyeon literally took a break from her work, and was always out of the house whenever it was daytime, and her excuse would be, “I’m going to visit someone.” yet she never specifically mentioned a name. Nako just shrugged it off since she was busy with her paintings, and stuff.


“Great!” Sakura exclaimed, also crouching beside Sayeon, patting her head, and then signalled her to come closer to her frozen big sister. “Now, can you give her our birthday gift, and greet her? Hmm, Sayeon-ie?”


Sayeon nodded eagerly, handing the box to Nako who just took it while still in awe. “Happy birthday, Nako-unnie! Sayeon-ie picked those for you. Mom Chae, and Mommy Kkura said you like peytings — paintings!” Sayeon happily exclaimed, then shyly fiddled on her fingers.


Nako turned to her parents’, her lips were quivering, and was almost crying out of happiness. Her heart warmed at the sight of her… little sister before her, and giving her gifts. Mayhaps, this would be her best birthday so far. They really shocked her this time, she was stunned.


“Thank you, Sayeon-ie. Nako-unnie will definitely love this so much! Can you give your big sister a hug?” Nako said, crouching even though Sayeon wasn’t any smaller than her — the kid didn’t waste any time, and gave her a hug. And maybe, Nako almost cried, she hugged her little sister tightly. She looked at Sakura and Chaeyeon while still hugging Sayeon. They then mouthed, “Happy birthday, love.”


When Nako broke the hug, she cupped Sayeon’s cheeks, caressing it carefully like it was a fragile glass, then stood up. “Sayeon-ah, do you see this big house over there?” She asked, pointing at their house, and Sayeon looked at the house before to Nako, nodding.


“It’s super big! Like big, big! Mom Chae, and Mommy Kkura told me earlier that I will live here with them, and Nako-unnie.” Sayeon innocently replied, and Nako’s grin even went wider, bopping her head up and down excitedly. Oh, the things they would do inside that house! Nako already made a note to herself to bring Sayeon to her room immediately, and show her the old toys she kept — she would give them all to Sayeon!


“Yes. From now on, you will live there with us! Isn’t that great?” Nako asked, cooing at the kid beside her. Sayeon clapped happily, her eyes were glimmering, and all, even squealing excitedly as she eyed the huge house before them then turned to look at her older sister.


“Yay! That will be fun! Sayeon will live there with her new family!”


Nako felt so excited, and so, so ecstatic that there was finally an addition to their small family. Her little sister, Sayeon, Miyawaki Sayeon! Why, this family was already good, but now, everything became even better. Nako was really looking forward to the next days, months, years with her little sister, Sayeon. Best birthday indeed.




It turned out, Chaeyeon, and Sakura were already planning about giving Nako the little sister she really wanted ever since last year, and would go around orphanages to seek for the one that would win their hearts, and also donate. They all liked the kids, of course, but Sayeon — she was the one who caught Sakura’s attention, she made the two fall in love with her quickly.


Sayeon was like Nako in many ways, and they were so ecstatic to learn things about her more. For months, they would visit the kid in the foster home, and so, Sayeon wouldn’t get too shocked that she would move, and live with her new family. Sayeon immediately accepted them though, after spending time with them. Well, she was smart, and she knew that she was an orphan already, and accepted her fate — she would always thank Chaeyeon, and Sakura for the constant visit, vocally yet shyly expressing that she always wished that they were her parents instead.


With that, they decided to take her but they wanted it to be a surprise, and coincidentally Nako’s birthday was coming up when Sayeon accepted to go with them, and be her family. The adoption was a little bit of a long process too, and while at it, Chaeyeon decided to let Sayeon meet her future aunties, and all — so yeah, they all knew Sayeon already, only Nako (also Hitomi) didn’t know yet until her birthday.


Surprisingly enough, the others managed to keep it a secret, especially Yujin who was a huge blabbermouth. Maybe, Minjoo threatened to break up with her or something, that might be the only reason why Yujin kept shut around her little partner in crime.


And well, so far, Nako was really having fun with Sayeon. The little kid was obviously still trying to adjust, the foster home she was living in before was way different than her new home. She was still not used to it even after a month of living there, and she still sometimes got lost around — thankfully, Nako was always by her side.


The bond they created was really something else, for a week, Nako didn’t even leave Sayeon’s side, and always taking care of her. They spent a lot of time together, getting to know each other — even though Nako was so done playing with her toys, she still played along with Sayeon to make her little sister happy. She also sometimes taught Sayeon to read, and speak difficult words — Sayeon was a smart girl, fast learner too so Nako enjoyed teaching her.


Sakura, and Chaeyeon, well — they were happy to see the sisters bonding so greatly like they were sisters by blood, and known each other since the very beginning. The both of them would always watch Nako, and Sayeon spend time together. Of course, the whole family would spend time together but Nako really wouldn’t leave Sayeon away — they even had a sleepover.


Nako, and Hitomi had become Sayeon’s playmate, plus Gowon. Even though they were older, they were a bunch of twelve year olds with a cute little six year old kid but they weren’t complaining, Sayeon didn’t mind either — she liked being with them because they were great older sisters, especially Nako who took care of her very well. Sayeon loved their company, and she wasn’t too lonely because everyone around her spoiled her with love.


Sayeon was adjusting well, and they were glad. They would never regret adopting Sayeon. It felt nice to have a small kid running around the house again, it was like that with Nako before but it was years ago — also the noises were a lot louder now but it wasn’t too bad, instead, it made the huge house brighter, and all.


Sakura tried to spend a lot of time with her family, especially with little Sayeon. She used to visit her, but rarely too because of her work unlike Chaeyeon who always went there almost daily so she could check Sayeon so she wasn’t that close to the younger one yet but she could see that Sayeon was very comfortable with her presence because she called her ‘Mommy Kkura’ naturally now, unlike before — Sayeon was too shy to call them those after they told her that she would be in their little family soon.


Both of them, Chaeyeon, and her were already used to the additional presence in the house, and were glad, even. Nako looked happier, even the workers around were so fond of Sayeon. The kid was lovely, even though she was a little bit shy, and all — she was just cute. Everyone adored Sayeon.


“I’m home!”


Sakura was exhausted from her work — there were minor problems in the company because of delayed flights since there was a sudden thunderstorm coming, and thus, she had to keep everything under control in the airport. She was later than usual, and she hoped that her favorite people already ate their dinner rather than waited for her to arrive.


The moment she shouted that, it was instantly followed by multiple footsteps rushing towards her, and Sakura smiled at herself, taking off her shoes, and met her children halfway for a hug. Yes, it was a normal occurrence, still — Nako still loved to greet her when she reached home but now, she was with Sayeon — who also loved to greet her mother after working away since daytime.




“Mommy Kkura is home!”


Sakura chuckled at that, her heart warming at the greetings. Their enthusiasm never wore off, and they still all looked lively even after spending their day playing together and all. Nako was definitely making the most out of it because school would start soon, she was sad that she would have to spend less time with her baby sister.


And no, they didn’t need a babysitter for Sayeon — because Chaeyeon the best babysitter slash housewife was here. They had an agreement that Chaeyueon should take time off from her work from her own studio, and take care of Sayeon until she was old enough. Yena could handle the company on her own anyway.


Sakura kissed them on both of the top of their heads with a smile then went with them to the dining room. “Did you guys already eat?” asked the CEO, a little bit strained because she was a little bit exhausted. The two shook their heads, Sayeon reached for her hand.


“Not yet, we waited for you,” Sayeon answered with a toothy grin, and Sakura blinked, ready to nag at them for not eating on time when suddenly, Nako butted in.


“We ate pizza just an hour ago, so don’t worry. Plus, Mom is cooking something! And it’s kind of taking too long, I think it’s already done by now though,” Sakura’s eldest said, and dragged her to the dining room — passing through it, and went to the kitchen instead.


Sakura was greeted by her wife cooking alone in the kitchen, Kaeun was nowhere to be found, probably in her quarters already. Chaeyeon loved to cook alone without help anyway, sometimes, she would ask Kaeun for some assistance but lately, she would rather cook alone — she was always determined to do things on her own anyway.


Her heart flipped at the sight of Chaeyeon — her hair tied up into a messy bun, sleeves rolled up until her elbows, and wearing a cute pink apron — stirring something on the pot, and took a taste, her face brightened when she savored the taste of what she cooked, seemingly satisfied. Even way before, Chaeyeon was a huge wife material, and now that Chaeyeon was finally her wife, it was even better. Miyawaki Chaeyeon was the best, and hottest wife ever, kindest too.


“Oh, you’re home~” Chaeyeon exclaimed when she noticed the presence, she smiled at her wife, and Sakura chuckled while nodding, walking closer to her — she then pressed a kiss on the side of her side, leaning against the counter as she eyed what the younger woman was cooking.


Nako, and Sayeon settled on the corner, playing together — Nako was pretending to be a monster that would devour Sayeon who kept screaming, and laughing, running away from her older sister. It was a common scene in their household after Sayeon moved in, and it wasn’t really distracting or anything, it would even make Chaeyeon, and Sakura’s hearts warm.


Sakura, and Chaeyeon talked about their days, and all as the younger woman finished preparing their dinner with Sakura’s help. Nako, and Sayeon also helped to prepare, taking the utensils, and drinks, bringing it to the dining room with them.


They then happily ate their dinner together while chatting with one another — Sakura kept asking how their days were, and asking if they wanted something. Nako, and Sayeon answered honestly, that their day went smoothly, and well — the older one didn’t want anything while Sayeon shyly mumbled, “Coloring book.” The older ones chuckled at her cuteness, and duh, who couldn’t refuse Sayeon anyway?


Sakura just ruffled her younger daughter’s hair, pressing a kiss on her cheek before responding, “Of course, Mommy Kkura will get it for you. Tomorrow, oaky?” Sayeon’s eyes glimmered at that, clapping with her tiny hands then also pressed a kiss on her mommy’s cheek as a sign of gratitude.


Sayeon settled on her own seat again, and Nako continued feeding her some fruits. Yes, Nako fed her little sister, she liked feeding the younger girl because she couldn’t still properly hold the utensils yet. At first, Chaeyeon used to feed Sayeon but later on, Nako volunteered because she was the big sister, she reasoned.


It was really heartwarming because Nako was really being the best big sister in the whole world for Sayeon. She was so spoiled, and whatever she would say, Nako would gladly do it, and get it for her. Thankfully, Sayeon wasn’t a brat at all, she was a good kid so she never took advantage of them. She was such a sweet little angel.


After their meal, they let the workers wash the dishes, and went to their respective room — and it looked like Nako would have a sleepover with her little sister again. Chaeyeon, and Sakura reminded them to sleep early after they washed Sayeon up, and dressed her up in fluffy, comfortable pajamas.


The married couple pressed kisses on their foreheads before bidding goodnight, and went to their own room to prepare to sleep, it would be a long day tomorrow again, that was for sure.


“I’ll take a day off next week.” Sakura suddenly spoke while they were silently dressing up in their own sleepwear. “Let’s have a family trip. A picnic in the park, or something. How about let’s plant trees, and stuff? We are one of the biggest donors for that certain planting project in Sobaeksan, right? Nako will love that.” added the older woman with a small smile.


Chaeyeon gasped at that, still not fully wearing her own pajamas, and hopped excitedly towards her wife. Of course, as nature-lovers, they would love those kinds of bondings. Sakura was really patting herself mentally for suggesting, and thinking of that. “That’ll be wonderful, baby!”


Sakura chuckled, pulling her wife closer, and melted in her warm embrace. Ah, it was home. It was so warm, and perfect, she felt safe. Hmm, it still felt different when you were in your lover’s arms.


The hug didn’t last long because Sakura broke it, pulling Chaeyeon closer for a soft kiss. She felt the younger yet taller woman smile against the kiss, that made the older chuckle, pulling away as she caressed her wife’s face lovingly — tiptoeing to reach for her forehead, kissing it softly. “Next week. We’ll go.”




Of course, Nako and Sayeon would be excited. They were beyond delighted to know that they would have a family trip soon, and with nature too! Nako was shaking in excitement for fifteen minutes straight when Chaeyeon added that they would do tree-planting, it was her thing, of course. Sayeon was just happy that they would be together for a whole day — she was confused at first because tree-planting was unusual but when Nako told her about how fun tree-planting could be, she was really looking forward even more.


So, when the day came — everyone was trembling in excitement. They went to Sobaeksan in the morning so they could spend the whole noon, afternoon, and evening there planting trees, and other stuff, sight-seeing, and eating at the famous restaurants in the area.


Where they went was private property that Sakura’s business partner owned, and the latter excitedly greeted them at the very entrance, he would be the tour-guide, it might seem. He immediately talked about the history of the Sobaek Mountains, and other stuff that Nako would ask since she was very interested in histories, and all, also about trees, flowers.


Sayeon’s curious adorable eyes were always roaming around to gaze, and she was holding Chaeyeon’s hand tightly, afraid to get lost around the unfamiliar place. Sakura was intently listening, also interested.


The guy, Mr. Heo, showed them around the beautiful garden, and let them have their lunch in the huge gazebo in the very center of the huge, beautiful garden. There were colorful butterflies flying around them as they ate the spectacular lunch — Sayeon and Nako kept trying to catch one, and they were all laughing at Sakura because the butterflies seemed to like her so much because they kept perching on her head, nose, and shoulders — just everywhere around her, and even kept following her.


Thus, she got another nickname from her kids, and wife — “Butterfly Girl”, and kept giggling, and teasing her that made her grumble but as long as her children were happy then she would deal the embarrassment in front of Mr. Heo, and a few bodyguards like Wonho. She just laughed along with them.


After their lunch, they decided to roam around the garden, and went to the nearest park, and sight-seeing. They took a lot of photos, and Sakura kept taking stolen photos of her family like the time Sayeon took a flower, and showed it to them — Nako, and Chaeyeon gushed over her. She immediately posted it on her private Instagram, and instantly — comments from Yujin came flooding in, and also messages.


They continued admiring the views, and flowers until noon — they went to the tree-planting site, and the two kids were so excited. When they reached the place, they scanned their surroundings first. There were a lot of green, tall trees of course — there were some that were still in the process of growing into one. But all in all, it was clean, and nice. There was a huge vacant space where there were no planted trees yet, and Sakura concluded that they would plant at that spot.


Someone oriented them, and taught them the basics before they wore the right attire, and cover because it would get messy for sure. They wouldn’t want their whole clothes to be dirty as hell when they plant.


Unsurprisingly, they all enjoyed the activity. They had fun, and it felt like they helped the world, especially that global warming was starting to get more, and more big deal around the world.


Sayeon really enjoyed it, she planted a lot of trees and other plants, and didn’t mind that she was dirty, she really had a good time digging the ground, and placing little seeds into the soil. Nako, and her kept giggling while planting, and playing around the plantation. There were mudball fights too but before the little fight could even go worse, Sakura stopped them already — only to get thrown at with a ball of mud by Chaeyeon.


As revenge, Sakura wiped her dirty, gloved hand to her cheek with a laugh.


They wrapped up with proud looks on their faces, and took a lot of pictures, very satisfied at the work they’ve done. Sayeon also told them that they should promise to come back after a few years to check out the trees they had planted, and it was a very nice idea, all of them liked that, and promised to go back soon — and with that, they bid goodbye to the plantation, and went back to the place they were staying for the day, and cleaned themselves up before they go to a picnic.


When noon fell, and after an hour of resting, and freshening up — they were ready to go to the park. It was the perfect weather to have a picnic, and all, the wind wasn’t too harsh but not too mild either. Just good enough for their hair to dance along the wind, and enjoy the chilly breeze.


They set up a picnic cloth on their chosen spot, and settled there peacefully. The park was silent, and not too crowded, it was very peaceful though. Only a few people were present, and they were doing their own things — some were resting on their own picnic cloth, some were strolling, some were flying their kites, and some were riding their bikes.


Sakura roamed her eyes around, trying to spot some guards around, and they weren’t visible — this was her strict order, for them not to be too visible around her family so they wouldn’t feel too uncomfortable. Being a CEO of a big aviation company’s cons. There wasn’t too much privacy. Ah, Sakura could already feel herself suffocating once her father passes the entire empire to her soon.


The CEO’s eyes then turned to her family, and instantly, a smile found its way to her lips. She eyed them dearly, the most important people in her life. The family she would love until eternity no matter what. Her everything, her world… Chaeyeon, Nako, and her new little angel, Sayeon. Sakura had never been this happy before. Just before they decided to get Sayeon, her life was all good, and perfect already but their second child’s addition made her life even more colorful, and better.


Chaeyeon was preparing their food, taking off the snacks, and all from the big basket they brought full with different kinds of foods. Nako, and Sayeon were playing at the grassy field right in front of them, chasing each other while laughing happily, squealing loudly whenever they caught each other.


Sakura sat at the picnic cloth, using her elbow to support her weight as she sprawled there, relaxing herself then closed her eyes to feel the afternoon breeze. Her ears perked up when she heard Chaeyeon’s voice shouting, “You guys don’t run too fast, okay? You guys might trip,”


It was all too domestic, and until now, Sakura had a little trouble sinking in this reality she had been living for years now. Happily married, and a mother of two cute children. She thought that Nako would only be the reason why she was still sane. Whenever she thought of her horrible past, she couldn’t help but to wince, but it seemed like the universe had other plans for her, and she thought — maybe, all the hardships she went through was worth it.


She already accepted, and forgave her father a long time ago — all the lies he did, was all for her anyway. But inside her, she knew she still hated him a little bit for choosing those kinds of decisions — even so, he still broke a few pieces of herself. He made her believe that her mother was long dead…


But it was all better that she lived a few years full of lies rather than living her whole life knowing her mom really died just like that. Speaking of, she wanted to visit them since they were currently residing in Japan, and not South Korea. And they never met Sayeon yet, only video-calls, and all since they were busy with the empire there too — her mom was still getting treatment for her sickness since she wasn’t fully cured yet. She needed to be monitored at all times even though her health was improving.


“We should visit Japan soon, wifey — I’m sure Mom and Dad badly want to see Sayeon in person, I can tell that little Sayeon-ie also wants to see them soon,” Sakura said, fluttering her eyes open to look at her beautiful wife who never failed to make her heart rumble in happiness by just glancing at her.


Chaeyeon’s hair was dancing along with the wind, and the woman was sliding her fingers through her messy locks as a poor attempt to properly fix it but the wind wouldn’t just let her win. She completely gave up, and pouted, finally answering her awaiting, gaping wife. “That’ll be nice. You should take a few days leave next month or so, okay? We’ll have our short vacation in Japan. Sayeon will be so excited to go there since it’ll be her first time. Nako is already teaching her some Japanese words, and she’s picking it up well.” said Chaeyeon with a grin, proud of her children, and happy at Sakura’s suggestion.


Sakura was silent for a few minutes, just staring at her wife who smiled lovingly at her. She couldn’t help but to reach for her face, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. She must’ve looked like a love-sick idiot but it wasn’t new. “Yeah. I heard Nako teaching Sayeon last week — she could already pronounce words fluently, and bilingualism really flows down into this family. Wait, we can speak English too...” She responded with a sheepish smile.


Chaeyeon’s bright smile widened, scooting closer to her wife, and the latter sat up properly to pull her closer to her. The younger woman settled beside her, pressing a kiss on Sakura’s cheek then rested her head on her shoulder.


Snaking her arm around Chaeyeon’s slim waist, Sakura pulled her wife into a more comfortable position — the younger leaned to her fully, and Sakura’s arm settled possessively on her waist, holding her tightly, and she took a sniff of Chaeyeon’s scent, instantly calming up her nerves.


Since Sakura was a very busy person, and Chaeyeo was too — working in a dance studio, and taking care of their kids — they rarely have a date alone together, like an outside date without their kids, and seriously, they were good with it. Their quality time alone was cuddling, and sleeping together since Sakura was always exhausted whenever she went home from her work. Chaeyeon understood that. And whenever Sakura took a time off from her work, she spent it with her whole family, and not just Chaeyeon. It was a date with her wife, and with her children, two in one.


In times like this, whenever their kids were playing, and distracted, they would spend their little alone time close together like this. And they weren’t really complaining, they would get what they could get.


The both of them snuggled with each other as they watched their kids play in front of them, laughing, and smiling. Sometimes, they would giggle too because there would be a time where Nako would fool her little sister, and Sayeon would sulk, and stomp her foot on the ground. It was a heartwarming sight, really.


Sakura wanted it to be like this every time but her work was no joke. So, she was really glad that everyone was very understanding of her, and her demanding work.


But now, work was out of the topic. This whole day was for her family only.


Sakura was so content hugging her wife like this, stealing kisses from her, and watching their kids chase each other on the field. It was the life she had dreamt of before but now, look at what she had now. She wouldn’t trade them for anything. And she couldn’t even ask for anything more. She already got what she wanted in life, and she even got more than she had bargained for.




A/N: surprise, kkuchaen nation? lol another special chapter for babysitter~ since a certain someone kind of requested me to write one :] shout out to @oinkoinksistah. thank you once again for commissioning me, you’re too generous.


btw, i know that a lot of u guys were asking for another chapter, esp with the ‘little sister’ so yeah~ sayeon is just an OC, btw~ and geez, i really need to continue editing this story. how do u guys even bear reading the early chapters? i cant even read it without cringing so hard! also, i still see that a lot of u still read this, and i get new readers from time to time lol hello~


thats all~ stay safe as always!


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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
226 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1761 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1761 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww