

“What's your plan for new year?” Sakura asked to Chaeyeon while the girl was cooking dinner for them at her apartment unit.

The two— which i meant, Nako and Sakura decided to crash on to her place again. And now, we're here, Chaeyeon is cooking again.

The ash blonde haired girl thought for a second. “Well, i usually spend my new year with my friends. Our parents agree that we stay in one place, and let us celebrate the holiday. We usually stay at Minjoo's since she got a rooftop where we can stay.” She answered, stirring the soup she's making.

New year is approaching, and it's getting colder.

The older woman pouted and thinks deeply. “How about let's spend new year on my house instead? The rooftop is spacious and i got many guest rooms. Besides, i always celebrate new years with Nako and Yujin only.” She suggested, smiling at her idea.

It wouldnt be bad, everything will be even more fun. More people, the merrier. She badly wanted to spend new year with her girlfriend.

Chaeyeon glanced at her. “Really? It's really fine?” She asked with sparkling eyes making Sakura rose a brow at her.

“Yeah. I cant see why not. Just inform them.” The older woman replied, Chaeyeon squealed and turned off the stove (safety first), and ran to her girlfriend to give her a big bear hug.

Nako looked away from the television and joined the two in a hug when they saw them.

“What? To that old hag's house?” Yena snickered, her brows was furrowed.

“Yeah. If it's okay?” Chaeyeon asked her friends.

“Hah! Like we would ag—” The girl was cutted off when Hyewon piped in.

“I'm in, yeet! Free fancy foods, and Nako!”

“Of course! My Yujin is there, why not?”

“Yeah, sure. I wanted to spend somewhere else too, plus new friends!”


The other girls errupted into cheers making Yena slump her shoulders in defeat. Chaeyeon gave her friend a teasing smile, knowing that she wont last long or resist them.

“Ugh, fine. If that's the majority wanted.” Yena said, pouting as the ash blonde haired laughed at her before showering her kisses.

They were on Minjoo's place, watching movie series. Chaeyeon was the one who offered the idea, and of course in a heartbeat, the gang agreed and met to bond again.

After getting bored at the movie, they decided to talk instead and the ash blonde haired girl took it as a chance to ask them. Fortunately, they agreed, making her happy.

Her girlfriend and friends would bond also, and Chaeyeon was beyond happy. Her love ones meeting and having fun.

“Yah, old hag!” Yujin shouted as she walked over to Sakura's desk. The older woman is busy writing some reports for the board.

The woman looked up from her paperworks and took a brief glance at the intruder. She flipped the papers and continued doing her business.

“And why are you here? I certainly ordered Sooyoung to not let someone in, unless it was Chaeyeon or Nako. Your name wasnt on the list.” She answered and fixed her glasses up to the bridge of her nose.

Yujin scoffed and crashed herself on the couch, opening her phone. “Welp, i'm bored and i have my own ways to break in.” She said.

The two didnt spoke for a while, when Chaeyeon messaged Yujin regarding about the new year gathering. She immediately sat up and looked over her busy cousin.

“Oi, old hag. Can i invite Wonyoung in the new year gathering?” She asked making the older woman's gaze snapped at her.

With furrowed brows Sakura asked, “Are you still into her?”

No one knows but only Yujin herself. But Sakura was certainly aware that her cousin was inlove with her girlfriend so much.

Yujin's eyes popped out. “The ! Hell no, i already got Minjoo. Well, technically, Wonyoung is also in the circle of friends. Plus, i need to help her with someone.” She whispered the last part.

“Thank goodness. There's no problem at her being with us, let me have a talk with Mr. Jang to ask permission. But hey, i didnt heard what you said earlier.” Sakura said, relieved.

She knows if Yujin was fooling around, they'll be dead to Eunbi and Chaeyeon. The oldest looked like she would really murder them if they hurt their friend. Yujin is trustworthy and loyal enough, give her thousand of beautiful girls, her eyes would only find Minjoo, same for Sakura. They're too much inlove and whipped for their girlfriends, the last thing they would do is to hurt them.

“It settled then, yeet! Let's buy grocery for tomorrow then!” Yujin suggested with a squeal.

Sakura cant see why not.

It was a disaster, a whole disaster.

Day after, they went to the grocery shop that Yujin's family owns, minus Eunbi and Chaewon— the two are still working and just promised that they'll make it up, later.

Chaeyeon knew if there's no Eunbi and Chaewon, its a chaos. No one will scold and smack the other girls if they're fooling around since most of them only obey Eunbi, and terrified of Chaewon. Well, they sometimes listen to her, but it wasnt effective as Eunbi's.

Currently, Yena and Nako are on the cart, encouraging Hyewon to push it as they go. Same goes for Yujin and Hitomi, they asked Minjoo for the one who push it. At first, Chaeyeon tried to ask them nicely not to play around but Sakura said that let the kids have fun, and the literal owner of the store's daughter was with them— the older woman also that she can also sit on the cart and she's the one who will push it. The offer is tempting but Chaeyeon needed to be mature because there's no other adult that will supervise the kids, Sakura is the oldest but she doesnt act like one.

It was fine and all, until Yujin challenged the other girls in the cart for a race, of course, Yena didnt backed down. Chaeyeon thought it was the perfect time to stop their foolish plan. Heck, they cant race inside the grocery— they might knock off the shelves and cause damage, might harm other people, and they might get hurt.

“Dont do it,” Chaeyeon glared at them, and the two flinched, looking like five year olds that got caught stealing candies. “Hell no.”

“Come on, Chaeyeon! It'll be super fun!” Yena exclaimed, hugging the giggling Nako. Hyewon nodded eagerly, warming up herself for a fast run.

Yujin gave her a thumbs up. “It'll be alright, unnie. Minjoo unnie is good at this, trust me.” She said, giving her girlfriend a look before patting Hitomi's head. Minjoo chuckled.

Chaeyeon's eyes narrowed, recalling the time where they also did this last year— Minjoo was the one pushing her and almost knocked her out at the pile of tissues, earning a scold and a good smack from Eunbi.

“I wont take the risk. Now, race or smack?” She growled, gesturing the others to get off the cart.

Sakura giggled. While the others looked at her before to each other then smirked.

“RACE!” They shouted in unision, before zooming off, leaving Chaeyeon frozen.

“Let them have fun, they look experienced though. Besides, its all on Yujin.” Sakura said and hugged her.

“You're not making it any better at all.” The ash blonde haired girl on her arms muttered.

When Chaeyeon was about to break the hug, Sakura swiftly bent down and scooped her legs with her other arm then putted her at the cart, making her yelp and hiss. “Sakura!”

“Trust me, wife, i can beat them even if they're too far already.” The older boasted, rubbing her nose as she settled her slender hands to the grip of the cart, positioning for a long and fast run. Her competitive mode is already on, she's ready to go.

“This isnt a videogame— HZZZKK!!!!” She shrieked when Sakura started to run in a full speed while pushing the cart, swiftly avoiding the shelves and people going through their way— almost giving Chaeyeon a heart attack.

They really caught up with Minjoo, Yujin, and Hitomi and the other team wasnt really far also.

Yujin's jaw dropped when the couple easily went past through them— and almost laughed when she saw her Chaeyeon's unnie's expression.

“Beep beep! Couple coming through!!!” Sakura shouted, speeding two times faster, zooming past through Yena's cart with no sweat.

In the end, Yujin's cart crashed to the pile of diapers, fortunately it wasnt something serious and no one got hurt, they even laughed it off. And Chaeyeon's abnormal beating of heart because of that scary cart ride experience, she doesnt recommend to do this to anyone.

They then asked a worker to clean it off before finally getting some foods.

Sakura announced that the expenses is on her and get anything they wanted. Chaeyeon swore, Hyewon was like Flash, immediately disappearing to the shelves with a cart while squealing.

Because the foods they bought are too many, Yujin asked for a delivery.

Since it's too early, Sakura dropped off the others to their respective homes to get their belongings and needs for tonight and promised to fetch them later at dinner.

Yujin and Minjoo, as usual, went for a date and volunteered to take Nako and Hitomi with them. And the taller girl's reasons are:

“Well, i want to take the kids— we look a happy family hehe. And hey! You guys can spend quality time alone together.” She said with a teasing wink, making Chaeyeon flush and flicked her forehead.

Currently, they're on the car— they just dropped off the other couple and kids at their destination.

“Do you want me to take you on a date too?” Sakura suddenly asked in the middle of driving. Chaeyeon liked the idea.

“Sure! But where though? Do you have a place in mind?” She asked the other girl. Sakura then smiled brightly.

“I have one.”

After driving for almost an hour, they reached their destination— for Chaeyeon, the place is a little bit familiar to her.

“Oh, why are we here at the cherry blossom trees—?” She asked the older woman that's walking beside her with a gentle smile plastered on her lips.

The cherry blossom trees are empty, there's no pink leaves attached to it, but nothing— well, there's no cherry blossom flowers blooming at this kind of month.

“This place, is very special to me but i'll tell you a memorable story of mine that happened in this very place when the cherry blossom finally bloomed,” Sakura said and took a seat at the bench before gesturing her to do it also.

She sat down beside the girl and in instant, she leaned her head on Sakura's shoulder— while the older girl's reaction is automatic, she interwined their fingers.

“That's like, March? Too far!” She whined making Sakura chuckle.

“Time fly fast,” The older woman said, taking a breathe. “I just wanted it to tell you in a perfect time, now we wait.” She added, placing a chaste kiss on Chaeyeon's crown.

Even if the ash blonde haired girl is dead curious, she will wait, she will not force.

“This place, is memorable to you, huh? Kindly tell.” She asked instead, Sakura gladly answered it.

“My mom and dad's first date were here, and eventually, one of their favorite places. And yeah, they got my name here. I also used to go here whenever my mom visit, thus, it also became one of my favorite place. I always go here whenever i'm free, to chill. So, if i'm not around the office and house, or in the gaming room, i'm here.” She said as she glanced at the surroundings, grinning widely when she saw that one certain tree.

There's a S X R = SKR carved in the middle of the tree, almost vanishing but it was still visible and an eye catcher. Sakura can still remember how she wrote the equal sign and the short version of her name with a sharp stone when she was six while her parents watched her with the biggest smile ever— the time where everything was still perfect.

There's still a bitter feeling whenever she look at that carved tree, but all she can do is to accept that everything turned up side down.

“This place is familiar to me, i think i went here twice? When i was younger.” Chaeyeon said, and Sakura secretly smiled.

“Of course,” She mumbled making the other girl hum in questioning manner.

“Nothing, let's go home?”

“Holy cow,” Yena muttered, craning her face upward to gawk at Sakura's mansion, jaw dropped. The others has the same expression minus Chaewon who's calmly walked ahead of them and went inside immediately.

Like Sakura had promised, a driver fetched them one by one in their own household with a limousine. Yena's eyeballs popped out from its socket when she saw the expensive car stopped infront of their house, fumbling to each corner to examine the interior of such car if Chaewon didnt scolded her, she wouldnt stop touching the whole car with shining eyes. She never experienced riding a expensive vehicle, that's why she's too amazed.

After an half hour of riding, they reached the exclusive village— which earned another gasps from the people inside the vehicle and stumbling to each window of it, trying to see the elegant houses— minus Chaewon, of course, she's busy reading a book.

And now were here.

“Okay, Yujin's cousin is really loaded.” Minjoo whispered. Hyewon snickered beside her, “For sure, there's ton of foods stocked in there!”

Eunbi narrowed her eyes to the ash blonde haired infront of them. “Psh, lucky .”

Chaeyeon awkwardly chuckled. “Let's go inside, shall we? Sakura prepared a feast.” She said, gesturing them to go inside. At the mention about food, Hyewon instantly dashed, followed by the others while face-palming.

As Chaeyeon expected, her friends was stunned at the place. But there's no time to gawk, they need to fix their bags to their respective rooms and eat after.

The maids led them to the rooms they will be staying for the night, and helped them to fix their belongings before leading them to the dining room where the small feast was already served.

Hyewon's eyes glimmers at the heavenly sight.

Sakura suddenly appeared. “I prepared food for you guys, after we ate, we'll be going to our rooftop. I already fixed the projector and fireplace there because it's cold although it wont snow.” She said and gestured them to sit and start to dug in.

And they did. In the middle of eating and conversing, Yujin arrived with Wonyoung and the two kids who went with the taller girl to fetch.

“Man, Mr. Jang took one hour talking to me. Like, why would i let Wonyoung be hurt, much less than lock her up outside the cold.” Yujin groaned and Wonyoung scowled at her then smacked her head.

“It's my father who you are dissing, dog!” She threw dagger looks at the older girl. “Geez, no need to be violent, giant.” Yujin whined before taking a seat with her girlfriend while smiling big.

Wonyoung sighed and went to the vacant seat, just to jolt away and yelp in suprise, making her stumble if Chaewon hadnt caught her hood, she would've fell to the ground.

“You're still clumsy as ever, Wonyoung-ssi.” The oranged haired muttered calmly, supporting the younger girl to sit to her chair.

Wonyoung is blushing, and looking flushed. “C-Chaewon-unnie! I d-didnt see you there... H-Hahahaha!” She stuttered, laughing awkwardly after. She then turned to her bestfriend who's holding her laugh and glared at her.

Chaeyeon was amused at what she had witnessed. She smirked when she finally realized.

Yena snickered, full of chicken. “Ay thunk shi misteyken Chaywun as ghowst!” She gobbled, earning a smack from Eunbi.

“Ugh, Yena! Dont talk with when your mouth is full.” The woman growled.

Wonyoung awkwardly laughed. “Hahaha! Not really. It's nice to meet you, i'm Jang Wonyoung.”

“Hello there, i'm Kwon Eunbi.” Eunbi introduced herself.

“And the one who's talking while is full, is Choi Yena,” She gestured Yena who threw a small wave to the tall girl. “The one who's feeding Nako is Kang Hyewon,” She said and pointed at Hyewon who has Nako on her lap, sharing her food to the kid. Upon hearing the name, Hyewon then nodded. “I think you already knew Minjoo, and Chaewon then?” Wonyoung nodded.

Chaeyeon then piped in. “Hi there, Wonyoung. I'm Lee Chaeyeon.” She said.

“Oh! I heard many things about you from Yujin!” Wonyoung exclaimed.

“I hope it's something good?” The older chuckled. Wonyoung nodded. “Yep! And i'm really happy meeting the special one of my Sakura unnie!”

“Wonyoung!” Yujin called her over.

But instead of deafening silence, there was a constant wolf whistles from the gang, especially from Eunbi and Minjoo. Hyewon is laughing and throwing a wink to her blushing friend. While Chaewon was smiling. But Yena was squinting her eyes at Sakura and Chaeyeon.

The rest of the dinner wasnt quiet because Wonyoung and Yena are there. After that, they decided to go to the rooftop.

Chaeyeon halted her steps when they reached the staircase.

“What's wrong?” Sakura asked with a worried look. The ash blonde haired girl took a step backwards and awkwardly grinned.

“I'll just get something, you guys go. I'll be there in a minute.” She reasoned and disappeared.

The others shrugged and Sakura led them to the rooftop where they will stay until midnight and watch fireworks.

In the middle, there's a long couch with Meowmeow resting there and thin futons the ground with tons of pillows and soft blankets. There's also about four coolers for the beverages, five baskets of snacks they bought earlier, two grillers, a seperate cooler for the frozen goods, utensils, and the huge fireplace beside.

“Rich, RICH.” Eunbi muttered, amazed at the place.

Sakura scratched her head. “You guys can settle on the couch or futons now. I also made sure the fireplace wont lose flames because we'll stay here for hours. And we'll start grilling a little while.” She said and strides over the coolers.

“Three of these are full of sodas, banana milks, yogurt, juice, and bottled waters. And one for the alcoholic drinks, but it's only different kind of beer, the wines are seperated because it's on the cellar— i'll be getting it later. Kids arent allowed to drink the alcoholic drinks, by means, Yujin and Wonyoung.” She explained further, earning whines from the mentioned younger ones.

Yujin groaned. “No fun! Come on, unnie, just one can!” She pleaded, throwing her puppy eyes to her cousin. Wonyoung nodded in agreement and sulked.

Eunbi looked at them. “Arent you guys ten?”

The younger ones glared at Eunbi before shouting in sync. “We're sixteen, unnie!”

Sakura's eyes twitched. “You two are still babies. Only Banana milks are allowed to you two,” She grunted, walking to the couch where Meowmeow is resting and scooped the cat. Hyewon instantly scooted beside Sakura, holding the giggling Nako with her arms. “Meow,” She muttered and started to pet the calm cat.

“Eyyyy! Come on, just wine! Wine is healthy! We're on the right age already for wine.” Wonyoung tried once again.

Sakura suddenly thought of it, they were right but into her eyes they werr still her babies. “Fine, but...” She smirked. “If your girlfriends allowed you two.”

Yujin and Wonyoung's face dropped.

Minjoo looked at her girlfriend. “No.”

“Aww, come on, babe! I'm still not asking though. This is my chance to taste alcohol!” Yujin begged, clinging into her girlfriend who looked enjoying the affection and pleadings. Yena shivered at the sight.

“Yikes, lovebirds.” She whispered.

Wonyoung squinted her eyes to Sakura. “I dont have a... girlfriend,” She said.

The older shrugged and puckered her lips towards Chaewon who's reading a book the whole time silently. The youngest's eyes widened.

“Ask Chaewon.” Sakura said.

“W-Why!?” Wonyoung hissed but her face is red. Sakura chuckled, and nudged Chaewon with her elbow, the silent girl hummed im response.

“Would you let Wonyoung, a whole baby not by height, drink wine and beer?” She asked. The youngest nervously looked at Chaewon before narrowing het eyes to Sakura.

There was a ten seconds silence.

“It depends, i'll think about it.” Chaewon replied, not breaking her gaze to her book. Wonyoung's eyes sparkled at the orange haired girl.

Eunbi blinked rapidly and mumbled under her breath. “Looks like Chaewon would have a relationship first before me.” She then looked at her dreamily.

Yena then cleared loudly. “Ehem ehem! Let's start the party, shall we!?” She exclaimed happily and ran to where the futons are then dived to the pillows— her face planting first. She wasnt even moving, she probably hitted her nose hard.

Nako wiggled on Hyewon's arms and jumped, dragging Hitomi before joining Yena on the piles of pillows. The duck-faced girl even played dead and let the two kids do anything on her until Nako slaps her. “What! That hurt.” She whined, caressing her cheek.

Nako smugly looked at her. “The best option to wake a playing dead person.” She said and poked her tongue out. Yena tackled and tickled the kid and Hitomi jumped into her back, trying to stop her from tickling her bestfriend.

Wonyoung chuckled. “Yena unnie act more like a kid than us and Yujin—” before she could even finish her sentence, Yujin zoomed through her, then jumped to the three girls who's playing around and joined the mini wrestling.

The youngest grunted. “I spoke too soon. Oof, might as well enjoy being young! Yeet!” She exclaimed, running to the scene and jumped to them— only to land on Yena and Yujin's back, earning a groan from the two.

Eunbi watched them with a smile plastered on her lips. “Huh, these kids seriously.” She said, and turned to Hyewon's direction but the glutton was cannot be seen.

Then she saw Hyewon running already and did a backflip, landing on Yena again.

Yena cried. “Why the hell all of you are landing on my back!?”

Eunbi was about to speak when Minjoo came running to the scene, joining them with a squeal, landing on Yena and rolled over to her girlfriend.

The woman facepalmed and Sakura laughed, putting the cat on the top of her head. Meowmeow purred and snuggled her face to the older woman's hair.

“I'm so sorry for that, my friends are a mess.” She apologized.

“Ehh. It's fine, besides, i liked that you guys are having fun and comfortable.” Sakura replied with a grin.

Eunbi almost squealed at the sight. Sakura is just so cute and attractive. Her friend, Chaeyeon is the real winner here.

Then, the door to the rooftop opened, revealing Chaeyeon who's dragging someone there. Sakura's eyebrow rose.


“Hello, Sakura-chan!” It was Yuri, she's waving happily to them.

To Eunbi, the girl wasnt familiar to her. So she slowly went beside Chaewon who's also eyeing the newcomer.

Sakura was frozen and snapped in reality when her girlfriend poked her arm. The older woman awkwardly shifted onto her position while Yuri stared at her in amusement.

“What are you doing here?” She asked and instantly, Chaeyeon slapped her arm. But nonetheless, Yuri replied with a gentle smile.

“Oh, Chaeyeon invited me over. Are you still upset with me?” The shorter asked, fixing her hat.

“Not at all. Just suprised.”

“Am i welcome here? And oh, nice cat.” Yuri said, pointing at the cat who's peacefully sleeping on the head. Sakura was flushed and immediately removed the furry creature on her head before gently tossing it to Yujin. Meowmeow hissed when she landed on Yujin and playfully bit her hand, in result, making the said girl scream, in result to Meowmeow dashing away to god's know where.

Chaewon gasped when realization hitted her. The newcomer is Sakura's bestfriend, Yuri. The older woman mentioned it to her for a few times.

They're already in good terms?

The ash blonde haired girl smiled. “Let me introduce you to my friends.” She said to Yuri, and one by one the girls greeted the addition.

After an hour of being comfortable and talking to each other, they decided to grill some meat. Sakura, Chaewon, and Eunbi volunteered to cook, while Hyewon half jokingly volunteered that she's the one who'll taste the foods if there's poison or edible— Eunbi flicked her forehead with that.

The others decided to play UNO minus Nako and Hitomi because they have their own world playing barbies. Yuri wasnt really calm and quiet like Chaeyeon expected her to, the shorter girl is very comfortable around them already in a span of hour.

Yena looked helplessly at Yuri who's smirking at her evilly. “Please dont, i beg you, Yuri-ssi.” She begged the girl with puppy eyes. The other girls watched in amusement. Yuri then scoffed playfully.

“I'm merciless, Yena-ssi. Prepare for the upcoming storm.” She said, slowly picking a certain card from her other hand.

“Noooooo!” Yena screamed in horror when Yuri flicked the card, and slowly fell before landing to the ground.

+4 card

“Uno.” Yuri gently said and softly dabs then kissed the one last card on her hand.

The duck-faced girl threw her cards harshly and rolled to the ground, weeping and curling on the corner. Chaeyeon laughed loudly at her friend who looked devastated. Minjoo snorted, and placed her chin to her girlfriend's shoulder.

“Waaa, duck, accept your defeat. Now, the punishment!” She exclaimed, and Wonyoung punched the air in happiness, full of marshmallows.

The girls started to chant 'punishment' and Yena was never been this defeated.

Before they started the game, they settled that the loser will have punishment. And the said punishment is to drink a whole can of beer with chicken nuggets on their mouth, but that's for adults, and for minor, they will drink banana milk with their mouth full of marshmallows. The unlucky loser is Choi Yena.

Yujin grabbed a can of beer at the cooler and danced her way to Yena who's slumping into the couch, Chaeyeon and Wonyoung grabbing her arms to prevent her from escaping. Yuri is holding a plate of chicken nuggets. The two kids stopped playing with their barbies for a while and watched the adults in amusement.

“Let me do the honor to shove the nuggets into .” Yuri said, and picked a nugget, placing it near Yena's lips.

Yena sighed and wholeheartedly opened , accepting her defeat. When she thought Yuri would place a nugget in gently, the shorter girl did the opposite— shoving four pieces immediately.

“Four pieces only because i pity you, now, drink up!” Yuri exclaimed and grabbed the can from Yujin's hand then slowly handed it to the poor girl.

Yena slowly drinks the beer while the others cheered for her.

The duck faced girl finished the drink  until one last gulp before chewing the nuggets. The girls clapped their hands in respect.

When Yena looked up to them, she's already red-faced and probably tipsy. “Looks like there's already drunk in here!” Hyewon exclaimed happily, while opening a bag of chips.

Eunbi looked at them, removing her gaze from the griller. “Oi, Choi Yena, chill! Let her cool down for a bit. Her alcohol tolerance is bad.” The woman said.

Yena hiccuped and threw a trembling thumbs up to her. “Eyyy! I'll be alrightttt, unnie!” She choked out.

They played for a while, but they decided to remove the punishment because it's still early to be drunk. Minjoo loses the last round.

“Lemme give you a kiss as your punishment!” Yujin teased the sulking Minjoo, and the girl only flicked her forehead.

Later on, they played scrabble— with punishment again but only minimal.

“I will put 'A' to make an 'A'.” Hyewon started.

Yuri smiled before continuing. “I will add your 'A' to make 'AT.”

Minjoo's turn. “I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.”

Chaeyeon glanced at Yujin, the taller girl looked like she's determined to win but not until she drop the bomb.“I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC'.”

Yujin flipped the board.

The girls erupted into a cheery laugh, even the three who's grilling chuckled. Minjoo hugged her girlfriend to comfort her. The punishment is to sing while her nose is clipped.

After a while, Yujin clipped her nose and started to sing and dance in the middle.

The fun continued, they took a break when the meats are served. They happily gathered around in circle, as they ate the food. And Yena looked like she sobered up a little after drinking water and eating a few pieces of meat. Wonyoung then suddenly lit up.

“How about let's play truth or dare while eating, so our fourth meal werent going to be plain.” She suggested and the others agreed at the idea. She then grabbed a new piece of chopstick and placed it on the middle.

Wonyoung spinned it, and the other girls intently stared at the stick, anticipating who's the first victim. And it pointed to Sakura.

The girls 'oooh-ed' and Wonyoung smirks. “Truth or dare, unnie?”

Sakura proudly tilted her chin up. “I wasnt born to be weak. Dare.”

The youngest scoffed. “Dare, huh. I dare you to kiss Chaeyeon-unnie in the lips, here, right now. Lemme see where your confidence will go.” She dared, smirking widely at the older.

Sakura's face dropped and started to sweat. Chaeyeon's eyes were wide and franatically looking around.

Nako snickered beside Hitomi. “Nice start, Wonyoung-unnie.”

Minjoo and Hyewon looked like they dont mind and even encouraging them but Yena, her brows are furrowed. “What! I wouldnt allow that!” She growled.

Eunbi patted Yena's head. “Calm down, ducky. Dont be a kill joy, it's just getting started.” She said, pulling the younger into a tight hug so she wouldnt strangle Sakura.

Chaewon slightly smirked. “Come on, like you two werent dating.” She revealed, munching her meat.

Only Yena gasped. “Shsgssheushs!!?!?!?!? WHAT!? WHY!? WHEN!? WHERE!? HOW!? WHICH!?” She exclaimed, looking like she's about to get a heart attack.

Chaeyeon glared at the orange haired but Chaewon just tilted her head innocently. “Why are you looking at me like that? Thanks me instead that i revealed it, fool.”

The ash blonde haired girl sighed in defeat before looking at the three girls in a apologetic eyes. “I'm so sorry i hid it from you guys. We've been dating for a few months already.” She said.

Minjoo and Hyewon laughed. “Were not oblivious at all. The restaurant and grocery incident are the proof. Plus, heart eyes. We're happy for you!” Minjoo said and hugged Chaeyeon.

Yena scoffed. “I'm only the one who's not informed!? I hate you guys.” She sulked. Hyewon snorted.

“It's not our fault that you cant see how inlove they are to each other. Poor you.” She said before shoving meat in .

Yena cant still believe this. She's really that blind and stupid, huh. There's nothing she can do anymore but to support them. Atleast, Chaeyeon is happy.

“What's with you guys hiding relationships. First, Minjoo, now you. It's not like we will not support you. Hmph.” She sulked again, even pouting. Chaeyeon reached her and gave her a tight embrace.


“Ugh, yeah whatever. Get off me,” She shoo-ed the girl away before looking at Sakura. “Oi, Old hag. Once she cried because of you, i'll definitely punch you to death. Hurt our Lee Chaeyeon, or you're dead. I'm still mad about the ice cream incident!” She said seriously, but the tension broke when she rolled up her sleeve and flexed her arms, squeezing her flesh so it would look like she got a muscle. The girls laughed at her silliness.

Sakura cleared making everyone look at her. “So, everyone here already knew that were dating...”  She paused and scooted closer to her girlfriend before turning her head. She gently cupped Chaeyeon's face, slowly tilting it beside to face her then leaned closer.

The girls gasped. Wonyoung covered Nako's eyes while Chaewon covered Hitomi's eyes immediately, before the couple's lips could even met. Bad influence.

Sakura kissed Chaeyeon passionately, not caring if other people are watching them live. She wanted her girlfriend's friend to know that she wasnt a coward. However, Chaeyeon hesitated and froze for a while, well, she couldnt resist Sakura and responded to her kisses after a while. The gang hyped them up, and Yena did some fake gaggings.

They suddenly heard Nako whine. “Ehhh!? What's the point of covering my eyes when i already saw them do that for like twenty times!” She shouted, making the couple stop.

Sakura held Chaeyeon tightly after that, they also shared the same blanket and let her girlfriend lean into her body as the game continues until their plates were already empty. They continued for a while because the game is fun. And they cant continue the game without gulping or chewing anything so even the midnight snacks for later was been terrorized.

It was getting good and all until Hitomi dared Yujin to kiss Minjoo on the cheeks, but the taller girl has other plans.

“Hahahahaha! I cant believe this! Y'all are making me and Minjoo kiss infront of you all. That's absurd!” Yujin said before scooting closer to her girlfriend.

“We never said that. Hitomi said cheeks.”

But Yujin paid no mind and acted like she didnt heard it. “Omg. I'm going to kiss, Minjoo now! This is ridiculous, i cant believe i'll do this.” She exclaimed with a fake gasp before caressing Minjoo's face. The girl looked like she's going with the flow.

The others didnt let them, of course. They're still kids.

“Woah, you think we'll really kiss? Yikes. I want our first kiss to be romantic and cliché, not infront of you hags.” Yujin snorted before planting a kiss on Minjoo's reddening cheek and forehead. After a short bickerings, Yujin spinned the stick.

And finally, the person they're waiting to be chosen. None other than, Kim Chaewon.

The orange haired just hummed, signalling for Yujin to ask.

“Truth or dare? Please pick dare.”


The girls 'aww-ed' in disappoinment because she's the only one who chose truth. Yujin had a plan in mind but unfortunately, it failed, so plan B.


“So, unnie. You picked truth, this is my question,” The taller girl started off, wearing a mischievous grin. “Chaewon-unnie, do you like someone in this circle of friends? As in, like LIKE. Not as a friend.” She finally asked, giving Wonyoung a dirty look.

The youngest sweats at the answer and started to bite her nails nervously. It was no secret that she has a huge fat crush on Chaewon that's why she's acting like this. They met when the orange haired was hired to be Nako's babysitter. She liked how Chaewon is so quiet and mysterious, making her attracted to the girl. That's probably why she didnt noticed that her bestfriend was already admiring her.

Chaewon looks up, thinking deeply before answering. “Yes, there's someone i like.” She revealed, making the girls whistle and gasp. Yena reacted, covering herself. “Dont tell me, that you've been liking me!”

“Are you hearing yourself, Choi Yena? Dont assume.” The orange haired glared playfully at her friend. Wonyoung kept mum, and one by one, scanned the girls— looking for the possible woman that Chaewon particularly likes.

Yujin clapped excitedly. “Oooh! Really? Who!? Come on, just a clue!” She begged.

Chaewon just slyly smirked at her, downing her beer and winked before answering. “If that stick would point at me again. One question, one answer. Yujin.” And the taller girl groaned.

They continued again for a while, until Eunbi checked her watch.

“Oh, it will be January 1 after thirty minutes. We should prepare ourselves. The explosives, please!” She announced and stood up. The others also stood up, stretching after a few hours of sitting.

“It's here. Lemme prepare some meat again. You can play with the explosives, it wasnt really harmful with the kids as i customized it. And oh, dont touch the remaining alcohol before midnight! One can each earlier was enough.” Sakura said, and Chaeyeon followed her.

They grilled together there, watching time to time the other play and tease. Chaeyeon is really happy today, the circle of friends got bigger.

“Are you satisfied?” Her girlfriend softly asked beside her, flipping the bbq gently to the grill. Chaeyeon grinned widely.

“More than satisfied.” She replied before pecking Sakura's cheek.

After some minutes, they finally finished cooking the food again then joined the fun because new year will approach any time soon.

“The fireworks display can be watched perfectly here.” Sakura said. “And now we wait.”

Until it's only a minute left. There's many explosives can be heard around the area and some horns but their countdown cannot be any louder than anything.

They huddled at the railings. Sakura hugged Chaeyeon close while in her other arm, she's holding her cheery daughter, Nako, also Yuri was beside her. Yujin and Minjoo are also close, and hugging. Chaewon held Hitomi, slightly joining them to chant, Wonyoung happily shouting beside them. Hyewon, Yena, and Eunbi are jumping around.

“1!!! Happy New Year! Aaaaah!”

Fireworks started to appear and everyone are amazed. But nonetheless, they held their loved ones close. Sakura stole a peck on Chaeyeon's lips before kissing her daughter's cheek. She then glanced at Yuri who's gently smiling at her, and she threw a wide grin at her.

And the party continued after watching the splendid fireworks display. Everyone drank alcohol, Sakura let the two drink wine and gave Nako and Hitomi banana milks.

They were all happy. Loudly conversing, dancing around, and singing badly to entertain. Such a perfect friendship, even if some of them just met for a day, but everyone looked they're friends for years.

Chaeyeon couldnt wish for more.


Kaeun slowly took steps to the stairs, up to the rooftop where the mini new year party was held. As the head maid, she needed to clean the mess.

The sun is barely rising up, as the clock only shows 6:15 in the morning but she needed to work early. She then slowly reached the door, opening it with a small smile on her lips.

When the door finally opens, she gasped at the sight instantly.

The gang was there, sleeping and snoring. Thank god the fireplace and blankets gave them enough warmth or else they'll be frozen to death.

The girls were already asleep by the clock hits 3am. They were easily knocked out because of the alcohol, while Hitomi and Nako was knocked out of drowsiness. It wasnt suprising because most of them arent heavy drinkers.

But what's more amusing is their sleeping positions. They all got a partner to cuddle up with. And Kaeun found it cute because they were sleeping like a child.

Sakura and Chaeyeon are on the couch. The older one is lying down while the ash blonde haired girl is on top of her, snuggling to her girlfriend's neck. Sakura's holding Chaeyeon's waist tight, not affording her lover to fall even if she's unconcious. On the other side of the couch, there's the other couple, Minjoo and Yujin. But this time, the taller girl is sitting and leaning to the back, while her girlfriend is placed between her thighs, legs draped over the previous couple's ones, leaning over to her lover. Like Sakura, Yujin is also tightly holding her girlfriend's waist to prevent her from falling or slipping on her arms. The blanket was only wrapped around the shorter girl, and Yujin doesnt need it since she has another source of warmth, Minjoo herself.

Funny how the cousins have the same instinct to protect their own lovers. The gesture is very heart-warming to Kaeun. She then looked at the futons cladded floor.

The girl who's snoring the loudest— Yena— has her arm wide open, while her cuddle-mate, Yuri is using it as a pillow. The shorter was lying by her side and hugging Yena, her leg was thrown over the snoring girl's stomach. Even if Kaeun dont know them much, they look good together. Then, beside them, it was Nako and Hitomi. The two kids are sleeping peacefully while cuddling, probably three blankets are covering them. Her heart flipped at the sight.

On the other side of the futons, the four huddled there. Wonyoung and Chaewon are simply cuddling under the thick blankets, the orange haired is securely tucked on the taller's chest and neck. Kaeun is friends with Chaewon, and knew the girl is kind of tsundere, alongside with her boss (but the latter eventually changed), so seeing her soft and cuddling with someone hit her in many way. And the last partners are probably a real mess. Eunbi is sleeping in a normal position, but Hyewon, she's sleeping in a weird position. The girl probably move a lot in her sleep because her body was been tilted and her legs are resting on the older's chest and face but Eunbi looks like she doesnt mind it, probably because she's still in deep sleep.

All in all, it's cute but a very good 'blackmail', especially to Chaewon. She might also use it on a future good use.

She slowly took out her phone and opened the camera app, quietly taking shots of them with a giggle, when she's finally satisfied, she decided.

“I think i'll cook breakfast first before waking them up, and clean the place. Oh boy. The guestrooms are abandoned.” Kaeun said and shook her head before going downstairs again, leaving the couples sleep for another hour or so.

uhhhh, sorry for the delay :[

i've been super busy that's why i didnt updated for a while.

but anyways, now, they all met yey! and i already gave the crumbs y'all been asking for, and the other couples' relationship will improve as the time comes :] this is a rushed chapter tbh, i'm so sorry

and there's a bad news. i dont know when will i update again since i will be very very very busy this april and until third week of may because my finals are getting nearer and we need to work on our requirements. i hope y'all will understand :[ i'll try to write bit pieces if i have a free time, but no one knows, that's why this chapter is super longggg

i guess my plan to finish this before may ends wont happen because i tried to guess and already plan of what will happen, it's still a long way to go guys.

also i'll try to make huge progress to the plot and happenings next update :] i apologize for the long author notes again, until we meet again!

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
225 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1760 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1760 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww