

“Yuri... What are you doing here?” Sakura mumbled, intensely staring at her friend.


Chaeyeon can feel the tension around those two and sensed that they need some time alone to talk, so she quietly excused herself to bring Nako inside her room.


Meanwhile, the unexpected visitor was only looking at the sleeping child at Chaeyeon's arms as they went upstairs. She can help but to smile when she saw her niece grew up well. It's been a long time since she last saw her, she wanted to hug her but too bad she's in a deep sleep and Sakura wont like if she would wake her daughter up. But she cant help to be curious to the one who's carrying her niece.


Probably, her nth babysitter but she was too young and pretty to be one


Sakura glared at her when her question got ignored. “I asked you, what are you doing here?” She said one more time but in more intimidating tone.


Yuri chuckled, she's already used at that intimidating tone of hers, she cant scare her. “No hugs? No 'Hi'? No 'I miss you, Yul!'? Wow, Saku-chan.” She joked, making the older woman more furious.


“You wont get any of that from me.” The woman hissed, clenching her jaw, trying to hold back the anger that was building up on her. As much as possible she doesnt want to shout at Yuri's face and kick her out of the house. “This is the last time i will ask you, Jo Yuri. What are you doing here?” She repeated again, throwing dagger looks.


The younger girl's smile faded as she looked down at the floor. “There's no one i can go to when i came back here except you. You know that i dont have a lot of friends to begin with.” She replied, before turning her gaze on the woman. Sakura looked so pissed.


“Then go to your few friends. I dont care. How bold of you to appear after you went missing for years?” She huffed. “I want you to answer the thousand questions i will throw to you but i think i cant face you like this yet.” She added, sighing.


Yuri understood it and slowly walked towards Sakura before muttering. “If that's your wish then i would gladly obey it. I'll be back soon.” And finally left the house with heavy feeling in her chest. She walked through the pathway to the gates, thinking deeply.


Meanwhile, Sakura felt the same, she was frozen until then. She thought her day would be happy but it got ruined. She felt crying, when she recalled all the memories that include Yuri there.


Jo Yuri, the only bestfriend she has left. The only person who can she leaned onto, tell her problems, and all. She thought Yuri wont left her like Anna and Riko did, but all of them, they left her. Sakura got no one when they left one by one but Nako, not until Chaeyeon came and turned her dull and cold world into a bright and happy one.


It was my fault, why am i acting like i'm the victim


Sakura stared at nowhere as her mind runs.


We're both selfish



Yuri was already walking towards to the next block when she heard an unfamiliar voice called out her name.


“Jo Yuri-ssi!”


She turned around and spotted the ash blonde haired girl from earlier, running towards her. She was confused as she watches the girl pants lightly from the running. What does this pretty girl wants from me? She thought.


“Uhm, i'm Lee Chaeyeon. I work as Nako's babysitter and Sakura-chan's, friend.” She softly said. Yuri smiled at her. “Hello, Chaeyeon-ssi. May i ask why did you follow me here?” She asked, still wearing her friendly smile. But she was actually amazed that the girl introduced her as Sakura's friend. It'll be hell to make her a friend but Chaeyeon doesnt look like the type who lies. Maybe her bestfriend changed a bit after two years.


Chaeyeon was amazed at how soft-spoken and friendly Yuri was. “I know it'll be uncomfortable to you if i ask what happened between you and her? I just, cant help but to be curious. It wont hurt to try, right? She mentioned you once to me as her bestfriend way back.” She said without a hint that she was forcing her to talk.


Yuri was shocked when she heard that and cant help but to grin widely. She was more than happy when she learned that Sakura still acknowledges as her bestfriend after everything. And she was satisfied that this girl was close to Sakura since her friend opened about her past, the older woman wont tell any glimpse of her past to her acquaintances or just a normal friend. Plus, she felt that she should trust Chaeyeon. The girl doesnt looked like she was up to something bad. Maybe, this girl can be the bridge to make her and Sakura reunite again. Oh how she missed her dorky friend.


“No, not at all, my guts told me to trust you. But, wont Sakura notice that you were gone?” The shorter said, but the latter threw a gentle smile at her.


“It'll be fine. I know Sakura-chan. She's probably thinking a lot by now, she wont notice. I'll admit that i eavesdropped a bit. There's something going on with you? Judging by looking at Sakura's eyes, she was angry when she saw you.” Chaeyeon spoke, making Yuri chuckle before answering her.


“You do know her a lot. I can trust you,” She said before adding. “Can we talk to much peaceful place then? I would love to tell you our stories.”



It's been a month since Yuri's unexpected visit at Sakura's house, it made a big impact at the older woman that she always overthink a lot. But everything went back to normal after a few days.


Sakura still doesnt have a clue that her girlfriend and Yuri talked. And Chaeyeon would like it that way because the older woman will freak out.


At the conversation, the ash blonde haired girl learned many things from Yuri. And speaking about the girl, she still havent been seen after the talk. She really did disappeared again. She really did gave Sakura a time to think, she's fine with that, she can wait.


It was the first day of winterbreak and Chaeyeon was finally stress-free, she only need to babysit her girlfriend's daughter. Her plan actually was to fly to Japan and visit her sisters, thanks to the high salary, she managed to save money that she can use to buy plane ticket to Japan. It's been almost two years since she last saw her sisters, and worst, they saw her being dragged away from their house, and her parents shouting words to her like she wasnt their daughter. But the problem is, the address. She cant contact her grandparents anymore or Chaeryeong about a month or so ago.


She went to Sakura's house with a gloomy face, and as expected her girlfriend noticed it immediately, she wasnt a good actress anyway.


“What's with that face? Why do you look unhappy today?” She said and putted down her mug to the table so she can check on her better.


Chaeyeon just sadly smiled. “It was nothing. Where's Nako?” She said, trying to avoid the topic. Sakura's brows furrowed.


“She was playing with Hitomi upstairs. I wont let you go there until you tell me what's wrong.” The older woman insisted and pulled her down to sit beside her at the couch. The younger sighed in defeat, she cant win over.


“I was thinking about my sisters. I wanted to see them. I already have money for plane ticket but, i dont know their address since they move out a lot. I badly wanted to spend christmas with them.” She sadly said, trying to hold back her tears.


Last year's Christmas was so lonely and sad for Chaeyeon. She spent it alone for the first time. No gifts from her stupid sisters, no foods that her mother made, nothing but only herself at the bed, crying from sadness. She wanted to meet them even if it's after or before christmas, it doesnt matter. She missed their presence.


Sakura felt so sad after she saw her girlfriend's expression so she pulled her into a hug. “Do you want me to trace them? I would gladly do it. You'll know that address tomorrow. So, dont be sad, okay?” She said as she played with Chaeyeon's blonde locks.


The other girl tried hard not to tear up, she hugged her girlfriend tightly. “I really want to refuse but i'm desperate.” Chaeyeon whispered against Sakura's shoulders.


“It'll be fine. Pack your things after you got home, alright? We'll be going tomorrow morning. I also have a business meeting there, great timing.” Sakura suddenly announced making Chaeyeon look up at her with wide eyes.


“Eh? That fast!?” She asked, shocked and the older woman hummed in response. “Yeah, it wont take time to pack your clothes and things. I'll also drag Yujin so there would be someone who'll be looking out at Nako while were gone.” Sakura replied and planted a kiss at her girlfriend's forehead, pulling her closer. Her workers wasnt around the house in this hour, so she took the oppurtunity.


Chaeyeon let her, it's not like she can get out from Sakura's arms, not when the older woman wanted to cuddle because it's a cold morning.


“Thank you.” The ash blonde haired girl mumbled. Sakura smiled. “Well, i love you and you're my responsiblity now. I'll get what you want, just name it, babe. If it'll make you happy, i'll get it in a heartbeat.” She replied making her girlfriend blush and giggle.


“You really like to spoil me, dont you? You know i'm not after your money. I dont care if you're a millionaire, i also didnt loved you because you're rich.” Chaeyeon said, snuggling at Sakura's neck and snorted. The older woman glanced at her.


“I know. I just wanted you to be happy. You deserve everything, anyway. And just let me be though, i never spoil anyone besides Nako, i spoil Yujin sometimes but that dog can already feed herself.” Sakura replied. Chaeyeon grinned and looked up to her girlfriend who's also staring at her before pinching her nose.


“Huh, Miyawaki Sakura, dont remind me that i'm lucky to have you, i'm already fully aware. What a charmer.” She teased making her groan.


But no jokes though, Sakura will spend fortune just to make Chaeyeon happy even if the ash blonde haired girl doesnt agree at the idea. She would give everything she can afford to her girlfriend and daughter. She was too whipped for Chaeyeon.


Meanwhile, Chaeyeon. Maybe she doesnt have money or anything but she will give Sakura all of her love and will take care of her no matter what.


They're so into cuddling and teasing each other that Nako and Hitomi are watching them from the stairs.


“Mommy Saku-chan is getting for it!” Hitomi whispered and Nako scanned the couple.


Nako always caught them hugging around the house, and Sakura was the one who often initiated their hugs and cuddling because whenever they do that, the older woman looked so tired from work so she will recharge her by pulling her into an embrace, it's effective though. Also, sometimes, Sakura would gay-panic when Chaeyeon will suddenly initiate a skin-ship out of nowhere. A confident gay could also turn into a panic gay.


“Huh, Mommy does looked she's enjoying it so much, she looks the confident gay one but it's actually the other way around. They just dont notice it. Tch. Whipped for Chaeyeonnie.” She whispered and Hitomi was confused over her friend.


Hitomi nudged her with her elbow. “What did you just said, Nako-chan? The words are unfamiliar to me. Did you mixed Korean and Japanese?” the confused girl asked making Nako chuckle before pinching the other girl's fluffy cheeks.


“Sometimes, Hiichan, there's words that cant be understood or learned quickly, you will know it after you grow up. It to be smart even if you're young, you can really pick up things, quite fast.” She replied and Hitomi just nodded, even she doesnt fully understood it. Nako just dragged her to the room agaim because Chaeyeon will go there in a few minutes.


to be a genius at in the age of five



Chaeyeon felt her heart started to beat when she finally saw a familiar surroundings. She kind of missed the place.


They just landed at Osaka International Airport, just a few minutes earlier and Chaeyeon was feeling mixed emotions. Sakura was getting worried over her.


“I just cant believe that i'm in Japan, again. Dont worry, Sakura-chan, i just felt overwhelmed and nervous.” The ash blonde haired girl reassured her girlfriend who seems not to be satisfied at her reason. They slowly walked at the VIP exit, well, Sakura is a VIP, and she wouldnt risk going into the main entrance knowing some of the reporters are waiting for her arrival.


Yujin was walking behind them, looking grumpy. Her cousin literally barged in to her apartment and dragged her to the airport at six, not having a time to shower and pack clothes, she didnt even wore proper attire because Sakura was making her to rush. It's fine, though because the older woman promised to buy her new clothes at Japan instead. She still havent informed Minjoo where was she but Chaeyeon said that she mentioned that she'll be at Japan for a few days to her friends, which includes Minjoo.


Meanwhile, Nako and Hitomi was running around, even playing around with some few employees that they knew.


They reached the exit, and immediately went in to their van, letting the workers put their luggages at the back. Chaeyeon's fingers were fidgeting. Sakura obtained the address just few hours ago and they will be just dropping to the hotel to unpack and they're ready to go at the apartment complex that her family stays.


Even Chaeryeong doesnt have any idea. So its a suprise visit. She just hopes that her parents was off to work that time. Sakura also gave her the current state of them. Her sisters, Chaeryeong, and Chaemin was attending this school she forgot the name and doing well there. Her mom works at some company's accountancy department while her father is supervisor of a hotel.


Since their works are stable and the pay was kinda high, they can afford the monthly rent of the decent apartment they currently staying in at Osaka. Chaeyeon cant help but to mentally chuckle, bitterly.


Huh, the place they're currently living in was comfortable. Did they even thought what's my situation was when they kicked me off the house and disowned me? What kind of parents are they.


Sakura saw the gloomy face and sighed before snaking her hand to Chaeyeon's ans interwined their fingers. The girl snapped her head to their hands before to her and smiled a bit. The older woman just nodded at her and ordered the driver to start moving now which the guy immediately obeyed.


Chaeyeon was looking out the window at the whole time, gawking at the familiar structures. And even smiling while she recalled the happy memories on that certain places.


“Nothing much changed here. It's still the Osaka from years ago.” She whispered and grinned. Sakura looked over her. “I rarely go here since my main office was located at Tokyo but yeah, you can say that, there's some few buildings was renovated and built, it's still beautiful as ever.” Sakura said, just staring at her girlfriend's happy face. Seeing Chaeyeon smile so genuinely makes her so happy too.


She then glanced at her cousin at the back who's dozing off while she was between Nako and Hitomi who's fooling around.


They arrived at the hotel just twenty minutes later. The employees and manager immediately assisted them to the room they going to stay for a few days. They chose the biggest one with four beds, and two bathrooms, so they wont be fighting who's going to shower first. The couple was the one who unpacked all the luggages because the tall girl was already knocked down when she plopped down to the bed and reasoned that she doesnt have any single bag to unpack.


After an hour, they were ready to go. Hitomi and Nako will be left at the hotel with Yujin. Sakura called a bodyguard that can assist them and finally went down. Chaeyeon can feel the nervousness and excitement on her body.


The bodyguards greeted them with a bow and the petite one opened the car door for them and closed it before going to the passenger seat while the other one will drive. Sakura already gave the address and they finally drove off the hotel.


Chaeyeon was trying to calm her racing her heart down, with the help of Sakura.


Her breathing got rigged when they arrived at their destination. Slowly, Sakura helped her to get out of the car by holding her tremble hand and gently caressed it. “It'll be fine, okay?” The older woman softly said and Chaeyeon nodded, her soothing voice calmed down a bit.


Chaeyeon looked up and scanned the building. The complex was nice and looked expensive. Sakura slowly dragged her inside and strides towards the elevator, immediately pressing the 7th floor button.


When the elevator made a sound, Chaeyeon's heart stopped, following by the door opening. They slowly walked to the unit, and when Sakura stopped walking, it meant they're already there.


Chaeyeon stared at the door, inside that room, was her sisters that she wanted to see badly. The older woman looked at her girlfriend and slowly pressed the doorbell. Following by a voice that was so very very familiar to Chaeyeon that she almost broke down in to tears.


“Wait a minute! Who might be them?” The voice can be heard outside and the opening of lock then after, the swinging door.


Sakura was bewildered. Infront of her was a carbon copy of Chaeyeon. From head to toe, they really do looked similar and she wouldnt be suprised if people mistake them as twins. She saw some photos of Chaeryeong, she really looked like her sister but when you met her in personal they're really looked like each other. Even though Sakura can tell the difference of them, their resemblance to each other was very bewildering.


“U-Unnie?” Chaeryeong stuttered, she cant believe that her sister was infront of her or maybe she's just dreaming.


The older woman was also shocked at her voice, they also sound a like a bit.


Chaeyeon smiled, tears falling from eyes and lifted her one arm then waved at her shocked sister. “Hey. I miss you.” She muttered and Chaeryeong immediately threw herself to her older sister.


“Unnie! I missed you so so much.” The younger sobs, hugging Chaeyeon tightly while the older laughed at her sister, also shedding tears.


Sakura just watched them with a gentle smile on her lips. Glaring at the neighbors who's passing by that giving the sisters with a weird look.


After for like, five minutes of hugging and crying, Chaeryeong finally dragged them inside the unit, letting them sit at the couch. She was still clinging at her older sister at the whole time.


“Even i want to hug you until next day, i need to give you atleast a drink. You came here way from Korea. Wait.” Chaeryeong muttered before excusing herself to the kitchen. Chaeyeon examined the unit with a smile.


They're living a good life, im contented


She can see a few family photo, and almost all of it looked like was only taken recently because Chaeyeon wasnt there. She spotted some old frames that she was in there. Compare to the recent, they were was smiling brightly there while the recent, her sisters looked like they were forced and their parents wasnt smiling.


Sakura looked at her girlfriend who's wiping her tears while she turn her head time to time, scanning the place. She cant help but to felt bitter for her.


Chaeyeon was working her off so she can buy her necessities, and studied hard to earn scholarship so she wouldnt pay for her expensive tuition. Her parents should have a big reason for stopping supporting her daughter or Sakura wont respect them.


Chaeryeong went back after a minute holding a tray with three mugs before putting it down to the table and sat down to the chair infront of the two.


“How did you knew where we stay? We cant contact each other. Dad forbids me to create social media accounts because he said i will try to find you.” She muttered, staring at her sister who picked up the mug.


“Thanks to her.” Chaeyeon said and pointed Sakura. Chaeryeong blinked, confused.


“Chaeryeong-ah, i wanted you to meet Sakura,” The ash blonde haired girl said and looked at her girlfriend. Sakura bowed a bit and smiled. “Hello, Nice to meet you. My name is Miyawaki Sakura— please do call me Sakura-chan if you dont find it uncomfortable of course.” She spoke softly. Chaeryeong was a little bit suprised at the fluent Korean, she knew that the woman was Japanese just hearing her name but shrugged it off.


The younger girl nodded. “Hello, I'm Lee Chaeryeong. Thank you so much for helping my sister to locate our place.” She said and bowed. Sakura grinned. “Its no problem.” She answered.


“Uhh, how did you guys met? I'm really just curious. Your surname is very very familiar to me.” Chaeryeong  mumbled, scratching her head as she tried to recall where she heard the surname.


Sakura and Chaeyeon instantly turned to each other then gave each other a look.


“Ahh, yeah. I'm the chairwoman of Hotaru Airlines and i kinda own many properties and buildings around Japan and Korea. So, yeah, you might heard my name not just once.” The womn replied casually, she doesnt want to brag her wealth, seriously.


The younger girl gasped. “Oh my god! One of the youngest and influencial millionaire and entrepreneur— even if you havent revealed your real age. Holy shiz. Can i do handshake with you? It's an honor, really. I have read many articles regarding about you. As a future business woman, you really inspire me along with Honda Shihino and Mr. Miyawaki Shun.” Chaeryeong said, very suprised. She stood up and slowly walked infront of Sakura who's rubbing her nape, awkwardly and blushing.


Chaeyeon just facepalmed.


Sakura reaches for the younger's hand and shool it for a few seconds. “Its an honor that i'm one of your inspiration. I really do hope you'll be successful more than me.” She said and Chaeryeong shook her head furiously.


“I cant believe i didnt recognized you quickly. The media always talk about you espcially years ago back when you just earned the spot for being the CEO of one of the most popular and trusted Airline around Asia, worldwide too. I also see you on the television when you achieve something again. And, i'm really speechless on your beauty! The videos and pictures dont do justice. A goddess CEO indeed.” Chaeryeong squealed before happily sitting down to her seat, still gawking at Sakura.


The older woman just chuckled and thanked her for the compliment while Chaeyeon raised a brow on her sister, as far as she knows, Chaeryeong wanted to be a doctor but now, she changed her mind and wanted to be an entrepreneur when she couldnt even say her order to the cashier of some restaurant.


Before she can even open to speak, her sister spoke again. “But you didnt answered my question. How did you guys met? Its quite impossible.” She asked, looking over her sister.


In reflex, they turned their gaze on to each other again before looking back at the girl infront of them.


“Oh, I kinda work for her.” Chaeyeon answered, scratching her head. She couldnt answer straightly that she's a babysitter of the goddess CEO's daughter since not much everyone knew that Nako is in Sakura's care. The older woman would only answer that Nako was her baby cousin to avoid false rumors going around especially that they dont know the full story.


Chaeryeong gasped once again and stood up to bow to Sakura again. The other two was bewildered.


“Thank you so much for accepting my idiot sister as your worker and helping her to find us. You're an angel too. I cant thank you enough. Our family is kind of complicated, and handing her a job was already big as she can eat and pay for the rent of her apartment.” She said before fixing her posture, she also look going to break down any soon. Chaeyeon's gaze softened at her sister.


Sakura smiled widely. “Its my pleasure. I'm really glad i met her because she's a nice worker. Dont worry, your sister is in a good hands. I will take care of her while you're here. I wont ever let her go,” She replied, grinning like an idiot. “So dont'cha worry, little one.” She added.


Chaeyeon's heart started to beat widely because she knew there's a double meaning in the words she had said.


She unknowingly s her hand at her chest and grasped the key necklace that Ahyeon and Rahyeon gave to her. She's been wearing it since the night the older woman gave it, she doesnt want to disappoint Ahyeon somehow, the woman choses her afterall, making her the temporary owner of it until god knows. She still has no clue of what will happen in the future but she's ready to accept but for now, she's satisfied of the present she has today.


I hope you really wont, love and destiny are cruel than you think it is


Chaeryeong smiled brightly. “I owe you so much, Sakura... chan. Omg, i feel so jittery, i cant still belive this is happening.” She said, before stomping her feet excitedly.


Sakura smiled at the flushed Chaeyeon. She knew how her mind works.


I really wont, loser, no matter what. It'll be only you



In the middle of chatting, Sakura's phone rang and excused herself because one of her business partner unexpectedly called. She then went outside the apartment, leaving the two sisters talk.


“I almost forgot Chaemin. Where's my baby?” Chaeyeon asked. She cant believe she forgot her other younger sister.


Chaeryeong hummed. “She's sleeping. I'll get her—”


“No. Let her sleep.” Chaeyeon cutted making the younger chuckle.


“Still the caring ang angel sister. You havent changed a bit, sis. I miss your annoying laugh so much also.” She pouted making the older laugh.


Chaeryeong then glanced on the door before locking gaze with her sister. “Are you sure your only a worker to Sakura-chan? The looks you two were throwing to each other was a little bit, special.” She suddenly said, leaning to her chair and crossing her arms then smirked.


Chaeyeon almost choked on her saliva. Her eyes was wide and she was getting nervous. “H-Huh? What so you mean? It's n-normal of course, we're fr-friends!” She replied, stuttering a bit. The younger girl seriously looked at her.


“Look, unnie. I maybe cant solve math problems but i'm not that stupid. Sakura-chan look at you like you're the love of her life and the only woman to ever exist! I experienced so much of that here, i thirdwheel alot.” Chaeryeong answered with a smug look.


Chaeyeon's face was unreadable and Chaeryeong almost bursted out laughing, she hitted the bullseye.


She encountered many of that from her friends who's in a relationship, she always thirdwheel and the witness of how their relationship works. But she cant help but to squeal when she recalled how Sakura looked at her sister. She cant believe she became the sister of the protagonist of this love story.


Chaeyeon know it was pointless to lie and gave up. “Fine. We're in a relationship for months now.” She replied with a defeated sigh.


Chaeryeong screamed, she knew it but when her sister confirmed it made her heart flip in happiness. Her sister hitted the jackpot! Goddess, rich, angel, cool— Sakura's perfect and Chaeyeon is very lucky. She's a fan of Sakura and then, she's dating her sister.


“I'm not okay. You're all grown up now, unnie.” Chaeryeong faked cried.


“Shut up. I'm older than you.”


“May i know your love story? Pretty pweaseeee. I will be one of the biggest fan of your clichè love story. Yieee.” The younger asked and flashed her puppy eyes to her sister.


Chaeyeon sighed again, regretting telling her sister. “Ahh it's not really a long love story but its not the right time to talk with that. For now, lets talk about you and Chaemin.” She said and suddenly, one of the doors opened revealing a young girl rubbing her eyes, still looking sleepy.


Chaeyeon grinned widely when she spotted her other sister.


“Ugh, Chaeryeong-unnie. You're so noisy. Oh, theres a visitor, w—” Chaemin stopped rubbing her eyes and squinted her eyes when she saw a familiar face smiling widely at her.


“Am'i still dreaming?” She muttered when she saw Chaeyeon sitting at their couch, smiling.


The older chuckled before rushing towards her and scooped her. “Hi, i missed you, baby.” Chaeyeon said making Chaemin's eyes wide.


“U-Unnie!? You're real?” She spoke and hugged her sister. Chaeyeon patted her sister's back to comfort her.


“Yes. Did you missed me?”


“So much! Theres no one who can help me to answer my math assignments because Chaeryeong-unnie cant solve.” The youngest answered. In instant, Chaeryeong whined.


After a few minutes, Sakura came back and Chaeryeong was more bright than earlier. The older woman noticed that and was weirded out but got distracted when she saw a girl on Chaeyeon's arms.


“Hi there.” She approached the girl.


Chaemin hid her face using her older sister's hair, she was still a shy kid. Chaeyeon gave her a look to introduce herself.


“Hewwo. I'm Lee Chaemin.” The girl muttered.


Reminds me of Nako, they will get along really well


The woman smiled. “Hello, Chaemin. I'm Miyawaki Sakura-chan, your sister's boss and friend. Nice to meet you.” She said before handing her hand to the shy girl. She slowly took it and shook them before retreating it quickly. Chaeryeong snorted when she heard that Sakura introduced herself as her sister's boss and friend.


“I like you. Ryeong-unnie said that you helped Chaeyeonnie a lot.” Chaemin suddenly spoke making the three smile at the straight-forwardness of the younger one.


“No problem, kiddo.” She said and ruffled her hair.


After an hour, Chaeyeon decided it's time to go back at their hotel, and she knew Sakura will attend some meeting later, she needed to rest and prepare. Plus, their parents will be home soon, they cant afford to be caught. The ash blonde haired girl promised that she will be back tomorrow and she will treat them outside.


“Can we just, go with you?” Chaeryeong whined along with Chaemin. The eldest sighed.


“Chaeryeong-ah, you know Mom and Dad will freak out when they found out that you guys werent home or i visited you. Keep the gifts i brought for you two away from their sights, okay?” Chaeyeon said and gave the two sad puppies a hug and kiss on the cheek.


“Fine. But make sure to text me later, lets catch up some more!” Chaeryeong said and carried Chaemin on her arms.


“Sure, no problem with that. See you two tomorrow, okay? Rest well.” The eldest said before finally giving them a one last wave before striding towards the exit with Sakura following her.


The bodyguards opened the door for them and they went in silently. Chaeyeon has this small smile plastered on her lips while Sakura was staring at her lovingly.


As they made their way to the hotel, they talked a bit.


“You two looked like twins, seriously. One day, i might mistakenly thought Chaeryeong was you.” Sakura said.


Chaeyeon get that a lot so much. Even Chaemin sometimes get them mixed up.


“Yeah. But we have this different traits so you can point out who's who. Chaeryeong's face is sharper than mine and her ears are big like yours. My and her friends use our cheeks to tell who's who since mine are puffier.” Chaeyeon replied, recalling how their friends always got confused about them even some teachers.


“Cheeks...” Sakura mumbled with a grin and pinched her girlfriend's cheek earning a groan from her.



They arrived at the hotel a little while after. One of the bodyguards said that Yujin and the kids went to the nearby mall to eat and shop with a assistant just a few minutes ago. Sakura decided not to follow them and rest.


Chaeyeon hung her and Sakura's coat at the hanger near the door while the older woman went to the bed.


Sakura closed her eyes and spreaded her arms wide, expecting her girlfriend to lay with her and cuddle. When she doesnt feel any weight at the bed, she slowly flattered her eyes open and spotted Chaeyeon cleaning the empty chips and chocolate wraps that the kids might left at the table.


The older woman groaned and pouted before calling Chaeyeon over. “Hey, come over here. Let the kids clean that up. They're the one who ate that so might as well they're supposed to be cleaning that later.” She whined, rolling over the bed, unimpatient. She just wanted cuddles from her girl so bad.


Chaeyeon chuckled before throwing the last remaining wraps at the bins. “It's fine. Hold on a sec.” She said then wiped her hands with a tissue before joining her clingy girlfriend at the bed.


Sakura literally pulled her beside her and tightly wrapped her arm to the younger's waist and let her other arm to be her pillow. Chaeyeon snuggled her head at the older's neck and rested her arm over the other girl's side.


“Its so comfortable but we need to untangle each other after a few minutes. The kids might see us in this state.” Chaeyeon whispered and closed her droopy, her voice was husky as she was getting sleepier each second because of how warm and comfortable their position are.


Sakura snorted. “I know you felt tired. Just sleep, okay? I'll be up in an hour anyway because i need to prepare. I know they wont be going back in a few hours. Knowing Nako and Hitomi, they will go to the arcade and play for hours plus Yujin, she will definitely look for some gifts she will give to Minjoo.” The older explained, playing with Chaeyeon's blonde locks.


Chaeyeon smiled and agreed. They went silent after a few minutes.


“I should be the one who's baby-ing you right now since you'll be on a boring meeting again.” The girl mumbled. Sakura immediately refused the offer.


“No. I dont want to move now. Plus our position was already comfy, why bother to change?” She answered.


Chaeyeon just smiled and planted a kiss on the older's jaw before finally snuggling her face deeper to Sakura's neck then finally drove into sleep.


I wish we could stay like this forever


Oof sorry the update took so long :<

I supposed to be updating last week when this chap got deleted. I was really down for a few days because of that. I also cant find the motivation to write, im busy feeling so sad and guilty for not giving you an update.

It's boring i know. I actually dont have a proper plan for this but i really wanted to make this story more longer. In the next few chap, there would be a lot of time skips so be ready. I also write the words that would pop on my head so....

I dont much use twitter that much since i was busy studying and doing projects last week lol sorry for the mistakes also, this was a rushed chapter.

See you guys in the next update lol Stan Itzy!!!! And Belated Happy Valentines!~

Comments and Votes are much appreciated!

twt: @rosesrunaway_

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Thank you!
Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
226 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1761 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1761 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww