

It's been a week since Chaeyeon started working as Nako's babysitter.


Everything went well. Nako listens to her words very well. She would just watch the little girl play with Gowon— the younger sister of the gardener, Jinsoul and sometimes she helps Nako build some legos if Gowon wasn't present. The little girl would also watch Naruto and Chaeyeon will just make her milk then watch together with her.


And as you can see, Chaeyeon's not having a hard time– she consider herself really lucky, she even thank Chaewon daily and the other girl was creeped out but the taller girl doesnt care and kept thanking her like Chaewon saved her life— which kind of the shorter girl did.


When Nako watches some anime, Chaeyeon will work on her assignment or study. Nako didn't really mind it though, she even sometimes read Chaeyeon's Science book— One time, the ash blonde haired girl's soul almost went out of her body when the little girl memorized the table of elements in one read.


Nako is smart so is her mother– it runs from the family huh?


Mentioning her mother, the taller girl doesn't see Sakura much. When she went for work, Sakura was already in her office. And when she left the huge house at almost evening, Sakura was only on her way home. She didn't gather any information about the woman also. She's too focused watching Nako to talk to the workers. She can only have a short conversation at the maids because the little girl always needs her attention. And most of the pictures in the picture frame displayed at the living room was only Sakura with Nako, nothing else so Chaeyeon's curiosity at Nako's father got deeper. She doesn't have a heart to ask the little girl about her family because she knew that there's something odd– so she did the best thing— keep shut and dont be nosy.


Then on, Wednesday, and Thursday, she would just go to the house early in the morning and accompany Nako to her school. Chaeyeon will just wait for her, she kills time— as usual, by studying and doing some school stuff. She needs to maintain her high grades so she can face her parents that she will be successful without their help. Then, before lunch, she will take Nako home and Mrs. Song will temporarily take care of the kid— and then she will go to school.


And speaking of school, everything was also fine there. First, her friends about being a babysitter but turns into a jealous whines when they heard how Nako was easy to babysit and the pay is high, other than that the food was also free too.



It was Sunday already, the ash blonde haired girl was preparing her breakfast when her phone rang, indicating someone texted her. Chaeyeon thought it must be Minjoo or Yena— bugging her but she was really surprised to see an Unknown Number.


Come to the house at 10. Nako wants you to be here. -S


Her heart skipped a bit when she saw the S. She immediately saved Sakura's phone number and quickly ate her food.


She reached the Miyawaki Residence after 15 minutes. As usual, she will ring the doorbell and face herself at the camera so Mr. Yang will confirm that it was her and open the gate so she can get in.


She's also used when the moment she opens the front door Nako will run up to her and jump into her arms.


“Unnie!~” Nako shouted and jumped into her. Chaeyeon gladly caught her with her long arms.


“You already missed me?” The ash blonde haired girl asked, smiling widely. Nako nodded eagerly.


“Yes! You're not here yesterday even though Mommy is here, Nako missed you!” The little girl replied, beaming in happiness. Chaeyeon chuckled, she's slowly growing attached with this girl.


“Awww, Nako-chan already misses me! Chaeyeonnie also missed you, fluff ball!” She chirped in Japanese. Nako squealed when she heard the taller girl speak in her first language.


“Kyaaaah!~ Chaeyeonnie's really cute when she speaks Japanese! Cute cute!” The little girl screamed in delight.


When Nako found out Chaeyeon can speak Japanese fluently, she adored her and always pleaded with her to speak Japanese because the little girl found Chaeyeon's accent very cute.


She was about to answer but her eyes unconsciously darted on the couch. instantly dried up when she saw a familiar woman sitting comfortably at the couch while reading some magazine, her huge ears poking out from her hair.


Sakura was wearing casual clothes– plain white shirt with mickey mouse logo printed on it, ripped jeans, and black sneakers– it's Chaeyeon's first time seeing her in different clothes besides her office attire. She looks simple but damn, she still looks good and rocks her outfit.


Nako confusedly looked at the ash blonde haired girl then at her mother and back again at dazed Chaeyeon. She scratched her head in confusion. “Unnie?” The little kid on Chaeyeon's arm called her.


The taller girl flinched a bit and blinked multiple times, realizing what she did a little while ago. She blushed a bit and awkwardly laughed. “A-Ah! Hahahahaha! Y-Yes?”


The little girl tilted her head. “Are you alright?” Nako asked in a worried tone making Sakura's gaze turn to the taller girl.


Chaeyeon can feel Sakura's eyes on her, and it made her nervous all of a sudden. “Yes! I'm p-perfectly fine...”


Nako's not satisfied at the answer but she shrugged it off. “As you said so, unnie.” The little girl answered with a smile. The ash blonde haired just threw a idiotic grin at her.


“Did you know, unnie? The reason i called you here is because... We will go to the mall!” Nako chirped and clapped her hands excitedly. Chaeyeon nodded and gave her a thumbs up.


“Yeyyy! I'm very happy. Me, you, and Mommy will go to the mall!”


The words almost choked Chaeyeon.


Me, you, and Mommy!? That means—


Chaeyeon turned to Sakura's direction and the woman was also looking at her so for the second time, their eyes met.


Sakura closed the magazine and tossed it on the table before standing up. “I promised Nako that we will go out this Sunday and she requested you to be with us also— i don't have a heart to refuse.” She explained before walking up into her. Chaeyeon took a step backward in reflex.


Nako happily cheered. “Yey! I love you, Mommy!” Sakura instantly smiled at her daughter.


Meanwhile, Chaeyeon was panicking. Her heart was racing for an unexplainable reason, and also her whole body was shaking.


Oh no! A day with this woman!? Hell no! This is too bad for my health—


The woman turned her eyes on her. “Let's go.” She said.


“W-What? As in now?” Chaeyeon blurted out. Sakura gave her a look.


“Yes. You look perfectly fine, so what's the problem?” The woman with huge ears asked. Chaeyeon shook her head. “I'll just get the car.” She muttered before walking outside.


Nako beamed. “Come on, unnie! Let's go outside.” She happily exclaimed, making the latter snap in reality again.


“Ahh, y-yeah, sure.” She mumbled before stepping out again.


As soon as she walked out, she saw Sakura leaning against the car while talking with Youngho, one of Sakura's bodyguards and driver. The woman looked annoyed which made her look two times more attractive and hotter.




“I told you i'll be fine.”


“Mall is a public place, i can't—”


“Fine! Tell Minho to roam around the PD Mall, and look for us. Is that enough?”


“Yes, Ma'am but Mr. Jongsuk told me that i won't let you drive—”


“No! I'll drive or I'll fire you? Just tell him to order Wonho to follow us to the mall.”


“Okay, Ma'am.”


Oh yeah, Chaeyeon almost forgot. Sakura is a CEO of Airline, of course she has tons of bodyguards around.


“Hey, get in already.” Chaeyeon heard Sakura ordered, and she immediately complied. She let Nako sit in the backseat before she went to the passenger one.


They waited for Sakura to get in and after a few seconds of talking at the bodyguard, she finally went in and started the car.


The ash blonde haired looked around. This is her first time to sit in this kind of car, Sakura's car. It's a 2018 Mercedez-Benz GLS 550 and by saying its name, it already sounds super expensive. The car smelt good also.


The two buckled their seatbelts (Chaeyeon already did Nako's) and double checked the little girl behind before rolling in. Chaeyeon kept silent through the ride.


Nako was playing her barbie toys in the backseat while Sakura was too focused on driving but sometimes she would look at the mirror to check her daughter. Chaeyeon would also steal a glance at the driving woman beside her.


Her face was flushed after she took a glimpse of Sakura driving because the woman looked so attractive— everything Sakura does is so attractive. Maybe if Sakura tripped, Chaeyeon would find it attractive and hot. Call her weird or whatsoever, she doesn't also have a clue why she's acting like this when a certain girl is around her. It's bad and Chaeyeon was aware but she can't help but to turn her head just to take a glimpse of Sakura. This woman was making her a lunatic since the day they met.


And Sakura was also aware of the looks the latter was throwing at her. Maybe she's sick today because she enjoyed the attention and looks from Chaeyeon— yeah, she's probably going crazy.


They reached the mall without saying any words from another. Chaeyeon immediately unbuckled her seatbelt and hastily went out of the car to take a deep breath. She seems to have a hard time breathing earlier.


After a few seconds of calming herself down, she opened the backseat door and held Nako in her arms while Sakura checked the car if it's locked.


Suddenly, a black car stopped in front of them and Wonho went out of the vehicle then proceeded to bow at Sakura. “Good day, Ma'am.” He greeted without any emotion from his tone. Sakura responded with a hum before turning to Nako and Chaeyeon. She smiled a little.


“Lets go inside. Nako, baby. Are you excited?” She asked which Nako responded with an eager nod.


Sakura laughed and pinched her daughter's cheek before kissing it.


Let's just ignore the fact that Chaeyeon's heart flipped when she heard that heavenly sound from the woman.


With one last look at the hunk bodyguard they proceeded to make their way on to the mall. The little girl jumped at Chaeyeon's arms and squealed in happiness. “I'm really happy, Mommy! I want to eat ice cream! And chicken! And ramyeon! And cake!” She shouted happily before grabbing her mother's hand.


Sakura chuckled. “That's too many, sunshine! It's bad for your body.”


Nako whined and looked at Chaeyeon before also grabbing her hand with her free little one. They looked like a happy family, the ash blonde haired girl blushed at the thought.


“Ehh!? Chaeyeon-unnie! What do you want to eat? I cant choose so i will also just eat the food you want!” The little girl exclaimed. Chaeyeon grinned, Nako's very cute and thoughtful.


“Hmmm, i want ramyeon. But i don't know if Sakura-chan also wants it.” She mumbled before looking at the woman for a second before she turned her gaze back at Nako.


Sakura smiled and chuckled. “Whatever you guys want, i'll take that.” She answered by making Nako squeal in happiness again. She jumped happily between the two girls.


They happily entered the mall, while Nako was swinging between them, using their hands to support her weight. As they walked, some few people started to stare at them making the ash blonde haired girl uncomfortable.


They're probably fascinated at Sakura's beauty, because who wouldn't?


She turned to Sakura, she looks used to the attention people give to her. The woman was just staring at Nako with a bright smile— which made Chaeyeon also smile.


They strolled for a while, the stares are still not vanishing, it's multiplying. Everywhere they go, people will instantly turn to Sakura's direction. Chaeyeon tried to ignore it— tried to. She's getting annoyed. She even caught some teenager guys looking at her like she's a prey. Oh no, little boys. You don't know how hard Chaeyeon was holding herself to shout 'Hey, you little asses! It's the CEO of famous Hotaru Airlines you are staring at! Stop looking at her like she's a fresh meat, you creepy nasty ugly looking wolves' to the boys.


After a few minutes, Nako pointed at the arcade and happily jumped around. “Mommy! Chaeyeon-unnie! I want, i want to play! Pweeasseee!” The little girl begged, even pouting.


The two older women gaze softened, they don't have a heart to say no to this precious little bean.


They immediately went into the not-so-crowded arcade. “Nako baby. Where do you want to play?” Sakura asked her daughter. The little girl looked around before happily pointing to the game her eyes caught.


“I want to play Tekken, Mommy!” Nako answered, looking at her. The woman smiled and chuckled. “Okay then.” She responded and looked at Chaeyeon who's already staring at her.


“Go there already, i'll just get some tokens, alright?” She said, and waited for Chaeyeon to nod before she went to the token changing station. Nako already ran to where the Tekken game was located. She let out a happy and excited squeal then looked at her unnie who followed her behind.


“Help me here, unnie! Do you know how to play this game?” Nako asked, grabbing the joystick. The ash blonde haired girl nodded and sadly smiled.


She and her friends always go there on weekends, she and her younger sister, Chaeryeong also frequently go here also in the past. She suddenly missed her sister, it's been months since they last talked. Even if Chaeryeong wants to talk with her sister, she can't because of their parents and Chaeyeon understands it.


“Of course. I'm good at playing Tekken! Wanna see my skills?” Chaeyeon challenged jokingly and Nako nodded eagerly.


“Hey, here's the tokens. Play all you want.” Sakura said behind them, holding a bag of tokens. Nako's eyes sparkled in excitement and clapped her hands. Chaeyeon slowly grabbed it from the older's hand, ignoring the tingling sensation she felt when their skins touched for a second.


The taller girl cleared before putting a token to the machine. The little girl sat on a chair and started playing while Chaeyeon was helping her to fight the enemies. Sakura just watched them with a big smile on her face, seeing them happy makes her happy.


After playing it for five times, Nako decided to play another game. She picked the claw-machine. Then after attempting to get the teddy bear ten times, they finally stopped trying. Nako and Chaeyeon have this sad expression on her face and Sakura looked at them, amused before trying to get the teddy bear. It took her one try to get the teddy bear. Chaeyeon can't believe it and Nako was very happy that she has a brand new toy.


Then, they finished the tokens after playing other different types of games. The last is Basketball. Sakura and Nako were amazed at Chaeyeon's skill because everytime the girl threw the ball at the ring, it's always in. The ash blonde haired girl proudly told them that she's a former member of their school's women basketball team.


They decided to eat lunch after that. Nako picked the restaurant of her Auntie Nayeon. As usual, when they made their way to the ramyeon place, the people's attention was all at Sakura. Someone even attempted to take a picture of her but the person was immediately stopped by one of the bodyguards.


When they reached the place, Nayeon immediately welcomed them. Chaeyeon also introduced herself to her.


“Ooh! Hello there! Im Nayeon here. Sakura's friend and Nako's Auntie, nice to meet you.” The older woman greeted, flashing her bunny smile. Chaeyeon bowed and smiled brightly.


“Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Lee Chaeyeon. Nako's babysitter.” She said. Nayeon smirked at Sakura.


She led them to their table and took their orders. Nayeon dragged Sakura far away from their table. The woman rose a brow on her bunny friend who's weirdly smirking at her. “What?”


Nayeon scoffed. “Babysitter? Something's fishy, Kkura. You never take someone here with you except for Nako, Yuri, and Yujin. Weirdddd.”


Sakura remains raising a brow at her. “What's wrong of me, taking another person here at your restaurant?” She hissed before glancing at the ash blonde haired girl and Nako then looked back at the older.


The older woman shrugged. “Just weird.”


Sakura went back to the table and started eating ramyeon with them. After that, they left the restaurant and went to the department store to look for Nako's new clothes.


The ash blonde girl was bewildered— After two hours of wandering around the stalls, Sakura almost bought the whole department store for Nako. Because it's too many, Sakura's bodyguards handled it.


They stayed at the mall the whole afternoon before Nako started whining about going to the carnival a little bit far away from the city, and Sakura immediately obeyed her daughter.


They're currently walking to the parking lot. Chaeyeon was silently walking while holding Nako's hand who's humming some random tune.


The older woman looked at her. “Is it really fine to accompany us at the carnival? I'll take you home if you want to.” She said. Chaeyeon shook her head before smiling at her.


“It's fine, there's nothing to do at my house anyway. Besides, Nako will be sad.” She replied and ruffled the little girl's hair. Nako smiled so cutely at her.


Psh, wow Chaeyeon. Earlier you were whining about going with Sakura at the mall and now, going with them at the carnival? Good luck stupid self


Yowww, I decided to cut this chapter off because it's too many. yikes

I'm currently working on it now, idk when will i post it, probably, tomorrow?

There will be a new character next chap, i'd like you to guess it ;)

Please comment! Comments make me motivate to write fast and it made me happy you know? Votes are also appreciated thanks :D




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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
226 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1761 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1761 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww